The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you.

But I was hoping that someone ultra-familiar with the case would give me a synopsis (LOL). Plus I interpreted the post (to which I replied) to be saying that JRDI.

I recall that all 3 (P,R,B) were under suspicion.

Was there not enough evidence to prosecute anyone? Or was/is there failures in the LE/justice system? The latter sounds like such a dumb question...I feel the answer(s) is "DUH!".

Hello, Cazzie. Where would you like me to begin?
New article:

"JonBenet Ramsey’s Father Says Her Unsolved Case Is ‘Dead,’"

You ought to know, John. You killed it. You, and Mary Lacy and Alex Hunter and Lin Wood--you killed it.

Folks, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I just cannot STAND this man anymore. I cannot stand his coldness, or his stifling arrogance. He has used up my patience. I'm not interested in his interviews, his book, his new marriage, or any other thing about him. I wish he would just go away.
“I don’t know for sure what happened, and I don’t want to know, really,” John Ramsey said.

wtf :waitasec: :waitasec::waitasec:

how darn convenient.....
hey even if I were an IDI I still would find all this disappointing and cowardly...
a parent should FIGHT,till the's human I know that we are not all the same, beginning to think he is doing all this for HIMSELF and for his big fat ego....he likes this...a bit too much...

Just realizing that now, Maddy? I realized that about him a while ago!
Each one of these reports has said "a shoe print, a broken window, DNA evidence"....almost like they read from a sheet handed out. As well as the "completely cleared" bit.

My bold. llama, they probably WERE reading from a prepared text.
John is on Anderson right now.

1. He doesn't think about it all the time, only when something stimulates his memory.
2. He says LE thought JonBenet could've ran away.
3. He started to mimic LE asking him if Patsy could've been involved. He never doubted her.
4. John says he's never read the autopsy.
5. Burke did go to a child psychologist.
6. He's not bothered by Patsy dying before she was cleared.
7. He's accepted that the killer might never be caught.
8. He was worried if JMK was the killer, if he would have to go to the trial everyday and hear every detail.
9. He wasn't ready to know who the killer was until now.
10. He doesn't think pageants had anything to do with her murder.
11. He believes the best days of his life are ahead.

I believe the phrase, "boo-freakin-hoo" sums it up.
There was no evidence found that an intruder entered nor any that the family did it either.

I've got no problem with the first assertion, but PLENTY of problems with the second!

The Ramseys had nothing to do with this.

YOU say.

Give it up and leave the surviving members to live in peace.

I'd be perfectly happy to DO that, Cappy, if they would leave US in peace!

bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay!
Thanks to Cynic for posting the youtube videos---I didn't see any of the interviews.

John Ramsey looked and sounded so good. He deserves to have peace. I suspect this was his personality prior to the murder. Most of the interviews afterwards, he was tense and onguard. Good for him in making a new life and not letting all the trauma make him a bitter, hateful person.
The Ramseys were cleared by the DA's office---

BIG DEAL! Being "cleared" by someone like Mary Lacy means exactly two things: jack and s**t. And Jack left town.

they are not prime suspects except in the minds of certain people that want to believe they did it.

I'm not aware of ANYONE who WANTS to believe they did it. Of course, you're free to seek out such people at your convenience.

Unknown DNA cannot be discounted

Oh, it can't? :banghead:

There is no evidence in the cellar linking the Ramseys to the crime, except for the few fibers Kane tried to link to them, which was bogus.

"Bogus," my *advertiser censored**! I guess PR didn't think they were so "bogus," since she tried to explain them and just added ANOTHER inconsistency to the pile.

You might fool some newbies with that jazz, but not me.
Some fibers could have been innocent transfers. The only red fibers they said came from her jacket which was red and black...funny how only red fibers would transfer. The navy fibers they claim came from John's sweater, was a poor attempt to intimidate John---no basis for that. Other fibers such as the paper bag fibers found on the cord, fibers found on JBR from the contents of suitcase apparently are discounted by some. Wolf dog hairs hardly discussed.

Discount Mary Lacy all you want, but she was in a position of authority, and her opinion carries weight. The DNA has no other explanation,and it was found under JBR's fingernails as well.
Therefore, the Rs are prime suspects...period. They are only "cleared" in the minds of people who cannot accept that they could be involved.

When future historians look back on this case, DD, they will say that the inability of people to accept that such people could be involved was ground zero for where this case went rotten.
What the heck Mary, you are so confusing the Rs groupies, as they still believe you were telling the truth when you said you had the right to clear the Rs. So where is the press conference admitting that you lied and helped in the obstruction of justice for a six year old child? Where is your letter apologizing to Jonbenet?

As mtwentz, smurf86 and I were talking about a while back, she never should have been in the position to clear anyone. She should have stepped down after the JMK debacle, or failing that, been forced out either by a recall election or by the governor's office. The fact that none of those happened just proves that no one gave a damn.
Some fibers could have been innocent transfers.

Given the circumstances, I have my doubts about that.

The only red fibers they said came from her jacket which was red and black...funny how only red fibers would transfer.

Not so funny, since they came from the all-red sweater she was wearing, which she admitted. Oops.

The navy fibers they claim came from John's sweater, was a poor attempt to intimidate John---no basis for that.

"No basis?" What, do you think I'm stupid, or something?

Other fibers such as the paper bag fibers found on the cord, fibers found on JBR from the contents of suitcase apparently are discounted by some.

There's reason to discount them, Maikai.

Discount Mary Lacy all you want,

Damn skippy!

but she was in a position of authority, and her opinion carries weight.

In case you haven't noticed, pilgrim, that's precisely the PROBLEM: namely that a person so obviously incompetent could ever attain a position of authority where her opinion would carry weight. A sad commentary on the Boulder electorate as we know it! One cannot help but recall Chance the Gardener from Being There.

The DNA has no other explanation,

Like hell it doesn't.

and it was found under JBR's fingernails as well.

Which just adds to the likelihood of an innocent transfer. Fingernail with DNA so rotted it had two markers--I'm not impressed.
Thanks to Cynic for posting the youtube videos---I didn't see any of the interviews.

John Ramsey looked and sounded so good. He deserves to have peace. I suspect this was his personality prior to the murder. Most of the interviews afterwards, he was tense and onguard. Good for him in making a new life and not letting all the trauma make him a bitter, hateful person.

Funny how he despised the public scrutiny to the point his attorney threatened Lacey with blackmail if she refused to write the grovel letter and make it public. Once that was accomplished you would think he'd just go away, but nooooo, nuh uh. He's back leaving a slime trail across the thresholds of all doors media. AS IF anyone cares whether or not he's ok.

He must have big plans for Burke, or maybe he's going to make another political run. In spite of his poor mouthing, there's no way he's doing this for the money - he's got plenty from all the lawsuits, books, pictures, and investments he no doubt made with his money. He put Burke through school and he's building another home. John didn't blow his money on ta-ta bars, fancy cars, and cocaine -- he invested, so why the book tour? Why another bogus website?

I'll have to read the book to form an opinion, but I really feel it has something to do with Burke. All JMO.
Funny how he despised the public scrutiny to the point his attorney threatened Lacey with blackmail if she refused to write the grovel letter and make it public. Once that was accomplished you would think he'd just go away, but nooooo, nuh uh. He's back leaving a slime trail across the thresholds of all doors media. AS IF anyone cares whether or not he's ok.

He must have big plans for Burke, or maybe he's going to make another political run. In spite of his poor mouthing, there's no way he's doing this for the money - he's got plenty from all the lawsuits, books, pictures, and investments he no doubt made with his money. He put Burke through school and he's building another home. John didn't blow his money on ta-ta bars, fancy cars, and cocaine -- he invested, so why the book tour? Why another bogus website?

I'll have to read the book to form an opinion, but I really feel it has something to do with Burke. All JMO.

It's possible that his book contract required him to promote the book, and all the media deals were set up by the publisher. I think a better question is, "Why did he decide to write the book?" If I believed he was innocent, I could see why, but since I think John is guilty, it's bizarre that he would write another book about how he's a victim when he either killed his daughter or covered it up. My guess he got an advance for it, and someone else wrote it. Or at least I hope so considering that JonBenet's name was spelled wrong on 40 pages!

Also, most people won't say no to money no matter how much they already have. I don't think John wrote the book and did the media tour because he's desperate for $$$, but how can anyone resist? He got a week-long trip to NYC out of it.

Also, if John absolutely needed a job, I'm sure one of the networks would be more than happy to hire him to give his opinion on crimes in the news.
It's possible that his book contract required him to promote the book, and all the media deals were set up by the publisher. I think a better question is, "Why did he decide to write the book?" If I believed he was innocent, I could see why, but since I think John is guilty, it's bizarre that he would write another book about how he's a victim when he either killed his daughter or covered it up. My guess he got an advance for it, and someone else wrote it. Or at least I hope so considering that JonBenet's name was spelled wrong on 40 pages!

Also, most people won't say no to money no matter how much they already have. I don't think John wrote the book and did the media tour because he's desperate for $$$, but how can anyone resist? He got a week-long trip to NYC out of it.

Also, if John absolutely needed a job, I'm sure one of the networks would be more than happy to hire him to give his opinion on crimes in the news.

BEM: Of course you are right, but John knew there would be interviews to promote the book, he's been to that rodeo with DOI.

BEM: Right again!

OMG, I couldn't stand to watch JR give his opinion....but I'll have to refrain from expressing the real reason lest I be put in the corner :jail:
There are (now were) 71 people on this forum. That's the most I've seen in a couple of days. Has John done another interview?

ETA: Nevermind. It was because of a rerun of Huckabee.

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