The Ramseys are Cleared

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I totally believe Patsy killed her daughter. I don't know if John had anything to do with it or Burke but I just cannot believe a stranger would go through all that inside someones home.
"Completely matches"? Her handwriting was not excluded, which is quite a different thing.

Some people will forever hold to suspicions and falsehoods over exonerating evidence.

This officially puts the BPD below the Keystone Kops.
I see, and it escapes you that Patsy may have known about this play (she was told about it) and perhaps that planted a seed and she retrieved that information when under duress as to how to plant Jon Benet's body?

Source or link that shows that Patsy knew about it?
I don't know Karole since I don't know any personally.

The paintbrush and paint tray were in the basement. Maybe the way JonBenet ended up is not what the perp had originally intended and he picked up any type of instrument to use.


What? What prevented this kidnapping, one legged, pedophilic, baby killer from removing her from the home?

(I won't return your insult, cause I'm just good like that)
Very true. None of them are NORMAL.

There is something wrong when a child willfully sleeps in a wet bed of their own making.

Animals won't even do that (unless sick, or disturbed about something).

Whoever said that a child that wets the bed willingly sleeps in it? Most kids I've known that wet the bed wake up and tell a parent, change the bed themselves, or sleep elsewhere.
Yeah right......we do not have an Intruder that makes a lower case "q" look like the number 8 - just like Patsy!!! See below.......

Lacy is leaving office soon, so this is her last attempt to help the Ramseys fool people that have not really followed every detail and it works on some unfortunately, but then they will feel as silly as they did for believing anything that comes out of her mouth - just like they did when John Mark Karr was exposed to be a nothing.
What? What prevented this kidnapping, one legged, pedophilic, baby killer from removing her from the home?

(I won't return your insult, cause I'm just good like that)

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

When did the perp become one-legged? :waitasec:
The problem with the intruder theory is, it doesn't make sense and it doesn't fit the evidence...the only answer is 'we don't know how or why but killers make no sense'...

The unknown DNA on the panties was already known, I don' t see how this changes anything, or certainly how this exonerates the family and "proves" it was an intruder.
Some people will forever hold to suspicions and falsehoods over exonerating evidence.

This officially puts the BPD below the Keystone Kops.


I am pleased to report we agree an something!

No way, no how these folks killed their daughter.
I hope they find her killer someday. That little girl deserves justice.

I don't know Karole since I don't know any personally.

The paintbrush and paint tray were in the basement. Maybe the way JonBenet ended up is not what the perp had originally intended and he picked up any type of instrument to use.


JonBenet ended up they way her family staged the scene to be using what means they had on hand to do so. Plus don't forget the last words from Keenan regarding the DNA after she revealed her true self with John Mark Karr:

"The [Ramsey case] DNA could be an artifact. It isn’t necessarily the killer’s." - Boulder DA Mary Lacy, 8/28/06
In order to believe the Ramsey's are innocent, I have to believe an intruder got into the house, this intruder takes JonBenet from her bedroom to the basement without waking anyone up or leaving any trace, doesn't abduct her once he's got her back to the basement, but abuses and kills her there with whatever he finds on hand, and then he goes back upstairs, writes a practice note, finishes the ransom note from the notepad he found in the house using the pencil he found in the house and then leaves.

I don't believe this. I would soone believe she was being abused by an unknown party and the abuse was separate from her mother killing her than that this set of events occured.

And... don't forget, this "intruder" lovingly feeds her a bowl of pineapple!
Early in the investigation police found male DNA in a drop of blood on JonBenet's underwear and determined it was not from anyone in her family, but Lacy said they were unable to say who it came from and whether that person was "innocent or otherwise."

Then late last year, prosecutors turned over long underwear JonBenet was wearing to the Bode Technology Group near Washington, which used a new technique called "touch DNA" to find previously undetected DNA evidence.

Touch DNA involves scraping genetic material that could not otherwise be seen. Two samples were found on the sides of her long underwear, in an area where an attacker would have pulled them down.

The results, reported to prosecutors in March, indicated the newly discovered DNA matched the DNA found earlier, and was not from the Ramsey family. Lacy said the presence of the same male DNA in three places on the girl's clothing convinced investigators it belonged to JonBenet's killer, and had not been left accidentally by an innocent party.
Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy said the tests point to an "unexplained third party."

Yes it MUST belong to the killah because GAWD FORBID it could belong to someone who handled the body WHEN she was sent to the morgue. :rolleyes: Not that they bothered testing their own morgue attendees to rule them out...

Mary Lacy is a prime example of what a true PROSECUTOR is NOT!

How many thousands of taxpayers dollars did she waste to bring in John Mark Karr because she listened to Mr Excuse Michael Tracey?
Source or link that shows that Patsy knew about it?

Yeah, I can't find one. Google failure.

However, what makes you think she didn't? It was written in 1965.

(the screenplay for Hey Rube was reviewed by the BPD and was found to be irrelevant)
What? What prevented this kidnapping, one legged, pedophilic, baby killer from removing her from the home?

(I won't return your insult, cause I'm just good like that)

Good question AND reply.......
All but the real crazies have an intrinsic logic.

The pedophile does not write ransom notes, neither does the home invader.

The burglar doesn't go through an elaborate ritualistic abuse and murder of a child.

The kidnapper steals the child and come to the house with plan, including a note already written.

Couey made no sense either. What, you're going to suggest someone goes into a house nearby his own sisters, to take a child, with adults still in the house, then only goes back to their sister's house, and keeps her alive for a few days? That makes no sense either - any rational person wouldn't try going into the house with adults, when there are plenty of children roaming around far easier to snatch, any rational person wouldn't expect everyone in their sister's house to fail to hear and report the child, any rational person wouldn't stay so close to the house you kidnapped the child from that you are easy to find.

But it happened.

They aren't rational. If they were, they wouldn't do it, or they'd do it the many far easier ways - get a wife and beat her into submission, find a desperate single mom, or find a child whose parents don't supervise well.

JBR is unique in many ways. As a pagent child, she's a prime target for pedophiles - she looks like they think children are - small sexual adults. With wealthy parents, she's a great target for kidnapping.

1 bit of DNA - that can be coincidence. 2, on different pieces of clothing - that's not coincidence.
Yes it MUST belong to the killah because GAWD FORBID it could belong to someone who handled the body WHEN she was sent to the morgue. :rolleyes: Not that they bothered testing their own morgue attendees to rule them out...

Mary Lacy is a prime example of what a true PROSECUTOR is NOT!

How many thousands of taxpayers dollars did she waste to bring in John Mark Karr because she listened to Mr Excuse Michael Tracey?

Probably as many as thousands of people that fell for this crap before....if a person feels comfortable enabling Jonbenet's killer, what more can we do?

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