The Letters and the Secret Evidence

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above bolded by me

It could be the simple explanation that they serve no purpose for her anymore as she is a sociopath/psychopath and they can do nothing for her.

But 13 months IS a long time for parents and a child to go without some kind of contact. And can I just say just b/c CA says they write....doesn't make it so, ya know what I'm sayin? In my experience (and I am talking about non-psychopathic children), there is a reason for cutting off your parents. Something has happened to make that occur. Some form of abuse.

Then again there are those rare kids that no matter how much you did for them, no matter how good a parent, they are just @**holes.

Do we think it was the memorial fiasco that did it for KC? The not honoring her wishes that Caylee NOT be cremated but buried that the parents did not follow? I think that would piss me off pretty badly. Don't know if it would cut me off but it would piss me off royally. No....I'm guessing it's one of the first two.


Let's put it this way, KC was not paying for a funeral....with all her money I'm assuming she did not offer to pay one cent for her daughter. Secondly KC had no problem not burying her daughter in the first place, just dumped her like trash. My guess is the "Would like to visit her grave when I get out" was KC's way of thinking the prison officials just might let her out so she can visit Caylee's grave, that is after she stopped off at Fusion. There are still remains that could be buried....when KC gets out......and if I were her parents that is exactly what I would have told her. Along with "Grow Up." JMO
And I just have to add that I find it a little strange that even if KC cut her parents off for whatever reason......where is the support from LA? Why is he not in court at least some of the time, if not to support KC, then his parents? Do we think he is ashamed of their behavior?


I agree this is such an important question...where did Lee go? Surely he didn't abandon his CMA!
what time are they supposed to be released?

chomping at the bit.
what time are they supposed to be released?

chomping at the bit.

Well, let's see. I'm supposed to leave here about 3:30 central time, and will be out of pocket for most of the rest of the day, so I calculate they will be released about 3:15 CST. :crazy::crazy:
maybe Lee's promise to CMA was that if he ever beleaved in his heart that she did this, she would be dead to him ?????
I love your quote from the bible, Proverbs. 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. How simple and how wise!
IMO when George and Cindy read or learn of the content of these letters, they will not be shocked by Casey being unkind to them. They will continue to show up and each and every hearing with their we stand behind our daughter, no matter what mantra. Lee's absence, imo , can only be interpreted one way, he wholeheartedly disagrees with his parents position. I have written about this before, his absence is public, it is overt and the message it sends Casey is.... I am not with you sis, you are on your own.
They hysterical denial they have been in for two years, imo is feigned. They have known all along that Caylee was dead and at whose hand and deep down they have hated that Casey took from them the one truly good thing in their lives. For appearances sake they try to say no not my daughter, no not someone I raised...notice the my my my and I I I always. It is all about them and how they wish to be perceived. If you don't believe me, watch again their FBI interviews and listen carefully to Cindy and the inordinate amount of time she speaks of how good of a mother SHE has been.

We all knew that Casey diverting her eyes and not even giving her folks a warm smile all of these hearings over all of these months was not by accident. Thanks to Sluetherontheside and Kentjbkent I have learned very much about Andrea and how she prepares for mitigation looking into one's upbringing and how many hours the mitigation specialist has visited Casey in the jail. My immediate gut reaction was, boy oy boy, what they are going to do to paint mom and pop as horrible, despicable parents when we get to the penalty phase is going to make what has been done to sully Jesse, Amy and Roy look like a tea party. IT IS GOING TO BE BRUTAL! As this is happening, and one or both of them runs out of the courthouse, physically ill by it, Casey will sit there, flat affect, preening.

(Flat affect: A severe reduction in emotional expressiveness. A person may not show the signs of normal emotion, perhaps may speak in a monotonous voice, have diminished facial expressions, and appear extremely apathetic. Also known as blunted affect.Yes, that is what we have here with Casey. imo and of course I am not a doctor, but it is not rocket science. Put more on her terms she doesn't give a ....)
(Preening: preen : To dress or groom (oneself) with elaborate care; primp. To take pride or satisfaction in (oneself); gloat.)!v=jkxV2Z9WbSQ No more smiles for you mom and pop!
If I am JB and my client wrote a serious of letters that contained "relevant information" but no confession and further, place my already unpopular client in a bad light, and lastly, I cannot stop the release of same - What am I gonna do? Downplay. Put on my poker face and pretend they are no big deal.
While swimming through the local news sites for anything on the letters I ran across the defense dismissing Casey's pen pal as 'a jailhouse snitch'. If the person doing the telling is for the defense they are 'bravely risking their life'. If it is against a client, that is when they are 'jailhouse snitches'. Mr. Hornsby was absolutely on the money when he pointed out that you never talk about you case with anyone. I have actually piped up and asked two guys to change the subject when they were discussing their respective cases. They looked at me quizzically and asked, almost in unison "Why?" "There are cats here who would tell on their moms to get out of here a half hour early. I don't want anyone thinking it was me." That brought on a chorus of agreement. We were all on our way to court and stuck in holding cell together.

I also have to agree with all the posts on this thread about the boredom of PC taking its toll on her. Even her friends made comments about her never shutting up. Before I finally saw a doctor, my manic phases would have me jabbering like a speed freak. One VA doc suggested that my hard drug usage may have been partly due to self-medication, since it was all on the downer end of the drug spectrum. Her thoughts are probably careening through her head like a handball and writing was her only way to vent them. JMHO, I am in no way a mental health professional or counselor.
I am always impressed with how you articulate your views, thoughts and opinions World According. Wellspoke. ITA agree with your assessment of all the players in this tragic farce.
A little off topic here, but the Hearing thread was closed... When Casey was left alone in the court room, as she was fake-reading those documents and ignoring her parents, did anybody else notice how completely steady her hands were? With her left hand, she held up the page which was stapled in the corner, and there wasn't a single shake in the paper whatsoever. You'd think with all the preening and primping and rubbing her hands, that she has a nervous tendency, but nope, steady as a rock. Struck me strange.
My guess on JB deciding to let them release the letters is this:

Remember in court CM stated that the letters might contain attorney/client privilege stuff, well they read the letters and found that she indeed did not make a confession. Since all the defense knows she is guilty they had to make sure that she did not slip up and state something that could have showed her guilt, if that had happened then they would have claimed attorney/client privilege.

My other thought is that since she did not confess there is something in there that they want released to the public and my guess is its about what horrible parents GA and CA have been to her so that can use that in court to prove how she was mentally abused by her parents or something to that effect.
A little off topic here, but the Hearing thread was closed... When Casey was left alone in the court room, as she was fake-reading those documents and ignoring her parents, did anybody else notice how completely steady her hands were? With her left hand, she held up the page which was stapled in the corner, and there wasn't a single shake in the paper whatsoever. You'd think with all the preening and primping and rubbing her hands, that she has a nervous tendency, but nope, steady as a rock. Struck me strange.

Also, some anti-psychotic meds, like say lithium, will give you the shakes. I know a few people on them and they can't control it. So there goes any theory I had that maybe she was on Rx in there.
My guess on JB deciding to let them release the letters is this:

Remember in court CM stated that the letters might contain attorney/client privilege stuff, well they read the letters and found that she indeed did not make a confession. Since all the defense knows she is guilty they had to make sure that she did not slip up and state something that could have showed her guilt, if that had happened then they would have claimed attorney/client privilege.

My other thought is that since she did not confess there is something in there that they want released to the public and my guess is its about what horrible parents GA and CA have been to her so that can use that in court to prove how she was mentally abused by her parents or something to that effect.

ITA. If you think about it, this is the first time Baez has not chomped at the bit and fought against something. Maybe he is finally listening to good lawyerly advice because of CM. He doesn't have to be so dang cavalier about it, though. I'm sorry but 258 pages is not nothing. He shouldn't brush it off like it's stray hairs on his suit, you know? That irritates me. Maybe CM can teach Baez to be more tactful, but that's probably beyond his expertise.

But I agree that they don't mind any CA or GA bashing in those letters. I wonder if she bashes Lee as well. Maybe that would get him to come out of hiding and defend himself.
My guess on JB deciding to let them release the letters is this:

Remember in court CM stated that the letters might contain attorney/client privilege stuff, well they read the letters and found that she indeed did not make a confession. Since all the defense knows she is guilty they had to make sure that she did not slip up and state something that could have showed her guilt, if that had happened then they would have claimed attorney/client privilege.

My other thought is that since she did not confess there is something in there that they want released to the public and my guess is its about what horrible parents GA and CA have been to her so that can use that in court to prove how she was mentally abused by her parents or something to that effect.

Strange thing is, the parent would likely go along with this scenario if it meant keeping Casey off death row....

haha just like the gaurd broke the rules by clicking on the microphone to listen to jb and kc. No big deal right? The guards taking Kc to the tv to watch her daughter get discovered. No big deal right? Now this, the gaurd breaking the rules to entrap Kc. No big deal right? So, when does the judge put his foot down and stop this stuff? why have rules? what is the point? why does kc have to give her letters to jb to pass to her parents? Are any of the rules in the jail houses written into law?

I truly hope you are able to get a link out of NTS, because if the guard ever did such a thing, we all know Baez would be whining about it to Judge Strickland long before now!

But we haven't heard Baez stomp his feet because it never happened!

(not picking on you..just picked one request)

BeanE said:
This contention came to my attention on Dec 11 2009 during Andrea's argument of this motion:
Defendant's motion for a protective order prohibiting orange county jail from videotaping attorney visits filed September 17 2009's%20Motion%20for%20a%20Protective%20Order%20Prohibiting%20Orange%20County%20Jail%20from%20Videotaping%20Attorney%20Visits.PDF

She argued that they could hear the guards keying the mic during visits, and IIRC, she further argued that she talked to guards and they acknowledged doing so. I believe her on both counts. It's standard guard duty.

There were raw videos of the hearing available on WFTV. I don't know if they're still there.

This is OT, but since it started a firestorm last night I wanted to at least put this to rest.
Many of the links are gone, but several of us recall that this did happen. beanE has offered to find the links for those of you that are interested in notthatsmart's post, but this is not just idle gossip are careless posting.
so if you want to pursue let's find the right thread, but in the meantime lets be patient with each other and let's help each other to find links and information so we have it right.
ITA. If you think about it, this is the first time Baez has not chomped at the bit and fought against something. Maybe he is finally listening to good lawyerly advice because of CM. He doesn't have to be so dang cavalier about it, though. I'm sorry but 258 pages is not nothing. He shouldn't brush it off like it's stray hairs on his suit, you know? That irritates me. Maybe CM can teach Baez to be more tactful, but that's probably beyond his expertise.

But I agree that they don't mind any CA or GA bashing in those letters. I wonder if she bashes Lee as well. Maybe that would get him to come out of hiding and defend himself.
Aedrys this is what I was thinking, CM talked Jose out of fighting the letter release, as that would make it more apparent the defense considers it worthy of hiding. What a concept, huh ?
When the letters come out will the be posted on this thread or will they get a new one?
When the letters come out will the be posted on this thread or will they get a new one?
there already is a new one waiting for the letters :)

[ame=""]2010.04.06 Letters will be Released - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I love your quote from the bible, how simple and how wise! IMO when George and Cindy read or learn of the content of these letters, they will not be shocked by Casey being unkind to them. They will continue to show up and each and every hearing with their we stand behind our daughter, no matter what mantra. Lee's absence, imo , can only be interpreted one way, he wholeheartedly disagrees with his parents position. I have written about this before, his absence is public, it is overt and the message it sends Casey is.... I am not with you sis, you are on your own.
They hysterical denial they have been in for two years, imo is feigned. They have known all along that Caylee was dead and at whose hand and deep down they have hated that Casey took from them the one truly good thing in their lives. For appearances sake they try to say no not my daughter, no not someone I raised...notice the my my my and I I I always. It is all about them and how they wish to be perceived. If you don't believe me, watch again their FBI interviews and listen carefully to Cindy and the inordinate amount of time she speaks of how good of a mother SHE has been.

We all knew that Casey diverting her eyes and not even giving her folks a warm smile all of these hearings over all of these months was not by accident. Thanks to Sluetherontheside and Kentjbkent I have learned very much about Andrea and how she prepares for mitigation looking into one's upbringing and how many hours the mitigation specialist has visited Casey in the jail. My immediate gut reaction was, boy oy boy, what they are going to do to paint mom and pop as horrible, despicable parents when we get to the penalty phase is going to make what has been done to sully Jesse, Amy and Roy look like a tea party. IT IS GOING TO BE BRUTAL! As this is happening, and one or both of them runs out of the courthouse, physically ill by it, Casey will sit there, flat affect, preening.

(Flat affect: A severe reduction in emotional expressiveness. A person may not show the signs of normal emotion, perhaps may speak in a monotonous voice, have diminished facial expressions, and appear extremely apathetic. Also known as blunted affect.Yes, that is what we have here with Casey. imo and of course I am not a doctor, but it is not rocket science. Put more on her terms she doesn't give a ....)
(Preening: preen : To dress or groom (oneself) with elaborate care; primp. To take pride or satisfaction in (oneself); gloat.)!v=jkxV2Z9WbSQ No more smiles for you mom and pop!

:aktion033: TWA - I can't clap hard enough to do your post justice. I believe you have absolutely nailed it. When you wade through all of the drama, the distractions, the interviews, the lies, the discovery, etc, I believe that this is the truth underlying it all. Casey absolutely has some sort of mental issues, and I think maybe a part of G & C's guilt stems from the fact that they obviously overlooked it and never got her any treatment. That too may have been because of the "I'm a perfect parent" worldview seemingly held by Cindy, therefore "I cannot possibly have a child with metal issues". They knew it from the beginning. I am begining to think that if George had been home and not letting Cindy handle things on her own that day, he would have stopped her from calling 911 (which IMO was just about the last honest thing she did). IDK, just speculation. But you are right, the bus coming in their direction is a big one, and it's going to be really, really ugly. It's going to be interesting to see how they react to it.
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