The message on the door

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Allegedly contaminated by a LEO. I am not at all sure I believe that any longer. Not unless these officers are put out there untrained, no police academy.

Coronado police department doesn't even have a homicide unit. I don't think they have much experience with crimes like potential murder.
Coronado police department doesn't even have a homicide unit. I don't think they have much experience with crimes like potential murder.

True, but even at police academy they tell street cop trainees not to contaminate a crime scene. I have a friend who is going to police academy right now.
Allegedly contaminated by a LEO. I am not at all sure I believe that any longer. Not unless these officers are put out there untrained, no police academy.

LOL - I know what you mean.

But since the SDCSD claims that the boot print on the balcony tiles matched the boot of an LE officer, I take it that LE is admitting that one of their own contaminated the crime scene. I suspect it was the boot print of a Coronado PD officer, since they don't have a homicide unit, and therefore lack training as to how to approach a crime scene.
LOL - I know what you mean.

But since the SDCSD claims that the boot print on the balcony tiles matched the boot of an LE officer, I take it that LE is admitting that one of their own contaminated the crime scene. I suspect it was the boot print of a Coronado PD officer, since they don't have a homicide unit, and therefore lack training as to how to approach a crime scene.

Yet amazingly LE managed to leave no DNA on the scene. Or fingerprints.:floorlaugh:
Yet amazingly LE managed to leave no DNA on the scene. Or fingerprints.:floorlaugh:

Yep - the crime scene bedroom was clean as a whistle. According to LE, the only person that had ever been in there was RZ.
LOL - I know what you mean.

But since the SDCSD claims that the boot print on the balcony tiles matched the boot of an LE officer, I take it that LE is admitting that one of their own contaminated the crime scene. I suspect it was the boot print of a Coronado PD officer, since they don't have a homicide unit, and therefore lack training as to how to approach a crime scene.

If they can use a 6 month old text, to state that Rebecca was depressed, then they can take a frippen picture of the shoe and PROVE it matches. Not hard at all. Until then, I will be a hard head and say that the footprint was alleged to belong to a LEO, who just happened to step on top of a suspects foot print. Convenient, isn't it?:maddening:
I think LE has been trying to do a CYA by claiming the balcony doors were open the entire time (when they clearly were not), because the crime scene was admittedly contaminated by an LE officer - who stepped onto the balcony & destroyed footprint/shoe print evidence before the crime scene was processed.

I agree wholeheartedly with you.
Here's the bottom line for me:

They ruled it a suicide! (Unbelievable) They never treated it as a homicide in the very beginning. If they would have, the brother would be charged with some sort of abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence. When anybody in their right mind knows you can't hang your own self while hands and feet are bound behind your back! And this would be an open investigation in the normal world.

So I am not at all surprised the media comes out with a video, supposedly AFTER police are called but yet, nobody is near the body, no crime scene tape when at the time they supposedly wouldn't have known that yet.
It is almost like they are saying, see, it wasn't a crime scene to the public.

At least that was my take on the rationale of publishing those pics.
They just didn't pay attention to keeping the details consistent. The report said the balcony was open. It may have been. But, whenever the flyover happened in order to bolster "the nothing to see here folks, just move along", (unless you count the spectacle of a nude body on the ground taken by only ONE news station), "proof of a suicide and not a crime scene", well there you go.
In the "scene" description of the investigative report, page 2, (I can't link for some reason) it describes the main house and guest house in a confusing manner, and then leads right into discussing the door. They say they found woman's clothing in the guest house and unmade made in one room and then a suitcase in the other and then it sort of leads to door topic. Does anyone know what they are referring to regarding the clothes and guest house. Kind of OT, but the link for the reports was on here.
I agree wholeheartedly with you.
Here's the bottom line for me:

They ruled it a suicide! (Unbelievable) They never treated it as a homicide in the very beginning. If they would have, the brother would be charged with some sort of abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence. When anybody in their right mind knows you can't hang your own self while hands and feet are bound behind your back! And this would be an open investigation in the normal world.

So I am not at all surprised the media comes out with a video, supposedly AFTER police are called but yet, nobody is near the body, no crime scene tape when at the time they supposedly wouldn't have known that yet.
It is almost like they are saying, see, it wasn't a crime scene to the public.

At least that was my take on the rationale of publishing those pics.
They just didn't pay attention to keeping the details consistent. The report said the balcony was open. It may have been. But, whenever the flyover happened in order to bolster "the nothing to see here folks, just move along", (unless you count the spectacle of a nude body on the ground taken by only ONE news station), "proof of a suicide and not a crime scene", well there you go.
Houndstooth, thank you for your posts analyzing JS's signatures, and thanks especially for your thoughts about the photos/vid of Rebecca taken after she died. Many of us on this forum, and elsewhere, are appalled at the media's lack of sensitivity in publishing these - in real time, for many of us - and at LE's apparently slipshod investigation of such a violent and shocking event. I've never seen anything like it either, and while I pray I'll never see the like again, I cannot forget seeing her. I had complete confidence that (my) local LE would investigate the details competently and quickly, but if they have done so, they have not communicated this to an anxious public. Why?

It doesn't make sense to me, really, that Jonah Shacknai would be able to influence an investigation into such curious and public death, just because he has lots of money and owns an historic home. It doesn't make sense to me that every officer involved with the case - reportedly 15 - is crooked, or lazy, or just too damned stupid to ask basic questions, reach logical conclusions, and communicate effectively.

However, your idea that the media might manipulate an event like Rebecca's death in order to generate that makes a horrible kind of sense.

Heaven help us. I'd almost rather have crooked cops.
Okay, I suppose it's clear that the message on the door was written in block form. I was not sure about that, I have been unable to stay current, straight and caught up on Rebecca's case. With that said, a certain someone "signs" their name in block print. Speaks volumes!
@ Coastal. Nobody wants to think of the ramifications of this. I have posted a similar type finding on another case here and about another case elsewhere.

Maybe I should flesh this thinking out also. The same helicopter took all the photos, but the quality in those including her body are different. Do you agree?
There is the blurring out supposedly for the sake of propriety.
This is usually done by a round circle of out of focus content. I don't see that round circle or blur. What I see is just the body and not the grass affected. That means the body was singled out. Then I see that her body takes on a skewed appearance that is not easily explained away by camera angles or pov.

So what could be the logical cause? That this image of her body has been lifted from another photo and transferred to a different photograph slide with a background displaying the desired imagery. That being an image projecting the idea that LE just KNEW right away, that there was nothing suspicious about this case. That way they can use that to seem like there was no coverup going on. Unless of course you question not just these photo images, but just about everything else about this case.

What would be less easily dismissed is posting an image where at first LE WAS treating this as a crime scene and then next thing you know, they aren't. Do you follow my reasoning?
There is nothing wrong with these photos. They have been taken from the very start of the case. We have been looking at them for months. The reason these photos were taken is that police left her body out in the open for hours and hours. The photos were not taken by LE, they were taken by the news crew flying in the helicopter.
Do you think there was ANY tampering of the image at all? Such as a blurring effect, yes or no?

Strictly speaking if an image or photograph has been tampered with in some way, then it has been effectively changed.
Once an image has been blurred it is more difficult to detect what other changes have been made to the photograph under the guise of blurring to avoid identification.

Are you saying that the images are exactly the way the media in the helicopter took it?
Do you think there was ANY tampering of the image at all? Such as a blurring effect, yes or no?

Strictly speaking if an image or photograph has been tampered with in some way, then it has been effectively changed.
Once an image has been blurred it is more difficult to detect what other changes have been made to the photograph under the guise of blurring to avoid identification.

Are you saying that the images are exactly the way the media in the helicopter took it?

They are obviously blurred but the reason that was done-the body was naked. The body was also seen by the neighbors standing on their rooftops. The body was placed in that position by AS and left there for hours. There is no need whatsoever for the news crew to manipulate the position of the body. These photos have been here from the very start of the case, and I've yet to see anyone saying that they are manipulated in any way in addition to blurring which is done to prevent showing of a naked body.
You know, I really am not certain that the door ever was taken in to evidence. There is the picture frame/mirror/??? that was taken out that day, the three legged table, the carpet roll. Was the door ever removed? Maybe it wasn't?

..the door was taken, there is no mention of a picture frame or mirror on the S/W inventory.
----S/W--items removed from mansion---

pair black goves
paper towel w/red stains
box w/paint supplies
Dr. Pepper bottle
Flip camera
Basket w/cameras
Stain kit
Clump of hair
Document addressed to Jonah
Tissue w/red stain
Receipt for paint supplies
Water bottle
2 red plastic cups
Black latex glove
Greeting card
Paper w/writing
Butcher knife
Steak knife
White plastic bag
Samsung cell phone
Paint brush
Stain kit
Small paint brush
Green & white striped towel
Bedroom door
Tube of black paint
Laptop computer
Mac computer
Olympus camera
Lumix camera
Swab kit
Swab kit
Swab kit
DNA swab
Print cards
Thank you for looking that up, Lauriej!

Here's what I'm wondering, then: We all saw the photo of the crime scene techs removing what looked like a framed object (perhaps a large picture or mirror). The pic is somewhere around here in one of these threads. The techs were wearing gloves as they carried it, so it must have been seized as potential evidence. The object was too short to have been the door, IMO.

So what was it, and where is it now?
First off, LaurieJ, thank you so much for setting my question straight! But, what is the item on the video, that is much smaller than a bedroom door, covered, that was carried out by two LE agents? I know there is not a mirror listed, but it had to be something. It was covered and the LEO had on evidence gloves.

Do you think there was ANY tampering of the image at all? Such as a blurring effect, yes or no?

Strictly speaking if an image or photograph has been tampered with in some way, then it has been effectively changed.
Once an image has been blurred it is more difficult to detect what other changes have been made to the photograph under the guise of blurring to avoid identification.

Are you saying that the images are exactly the way the media in the helicopter took it?

Houndstooth, there is an insider who posts here, who is trying to obtain pictures from one of the families who's child was taking pictures that day. I am hoping she will be able to do so, now, for two reasons. To see if the doors were in fact open or closed on the balcony, and to see what they were seeing and photographing, if it was not Rebecca's nude body, as they claimed it was.

LEO did not contain the scene, period, whether Rebecca took her own life, or someone else ended it.

I agree with MSM manipulation of incidents and pictures however. I think it is a growing problem, as you say, for revenue purposes. Big problem, as photos are often entered into evidence when a crime is committed.
Thank you for looking that up, Lauriej!

Here's what I'm wondering, then: We all saw the photo of the crime scene techs removing what looked like a framed object (perhaps a large picture or mirror). The pic is somewhere around here in one of these threads. The techs were wearing gloves as they carried it, so it must have been seized as potential evidence. The object was too short to have been the door, IMO.

So what was it, and where is it now?

There is a video around, that was posted recently, when I was looking for the picture of the person loading suitcases from the caretakers cottage. This showed the LEO carrying out the item, smaller than a door.

And by the way, jinx!!:floorlaugh:
I found the image. It's definitely not the bedroom door, but it's also not listed on the SW inventory.

Okay, I'm not a seasoned sleuther like you all are - but doesn't everything that was taken from the scene need to be listed on the search warrant. That's a requirement? Did they saw off part of the door? The width seems correct but the length is too short. I say that half-heartedly as compromising the evidence would be a no-no.
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