The Letters and the Secret Evidence

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I'll say. I just got out chicken to thaw for one of our favorites - crockpot chicken in white wine sauce. DH loves this, and doesn't realize the prep is minimal, the crockpot does the work and I have spent all day online. LOL

I read your post to my husband and he said "ask her for the recipe" ... he's not kidding because I can't cook chicken worth crap. He say's you can't screw anything up in a crockpot. :) Soooo how's about sharing?
Sad but I think she will throw, George under the bus in the letters. I hope I am wrong, but I have a feeling she say's things about being molested by him.

Having a hard time holding my piece but I wondered when that was going to come up.

It wouldn't be a stretch. I have long suspected some very ugly undercurrents in that family. A lot of the dynamic could be explained if that is so but that gets none of us any closer to why that spoiled brat did what she did.
I think by the time we break down the 250 pages, there will be 75 pages worth of actuallys and honestlys!

Yep! It's gonna be all about the Po-Po "misshhhhconstruued" things, and "ABSOLUTELY" how "truly, truly" she has been wronged. Poor thang has had everything TAKEN from her *poke-poke eye...shed a tear to drop on letter* and she can hardly "schwallow" her throat hurts so bad.
Waa waa it's so bad for MEEEEEEE.....

Gag. :sick:
Sad but I think she will throw, George under the bus in the letters. I hope I am wrong, but I have a feeling she say's things about being molested by him.

I was thinking the same thing.
Hurry up and release them already before BC tries to go to the court and file some kind of last minute Motion to have them sealed in support of not releasing information on GA and CA. Remember this happened once before I but I cant remember for the life of me what it was they wanted sealed.

Her autopsy photos?
I read your post to my husband and he said "ask her for the recipe" ... he's not kidding because I can't cook chicken worth crap. He say's you can't screw anything up in a crockpot. :) Soooo how's about sharing?

Thanks. It is a couple posts after my original post. I actually call it Computer Chicken (in my mind only). And you really can't screw this up. Tip - it is better if you brown the chicken, but, in a pinch you can skip that step and it is okay. Also chicken in the crockpot covered with jarred salsa (amount depends on how much chicken, it should good and cover it. One large jar for two full breasts for example) is one of my other crockpot standbys I forgot to mention. Works with any meat, again.

Hope this all helps.
VIDEO Report: Pen Pal Letters

Said letters should be released in about 2 hours, that was around noon.

Reported by Jacqueline Fell 4/6/2010
Video Report at article link:

"Snip" ORLANDO -- A judge is expected to release letters Casey Anthony wrote in jail to another inmate Tuesday.

News 13 has learned the letters have explicit descriptions of her family life and allegations that may surprise many people.

Anthony allegedly sent dozens of letters and notes to an inmate she met at the jail.

We’re told some of the letters are about her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, and contain disturbing details of Anthony’s family life.

Poor Cindy wanted to keep her family life under wraps so that the outside world would think they were living the life as the Cleavers. One thing I have learned is there is no such thing and if you think there is your crazy. ;)
All families have problems at one time or another, no one is perfect.
What I am confused about is didn't the news article say that convict girl #1 went to SO's with the info that she and another inmate(RA) had been corresponding surreptitiously with KC and that RA sent KC's letters to a person on the outside for safe keeping? Ok, how did RA get those letters to that person outside without getting caught? Wouldn't she(RA) have had to call or write personX that she was sending these letters and to hold on to them for her? Or if she wrote a letter to person X on the outside explaning things and enclosed KC's letters with her own letter, how did that not get caught? Same goes for a phone call---isn't there supposed to be jail personal listening in for criminal activity? How did all this get by jail authorities? I was under the assumption that some jail person had a job to read outgoing/incoming mail/and listen to phone calls and remove or report violations/criminal activity? Guess I was wrong on that!

Where there several jail employees willing to help KC and these girls correspond behind LE's back?
IDK....seems like there would have to be more than one jail employee involved. And that is a scary thought. What else have they let fly under the radar? Stuff from the family that lets them get their stories straight? or worse!!! ....god....I'm not even going to say it. SCARY.

Reading around, I'm seeing JVM will have those letters for tonights show..I might tune in...:innocent:
OT ....Could be just me, but why would an extremely emotional reaction by, Casey when they found the remains, be something NOT expected? I would think any mother of "missing " child would be very upset if they found a child's remains no matter where they were found. I will find it more incriminating, if the video shows her with a po'd look on her face saying something like " oh crap ", then if she fell apart.

I know she didn't have the same reaction when the toys and chicken bones were found, but the news didn't say the "remains of what appears to be a child " were found at that time.

I maybe missing something please feel free to tell me what I am might be missing when it comes to the video.

We don't know what her reaction was, maybe it was sheer panic, pacing heart palpatations - anger - maybe it wasn't sincere fear that it was her child. There was something in that video that did not feel right to JB.
Isn't the other woman married to a police officer? They are probably swapping gross out stories on how hot guys in uniform are:sick:
Yep! It's gonna be all about the Po-Po "misshhhhconstruued" things, and "ABSOLUTELY" how "truly, truly" she has been wronged. Poor thang has had everything TAKEN from her *poke-poke eye...shed a tear to drop on letter* and she can hardly "schwallow" her throat hurts so bad.
Waa waa it's so bad for MEEEEEEE.....

Gag. :sick:

Let's not forget how "absolutely frussshhstrated" she is...:banghead:
Having a hard time holding my piece but I wondered when that was going to come up.

It wouldn't be a stretch. I have long suspected some very ugly undercurrents in that family. A lot of the dynamic could be explained if that is so but that gets none of us any closer to why that spoiled brat did what she did.
I thought it was strange that LE did the paternity testing of Lee (and George?, not sure). There didn't seem to be evidence to warrant such a thing or am I wrong here? Wasn't it just Jesse who said Casey had told him about a "pass" from Lee? Just seemed weird to me that they would take that info and do the test. Maybe there is more LE knows?
Who do you all think is likely to have the letters FIRST ?
No one will ever convince me they don't already know her better than any of us. They know EXACTLY who she is. These letters may reveal alot to us regarding the depths of her selv-involvment and narcisism but mark my words, they will reveal nothing to GA or CA that they didn't already know as far as who their daughter really is.

I have a step daughter very similar to Casey and her father could not be more blind to whom she really is. All of her troubles are bad luck, they just did not like her, everyone is against her. Even when she signed herself out of high school he claimed they were so hard on her she needs special attention, when she gets fired they didnt train her I mean it goes on and on to this day and shes 35.
This is what channel 13 has on their website:

"We’re told some of the letters are about her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, and contain disturbing details of Anthony’s family life."

I bet that is why Baez wasn't fighting the letters being release. He is hoping to get sympathy from someone about KC having a bad home life.

I, for one, won't be writing off everything she says in these letters about her "parents" (lol- now theres some good parenting). I don't plan on believing everything she says but I suspect some of what she wrote about will just be verifying what I already suspect about the dynamics of this "family". I have always believed that several of Casey's lies (not lies that we heard from Casey's own mouth or that she wrote down.. the ones we have heard second hand through Cindy) are actually Cindy's lies. Cindy is a HUGE liar- She plays loving mother and grandmother very well but turns on and verbally attacks anyone who doesn't play by her rules. She still won't admit there was a fight. Why? So if Casey says in her letters that Cindy DID choke her that night will everyone think she's a liar? I sure won't...
Do you guys think that we will get all of the interviews and related materials, or just the letters themselves? I am kinda hoping to get to see the interviews with the guard and with the inmate!

Where are those letters? I can't sit here all day waiting for them. It's just terrible to be this curious. The crock pot Chicken with a white wine sauce sounds yummy. Maybe we'll get a recipe, if not the letters.

I guess I'll go run some quick errands and when I come back there'll be letters to read. Please?
arrrgggg. I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago. Got to fly home and whip up some lunch, type up a contract and a couple invoices for the hubby.

Dangit Dangit Dangit. Alright, I will have to wait til tomorrow to hear whats in the letters. sigh. Gonna be one hell of a long night.
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