The Ramseys are Cleared

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
TexMex I would encourage you to learn about "Touch DNA." This is what I know so far and I just read about it.

This DNA test is so sensitive that it picks up on DEGRADED SKIN CELLS. EVen one degraded skin cell. Microscopic and degraded skin cell.

We are not talking flesh, we are not talking blood, we are not talking about any sort of lump of anything. Microscopic skin cell. One can be picked up by this test.

The long johns and the underwear touched. In fact Patsy Ramsey said she put on the undearwear and then the long johns over them. Isn't it possible that a few microscopic skin cells were transfered?

Why isnt' there any of the "killers" DNA on the other tools used in the murder? Did this person just space out, take off his/her gloves, barely touched the pants and underwear so as just to leave enough skin cells that a new space age technology is the only thing that can pick it up then put the gloves back on again?

This is so stupid. Lacy is a disgrace. Trust me when I tell you she is considered an idiot inside and outside her office. By pretty much everyone.

From Patsy to JonBenet??? Then if the cells were transferred off of Patsy hands onto JonBenet's longjohns and IN her panties then Patsy most like touched someone she KNEW in order to get the transfer, but everyone they knew gave DNA samples so why hasn't this person's DNA showed up in CODIS??? Get what I'm saying? It think it's a stretch to state that it was Patsy that transferred it.

Also I want to say that we don't know if anything else is being tested. It could very well be that it is.

DNA does not lie.
True words were never spoken.



Poor little girl. When I saw some documentaries about this case I was so shocked and apalled. I never believed the hoop-la in the grocery store check out tabloids that the parents were guilty. The press conferences that regularly went nowhere.
The Boulder authorites are the last people I want the Ramseys submitted to, this wouldn't have flown anywhere but Boulder.

Since the DNA is such a fact now as you state, explain this one to me from the press release above:

"Lacy claims the DNA on the long-johns match DNA on the undewear. It would be nice if Lacy could make the very logical conclusion that there was transference of a few skin cells since the long-johns WERE PULLED OVER THE UNDERWEAR."

This DNA test was conducted on the WAISTBAND and SIDES of the long-johns. How exactly does blood DNA transfer skin cell DNA?
Steve Thomas needs to write another book. He knows all of it.

I'd love another ST book.

I kind of have the feeling that they barely tested ANY evidence & discounted it as being unimportant.
But the fact is that the handwriting is definitely connected to the crime, where there's no proof that the DNA is.

It could even be some DNA that Patsy picked up under her fingernails while shopping and then transferred to her daughter.

I always thought the comparison of Patsy Ramsey's writing was stretching it at best. She was what a half a point from being excluded all together?

I think the same DNA on three different samples on JonBenet's clothing is very momumental....much more than a handwriting sample that was iffy at best. She was redressed and imo for there to be three dna samples belonging to the same person on her clothing is riveting.

But the fact is that the handwriting is definitely connected to the crime, where there's no proof that the DNA is.

It could even be some DNA that Patsy picked up under her fingernails while shopping and then transferred to her daughter.

I respectfully disagree. When male DNA shows up in a 6 yo's underpants, and then we also find out now that it is on her long johns in two separate places how can you NOT question that. Let me tell you if DNA pointed to the Ramsey's I would be the first to admit I was wrong. DNA is DNA. Sorry. And I certainly don't believe that the VA forensics lab is LYING to clear the Ramsey's. I hope no one else does either.
Why isn't John Ramsey mad? Why isn't he talking about whoever did this horrible thing to his daughter? Why is he only talking about how poor John and Patsy were crucified? They've always talked more about themselves and what sacrificial lambs they've become...........much more than they ever talked about their daughter.
Nancy Grace on now. Wendy Murphy is blowing Mary Lacy out of the water.

Missed Wendy but got to see Nancy shoot herself in the foot with that pro bono attorney whose name I didn't catch. Trying SO hard to distance him from the Ramseys until he said about 600 times that they were working FOR the Ramseys.

Then fell back on "Well, you never got paid." Whatever Nancy.
I just saw this! We need a transcript of this show ASAP!

I'm sorry RR I can't do a transcript. Will they have one available after the show on the Headline News site? This is incredible! Everyone should be watching this!
I respectfully disagree. When male DNA shows up in a 6 yo's underpants, and then we also find out now that it is on her long johns in two separate places how can you NOT question that. Let me tell you if DNA pointed to the Ramsey's I would be the first to admit I was wrong. DNA is DNA. Sorry. And I certainly don't believe that the VA forensics lab is LYING to clear the Ramsey's. I hope no one else does either.

There was such a miniscule amount of it that it wasn't til 12 years later that they could identify it? It must be a MICROPSCOPIC amount.

And other DNA from this person anywhere......not on the broken paintbrush, the blanket, the clothes he changed her into. He wasn't even sweating when he wrote on her hand?
Why isn't John Ramsey mad? Why isn't he talking about whoever did this horrible thing to his daughter? Why is he only talking about how poor John and Patsy were crucified? They've always talked more about themselves and what sacrificial lambs they've become...........much more than they ever talked about their daughter.

Well, I've heard him speak of that. Can't say exactly when, sorry. However, maybe it's because everything they say gets twisted. I'd stop talking too.
Missed Wendy but got to see Nancy shoot herself in the foot with that pro bono attorney whose name I didn't catch. Trying SO hard to distance him from the Ramseys until he said about 600 times that they were working FOR the Ramseys.

Then fell back on "Well, you never got paid." Whatever Nancy.

Wow you just didn't get it did you? She was trying to point out that HE WORKS for the RAMSEYS!!
From Patsy to JonBenet??? Then if the cells were transferred off of Patsy hands onto JonBenet's longjohns and IN her panties then Patsy most like touched someone she KNEW in order to get the transfer, but everyone they knew gave DNA samples so why hasn't this person's DNA showed up in CODIS??? Get what I'm saying? It think it's a stretch to state that it was Patsy that transferred it.

Also I want to say that we don't know if anything else is being tested. It could very well be that it is.

DNA does not lie.

I am not stating that Patsy transferred the DNA. I am saying the long johns and the underwear were tightly together therefore transference is a very good possibility.

Remember, this is the new space age super sensitive DNA test. It literally means you touch something and leave ONE SKIN CELL and it can be detected.

I would love to take every one's clothes and run this DNA test on them. You would find all kinds of matching DNA skin cells all over the place.

I'm a pro-evidence person. This is not a tennis match to be won or lost. DNA is nature's truth.

presence of the same male DNA in three places on the girl's clothing convinced investigators it belonged to JonBenet's killer, and had not been left accidentally by an innocent party.

DNA is absolute in that is for sure from whoever it is from. HOW it got there is up for discussion and considering the other evidence available in this case it only makes sense to consider the options of how it got on JonBenet.
Evidence shows it was an unknown male who murdered the child. I believe some day he will be identified. I don't think a man who would commit a crime like this will stop at just one. As someone else said this was a bold crime and surely not the 1st by this person. And most likely not his last, either.

The results, reported to prosecutors in March, indicated the newly discovered DNA matched the DNA found earlier, and was not from the Ramsey family. Lacy said the presence of the same male DNA in three places on the girl's clothing convinced investigators it belonged to JonBenet's killer, and had not been left accidentally by an innocent party.

"It is therefore the position of the Boulder District Attorney's Office that this profile belongs to the perpetrator of the homicide," she wrote.

Then I wonder if the fragments they get from "touch cells" are matched to other fragments left at other unsolved kidnapping/murder scenes?

In this day & age of computers.... THAT should be very easy to determine.
There was such a miniscule amount of it that it wasn't til 12 years later that they could identify it? It must be a MICROPSCOPIC amount.

And other DNA from this person anywhere......not on the broken paintbrush, the blanket, the clothes he changed her into. He wasn't even sweating when he wrote on her hand?

Well, I questioned this at first too. But, Fran pointed out to me that we have come a long way in forensics. This is a NEW test.

ETA: AGAIN we don't know what is being tested. No one knew about the long johns did they? And I'm SURE that there is some information that is being held back. We the public are NOT entitled to know every little bitty thing about a case. I'm sure we don't know it all about this one either.
Well, I've heard him speak of that. Can't say exactly when, sorry. However, maybe it's because everything they say gets twisted. I'd stop talking too.

Nothing he said got twisted. He said what he said. People can't "twist" what comes out of your mouth.
Yes it MUST belong to the killah because GAWD FORBID it could belong to someone who handled the body WHEN she was sent to the morgue. :rolleyes: Not that they bothered testing their own morgue attendees to rule them out...

Mary Lacy is a prime example of what a true PROSECUTOR is NOT!

How many thousands of taxpayers dollars did she waste to bring in John Mark Karr because she listened to Mr Excuse Michael Tracey?

If anything tells you how feverishly she wanted to exonerate the Ramsey's in this case, it was that embarrassing Mark Karr debacle.
She ate up Michael Tracey's wackiness with a giant spoon.
This DNA test was conducted on the WAISTBAND and SIDES of the long-johns. How exactly does blood DNA transfer skin cell DNA?


There is NO BLOOD DNA.
Wow you just didn't get it did you? She was trying to point out that HE WORKS for the RAMSEYS!!

I guess I misunderstood, based on how many times he had to tell her and what seemed to me a lame follow-up on her part. No need to be condescending.

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