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I have a question about the penalty phase, sorry if this has been covered. I wish more than anything that he would get the death penalty, but I don't understand why they are even going after it. From what I understand, the governor has said he will commute all death sentences to life, even death sentences that are handed down for crimes that occurred before the law changed. So why go to the expense and trouble of going after the death penalty?
Wow stmarysmead, I think you nailed it, exactly!! Great post!
Life in prison is the ultimate cage. But, think of it, if he wants to keep Daddy Pastor sending candy-bar money and preaching about his innocence...he has to spend his prison days as The Good Boy again...”saving Souls”...talking the talk...pretending to be what I think...he most despises. Chris is as unfree a it gets. Forced to mouth words he reviles and profess a faith he fully rejected in the most heinous fashion two years ago.

I hope Coleman lives a long, long life.

Thats great. I'll think about that when I see him on TV clutching his bible doing his interviews with the murder mystery shows talking about his innocence and all the souls he's saved in prison.
my 2 cents on it all.
1. Too much evidence to overcome-even if you toss out half the evidence, there's still enough to convict. While we all worried a bit about a mistrial or innocent verdict, the reality is that there was a 99% chance of a guilty verdict.
2. Appeal by CC and his defense team? Forget it-this was an open and **** case with little in the way of controversy or jury misconduct. Jury looked long and hard at the evidence and as much as we all despise CC, he deserves a fair trial and fair look at the evidence...after all if I were on a jury and faced with putting someone away forever, I'd want to make sure I scrutinized the evidence and was 100% sure.... Coleman will never see the light of day again and will likely be brutalized in a general prison population.
3. Will be interesting to see what happens with the civil suit--I'd be JMM settles for a tidy sum out of court. And hopefully Coleman will be hit with a sizeable financial figure so that he nor his family can ever profit from this tragedy.
4. Closure for Sherri's family? Yes, to a degree, but they've still lost their daughter who they will never see again and 2 children who they will never get to see grow up...that's the ultimate sadness here.
5. Closure for the rest of us-yes to the same degree-while most never met Sherri or the boys-we just cannot imagine having the sick mind to kill your wife and young children....
6. Stupidity by CC--obviously not that smart to think he could get away with this--it was a poorly planned sequence--his arrogance and narcissism likely got in the way too--he also could not have imagined the attention the case would get or that the major crime squad would get involved....a stupid risk to chance your life on a triple murder and trying to get away with it. He could have walked away from his plann or walked away from sherri and his family--the latter 2 choices would have caused grief, but not the unimaginable grief of his grand plan...
7. Good riddance to CC-let's all forget about him in prison and be glad he is off the streets of our great country.
Bill McClellan's write up after the verdict.

I especially like this line about the defense attorney
In a sense, it was a closing argument version of a Chinese meal — it was tasty, but you're hungry half an hour later
I think the jury deliberated as long as they did because there had to be some wingnut on the jury....sure we will hear soon....I just hope the hold up will not stop them from handing down a death sentence. I usually don't get on the DP bandwagon but in this case I felt all along that he was guily. I never believed he wasn't responsible for this crime. He thought he would fool LE with the writing of the red paint......guess what looser you lost and did a really bad job trying to make it look like someone else killed your family. :loser:

I just hope the jury will not have any mercy on his soul because he deserves none!

I am very happy with the guilty verdict and pray we will hear DP today. I see no logical reason why they should let this guy live the rest of his life in prison and waste money on feeding his sorry butt. I just want him dead. That is the only way I will feel that justice has been served for the family. He will be taking a quick trip down to hell for eternity!!!! burn baby burn!!!!
Will they be back in court today?
I think the article I read said at 10:00 Central time.

First, Thank you Stella for the text when the verdict came in. I would have been fretting about it all night at work had you not been so kind to do that for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciated that.

Talk about a whirlwind of emotions, if it feels like this for me I can't begin to imagine how Sheri's family and friends are feeling. Hopefully this will at least enable them to try to move forward in their lives instead of like they are treading water about to drown. I hope that they feel as if a bit of the weight that they have been carrying around for the past two years has lightened at least a bit.

Thank you to all of you who have stuck it out for the past two years and also to the new 'hats' who have joined in the meantime. Thank you for posting and keeping those of us who are not able to be here informed. I kind of want to have a group 'cyber hug', I know I could use one.

Brian, I'm sorry if I got snippy yesterday. There was no good excuse for it and I apologize for my bad behaviour.

Wrinkles, bless your heart. You've been here the whole time sharing the shock and sadness at what took place two years ago. That justice was handed down on the two year anniversary was to me, sureal and right.

I can't help but feel that there are a few others who also have a price to pay, but if it isn't in the legal sense, I hope it will be Karma. I hope the parish at Colemans church can now see that family sans the rose colored glasses and they are left with an empty offering plate. For people who profess themselves to be of the faith they sure let the devil do their bidding.

I'm going to refrain at the moment from making any comments concerning Chris' paramour, I don't trust my fingers at the present time to keeping it in the TOS and I like it here way to much to jeopardize my membership at the best website in the entire world. (I love this place!!)

What a week huh? First Bin Laden, then Brad Cooper and Chris Coleman both go down on the same day. Talk about a two-fer!! The only thing that possibly could have made this week any better for me would have been if Casey Anthony and drEWWWW (emphasis on the EWWWW) Peterson would have gone down as well. That would have been the icing on the cake. (Okay, stop talking about cake, that's making me hungry, now I need to go find something to eat and see if I can't get some sleep before work again tonight, ugh) Bet Chris wishes he could go grab some cake whenever he got the inkling for some..........

You know when I first came here it was before the crashes, when Laci was missing. I followed that case to the bitter end and after the emotional toll I claimed I was going to swear off following any more cases. Yeah, well I guess we know how that turned out, huh?

Well, whatever the jury decides for his fate is okay fine with me. I will feel satisfaction that he is and will remain where he deserves to be for the remainder of his miserable days.

You people are the best. I'm glad you're all here. We sure have a good group here, don't we?
@who knew? ........

It appears to me, from FB postings earlier today - they believed he was innocent and would be home in time for Mother's Day. And you hit the nail on the head about thinking God was serving them. One post from about an hour before the verdict came in stated that they knew God was going to show up today "in a BIG way!"

He sure did - and justice was served.[/QUOTE

Is the FB page private? I tried searching for it but cannot find it
@who knew? ........

It appears to me, from FB postings earlier today - they believed he was innocent and would be home in time for Mother's Day. And you hit the nail on the head about thinking God was serving them. One post from about an hour before the verdict came in stated that they knew God was going to show up today "in a BIG way!"

He sure did - and justice was served.[/QUOTE

Is the FB page private? I tried searching for it but cannot find it

blu is the one who has connections to the Coleman family FB - it isn't Ron and Connie, but cousins or something. Hopefully BLU will answer your question - I wondered also.
Wonder if Chris will continue with his cockiness (AKA OJ) and write a book - IF I did it...........
Howdy All,

Sitting here in the background, I have time stamped documents to get out today and they take major concentration :( Maybe someone can watch the news places and post us updates?

In the meanwhile, found this...

>> Judge Milton Wharton asked jurors to return Friday morning at 10 a.m. for a separate hearing to consider Christopher Coleman's sentence. The hearing could last several days. <<
Chris Coleman's jury to consider death penalty
8:03 AM, May 6, 2011

Waterloo, IL (KSDK) - The jury that convicted a Columbia, Illinois man of murdering his wife and their two children, will meet for "phase two" of the tria at 10:00 a.m. Friday. During this phase, they will determine if Chris Coleman, 34, is eligible for the death penalty under Illinois law.

Lawyers in the case told jurors that they must consider three factors in determining if Coleman is eligible for death: premeditated, young victims, multiple murder. Lawyers have also said, that this case meets all three eligibility factors. Those involved in the case expect jurors only to meet for a brief time Friday, before concluding Coleman is eligible.

<snipped, much more in link>
Hmmmm....... from zero to death in 60 seconds?

Ding! Ding! Times up!

*snap* *snap*

If the governor has said he'll commute a death sentence, why is the prosecution still seeking it? (Not a rhetorical question...I'd like to understand the process/aim.)
If the governor has said he'll commute a death sentence, why is the prosecution still seeking it? (Not a rhetorical question...I'd like to understand the process/aim.)
Humph....... I live in Illinois and I can not for the life of me even begin to answer that one. (Because I don't get it either!) Sorry, no help.

So I would guess that the penatly phase is now underway. I trust my fellow addicts....... er.... ummm....... I mean posters will be so kind to post any updates that become available whilst I go see if my pillow is as comfy as it was yesterday afternoon when I left it.

Nighty night all.

Godbless Sheri, Garrett and Gavin
Is Chris Hayes or Nick Piclic covering this morning's info? Haven't seen any info and didn't know how long this will take (court session). I imagine the deliberation over dp will take no time since it's obvious this case meets the requirements. I wonder which Chris Coleman prefers - dp or lwp? Not much of a choice, huh?
Twitter to watch and seeing nothing so far:!/RyanJDean!/CaseyNolen!/ChrisHayesTV

Video -- "Verdict Takes A Toll On Sheri Coleman's Friends and Family"

Video, Phase 2 of trial

Ryan Dean speaks in the above video, says he will be at the 2nd Phase today

Edit: Dean said Judge told the jurors to treat this as a death penalty case. There is still a chance that he will get the death penalty. If the Gov commutes it, people could be very upset.
Thanks, W - we can always count on you and I appreciate your hard work tremendously!!!
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