"the kind of daughter that any father is proud of."

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Oh yeah, thanks for that reminder, boy the things that bring back memories. I hope LE picks up on all these Mistruths she speaks.
That's going to take some time in itself, preparing for the A's testimony...have to have all those relevant videos, interviews ready. I wonder how long Cindy will be on the stand. Imagine her in a place where she can't get up and leave, or threaten to pass out from lack of sleep/food, can't dodge the questions and is called on every single ounce of BS. :)
Is he also proud that she once completely made up the fact that he had a stroke and was in the hospital just to get out of hanging out with a friend? I wish the interviewer brought this up b/c this is not something he could have got around by claiming "all kids make up excuses to get out of things." It takes pure evil to use something like this as an excuse. Some loving, respectful daughter ya got there George..

Thanks, I had forgotten Casey's lie about George's stroke. I can't recall anyone asking him about it. Maybe LE interview? Does anyone remember? I'd be interested in hearing that. That was a horrible thing for Casey to make up. Whenever I just don't feel like doing something (work mostly) I always think about making up excuses like my daughter is sick or my sister is in the hospital, But I just can't do that. Besides that I try not to lie, I would feel like I am jinxing that person. If I say it then it might come true, and I would feel so horrible.
Dear George:

I can tell you're proud of your daughter. You should be. She has at least stuck to one simple principle: Protect herself no matter the cost. When you look at her image, remembering her childhood and early adulthood before Caylee died, I bet you think of all the things you've done to make her exactly who she has become. When you sat at your computer and gambled your wife's money away. When you cheated on your wife. When you lied about jobs so much that your wife couldn't even answer the question "What job did George have then?" When you abandoned your family. When you slunk back because you knew there was more to sponge. Yes, George. I can see why you'd be so proud of Casey. She's a chip off the ol' block.
it is amazing isn't it??? even in Michael J having his own little circus like feeling was nothing compared to this........then you get the attys all wanting spotlight.....I've stated it earlier today...I just don't know why at this point they keep the mic away from kc---she couldn't do much worse....

Another similarity to the MJ case I have found (other than the song NG plays from the memorial?)...I recall that no matter what he was asked, whether it was "How many kids slept in your bed?" or "Why did you have kids over and up at 2AM?" No matter how disturbing the question was, he always had a answer ready for every little thing. Just like this bunch. And he always tried to make it sound feasible, as if we were somehow lacking if we found his actions anything other than appropriate.
I can't decide if G and C are delusional or if KC has something on them :confused:

Can you imagine this from KC's perspective, I have to honestly say I kinda understand her "backwards sorta way" comment. I bet in that household up was down and down was up--she must look at them and think .....I'm not gonna write it. I don't want a time out. :cow:

This morning, the parents described Casey. George called her sensitive, caring and "the kind of daughter that any father is proud of."

I don't know if this should have it's own thread, but I couldn't resist. If not, please combine? Thank you !!

Well, I guess in George's world KC is the perfect daughter & in Cindy's she is Mother of the Year. I guess that all depends on who is casting the final vote, God or the devil.
All I can say, is that the A's must have pretty low standards for what they think "great" is.
Things of which to be proud (this is cumulative):

1. She did not graduate high school on time.
2. She gets pregnant while unmarried and attempts to pin paternity on JG.
3. She works for a year or two and then after pregnancy does not go back to work (no biggie) but instead lies to parents about not working and pretends to still have a job.
4. Steals, steals, and steals some more...
5. Lies, lies, and lies some more...
6. She treats Caylee like a sister and acts put upon when she has to watch her own child when there is a distraction (party, sexual encounter, or whatever) she could be attending instead.
7. She steals from Caylee's own piggybank and bank account for her future.
8. She speaks to her parents in a hideous manner, literally screaming at them, cussing them out, and tells her friends that her mom is "crazy" and that her dad and brother have molested her!
9. George and/or Cindy put a LOCK on the shed in the backyard (which is a fenced backyard) due to her stealing!
10. Need I go on?

No one begrudes him for the love of his daughter but let's not go all "revisionist history" here. Of what exactly is he "proud"? He did not sound proud of her when he spoke to the FBI about her! Is he proud that she's a stubborn idiot who refuses to accept a plea bargain? Is he proud that she's a tough nut who hasn't confessed? Whaaat?

WELL SAID!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I wonder...

Do GA and CA really think they can change the outcome of the trial by continuing to state things like this...


Maybe if they say things enough times it will be true?

In a way I feel for them...their lives are upside down and on display...even though they caused much of it...it must not be easy to be who they are right now...

What have they got to lose?

They have no jobs, their grandadughter is dead, their daughter is a murderess and will possibly be executed for her crime.

They must look back upon KC being a toddler, a cute bundle of fun (Hey - who remembers the tantrums - not me).

They now LIVE in memory lane, their recent past is painful, their present day is dismal, and their future contains jail visits and death row.

Why would they NOT say these things? Facing what they are, I'm not sure I'd give two hoots that a bunch of strangers didn't like me.

Actually, I'd have been more honest, more open and hoped the public would understand. After all, my childs life would be in their hands soon.
LMAO..........these people are just too much. How can he be proud of her? I mean I understand he would love her no matter what, but "proud" of her? Give me a break GA. This evil creature has done nothing to be proud of her for.
What have they got to lose?

They have no jobs, their grandadughter is dead, their daughter is a murderess and will possibly be executed for her crime.

They must look back upon KC being a toddler, a cute bundle of fun (Hey - who remembers the tantrums - not me).

They now LIVE in memory lane, their recent past is painful, their present day is dismal, and their future contains jail visits and death row.

Why would they NOT say these things? Facing what they are, I'm not sure I'd give two hoots that a bunch of strangers didn't like me.

Actually, I'd have been more honest, more open and hoped the public would understand. After all, my childs life would be in their hands soon.

:clap: What an excellent post. :clap:
They most likely are going through all that you mention. Not only are they probably feeling horribly guilty, wondering where they went wrong, remembering the sweet toddler and girl Casey once was, but they are also mourning Caylee. I truly do feel sympathy for them when I think of them in this context. But then you think of the dishonesty and evasiveness and realize where Casey gets it from.

This morning, the parents described Casey. George called her sensitive, caring and "the kind of daughter that any father is proud of."

I don't know if this should have it's own thread, but I couldn't resist. If not, please combine? Thank you !!

Well they should have played a clip from his interview with LE when he said he knew Casey was doing some bad things, or asked CA why Cindy told one of Casey's boytoys that she was a sociopath that would rob him blind.
Yeah...I would be real proud of that behavior. :confused:
I'm really trying hard to think of something worse and I just can't.

Don't know if this is worse....but it is heartless for sure. KC sending CA to Universal to pick up Caylee on July 3rd so the A's can take her to see the fireworks. CA must have waited for hours and KC knew there would be no Caylee. Talk about cruel.
That's going to take some time in itself, preparing for the A's testimony...have to have all those relevant videos, interviews ready. I wonder how long Cindy will be on the stand. Imagine her in a place where she can't get up and leave, or threaten to pass out from lack of sleep/food, can't dodge the questions and is called on every single ounce of BS. :)

She won't be able to refuse to cooperate, point her finger at the judge, threaten to sue them if they do anything to upset her, smack her lips, give evil smiling grins, only answer the questions she wants to answer, lie, lie and give more lies. I can't wait for the trial!!
What made GA throw up at LE office?.............smell of granddaughter rotting?:furious:
pics of his wonderful daughter in comprimising positions??? :eek:
Look what he helped raise..............GAG!:behindbar
You know there are plenty of cases we could all be following (many right here on WS) but I think that what keeps drawing us all back to the Anthony saga is the outrageous lying that this family is capable of and thinks they will get away with. I don't know why this continues to weirdly and morbidly fascinate me and draw me in but it does. I honestly don't know where I have ever seen this before. I don't even think the OJ case compares to this family in lying.

I'm wid u kid. Got this from a bff this mornin but don't know where to put it. Can anybody tell me when this program will be on TV?

http://www.nbc.com/Law_and_Order_Special_Victims_Unit/video/clips/preview-selfish/1089495/ It's from Law and Order
:clap: What an excellent post. :clap:
They most likely are going through all that you mention. Not only are they probably feeling horribly guilty, wondering where they went wrong, remembering the sweet toddler and girl Casey once was, but they are also mourning Caylee. I truly do feel sympathy for them when I think of them in this context. But then you think of the dishonesty and evasiveness and realize where Casey gets it from.

I bet they don't think that they ever did anything wrong. They don't seem to have any problem with their not knowing anything about a nanny for two years, GA not having a consistent job, stealing from SP...it's almost like they are in their own little world and not matter what the truth is, it is only as they see it.
What made GA throw up at LE office?.............smell of granddaughter rotting?:furious:
pics of his wonderful daughter in comprimising positions??? :eek:
Look what he helped raise..............GAG!:behindbar

Speaking of pics of la princess...good ole George stating (in late July/early August 2008) that the pics of Casey partying were actually taken 3 years ago. Yeah George, that's gotta be a proud poppa moment for ya. The pics were not taken when Caylee was missing; they were taken when your daughter was pregnant! Great attempt at explaining away your daughter's behavior! It's just gotta make a man proud!
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