The Pink Shirt

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What did we learn last night? GGS would know if the pink shirt that was found by the door is indeed the "shirt" that she helped Haleigh get on.

If it was the shirt....why didn't Misty know that it was off Haleigh and by the back door? If it wasn't who changed it and why....when and why didn't Misty know Haleigh wasn't in that shirt? While we are at it....why didn't Misty know what DVD Haleigh was watching? She said Haleigh wanted to watch one thing and Junior wanted to watch the other, but LE said there was a discrepancy in the story Misty told about the movies. If Misty put a movie in and left thinking the kids would drift off to sleep....but Haleigh was still awake when her movie ended, so she switched it....I don't know I am rambling. I need to go and think for a bit.

I am beginning to think that it is plausible that misty left the home and Tommy did go to the trailer like he said at 10pm or so....all this crap from Misty about dreaming she saw 4 er 3 people...seeing Tommy at the back door and Joe grabbing it all made up because she doesn't know what happened. Could she be failing these polygraphs because she wasn't there and she is making up scenario after scenario waiting for one to fit?

Whatever it is....Tommy might have thought Misty was getting close to the actual story and told his part.
Elle- I feel your pain.LOL

Misty didn't seem no nothing about what went on that night. I don't think she was there...
I think the abductor was known to her. She did not make any noise or object to being dragged out of her bed and having her clothes removed? Someone changed her clothes and she went with that person without making a sound. It had to be someone she knew and felt comfortable around. Someone who had been in that home many times. I cannot believe there isnt one clue in that home. I have a lot more questions but since LE has chosed to say nothing I can make up any story I like. Perhaps they even brought new clothes with them. Something she would like to wear. All an abductor needs is time.. the longer they looked for a little girl in a pink shirt the better for the abductor. A hat, different clothes...I do feel she knew that person. No matter how sleepy she would certainly wake up if someone dressed her in new clothes.
I do think she is long gone out of the state of Florida. LE needs the FBI like yesterday.

I think Haliegh was put to bed with the pink shirt on,who ever was the one that killed her took off the baby's clothes and left them. I believe Haliegh was taken from her home with no clothes on, I also believe she was raped, tortured & killed by T & J.I also believe there is a place in hell for the 3 of them.Haliegh is setting along side Caylee on Gods knees.
I found it interesting a little while ago when I was listening to Sheriff Hardy presser that a reporter ask him if it were true that the pink shirt had no signs of being worn outdoors. I wonder where the reporter picked up that tidbit.

Whisperer - I'm going to bounce this off your post for the simple fact it intrigues me after GGMa Sykes claim on NG last might that she and she alone always washed the kids clothes and with your reference as contained in your quote:

NEVES: She had some of the kid`s clothes at her house and she had washed them and brought them over. That was sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. that night.

Nancy Grace - April 22, 2010

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Ms. Sykes. What did you observe in the home that evening?

ANNETTE SYKES, HALEIGH`S GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: I stopped by about 7:30 to drop off some laundry that I had done. I always did the children`s laundry just because it`s something I`ve always done. And the children were on the front porch with Misty. They were eating supper. And when we drove up, Haleigh jumped out of her chair and come running up and gave me a hug. And Junior came out and gave me a hug, and I gave them a kiss. And Misty walked out. She helped carry some of the clothes into the house and got the children`s shirts on, and they got back up to eat supper. I gave them a kiss, told them good-bye, and I got back in the car and left
Elle- I feel your pain.LOL

Misty didn't seem no nothing about what went on that night. I don't think she was there...

I have always thought that. Just a feeling that she is afraid because she was forced to say whatever happened to Haleigh happened on her watch and people would testify to it. Why would TN offer to pay Misty if Misty already had the kids....but that would sure get Misty to the MH where the kids were...JMO

My first thought when I heard GGma Sykes mention bringing laundry that night and how she always washes the kids clothes was the pink shirt. I thought maybe GGma Sykes had to explain why the pink shirt that Misty said Haleigh was wearing showed up in the laundry. Since the shirt was found, I thought it was in the clean pile of clothes....last night when reding this board is the first time I realized it might be the dirty clothes.
The molestation story would explain the shirt. It would be removed in the process and if Misty was cowering in the other room she might not have paid attention to what happened to the shirt. They might have removed her from the house wrapped in a blanket and she didn't know or just didn't feel like she could tell the cops that her shirt had been taken off without awkward questions about when, how, why. GGMS knew what she had been wearing at 7:30 pm so if it came up later it might explain why the amber alert was changed. At first Misty said she had pajamas and then GGMS corrected her about the pink shirt, and once it was found they didn't know what she was wearing because she was wearing nothing.
I found it interesting a little while ago when I was listening to Sheriff Hardy presser that a reporter ask him if it were true that the pink shirt had no signs of being worn outdoors. I wonder where the reporter picked up that tidbit.

That is interesting Whisperer! I missed that, I hope I can find a vid of the presser. If that is accurate it could change a few things. JMHO. Good catch!
I think the abductor was known to her. She did not make any noise or object to being dragged out of her bed and having her clothes removed?
Respectfully snipped.
Didn't a neighbor hear a female screaming around 2:25 am on the night that Haleigh disappeared?
I found this while reading through an older thread. Interesting comment Misty gave about why law Enforcement took her back into the trailer after Haleigh went missing.

snipped from earlier thread~ To add to what you found about the shirt I wanted to add a but of an interview with Misty about the shirt that I had come across recently.

LAUER: Apparently, when Haleigh was first reported missing, you said she was wearing a pink shirt and you have now said that, no, in fact, she was not wearing that pink shirt, and I believe that pink shirt was actually found at your home. Can you explain that discrepancy for me?

CROSLIN: I was in the house with the detectives. They were showing me -- I had to back in the house to show them some stuff. And I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes that she was wearing earlier the other day for school, and I found that shirt and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?

Another interesting tidbit, police seemed interested in "the clothes that she was wearing earlier the other day for school". Am I to understand that police took Misty back into the trailer to have her show them what she wore to school? ~ end snip

Can we surmise from this that LE wanted the clothes that Haleigh wore to school that day and took Misty in to get them? Misty said she was looking through the dirty clothes for what she wore to school and found the pink shirt. So we have a perp that makes sure they put the dirty clothes where they go?
Can we surmise from this that LE wanted the clothes that Haleigh wore to school that day and took Misty in to get them? Misty said she was looking through the dirty clothes for what she wore to school and found the pink shirt. So we have a perp that makes sure they put the dirty clothes where they go?

Snipped for focus:

Or you have a perp who lied about what she was wearing (several times) when she went to bed.
Something isn't right here though, something more than washing blankets and dirty shirts....I can't get my finger on it right this second but...I don't know I am thinking.
Why were dirty clothes there if GrandmaS , laundry lady, was there that evening at to deliver clean ones?
Wouldn't she take drop off the clean clothes and take the dirty clothes with her?

Also interesting they way Misty starts to speak there.. she says "They were showing me" --- then changed her mind to say she was showing them some stuff.....

I found this while reading through an older thread. Interesting comment Misty gave about why law Enforcement took her back into the trailer after Haleigh went missing.

snipped from earlier thread~ To add to what you found about the shirt I wanted to add a but of an interview with Misty about the shirt that I had come across recently.

LAUER: Apparently, when Haleigh was first reported missing, you said she was wearing a pink shirt and you have now said that, no, in fact, she was not wearing that pink shirt, and I believe that pink shirt was actually found at your home. Can you explain that discrepancy for me?

CROSLIN: I was in the house with the detectives. They were showing me -- I had to back in the house to show them some stuff. And I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes that she was wearing earlier the other day for school, and I found that shirt and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?

Another interesting tidbit, police seemed interested in "the clothes that she was wearing earlier the other day for school". Am I to understand that police took Misty back into the trailer to have her show them what she wore to school? ~ end snip

Can we surmise from this that LE wanted the clothes that Haleigh wore to school that day and took Misty in to get them? Misty said she was looking through the dirty clothes for what she wore to school and found the pink shirt. So we have a perp that makes sure they put the dirty clothes where they go?
Why were dirty clothes there if GrandmaS , laundry lady, was there that evening at to deliver clean ones?
Wouldn't she take drop off the clean clothes and take the dirty clothes with her?

Also interesting they way Misty starts to speak there.. she says "They were showing me" --- then changed her mind to say she was showing them some stuff.....

I am sure there would be dirty clothes in the house as GGS said she only did the kids laundry. In my opinion she prolly bought most of the clothes and wanted to keep them nice for as long as possible.

But....yes....there is much amiss here. I'd say Junior is the best witness to the events inside the trailer that night. JMO
I brought this up before but no one answered me, ggs said that she went to the trailer the kids were eating then they put on shirts, what shirts did they put on ????????

Did she tell LE this, is this why they brought misty back to find the clothes.....
I brought this up before but no one answered me, ggs said that she went to the trailer the kids were eating then they put on shirts, what shirts did they put on ????????

Did she tell LE this, is this why they brought misty back to find the clothes.....

GGM didn't tell us this part, way back when, when her memory was fresh and her ire present. Remember, "That's a CROCK!" is Annette Sykes' first comment regarding the story that maybe no one was home. Why wouldn't she remember that the children were half naked? As we learned later from AS (yet another admission which she never mentioned in her first story) she was more than PO'd that Ron had even brought Misty back into the house. Why wouldn't she be mad at Misty for having the kids half naked in cool evening air? But no, she says everyone was pleasant and helpful and the kids loved on her and she went on home. Nine days after Haleigh disappears, she's mad enough at the stories flying that she sets her fanny directly into the center of the LE investigation by saying she was at the MH and everything was fine.

I tell you what, I'd be PO'd and still PO'd that I found my grandchild in the cold night air half dressed and eating ravs with no one around (Misty came out, says AS). And I'd be tellin' that part of the story, too. Let's hope LE heard it the first time AS told her story, and it's only with the public that she releases it in tiny snippets.

But if nothing else, we know that the pink shirt Haleigh wore to school (that was found by Misty in the pile) that day was NOT in the basket of laundry AS says she brought to the MH that night.
No one can convince me that LE detectives waited an entire week and didn't see the shirt and needed misty's help to locate it. is more lilkely they found the shirt and wanted to question her...
GGM didn't tell us this part, way back when, when her memory was fresh and her ire present. Remember, "That's a CROCK!" is Annette Sykes' first comment regarding the story that maybe no one was home. Why wouldn't she remember that the children were half naked? As we learned later from AS (yet another admission which she never mentioned in her first story) she was more than PO'd that Ron had even brought Misty back into the house. Why wouldn't she be mad at Misty for having the kids half naked in cool evening air? But no, she says everyone was pleasant and helpful and the kids loved on her and she went on home. Nine days after Haleigh disappears, she's mad enough at the stories flying that she sets her fanny directly into the center of the LE investigation by saying she was at the MH and everything was fine.

I tell you what, I'd be PO'd and still PO'd that I found my grandchild in the cold night air half dressed and eating ravs with no one around (Misty came out, says AS). And I'd be tellin' that part of the story, too. Let's hope LE heard it the first time AS told her story, and it's only with the public that she releases it in tiny snippets.

But if nothing else, we know that the pink shirt Haleigh wore to school (that was found by Misty in the pile) that day was NOT in the basket of laundry AS says she brought to the MH that night.

There was another story out about a month ago, I'm thinking it was on one of the talk shows that WS posters look at for the audios that are published. This story is entirely different. According to one of the players on this talk show the shirt was reportedly found clean and folded in Haleigh dresser drawers and not in the pile of dirty laundry as we have been discussing for so long. I'm thinking it was Cobra who was talking about it, but my memory is not good at the moment but I do remember well being a bit surprised to hear that the pink shirt was clean and folded in the dresser. Don't know if this is accurate or not but it was talked about on the show.
There was another story out about a month ago, I'm thinking it was on one of the talk shows that WS posters look at for the audios that are published. This story is entirely different. According to one of the players on this talk show the shirt was reportedly found clean and folded in Haleigh dresser drawers and not in the pile of dirty laundry as we have been discussing for so long. I'm thinking it was Cobra who was talking about it, but my memory is not good at the moment but I do remember well being a bit surprised to hear that the pink shirt was clean and folded in the dresser. Don't know if this is accurate or not but it was talked about on the show.

Is this the pink shirt Haleigh supposedly had on that day at school? If it is, Who washed the shirt, when did they wash it, and why did they wash it... Also WHO folded it and WHEN was it put it in the dresser?
O/T but in the TV video from the very start that showed Haleigh's closet of clothes.
The clothes all seemed new.
There was another story out about a month ago, I'm thinking it was on one of the talk shows that WS posters look at for the audios that are published. This story is entirely different. According to one of the players on this talk show the shirt was reportedly found clean and folded in Haleigh dresser drawers and not in the pile of dirty laundry as we have been discussing for so long. I'm thinking it was Cobra who was talking about it, but my memory is not good at the moment but I do remember well being a bit surprised to hear that the pink shirt was clean and folded in the dresser. Don't know if this is accurate or not but it was talked about on the show.

I don't recall Cobra discussing the shirt being clean and folded in a dresser but I do not listen to the internet radio show he is on, either. Not saying Cobra didn't say that, I just am not aware of it.
I do recall when Levi had C. Jones on his show C. Jones stated Misty told him the pink shirt was found in a dresser, clean and folded.

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