The Key: Planted or Not? Impact?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I assume Michael Griesbach simply misspoke or assumed based on the fact most people carry keys (plural) that it was a set of keys instead of one singular key. He's just some guy who misspoke about evidence.

I personally disagree. Sure it's easy to keys when you mean key, singular, but he specifically refers to a "bunch of keys". We do have to question where her other keys disappeared to.
I personally disagree. Sure it's easy to keys when you mean key, singular, but he specifically refers to a "bunch of keys". We do have to question where her other keys disappeared to.

Maybe we should ask the author. He seems to have evidence no one else seems to have. Wasn't this guy Asst. DA of Manitowoc County. I'm very curious how he could get the 1 key mixed up with many keys, when he was there when this case was all unfolding.
This guys version makes it sound like yeah they had searched before but this time, they wanted to look behind the book shelf. I believe this search was longer than 2 hours. And after a few other times they only then "LOOK BEHIND" the bookshelf? I thought they banged books and binders in it. Or was it they twisted turned and pulled it? Now we have three different ways the shelf spit a magical key(s) out of the back of it. And this is on just the one day. The Open faced shelf was searched on other entrances to the residence as seen in the progressing photos and testimony. Shakes head.
Yeah I completely agree and I noticed the behind the bookshelf too. Also I go back to the fact that there was a HUGE bunch of keys on the shelf when it is first captured on the video taken when they first searched the home (visible in episode 2). Those keys have OBVIOUSLY been moved by the time the later picture is taken. I find it hard to believe they would move SOME objects but not look behind the remaining items.
This may not be the best comparison but the picture I hope at least entices the minds to think about this thought that I have been thinking about the key and the book shelf.

I estimated the size of the key inside the bookshelf in the pictures below, I am not no picture analysis by any means. these are just pictures of evidence that I am wondering why it wasn't shown how the State thought the key was actually in the bookshelf?


I just can't seem to see how that sized key was in the crack at the back and no one saw it with everything out of the bookshelf on previous searches.
The RAV4 was discovered on the 5th and the Toyota key on the 8th. Did LE confiscate all other Toyota keys from Avery Salvage to try in the RAV4 prior to the key being found in SA's bedroon ? If not, why not ?
For those who want to believe Lenk and/or Colburn planted TH's car key & fob in SA's bedroom, can you please explain exactly where they got TH's key to plant? TH was in possession of her own car key. Said key was not in her SUV after she disappeared. So where was this magical key that Lenk and/or Colburn obtained in order to plant it?

I believe Lenk found it when he called in Theresa's car plates to dispatch - I believe he found the car at that time and can come up with no other possible reason for that call to dispatch. If he found the car, I suspect it contained the keys and the body.
If Steven killed her in the garage why is her bloody hair in the car?
If he was able to rape and murder her in the house, why was he able to clean the entire house of her DNA but forget to wipe the car of blood? it just seems crazy that he could pull that off but would stupidly park a car with his blood in it in his lot?
Yeah I completely agree and I noticed the behind the bookshelf too. Also I go back to the fact that there was a HUGE bunch of keys on the shelf when it is first captured on the video taken when they first searched the home (visible in episode 2). Those keys have OBVIOUSLY been moved by the time the later picture is taken. I find it hard to believe they would move SOME objects but not look behind the remaining items.

Especially since they acknowledge themselves that in the prior search they took EVERYTHING out of the bookcase.
BBM ~ Agreed. I believe there was a whole set. Where are they?

Also, why keep a key in a bedroom in or near a nightstand? Just leave it in the ignition or door. It had not fingerprints on it.

Why not burn it in your 6 hour tire bonfire???
I believe Lenk found it when he called in Theresa's car plates to dispatch - I believe he found the car at that time and can come up with no other possible reason for that call to dispatch. If he found the car, I suspect it contained the keys and the body.
If Steven killed her in the garage why is her bloody hair in the car?
If he was able to rape and murder her in the house, why was he able to clean the entire house of her DNA but forget to wipe the car of blood? it just seems crazy that he could pull that off but would stupidly park a car with his blood in it in his lot?

It is possible the "blood vile" was tampered with and refilled with other blood.

Someone credible should retest that vial to make sure it only contains Steven's blood.
I thought this video might be of interest and seriously suggest that you check out Shaun's channel.

In Micheal Griesbach's book, the Innocent Killer, he actually refers to the discovery of a "set of keys" and not just one. I find this really interesting. If they are referring to the keys I previously pointed out that were on the shelf, then how come they didn't see them earlier? If they are referring to a different set of keys, why were the rest not photographed.

I swear this case gets weirder and weirder.


That book has a lot of factual errors. There's a reddit thread about it, ( I'll have to try and grab the link), there were a number of people who searched the WI records and found incidents the book claimed were committed by Steve were actually committed by Chuck Avery, with no involvement of SA mentioned. There were several other inaccuracies redditers were able to find proof of as well. Not a very accurate reference by any means. One poster over there sums it up thusly;
"It's poorly researched un-true crime"
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I'm guessing the first photo (see post #134 on this thread) is before the key is found (because of the slippers). It is clear to me that some things have been removed/moved/added by the time the key was found. IIRC the Avery's at this time were not on or allowed on the property, so the only one's that had access to that bedroom was LE I guess.

It's obvious the nightstand was moved before. In the first jpg (jpg.2) you can see the back left leg of the nightstand set right on top of the right slipper. In the second jpg (jpg.1) you can see the dirt from that leg still on the slipper. I doubt SA had that night stand leg setting on his own slipper. And it's obvious to all that the items in the night stand had been taken out and searched because there are different items in the nightstand in both photos.
ohhhh I finally found something about that dang lanyard!!!!!!

DAY 18 Page 106 Michael Riddle, the fingerprint guy.

He is talking about what he did on Nov 7th when he started processing the SUV.

Q. And, finally, during the course of your inventory of the contents of this vehicle, did you find an Air National Guard lanyard?

A. Yes, I did.

Q. And if you recall, can you tell us the approximate location of that lanyard?

A. Yes, it was in the center console between the driver's -- front driver's seat and the front passenger seat.
I just want to put this out there while its in my head. Someone mentioned Jodi. I saw her interview and thought she said something interesting. She said that on Oct 31 2005 she was to get out of jail on some sort of pass to go to some alcoholic class. If you look at SA's phone bill you see that he was calling the Drug abuse rehab that day, and the Public defenders office. For someone that was supposedly "Targeting" TH, he seems to be trying to make those plans with Jodi for that day. I recall her saying for some reason that pass fell through, and that makes me wonder. So many sides and opportunities for others, Oh how I wished the Officers out there did their job.
I just want to put this out there while its in my head. Someone mentioned Jodi. I saw her interview and thought she said something interesting. She said that on Oct 31 2005 she was to get out of jail on some sort of pass to go to some alcoholic class. If you look at SA's phone bill you see that he was calling the Drug abuse rehab that day, and the Public defenders office. For someone that was supposedly "Targeting" TH, he seems to be trying to make those plans with Jodi for that day. I recall her saying for some reason that pass fell through, and that makes me wonder. So many sides and opportunities for others, Oh how I wished the Officers out there did their job.

I had noticed that too. He was psycho calling MHHS all morning and Jodi's attorney to try to get her therapy session approved and then just said "Screw it... Guess I'll just kill this photographer since I ain't busy."
In the process of reading this thread in its entirety and I am perplexed as to how someone removed all of TH's DNA from the key. What kind of chemical could have been used? The key appears unadulterated.

Any thoughts?
In the process of reading this thread in its entirety and I am perplexed as to how someone removed all of TH's DNA from the key. What kind of chemical could have been used? The key appears unadulterated.

Any thoughts?

Maybe washed in detergent but color safe not to bleach the fabric then wiped with alcohol pad, just a guess. Since the lanyard was found in the console I'm having big doubts as to the key being the main key.
Maybe washed in detergent but color safe not to bleach the fabric then wiped with alcohol pad, just a guess. Since the lanyard was found in the console I'm having big doubts as to the key being the main key.

It looks so pristine. If it was washed it would need to be dried. Drying takes time. Perhaps this is why the key was discovered several days later.

Or they could have been waiting until there babysitter wasn't with them. ;-)
In the process of reading this thread in its entirety and I am perplexed as to how someone removed all of TH's DNA from the key. What kind of chemical could have been used? The key appears unadulterated.

Any thoughts?

You wouldn't need to thoroughly cleanse it. If it was someone who was a first time handler or someone who never should have handled you could simply wipe it down with a Clorox towlet. Once dry, handle with gloves, find a DNA ripe source such as socks, toothbrush, shirt armpit, shoes, etc.
You wouldn't need to thoroughly cleanse it. If it was someone who was a first time handler or someone who never should have handled you could simply wipe it down with a Clorox towlet. Once dry, handle with gloves, find a DNA ripe source such as socks, toothbrush, shirt armpit, shoes, etc.

... pair of slippers ...

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