The One Thing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am having such a hard time deciding what I changes from day to day, hour to hour! I, too, want to believe Caylee is alive with someone and that Casey knows who it is but for whatever reason won't tell. That said, I also wonder about the dogs alerting, the smell, etc., etc.

I agree with JBean on the date thing. I can't remember stuff like that at all. All flows together.

What it all boils down to is that I just don't know!!! GRRRR!!
The one thing for me is that neither Casey or Cindy could even remember the last time they saw Caylee. They both got the date horribly wrong. Any person would KNOW the exact date of the day your precious child went missing...except for those two people. Time would have stopped for the rest of us.

Yes, ITA. Especially given the visit to the nursing home on Father's Day and the picture that someone, perhaps Cindy herself, took of Caylee sitting on her GGP's lap which had been downloaded to a laptop computer. Personally, I gotta believe even if someone couldn't remember the exact date they'd have to at least know if was on FATHER'S DAY and I don't remember Cindy saying that until LE showed them the photo. :confused:

Yikes! I just thought of something. Is that the last picture taken of Caylee before she "went missing"? Or did they take pics at the house with Caylee and George?
What makes me doubt myself is the reactions (lack of or completely wrong) of the family: cindy, george, lee and casey. Casey acts like she knows Caylee is ok.

IMHO the reactions of the family are more about "the family" than about reality. I sure will hope up until the end that their version is the correct one. But dang.

Casey seems to be a creature without a conscience. So reading her reactions is not going to get us anywhere closer to the truth of what happened, or where Caylee is.

Casey operates at a level where she just doesn't want to get busted and "in trouble". She's doing her damndest to avoid the consequences of her actions, just like ALWAYS. All she cares about is avoiding the proverbial spanking. She's too disturbed to be a decent yardstick for anything :(
I listened to the last 911 call again last night, and heard Cindy say the last time she saw Caylee was June 7th which was a Saturday. Tony said the last time he saw her was June 2nd at the apt. pool. Christine said she walked on the beach with Caylee and Casey on the 12, 13, or 14th but Christine is Casey's bbf. June 9th is when Casey supposedly moved out and into Amy's apt. but she really didn't as she was staying with Tony. LE have pinned it down to June 15th. The Father's day clip sounds like Caylee is closer to her 2nd birthday not her third, and I wonder if that's another reason Cindy didn't want LE checking the NH. I don't know when or where Cindy and George had a vacation, but I'm thinking it was the week of June 8th-June 15th when she did go see her dad. Cindy and Casey had a fight per neighbors on the 15th, but no mention of Caylee being there at that time. George, Cindy, Casey, and Lee's statements are all without merit because they all lie. However, I do believe Cindy last saw Caylee on June 7th and everything else is cover up.
I want to know more about the vacation dates and where they went, and if they took Caylee with them.
I suspect that Casey got a new bf, and Caylee wasn't part of that plan, and mom and dad were on vacation, and she was left to care for her own kid. I suspect something happened to Caylee sometime before June 16. I believe her mother disposed of her, and has no concern for her whatsoever. I believe the rest of the family has been upset, scared, and concerned for Caylee. I think their focus has been on Casey out of guilt for her being in jail to begin with, but now that she is home they are going to either pretend Caylee was a dream, or look at their daughter for real. I think George already knows but is going with the flow to prevent the explosion and life without their gd. I'm very sad for all of them, even Casey. The parents should have taught their daughter right from wrong, and held her accountable from a child. However, Casey is an adult and responsible for her own actions. The parents should STOP enabling her and face the truth, no matter how painful. They should stop hindering the investigation and confess their crimes to LE. for the sake of their dear precious granddaughter.
My prayer, Lord God, let Justice prevail in this case. What has happened to this little child Caylee Marie Anthony is so wrong.
The one thing for me is that neither Casey or Cindy could even remember the last time they saw Caylee. They both got the date horribly wrong. Any person would KNOW the exact date of the day your precious child went missing...except for those two people. Time would have stopped for the rest of us.

I think Cindy just honestly got the date wrong in her mind, she knew they had taken Caylee to visit great gpa on Sunday. June 9th was the Sunday prior to the visit. To Cindy the 4 weeks Caylee had been gone felt like forever. I can see that.

Casey on the other hand was adiment about the 31 days, she knows exactly when she saw her last, her math just stinks.

There are so many variablies in this story, LE could have 3 separate teams on this all going in different directions! :confused:

I try to put myself in Casey's shoes in each possible scenerio and I can't do it.
I'm positive there is nothing that would prevent me from moving heaven and earth to find my child, and in any of the given possibilities, I would have dialed 911.

Years ago, when my children were small my husband and I were having problems. One day he took them to the beach and didn't come home when expected. He had never done anything that would make me think they were in any danger, but I was beside myself. Because they should have been home in their own beds and they weren't.

After we divorced, he occationally kept them for a weekend, I hated letting them go (for my own selfish reasons I admit) I missed them! There's no way I could have sat around for 9 weeks without seeing them!

Everything about this story confuses me on every level. And has broken my heart over and over.

Hey Casey! Where's Caylee?? :slap:
Sliver- you put it back into simple format before everyone goes astray with speculation-
Every case I have ever followed, the immediate leaks are usually the truth as closely portrayed by facts before the months of headspinning and defense tactics. That is why when something like this breaks, I try to follow everything closely, especially in the VERY beginning. Before the cover ups and baloney starts entering the picture. ..the innocent bystander that gets interviewed by some news person - that you NEVER hear again...or the story seems okay (participating in searches lol-sitting in their parked car) until some "mystery" lover comes forward, original police reports that go missing (Natalee Holloway) etc.
It seems what you hear RIGHT AT FIRST is closest to the truth and then it gets diluted from there through time and people's accounts diminishing, not to mention lies and cover ups. That is why we are all equipped with the "meter" inside. The one that sounds the loudest as your common sense when you are at your clearest, cleanest thinking...jmo
Sliver- you put it back into simple format before everyone goes astray with speculation-

It seems what you hear RIGHT AT FIRST is closest to the truth and then it gets diluted from there through time and people's accounts diminishing, not to mention lies and cover ups. That is why we are all equipped with the "meter" inside. The one that sounds the loudest as your common sense when you are at your clearest, cleanest thinking...jmo
I sniped the quote in here.

Yes that is true, when I find myself going of on a Caylee taken by drug lords, Caylee taken so Casey would dispose of another body and not talk...tangent, it helps to go back the the very beginning like you said when things were "cleanest" before it all gets twisted around.

It is the hardest not to have all the pieces of the puzzle and try and put all the pieces together in some sort of see a little of the picture at least. I want all the pieces to the puzzle right now!
No one I know who has ever smelled human decomposition believes there wasn't a body in the trunk of the car. It's that unmistakable and unforgettable. That being said, we can't and won't know what the stench was that caused Cindy Anthony, LE and a cadaver dog to at least believe a dead body had been in the trunk until the lab analysis is done and the results revealed.

Dawn, you are ABSOLUTELY 100% correct. The smell of decomp, quite frankly is the most unforgettable smells that exists. For example "WOW it smells like a dead body in here" then the next day your friend calls and says "naa, wasn't a dead body, just some old pizza/trash etc." This just does not happen---period. Dead body is dead body is dead body.
Dawn, you are ABSOLUTELY 100% correct. The smell of decomp, quite frankly is the most unforgettable smells that exists. For example "WOW it smells like a dead body in here" then the next day your friend calls and says "naa, wasn't a dead body, just some old pizza/trash etc." This just does not happen---period. Dead body is dead body is dead body.

Anyone who has ever spent any time working in a hospital (nursing students included) would recognize this odor, because sadly some people start the process before death actually crosses them over. Cancer and infections that develope gangrene are two such causes.

Hey Casey! WHERE'S CAYLEE??? :slap:
I agree Chizap. It's those first things/utterances that probably hold the most truth.
I wonder when Cindy says to Casey on the 911 tape she says "No, I've already given you 31 days!" Huh? Why would she say that? Did Cindy know Caylee was missing for 31 days prior to that day? How long had she been asking to see Caylee? I only know of once right before the 911 calls.

I can almost understand Cindy believing Casey's lies. I often found myself believeing what my children told me when they lied over and over too. It's like us "wanting" to believe Caylee is alive or was killed by accident. We want to believe the best in others. Oftentime if you love someone we "Want" it more!
I want to believe that Caylee is safe and hidden away somewhere. But what I want to believe is not trumped by the things known in this case.

Every case I have followed and granted not that many have always had dark tales of mystery weaved into the plot. Natalie of underground club scene, drugs, sex slavery, blah blah. Scott Peterson...satanic cult worshippers. But what it really boiled down to was selfish, narcissitic murderers.

Casey did something to Caylee that killed her. She did not confide in anyone, she did not enlist the help of any of her friends, family, PI's etc.

She has a car that smelled of death, family yard that was hit on by cadaver dogs, abandoned a car, abandoned clothes, stole money, and the list goes on and on.

She only let people know her daughter was missing after the cops had become involved and that was to send out a myspace alert! Ok, if the whole thing was so secret and she couldn't tell anyone. Myspace is cetainly not a covert means of dispersing information Caylee was missing. No she was forced to do something visible to appear she was searching for Caylee while covering her butt and deleting incriminating posts.

No, Caylee my head tells me has become a victim of her mothers lack of concern for anyone but herself.

This is true. I remember thinking that in the beginning. Then, I started believing that she could be involved in something, and Caylee was kidnapped by this ZG; At that time, I forgot about her Myspace alert. It does seem that she was making it look like she was making an attempt to find her at the last minute. She told her family that she does not know who to trust within her circle, but why send out a mass myspace alert then? That doesn't make sense. Unless she did something to her and was covering her butt. On the other hand, she could have handed her to one of her Myspace friends, and sent the alert to show the cops were onto her. That doesn't make much sense either. She was just trying to cover her butt like she has been through all of this.
Regardless of what you believe, alive/dead, accident/no accident what one thing makes you doubt your own thinking

For me-in the last 911 call when Cindy tells someone in the background that "Zany took her" she seems so comfortable with the name Zany and you don't hear whoever she is talking to but I assume it's George. It makes me believe "Zany" exist, not saying her name is ZG but I think someone in Caylee's life sent by "Zany"

I believe the family was familiar with the name for the same reason you stated (the reference in the 911 call). But I don't think that in any way confirms that there IS a person actually attached to the name. Casey could very well have told the family that there was a sitter by the name of Zanny when there was no "real" person (named Zanny or anything else) in the picture at all. The way she lies, who knows.

I do think that the familiar Zanny reference in the 911 call and Cindy's insistence early on that they'd known of her for a very long time totally contradicts what she recently said -- that she'd never heard the actual name "Zanny" before Caylee went missing. She can't have it both ways, but apparently feels she can change horses midstream (like George with the neighbor/Casey stolen gas cans thing) and expect people to believe it, without any explanation for the "revision" of the stories.

It's just bizarre, all the way around. I wouldn't trust any of that family as far as I could throw them. It's a shame, but they themselves have created the atmosphere of public distrust by telling lies. There's a reason they've lied...and the only reason I can fathom is to protect Casey. And they wonder why so many people think Caylee is deceased. Well, if she were alive and Casey innocent of harming her, there would be no reason to be making up lies to try to cover for her, would there?
Anyone who has ever spent any time working in a hospital (nursing students included) would recognize this odor, because sadly some people start the process before death actually crosses them over. Cancer and infections that develope gangrene are two such causes.

Hey Casey! WHERE'S CAYLEE??? :slap:

That is SO TRUE and it is a smell like NOTHING else in this world that I have ever smelled. Like the smell of blood, you will never mistake that smell for something else either.
This is true. I remember thinking that in the beginning. Then, I started believing that she could be involved in something, and Caylee was kidnapped by this ZG; At that time, I forgot about her Myspace alert. It does seem that she was making it look like she was making an attempt to find her at the last minute. She told her family that she does not know who to trust within her circle, but why send out a mass myspace alert then? That doesn't make sense. Unless she did something to her and was covering her butt. On the other hand, she could have handed her to one of her Myspace friends, and sent the alert to show the cops were onto her. That doesn't make much sense either. She was just trying to cover her butt like she has been through all of this.

Keep in mind she had a WHOLE MONTH to get it straight in her mind what to tell.
Regardless of what you believe, alive/dead, accident/no accident what one thing makes you doubt your own thinking

For me-in the last 911 call when Cindy tells someone in the background that "Zany took her" she seems so comfortable with the name Zany and you don't hear whoever she is talking to but I assume it's George. It makes me believe "Zany" exist, not saying her name is ZG but I think someone in Caylee's life sent by "Zany"

The only thing I can't get over is how she might have known that a Zenaida Gonzalez would be at the Sawgrass apartments. That can't be a coincidence and I haven't heard an explaination that satisfies me. I can only guess with the way Casey lies that we will never know the truth.
If I already posted this, I apologize. I've gotta get away for awhile.
What has captivated me about this tragedy , from the beginning, has been the twisted logic of the Anthony family's strategy to first destroy evidence of bodily harm and then, as only demons would do, further victimize Caylee by using her as a pawn in Casey's release! WTH! It is my understanding that from the get-go, according to the detective at the July 22 Bond hearing, Cindy rather viciously berated him with obscenities for Casey's arrest, suggesting immediately that LE and the media would be to blame for anything bad happening to Caylee. The Anthony's pitiful charade of searching for Caylee has been secondary to their obsessive intent to use her disappearance and supposed endangerment as a ploy to get Casey back into the family fort.
If, in some demented tweaker scam, Casey and cohorts set up a plan to use Caylee to extort money from someone and Caylee is being held by some lunatic because the deal went to hell, we should know about that. We would at least have a better idea of, excuse me, whose body was in the trunk and in the yard???
I guess what LP is saying is the convoluted, magical-thinking part of the program is ending tomorrow? That whoever is being blamed for torturing this little, tiny girl, has one more day to turn her in or the jig is up and he's going to start the hunt?
Keep in mind she had a WHOLE MONTH to get it straight in her mind what to tell.

Yeah, I keep thinking about that too. It seems like she would tie up all the loose ends since she had an entire month, but the girl is not normal... If she was kidnapped, then she had a whole month to tell a family member, friend, or someone from LE about Caylee's disappearance. She did not. If she did something with Caylee, then she had a whole month to tie up loose ends and get out of the country. She did not do that either. Something is wrong in her head either way you look at it!
There isn't one thing that makes me doubt my conviction that Casey did something to Caylee (involuntarily or otherwise) and disposed of her body, with or without assistance.

In fact, I am so entirely positive of this that in the highly unlikely event that Casey does produce Caylee alive and well...I will donate the entire sum of my savings account to a deserving charity.
I agree Chizap. It's those first things/utterances that probably hold the most truth.
I wonder when Cindy says to Casey on the 911 tape she says "No, I've already given you 31 days!" Huh? Why would she say that? Did Cindy know Caylee was missing for 31 days prior to that day? How long had she been asking to see Caylee? I only know of once right before the 911 calls.

I can almost understand Cindy believing Casey's lies. I often found myself believeing what my children told me when they lied over and over too. It's like us "wanting" to believe Caylee is alive or was killed by accident. We want to believe the best in others. Oftentime if you love someone we "Want" it more!

OMG That has drove me crazzzy. That is the one (there are many others) of the things that Cindy has said that for some reason just plays over and over and over in my mind. IMHO that is when the lies and the coverup begin. When she hangs the phone up that is the last time we will hear anything close to the truth. Then again...I could be wrong and for Caylee's sake I hope that I am.

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