The jonbenet Ramsey letter

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If they thought there was a kidnapper, why didn't they wait by the phone at the expected time for the call, though? IMO it's obvious why.
It's evil how much her body was harmed.

I've thought about this myself. A couple of things:

1. The note was found on December 26th. This means the phone call was scheduled to take place on December 27th.

2. They had just lost their child and were extremely distraught, not thinking about time.

3. The note clearly said they were being monitored and not to call the police. They might have assumed there would be no call since they failed to follow instructions.

4. The report of them not being concerned about a call came from the same detective that was counting 18 bullets in her gun scared for her life. Not a reliable source.
I just got a Google Alert for this story: JonBenét Ramsey's ransom note was likely penned by pedophile, new analysis shows

Obviously, it's The Sun, so I don't rely on it as being a great source, but still interesting. I go back and forth on this one, thinking Gary O is just crazy and looking for attention. It also seems super obvious her parents did it, but this is yet another article in the ocean of online speculation that I want to believe, but don't know if I can. Idk, the intruder theory could be real - but just seems so unlikely. Crazier things have happened though. Arghhh my confusion will never end!
Sure, look how polite the prose is. "We respect your business", etc. "At this time we have your daughter". "Attache to the bank", when do Crims refer to a "case" as an attache, that is so Francophile?

Its staged to explain away JonBenet moving from her bedroom. It screams Patsy as the author, with her paragraphs and sentence structure.

Joe Crimbo would just phone, never mind leave a note and say "We have your daughter withdraw $18,000 from your bank, we will phone a delivery point tomorrow!"

I agree. My gut has always been that PR seemed like a damaged individual, perhaps bi-polar. Her demeanor immediately after seemed reminiscent of Susan Smith’s. The note’s long rambling detail reminds me of some cases where perps were found to be bi-polar (ala pizza-bomb).

My gut tells me that all of the work and social coordination for Holidays fell on her; pretty stressful and exhausting I reckon. I’d also read that they were working to break a bed-wetting problem with JB and she’d had an accident in the night.

My gut tells me that PR had a ‘falling-down’ moment when she had to change JBRs sheets and PJs, and in utter exhausted frustration, an accident happened. And in panic, PR just had to put something together to hide her having hurt JBR.
I agree. My gut has always been that PR seemed like a damaged individual, perhaps bi-polar. Her demeanor immediately after seemed reminiscent of Susan Smith’s. The note’s long rambling detail reminds me of some cases where perps were found to be bi-polar (ala pizza-bomb).

My gut tells me that all of the work and social coordination for Holidays fell on her; pretty stressful and exhausting I reckon. I’d also read that they were working to break a bed-wetting problem with JB and she’d had an accident in the night.

My gut tells me that PR had a ‘falling-down’ moment when she had to change JBRs sheets and PJs, and in utter exhausted frustration, an accident happened. And in panic, PR just had to put something together to hide her having hurt JBR.
Without really knowing what happened and we probably never's clear that all this came from the inside....inside job 100%
I've thought about this myself. A couple of things:

1. The note was found on December 26th. This means the phone call was scheduled to take place on December 27th.

2. They had just lost their child and were extremely distraught, not thinking about time.

3. The note clearly said they were being monitored and not to call the police. They might have assumed there would be no call since they failed to follow instructions.

4. The report of them not being concerned about a call came from the same detective that was counting 18 bullets in her gun scared for her life. Not a reliable source.
And yet everyone made the assumption that the call would come that morning, the 26th. Which means the assumption was made that the "kidnapping" occurred the night before. Interesting to note that on her gravestone, the Ramseys chose 12/25 as the date of death.

The Ramseys seemingly ignored all of the instructions in the ransom note from moment one. And not following instructions as per the note, put their daughter at risk of death. Not only did they not follow instructions, they were blatant about it. Inviting friends over immediately after calling 911. Not something most people would do in the same circumstances, regardless of a panicked state of mind.

The detective you are referring to was with the Ramseys for most of the morning. Her account about counting the bullets occurred after JR found JBR's body and they were both leaning over it after he brought her upstairs to the living room. It was a kidnapping / missing child up until that point, and now the realization this was a murder. Her assessment of them not being concerned or focused on a call, which by all accounts is accurate is not unreliable. After the timeframe had passed within which the call was to have occurred, neither JR or PR made any mention of it. Neither asked, "what do we do now?" They asked no questions.
I agree. My gut has always been that PR seemed like a damaged individual, perhaps bi-polar. Her demeanor immediately after seemed reminiscent of Susan Smith’s. The note’s long rambling detail reminds me of some cases where perps were found to be bi-polar (ala pizza-bomb).

My gut tells me that all of the work and social coordination for Holidays fell on her; pretty stressful and exhausting I reckon. I’d also read that they were working to break a bed-wetting problem with JB and she’d had an accident in the night.

My gut tells me that PR had a ‘falling-down’ moment when she had to change JBRs sheets and PJs, and in utter exhausted frustration, an accident happened. And in panic, PR just had to put something together to hide her having hurt JBR.
Patsy had been under the care of an Atlanta psychiatrist since 1993 I believe. She was having panic attacks which is a known side effect of chemotherapy. I, like most people have no knowledge of what she was like before she came into the public eye with the death of her daughter, so can only base an opinion on what we saw of her in interviews and what others who did know her have said about her.

She did not have a job and from all accounts she loved the Christmas holiday and quite obviously went all out on decorating, etc. Participating in the Homes for the Holidays annual tour where the home is opened up to the public to see all the decorations was something she willingly participated in. Now I'm not saying that all of this wasn't stressful, but she did have help.And she had housekeepers. The bed wetting thing with JBR is an interesting aspect of the story. Both PR and JR majorly downplayed it and PR comes across as fairly nonchalant about it in interviews. One can argue that the reason for this is to squelch the possibility of PR having lost her temper about it that night, which of course many have speculated was the cause of JBR's death. Or it could be that they were so used to it that it just wasn't that big a deal to them. There was a routine when it occurred. PR mentioned it, the housekeeper mentioned it. This tells me two is that it was a more common occurrence than they wanted to admit, and two, that they were used to dealing with it.

What I find interesting is that both BR and JBR had this problem. BR had grown out of his bedwetting, but JBR had reportedly regressed during PR's bout with cancer and the brutal treatment she went through which kept her away from the family for periods of time. It also has to be noted that BR also had a scatolia issue which was apparently ongoing. Bed wetting is one thing, but the scatolia issue is another level of disturbing. If I had to pick between those two things as to which would send me over the edge, it would be the latter. The issues that both JBR and BR had can be caused by a number of different things, stress & trauma would be two possible causes. Another possible cause is sexual abuse.

Certainly the possibility of PR losing it and causing the accidental death of JBR is a viable conclusion, especially if one believes the bed wetting scenario. But I just don't think PR would have gotten that hysterical over bed wetting. I do tend to think this was an accident that was not meant to happen, but I think it was as a result of something much more serious going on. To me this is evidenced by the details of the cover up, which are pretty gruesome. That child had injuries that to me speak to a much darker and horrific scenario. It's just hard for me to imagine after such an accident occurred, assuming that was the case, that the parent(s) would then concoct such a cover up based upon sexual assault that then required them to digitally penetrate their daughter, garrote and strangle her, etc. It was pretty elaborate which seems absolutely unnecessary and to then try to claim it was the result of an attempted kidnapping. It just doesn't add up for me.
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And yet everyone made the assumption that the call would come that morning, the 26th. Which means the assumption was made that the "kidnapping" occurred the night before. Interesting to note that on her gravestone, the Ramseys chose 12/25 as the date of death.

Respectfully snipped for focus
It is possible that the Ramseys never questioned the date because they knew that 8:00-10:00 a.m. on 12/26 was what the writer(s) of the ransom note intended, since they (or one of them) wrote it.
I think the ransom note had just as much to do with tricking law enforcement as it did John. I believe she was killed out of frustration by PR and then it was covered up. Patsy not wanting to go to prison and also not wanting John to know what she did, wrote the note and staged the scene. That's why she tried to make it look like it was someone John had worked with in the past ($118,000 and good southern common sense). John probably had lots of people that didn't like him that he had once worked with in Atlanta and Patsy thought he would believe that scenario. I think John eventually figured out she wrote the note so she told him that BR did it and that she covered it up for him. That would explain why he never left her, feels comfortable enough to continue to do interviews (because he wasn't that involved) and why Burke never admitted to doing it.
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If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!​

I think the ransom note had just as much to do with tricking law enforcement as it did John. I believe she was killed out of frustration by PR and then it was covered up. Patsy not wanting to go to prison and also not wanting John to know what she did, wrote the note and staged the scene. That's why she tried to make it look like it was someone John had worked with in the past ($118,000 and good southern common sense). John probably had lots of people that didn't like him that he had once worked with in Atlanta and Patsy thought he would believe that scenario. I think John eventually figured out she wrote the note so she told him that BR did it and that she covered it up for him. That would explain why he never left her, feels comfortable enough to continue to do interviews (because he wasn't that involved) and why Burke never admitted to doing it.
Oh, I absolutely believe that the RN was to trick LE. As a ransom note for a real kidnapping, nothing about it makes any sense. Its sole purpose was to cover what really happened and to create chaos and confusion, which it did.

I do disagree however that it was also to fool John, and of course this is just my opinion. But I think they both participated in the staging and cover up. Very few people knew about the amount of his bonus, and reportedly the only people at his work who did were his boss and the woman who administrated the payment (I forget her name). Supposedly even Patsy did not know the amount, although I'm not sure I believe this, given their relationship and that John handled the finances it's certainly possible.

It is also my opinion that the Ramsey family was highly dysfunctional, and that the marital relationship had been strained by a few things, including Patsy's illness. I think there are some very dark secrets there that each had about the other. No matter who was actually responsible for the death of JonBenet, the result was an immediate circling of the wagons in order to hide the truth from everyone. Neither parent wanted to lose the life they had built and both seemed to think appearances were very important to maintain their status.

And since I also firmly believe that Patsy wrote the note, I also believe that confirms it was an inside job. There was no intruder.
I’m not sure. I listened to a 6 part podcast that came out in December (True Crime Garage) and it was riveting, a must-listen in my opinion.

What if patsy inadvertently, accidentally helped an outside predator (perhaps even close to any of the family members) but thinking she was protecting a different loved one by writing the letter?
I’ve always thought it was fully “inside” but the investigation may have gotten caught up because of “tentacles” in this case, or other player(s) (kind of like Delphi)

I’m not sold on the idea but there’s a shard of possibility in this extremely convoluted case.
Yeh, the ransom letter was apparently meant to look like a sophisticated syndicate had kidnapped the daughter. Meant to look like an educated person had written it.

But what kidnapper is going to write 3 versions of the letter.... while in the house?

Patsy was allegedly ambidextrous and that might be why the hand writing experts were only 80% sure she wrote it. They could not find many previous hand written notes written with the other hand.

Patsy was involved... but was also John? How about Bryan(?) the son?
Yeh, the ransom letter was apparently meant to look like a sophisticated syndicate had kidnapped the daughter. Meant to look like an educated person had written it.

But what kidnapper is going to write 3 versions of the letter.... while in the house?

Patsy was allegedly ambidextrous and that might be why the hand writing experts were only 80% sure she wrote it. They could not find many previous hand written notes written with the other hand.

Patsy was involved... but was also John? How about Bryan(?) the son?
The only things I feel solidly in this case:
Jonbenet was murdered in the house, and patsy wrote the ransom note.

The rest is details we may very well never know.


100% agree!
Yeh, the ransom letter was apparently meant to look like a sophisticated syndicate had kidnapped the daughter. Meant to look like an educated person had written it.

But what kidnapper is going to write 3 versions of the letter.... while in the house?

Patsy was allegedly ambidextrous and that might be why the hand writing experts were only 80% sure she wrote it. They could not find many previous hand written notes written with the other hand.

Patsy was involved... but was also John? How about Bryan(?) the son?
Yes, no true kidnapper, especially a sophisticated syndicate would write a 2 1/2 page ransom note, let alone write it in the home, practicing 2-3 times before hand no less. That IMO is a 100% tell that this was an inside job.

As to who was involved, everyone has their own opinion. Mine is that I think both PR and JR participated in covering up, with PR writing the note. Many people think Burke did it, and they were covering for him. Which ever scenario you subscribe to, JRDI, PRDI or BRDI, it's my opinion that everyone in that house was aware. BR did not sleep through everything as he has alleged and I think at the very least he knew and knows what happened and who was responsible.

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