The Psychological Anatomy of a John: Connections Between USASexGuide and Potential Victims

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Apr 29, 2020
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Please bear with me as this is my first time starting a thread, so I hope I'm doing it right! This is information I have been wanting to share for some months now. I'd also like to add a disclaimer that if anyone would like to use my research for a podcast, documentary, or any other kind of media, I'd be very happy for this information to be brought to a wider audience, but please contact me before doing so. Now for the real post:

I believe many of us here are aware of a sex worker review site called Utopia Guide, but I'm unsure if many are aware of another sex worker review site called USASexGuide. USASexGuide has been around for at least the past two decades-- their archives go back to 2000, but I believe there was an earlier incarnation of the site which can no longer be accessed. The site breaks down into sections for each state, subsections for each city, and then subsections for different types of sex workers such as street walkers, escorts, strip clubs, etc. I have scoured thousands of pages of reviews over the past couple of months in hopes of finding clues: any reviews of sex workers matching the description of LISK victims, any photos of LISK victims, and any frequent posters I personally found suspicious. In doing so, I have gotten a rather deep glimpse into the psychological anatomy of a john, as well as a potential lead regarding Jessica Taylor. I'd like to share my findings with you all, as I believe this can help us all understand what drives these men, how they perceive sex workers, and how they behave with them. My focus here is on girls who work the streets as I found those posts to be the most revealing.

Something that has been discussed in the street walker section for Long Island is how they make these girls comfortable. One poster wrote the following:

"Then I saw a WSW [white street walker] in black on black. She gave me a wave and after looping around a bit, I managed to scoop her up on a back road. Said her name was [redacted]. She was a little scared at first, but relaxed after I told her how many local girls I knew."

Mentioning the names of many other "local girls" is a great way to put someone at ease-- victim or not. Please bear in mind I do not mean to insinuate that any of the posters I'm quoting are LISK. This post is purely for context purposes.

One of the most disturbing things my research has uncovered is the ways in which the johns talk about not the girls but themselves as well. Here are some examples:

"She is not a pro, just a loose headed girl in need of some cash. In order for me to keep her low I will need some assistance from some of you guys that are truly hobbiest [sic]. I will offer her something like two or three guys a week so she will be private stock. Fresh meat."

"I had even made contact with [redacted]'s agent and he wanted me to sample two of his products."

You will see the johns very frequently refer to themselves as "hobbyists" and "mongers". This is a way of rationalizing and normalizing their behavior. Perhaps at the beginning this is a way to psychologically comfort themselves into thinking there isn't anything wrong with their behavior, but I suspect as time goes on and they become more entrenched in the "hobby", they start to truly believe it is a hobby. Referring to the girls as "stock" reveals how they see them as a commodity, an item, a thing. A product, fresh meat, ready for consumption. This is just how they talk about them online, and if they're talked about in such a degrading way on a public forum, you can only imagine how they're treated, even by the johns who don't kill them. Many men pick up girls they know are deep into addiction (and physically show it) because they know they'll do almost anything for a low price. But I digress.

"I have been studying the area for weeks now and believe me I know what I am talking about. There are many amateurs around who are very cautious covering themselves. But with time and effort you can distinguish becuz [sic] they always leave you with a clue which you need to stiff it out. We are the hunters, aren't we?"

This tells you a lot about these people. They enjoy the hunt, as they call it. While I have no direct quotes, I have seen numerous johns describe enjoying the hunt as much as they enjoy the sex. It's something they spend a lot of time doing and perfecting over the years. Remember, these guys don't just go out and pick up the first girl they see. They find one to their liking, and that takes time and effort. If you consider Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack LISK victims, this is something he undoubtedly spent a lot of time doing. If you only consider the GB4 LISK victims, it's a similar concept, but via a computer screen. Here are two more examples of johns referring to hunting and describing hunting:

"I will adjust my hunting hours."
"Anytime I got to 28 and Park there's always a man driving a pick up truck that says Metro Auto Body. He just sits there at nighttime and watches the SWs and drives around the whole hoe stroll."

Now that I've delved into all that, I'd like to spend a bit of time discussing a potential connection I found to Jessica Taylor, her pimp Remy, and an unidentified street walker I found a photo of on USASexGuide. I considered just posting this in her thread, but decided to just do it here as it's inherently intertwined with USASexGuide.

As most of us know, Jessica had a tattoo that said "Remy". Remy's real name is Khalil White. He can be seen in the photo below, presumably with his other girls. The girl to his right (our left) is believed to be Jessica Taylor:


What I like to do for all the victims is go to which subsection they are most likely to be discussed in, then go through the posts from around the time period they disappeared. While this thus far hasn't yielded any leads on the GB4 or Valerie Mack, there was one post from 2003 in the street walker subsection of the Manhattan section that immediately caught my eye:

remy1.jpg remy2.jpg remy3.jpg

Cropped for obvious reasons. This could just be a coincidence, but I could not ignore the fact that her tattoo bears the pseudonym of a pimp who was active in NYC in 2003. Furthermore, I wanted you all to weigh in on whether or not you think she resembles this girl in a photo of just her, Jessica, and KW/Remy:


Cropped, again, for obvious reasons. I think the girl in the photo with Jessica and Remy is a bit too dark to be the girl in the USASexGuide photos, but the former photo is quite underexposed and the latter is potentially overexposed due to the flash. It's possible the other girl with the Remy tattoo has no connection to Khalil White of course, and it's also possible she is one of his girls who is in none of the photos with him. I'd also like it if you all could weigh in regarding whether or not either of the two women resemble any of the girls in the group photo.

This research took me a very long time to do, so I hope it helps people understand the way a john's mind works, how they view sex workers (particularly street walkers), and how they view themselves and their "hobby".
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Great post and thread coldcaser. These websites offer a glimpse into the depravity & perversion that is still for most of us, difficult to comprehend. Interesting find too.

Just based on his use of CL and BP, I feel LISK would probably at the very least, lurk those websites for information. He may very well have been a contributor at some point in time or an active one.

You can tell that they enjoy reliving their experience by sharing these anecdotes with the other johns. That is a commonality, as LISK felt the need to contact Sara and Amanda and torment them.

I would hope the investigators monitor those websites frequently for any potential leads. Even the ones who are not killers share stories that all take on a predatory tone due to the reasons you described, it's the conscious and willful intent to exploit the most vulnerable for kicks.
Is there proof K. White knew Jessica or is it just his "word"? That guy on TKS always seemed so full of it to me, claiming that he was "Remy"
Great post and thread coldcaser. These websites offer a glimpse into the depravity & perversion that is still for most of us, difficult to comprehend. Interesting find too.

Just based on his use of CL and BP, I feel LISK would probably at the very least, lurk those websites for information. He may very well have been a contributor at some point in time or an active one.

You can tell that they enjoy reliving their experience by sharing these anecdotes with the other johns. That is a commonality, as LISK felt the need to contact Sara and Amanda and torment them.

I would hope the investigators monitor those websites frequently for any potential leads. Even the ones who are not killers share stories that all take on a predatory tone due to the reasons you described, it's the conscious and willful intent to exploit the most vulnerable for kicks.
Thank you! I'm very glad I did all this research, even if it involved reading/seeing some truly disturbing things I'll never forget.

I think it's entirely possible, maybe even likely he read USASexGuide posts. I always did keep a lookout for posters who seemed to have a proclivity toward petite women within a certain time frame and area. They most definitely do love reliving their experiences.
Part of the reason I commented in another thread that prostitution on the internet has gone on a lot longer than people think is because of USASexGuide. But I never delved into it any deeper than learning of it's existence. Thanks for all of your hard work in this area, Coldcaser. It's pretty fascinating. I've always felt that LISK was a " hobbyist ", simply because after trudging through Utopia Guide , and knowing how he kept a trophy case (at least in the GB4 case, and possibly the AC4 case), that absolutely fits my profile of him. Serial killers always escalate, and what better way for a serial killer who is also a " hobbyist " to escalate than to actually collect the physical bodies of these women ?
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Edit: I just realized my question was already answered. NM.
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ty , Coldcaser for all your hard work, and for sharing with us. I don't have the stomach for what you are sifting through , but you are doing important work. tysm and please keep sharing!!
Part of the reason I commented in another thread that prostitution on the internet has gone on a lot longer than people think is because of USASexGuide. But I never delved into it any deeper than learning of it's existence. Thanks for all of your hard work in this area, Coldcaser. It's pretty fascinating. I've always felt that LISK was a " hobbyist ", simply because after trudging through Utopia Guide , and knowing how he kept a trophy case (at least in the GB4 case, and possibly the AC4 case), that absolutely fits my profile of him. Serial killers always escalate, and what better way for a serial killer who is also a " hobbyist " to escalate than to actually collect the physical bodies of these women ?
I read a post on USASexGuide recently where someone mentioned the site existing before 1999, but I don't know how many years before that it was up and running. I can't see any way he isn't a "hobbyist". He knows the sex trade well, the mentality of prostitutes, what type of sex worker is ideal for his purposes. He likely spends hours trolling escort ads. It probably takes him a long time to find someone suitable. Just imagine how many sex workers he's seen who he hasn't hurt and have no idea what he really is? Truth is, he doesn't hurt most of the sex workers he sees. He choose Melissa, Maureen, Megan, Amber, etc for a reason. I think he's very well versed in the ins and outs of sex work. The way tricks reminisce on those forums reminds me of how serial killers relive their kills and fantasize about them during their cooling off periods. It's something to tide them over til the next one.

I'm glad you enjoyed this post, I've always enjoyed reading your analyses/theories about this case!
ty , Coldcaser for all your hard work, and for sharing with us. I don't have the stomach for what you are sifting through , but you are doing important work. tysm and please keep sharing!!
Anytime! I'm always happy to contribute to trying to solve this case. I think understanding how the sex trade works is really important to understanding LISK.
Since this post seems to have been well received, I'm going to continue to share my findings from USASexGuide. This is something everyone should find interesting:

I was going through the “Backpage Advertiser Reviews” thread on the Manhattan subsection of USASexGuide. I went all the way to the last page so I could see the earliest posts. The earliest post was made on 05/29/2010. Curiously enough, it reviews someone named “Jasmine”, which was a name Megan Waterman advertised under. She went missing on 06/06/2010. After the 05/29/2010 post, the next one was made on 09/01/2010. Amber Costello went missing 09/02/2010. The next post after the 09/01/2010 post was made on 10/27/2010, then one on 10/29/2010. After that, the thread is silent until 01/04/2011. As we all know, the GB4 were found that December. After 01/04/2011 the thread picks up the pace, averaging a few posts per day, sometimes per week. But there again are more strange gaps. The next gap is between 01/26/2011 and 03/01/2011. After the post from 03/01/2011, there is immediately yet another gap, this time until 06/02/2011. It’s only at that point that the thread resumes a relatively normal pattern of posting, usually with multiple posts per day. Sometimes there is a gap for a few weeks, but never multiple months, especially coinciding with important LISK related dates.

What does it mean? I don’t know, I can only theorize. My theory is that when the news broke about the GB4 being found, they went back in certain threads and mass deleted posts from certain time periods, just in case there was any information that might be incriminating. By incriminating I do not mean that LISK was there posting openly, everyone knew, or some kind of conspiracy theory. I just mean tricks might have gotten paranoid about LE prowling their threads and possibly contacting them as potential POIs. I think it was likely more of an “I don’t want to deal with the hassle” situation than anything. But one thing’s for sure, we will never know the contents of the posts made during the various blackout periods.
Coldcaser- very good job in all you've done and continue to do. I found it fascinating to read. Every little bit counts and you definitely are doing your homework.

It's hard to tell from the photos if the "girls" are one of the same. They actually have different skin tones but again that can be from over or under exposure from the cameras. She could actually be the second girl to the right of KW, who knows? Remi does spell his name with an "i" at the end, but JT's tattoo I believe was also written up in the news articles as Remy's Angel I believe, but don't hold me to that. It's all so strange. KW was also arrested in NJ some time ago for a I believe sexual assault and battery?

After reading your quotes from the UsaSexGuide it just makes my stomach turn, but we also know that these so called human beings are nothing more than depraved soul-less monsters. All of em. I don't care if they are the LISK, the mere fact they hunt girls for fun is beyond comprehension for those with souls. But their day will come. They are all one of a kind and they all protect one another...I just hope one day soon one of them will realize when they meet their "maker" they better be prepared to suffer the consequences...OR wake up and decide to come forward and help bring justice to these families.

I want to reiterate one thing, that after MW first went missing in June-there was an article written in Oct on the 21st, 2010. Aside from the fact that this poor girl did not get any media attention, I can't help but keep thinking that Cruz (her pimp) had to have known something. Did he shoot her up with drugs in order to let her guard down prior to her disappearing? Was she at that time (1:30 am) in desperate need for another high? Wth is the role of a pimp for if he did not protect her??
And if you read article below, there is also mentioning of more sex trafficking in Queens! and another jerk taking the life of another girl in another town.

Lost Girls: When Women Go Missing on LI Some Matter, Prostitutes Don’t | Long Island Press
Question Re: LISK Podcast w DS.
When Amber's roommate DS, was being interviewed does anyone remember him saying that he overheard AC telling the caller (aka lisk) what she looked like? This has been weighing heavy on me bc when I go back to listen it seems like that part of the interview is not there. The reason I am asking is for obvious reasons...that it's been said that these girls may have "known" this guy from previous dates. But then why would he be asking AC what she looked like. Maybe I am wrong...lord knows I've been wrong many times before. lol
Part of the reason I commented in another thread that prostitution on the internet has gone on a lot longer than people think is because of USASexGuide. But I never delved into it any deeper than learning of it's existence. Thanks for all of your hard work in this area, Coldcaser. It's pretty fascinating. I've always felt that LISK was a " hobbyist ", simply because after trudging through Utopia Guide , and knowing how he kept a trophy case (at least in the GB4 case, and possibly the AC4 case), that absolutely fits my profile of him. Serial killers always escalate, and what better way for a serial killer who is also a " hobbyist " to escalate than to actually collect the physical bodies of these women ?
I absolutely see parallels between the collecting behavior of tricks/johns and the collecting behavior of LISK. The truth is, no one wakes up one day and decides "I'm going to go out and kill a bunch of sex workers". It's a process of building up to it; their violence toward these women escalates over time. I have absolutely no doubt that he has numerous victims who survived-- women he might have just raped, choked, or otherwise roughed up. By the time he killed the GB4, it wouldn't surprised me one bit if he had been doing this for 20 years.
Coldcaser- very good job in all you've done and continue to do. I found it fascinating to read. Every little bit counts and you definitely are doing your homework.

It's hard to tell from the photos if the "girls" are one of the same. They actually have different skin tones but again that can be from over or under exposure from the cameras. She could actually be the second girl to the right of KW, who knows? Remi does spell his name with an "i" at the end, but JT's tattoo I believe was also written up in the news articles as Remy's Angel I believe, but don't hold me to that. It's all so strange. KW was also arrested in NJ some time ago for a I believe sexual assault and battery?

After reading your quotes from the UsaSexGuide it just makes my stomach turn, but we also know that these so called human beings are nothing more than depraved soul-less monsters. All of em. I don't care if they are the LISK, the mere fact they hunt girls for fun is beyond comprehension for those with souls. But their day will come. They are all one of a kind and they all protect one another...I just hope one day soon one of them will realize when they meet their "maker" they better be prepared to suffer the consequences...OR wake up and decide to come forward and help bring justice to these families.

I want to reiterate one thing, that after MW first went missing in June-there was an article written in Oct on the 21st, 2010. Aside from the fact that this poor girl did not get any media attention, I can't help but keep thinking that Cruz (her pimp) had to have known something. Did he shoot her up with drugs in order to let her guard down prior to her disappearing? Was she at that time (1:30 am) in desperate need for another high? Wth is the role of a pimp for if he did not protect her??
And if you read article below, there is also mentioning of more sex trafficking in Queens! and another jerk taking the life of another girl in another town.

Lost Girls: When Women Go Missing on LI Some Matter, Prostitutes Don’t | Long Island Press
Thank you! I'm really glad to hear everyone who has replied finds this stuff interesting.

It's hard to tell because of lighting and the poor quality of the photo. I've always seen Remy spelled with a 'y' but his myspace url is "remired69", with an 'i'. I've always read that JT's tattoo was "Remy's Angel". I can confirm that he was arrested for the charges you mentioned.

I'm right there with you. These people are sick in the head. I go between pitying them because their minds are so warped and just hating them. I hope their lives are as miserable as they seem from the outside looking in.

As what happened with Megan... I really don't know. We don't even know for sure if her cell phone was or was not in the room when she disappeared. I'm pretty sure I've heard conflicting reports, but given LISK's MO, I'm going to wager it was left there. Pimps really aren't there to protect these girls. They're there to take their money, leech off of them, and beat them, all while manipulating them into thinking they love and take care of them.

Thank you for the article. It's a sad reality that people just don't care as much when a prostitute goes missing. I think people now care more than ever before, but it still changes nothing. Just think of all the countless, nameless, forgotten women who prostituted before the internet. All the people who no one remembers, and if they do, they have no idea what happened to them. Street walkers have always been the second most vulnerable population of sex workers. The most vulnerable are the girls who work truck stops and often become victims of long haul truckers.
Great work coldcaser! I believe I saw your post on the LISK reddit page and you mentioned websleuths which is why I decided to join. I really appreciate your work and it gives me a little hope that there are still people out there trying to look after those in vulnerable positions like sex work.
Since this post seems to have been well received, I'm going to continue to share my findings from USASexGuide. This is something everyone should find interesting:

I was going through the “Backpage Advertiser Reviews” thread on the Manhattan subsection of USASexGuide. I went all the way to the last page so I could see the earliest posts. The earliest post was made on 05/29/2010. Curiously enough, it reviews someone named “Jasmine”, which was a name Megan Waterman advertised under. She went missing on 06/06/2010. After the 05/29/2010 post, the next one was made on 09/01/2010. Amber Costello went missing 09/02/2010. The next post after the 09/01/2010 post was made on 10/27/2010, then one on 10/29/2010. After that, the thread is silent until 01/04/2011. As we all know, the GB4 were found that December. After 01/04/2011 the thread picks up the pace, averaging a few posts per day, sometimes per week. But there again are more strange gaps. The next gap is between 01/26/2011 and 03/01/2011. After the post from 03/01/2011, there is immediately yet another gap, this time until 06/02/2011. It’s only at that point that the thread resumes a relatively normal pattern of posting, usually with multiple posts per day. Sometimes there is a gap for a few weeks, but never multiple months, especially coinciding with important LISK related dates.

What does it mean? I don’t know, I can only theorize. My theory is that when the news broke about the GB4 being found, they went back in certain threads and mass deleted posts from certain time periods, just in case there was any information that might be incriminating. By incriminating I do not mean that LISK was there posting openly, everyone knew, or some kind of conspiracy theory. I just mean tricks might have gotten paranoid about LE prowling their threads and possibly contacting them as potential POIs. I think it was likely more of an “I don’t want to deal with the hassle” situation than anything. But one thing’s for sure, we will never know the contents of the posts made during the various blackout periods.

This website may be of use to you. Many of these forums do not get documented, I'm not sure what criteria the wayback machine uses when scrubbing the web but I have used it to locate snapshots (and see the previous state) of webpages that were edited or had content removed.

It's a long shot for sure. There are other websites that take similar snapshots....

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