the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #84

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I think each side should be given a strip of 20 raffle tickets, and everytime they say objection, it costs them a raffle ticket. When they are gone, no more objections.

Better yet use them like NFL Coaches get challenges to dispute a call
The 911 operator cannot call back on a dispute call.. NEVER

I am not arguing just questioning....I was once in a situation where someone being a smart *advertiser censored* called 911 and then hung up....when 911 called back this person (me :blushing:) did not answer phone and they showed up at my house....this was MANY years this different now?
Maybe I'm just cranky but the judge and Nurmi are really working my nerves today.
This Judge is incomprehensible.
"Approach" "Approach" "Approach" "Approach"

How 'bout growing a set of testicles and just ruling how you feel instead of needing the guidance of an attorney as to WHY you should feel?


Jodi is still guilty and will be found that way...... but JM and the Judge are TERRIBLE today after this long 5 day sabbatical.
When Nurmi says "objection asked and answered" JM should turn around and say to him "so what was her answer????"

Geez this is ridiculous.


Every time he objects and says that, that is exactly what I think in my head. :floorlaugh:
Dang it!!! Questions changed, so she must have sustained the objection. Grrrr......
She is about to be caught again! You can tell be how she suddenly gets statue-like still when they go to side bar.
Darn- looks like judge won't let pictures in. Maybe JM needs to recall tech forensic dude to get them in.
Jodi is correcting Juan all of the time right now. She really believes she is so superior to him right now. She answers questions very condescendingly with "That's correct." As in, yes little Juan, you poor thing, you got something right.

Her grandiose self, her opinion that she is better than anyone is so evident. Such narcissism with her. And imo socipathy. I can see how anyone in relationship with her would leave, as soon as possible. I want to scream at her. I am yelling at the monitor. :banghead:

She thinks he's trying to "trick" her with words -- because after all that is what SHE would do.
She was right about it being 2nd Nephi and that is why Mr. Martinez should lay off of the BOM questioning. I really don't know why he went there. TA also disobeyed his religion.

My thinking on this is she is blaming Travis for the chastity mishaps, says it's not in the book of Mormon, laid out specifically, so she wouldn't know to follow it on her own because it wasn't in the book.

The lying is spelled out in the book, so if she read it SHE is responsible for not following the rules.

I don't think this has anything to do with religion, just showing she is only testifying to what benefits her.
The only day I can watch is now and I am already about to lose it....finish her already!!!!!!!!!!!!1
A 5-year old could transcribe this trial today:

Q. You remember when you told us that?
A. Um,
okay ma'am do you remember
objection, may we approach?

Cut & paste 20x

OH I just remembered he's prepping the jury for the DV witness....

Good point!! And hes still doing it while remaining within the scope of jury questions...that's gotta be hard!

Remember folks-- this not Rebuttal. Or closing arguments.

This is quite masterful. Moo. And 'legal'
ooooohhhhhh - the suspense....
pics from neck?????? June 3rd??????

LOL. She probably had a rub mark from her seatbelt being in the wrong spot, and took the photo preemptively... in order to have it so that she can claim he grabbed her neck or some nonsense.
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