The Ramseys are Cleared

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I know this statement was not directed at me personally, so I am not taking it personal. But, just so I'm clear, I don't think it was just anyone that walked in and killed JonBenet. This wasn't a stranger IMO. It was someone who knew this family and knew this family well.[/quote]

Ms. M., ITA. IMO, 'if' it was an intruder he/she would have HAD to have known them extremely well. That is why I find it so difficult to believe that JR and PR would not have included this person on the list of people whom they wished to be included in the dna testing as one of their probable suspects.
I'm still unclear on the under the fingernail dna. What Jill posted seemed to be a reiteration of the results of the old dna evidence rather than confirming that the fingernail dna has now (2008 July) been confirmed to match the touch dna and the JBR blood intermingled w/unknown male dna...

Can someone clarify this please???

Good question. I'm confused too.

If they're the same, why is it so hard to believe the child had stranger dna under her nails & then when she wiped herself her finger poked through the toilet paper & she transferred a tiny amount to her vaginal area. And why couldn't she have touched her own waistband while she was asleep.

Why haven't they tested MORE areas of the clothing she was wearing.... bottom AND her top..... to look for multiple samples?

Why can't they confirm the samples on OTHER objects we know HAD to be touched during the attack?
Why would that stop the next person.....

all they have to do is point out that the ST book is STILL being sold.

The lawsuit against Thomas also served as a warning shot across the bow to other publishers.
Good question. I'm confused too.

If they're the same, why is it so hard to believe the child had stranger dna under her nails & then when she wiped herself her finger poked through the toilet paper & she transferred a tiny amount to her vaginal area. And why couldn't she have touched her own waistband while she was asleep.

Why haven't they tested MORE areas of the clothing she was wearing.... bottom AND her top..... to look for multiple samples?

Why can't they confirm the samples on OTHER objects we know HAD to be touched during the attack?

Male DNA was found under JonBenét's fingernails and in her underwear, and it does not match John or Burke.
I am NOT putting this forward as fact, I'm simply asking if it's at all possible. IF there were painting gloves or work gloves of some kind and patsy wore these so as not to have to touch JonBenet while forcing herself to do what she had to do (panic survival mode) could DNA transfer from the outdside of these gloves to JB... say a worker left them behind?
It amazes me how simple it is to explain the whole thing involving the R's but how much imagination it takes to come up with an intruder.:rolleyes:

I think these two statements together are funny. :crazy:

Welcome to Websleuths the best crime sleuthing community on the net! You'll soon discover we ask ALOT of questions, generally it's a pretty good way to learn.:rolleyes:

I'm still unclear on the under the fingernail dna. What Jill posted seemed to be a reiteration of the results of the old dna evidence rather than confirming that the fingernail dna has now (2008 July) been confirmed to match the touch dna and the JBR blood intermingled w/unknown male dna...

Can someone clarify this please???

I can't clarify it, I can only tell you that the reason I brought it up is that it seemed to me (me being someone who has not followed the DNA evidence of this investigation) that what they were saying is that the DNA from the panties, long johns and fingernails all matched.

So, a casual observer would read this story and think this is fact.

As far as I'm concerned though, I'm keeping an open mind.

I still think there is too much pointing at the Ramseys at this time. imo, as always.
The lawsuit against Thomas also served as warning shot across the bow to other publishers.

And yet.... nothing changed. Nothing.

Even worse than a book, the websites that are allowed to remain???

Sorry, this lawsuit cannot impede FREE SPEECH & the right of people to hold opinions about what they think happened.

It's more likely that Thomas' theories were just too close to getting to the bottom of things & the Ramseys were anxious to chase him off before it was too late.
to add, I also have zero faith that the Boulder PD/whatever forensic team (FBI?) collected all viable evidence in that house.
I know this statement was not directed at me personally, so I am not taking it personal. But, just so I'm clear, I don't think it was just anyone that walked in and killed JonBenet. This wasn't a stranger IMO. It was someone who knew this family and knew this family well.[/quote]

Ms. M., ITA. IMO, 'if' it was an intruder he/she would have HAD to have known them extremely well. That is why I find it so difficult to believe that JR and PR would not have included this person on the list of people whom they wished to be included in the dna testing as one of their probable suspects.

Good question and I have no idea. All I know is that I find this case fascinating. So much evidence to sort through, again. I've been looking for the best sites so I can have accurate information. I hope one day we will learn the truth and have some closure. Believe me if Patsy did it (and I think it's more like that Patsy then John if they are involved) I will be the first to admit I was wrong (I think I mentioned that before). But I am willing to look at the evidence again and see if I missed something.
to add, I also have zero faith that the Boulder PD/whatever forensic team (FBI?) collected all viable evidence in that house.

Well, that was the whole point of the ransom note and the hiding of the body, wasn't it?

The Ramseys bought some time for themselves, while pointing things away from themselves.
Yep, you said it better than I did. We already see it to some degree, with defenses blabbing about 'untested evidence' all the time, and unidentified hairs and fibers found...and sadly, people increasingly are buying the idea that if every single item in a house isn't tested and every single hair/fingerprint matched to someone then its 'exculpatory'.....

I believed this in regards to the Jeffrey McDonald case for a LONG time. Took a poster here to make me "see the light." (I can't remember who.)
Are you saying that if it was found under her fingernails you might believe someone other then the Ramsey's killed JonBenet?

I am saying until I read and thought about the post explaination the possibility of dna being transferred by JBR herself when she pulled down and pulled up her own clothing, and thus transferred it from under her fingernails, to her longjohns and into her panties; DNA being under her fingernails and matching the touch dna and intermingled dna w/jbr's own blood, did give me 'pause' to consider the 'probability' of a third party being involved and the 'possibility' of reconsidering an intruder only theory. I am willing to consider the 'possibility' of any opposing theory, but that doesn't mean that I can totally discount the logic that keeps screaming in my other ear as I consider it. It is still there. I just have to ignore it as much as is possible until I finish the 'sleuthing' process. Isn't that how you do this, too?

(Ms M, I'm really not as bullheaded as I may sometimes come across as being...)
Without a doubt.

Wood bragged at one time that he was getting rich because of JB's death & all the lawsuits.

Of course, this case resulted in the Ramseys suffering from a staggering amount of defamation. Moreover, defamation is still taking place. This is a dream case for a defamation attorney.
Male DNA was found under JonBenét's fingernails and in her underwear, and it does not match John or Burke.

DNA under the victim's nail CAN be transferred to her own body even before the murder.

Do we know when the child was last BATHED?

She was outside playing before the party... all Patsy mentioned was arguing about what she wanted JB to wear to the White's house.... no mention of scrubbing fingernails OR bathing.
There are shallow minded people who believe they can divine guilt from behavior. In Salem, 1692, such people judged others to be "witches". However, the witches were the judges.

And then there are people like you who defend child sexual abusers (Rams), child murderers (Rams), wife killers (Peterson1)and those who kill their pregnant wifes and unborn babies (Peterson2).

How do THOSE people sleep at night????
]If it were someone who knew the Ramsey's very well he would have been thrown under the bus along with everyone else they named...[/B]

His DNA would have been collected along with everyone else's the Hoffman-Pugh family, and the White family's were along with the Fernies...

For it to actually be an intruder that didn't know the family he would have had to have known that the alarm on the house was NOT on and he would have to have known that they were coming back that night to begin with. The home had those home alarm notices up in several places.

Yep. My thoughts exactly.

So how can someone know you this well and hate you this much and you not be aware of it?
to add, I also have zero faith that the Boulder PD/whatever forensic team (FBI?) collected all viable evidence in that house.

I have long held that the BPD was staffed with a large number of incompetents, and that that was a core problem.
Of course, this case resulted in the Ramseys suffering from a staggering amount of defamation. Moreover, defamation is still taking place. This is a dream case for a defamation attorney.

Oh I don't blame Wood... he's following the money.

I have no sympathy for the Ramsey's 'defamation' concerns... imo, they brought it all on themselves from the get go.

It wasn't until AFTER I read their self-serving & absolutely STUPID book that I started to believe there was something seriously wrong with that family, by the way. They SHOULD have sued whoever allowed them to publish that drivel.
Of course, this case resulted in the Ramseys suffering from a staggering amount of defamation. Moreover, defamation is still taking place. This is a dream case for a defamation attorney.

What country are you in? We're in the U.S. perhaps you've heard of it?

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