The ransom note & Patsy Ramsey, letter by letter.

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Did Patsy write the ransom note?

  • Yes, Patsy wrote the note

    Votes: 289 91.2%
  • No, Patsy did not write the note

    Votes: 28 8.8%

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The sheer length of the note all but rules out PR and JR as having written the note. The stress either of them would have been under at the time would have been unbearable. Thus, they would have written the most succinct letter possible.

The length of the letter suggests that the author was either consciously or unconsciously stalling for time. The next question is: "Stalling against what?" Most likely, she (yes, the author was a female) was stalling against the alternative of killing JonBenet, which is what her psychopathic male accomplice was suggesting, and which he ultimately acted upon. (See my theory on this case in the "Theories" thread.)

That the author of the note cited the peculiar amount of $118,000, the approximate figure of JR's bonus, and a rather paltry ransom demand as ransom demands go, suggests that she or her male accomplice, was inside the Ramsey social circle deep enough to have overheard such intimate financial information, and that she was young enough and naive enough to think of such a sum of money as adequate, or included that specific figure because her male accomplice had been carping about it as a symptom of JR avarice, perhaps in the familiar style of collegiate idealistic fervor, and she was trying to placate him against the idea of murdering JonBenet.

The sheer length of the note is exactly what points to the parents! A REAL ransom note goes like this: "Got your kid. We'll call". Then they ACTUALLY call.
As for the ransom amount, that was JR's bonus that year. NO intruder could have known that.
You cannot demonstrate your claims regarding the ransom note to be factually correct.

Its simply speculation on your part, without any evidence to back it all up!

You should follow the evidence not your theory.

No, it is not speculation. The weight of expert opinion on the subject of who wrote the ransom note (to say nothing of common sense) favors the side of it NOT being written by anyone in the Ramsey household.

Yes, this is a FACT.

Therefore, if no one in the Ramsey household wrote the RN, then it only stands to reason that it was written by an intruder.
The sheer length of the note is exactly what points to the parents! A REAL ransom note goes like this: "Got your kid. We'll call". Then they ACTUALLY call.
As for the ransom amount, that was JR's bonus that year. NO intruder could have known that.

Except that this was not a real ransom note. A real ransom note is written beforehand. What is more, the victim is usually taken by the kidnappers when they leave. It makes it so much easier to demand a ransom that way.

Therefore, there was something else going on here, and since the Ramseys did not write the RN, and it was therefore written by an intruder or intruders, then it stands to reason that these intruders were motivated by something other than kidnapping.

Do you follow so far?

And given the FACT that the Ramseys were leaving in the morning to vacation in Michigan, it is not too big a stretch to wonder if the real motive of the intruders was burglary, but they showed up a day too early and ended up being discovered by a six year-old girl who thought she heard Santa fumbling about down the stairs.

As for the ransom demand matching JR's bonus, well that is simply more evidence that the intruders were close enough to the Ramsey family to be privy to information regarding their finances, as well as when they would be leaving home for vacation.
I've always believed she wrote it.

I haven't read all 22 pages of this thread, so I don't know if this has already been posted. It is VERY interesting. It looks as probability and the chance that Patsy DIDN'T write the ransom note.

According to the calculations, there's a 1 in nearly 55 million chance that Patsy didn't write the note.

This link looks at the actual language used, rather than matching handwriting styles. It's also very interesting.
I'm a fan of Mr. McClish. He kindly donated his time and expertise to analysing suspect statements in the Keddie murders case (he has those up on his site too) - and we found the analysis of the statements very insightful and helpful indeed.

This analysis was pretty interesting too.
No, it is not speculation. The weight of expert opinion on the subject of who wrote the ransom note (to say nothing of common sense) favors the side of it NOT being written by anyone in the Ramsey household.

Yes, this is a FACT.

Therefore, if no one in the Ramsey household wrote the RN, then it only stands to reason that it was written by an intruder.

Sorry, but it is you who should follow the evidence. Try it some time. You may find it enlightening.

Yes, this is a FACT.
You can type out the above in every one of your posts. This will not blind anyone else to consider that you are running in a one horse race, in which you cannot win.

The Ramsey's were indicted on murder charges, their forensic evidence is all over the wine-cellar, its game over!

Mr. Ramsey.

In the full context of the letter, it reads like a kid addressing an adult.

Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction.

We are actually two young adults, born and raised in the USA, and currently living within a stone's throw of your home.

We respect your bussiness but not the country that it serves.

We are college-aged and possessed by the sort of social cynicism and naive idealism typical of the age group.

At this time we have your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed and if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter.

My psychopathic boyfriend and accomplice is threatening to kill JonBenet since she knows me and can identify us to police. I am hoping that he is impressed enough with this ransom note that he agrees to kidnap JonBenet instead of kill her. I don't want to be party to a child murder.

You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account.

My psycho boyfriend went off on a rant when I told him the size of your bonus check this year.

$100,000 will be in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier delivery pickup of your daughter. Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate execution of your daughter. You will also be denied her remains for proper burial.

I am either high as a kite on crystal meth and cannot stop writing, or I am stalling for time, hoping that you will wake up and call the police before this situation gets any worse than it is.

The two gentlemen watching over your daughter do not particularly like you so I advise you not to provoke them.

Just in case you do not wake up and call police, and this terrible situation I am in does get a lot worse, I want the police to be looking for two males, and not a male and a female since I do not want to be arrested for kidnapping and/or murder.

Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I., etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. If we catch you talking to a stray dog, she dies. If you alert bank authorities, she dies. If the money is in any way marked or tampered with, she dies. You will be scanned for electronic devices and if any are found, she dies.

Like most young adults my age, I watch a lot of movies.

You can try to deceive us but be warned that we are familiar with Law enforcement countermeasures and tactics.

That is because my father or my uncle or the father of my psycho boyfriend is a police officer, and maybe even a detective; perhaps even a member of the BPD.

You stand a 99% chance of killing your daughter if you try to out smart us. Follow our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back. You and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities.

I live within eyeshot of your home and can see if any police cars are in the driveway.

Don't try to grow a brain John.

Now "Mr. Ramsey" is suddenly "John" as this young adult mind vacillates between juvenile and adult frames of reference.

You are not the only fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult.

In other words, my family is quite wealthy too, and if necessary, I will be afforded the best defense that money can buy.

Don't underestimate us John. Use that good southern common sense of yours. It is up to you now John!

While I know a little bit of your family history, I do not know enough to understand that only Patsy is really from the South.

Victory! S.B.T.C"

It is interesting that there is no period after the letter C suggesting that it is not really included with S.B.T. in its usual reference. Thus, S.B.T. could be a misspelled reference to a fraternity or sorority, perhaps Zeta Beta Tau, a fraternity with a house not far from the Ramsey home. It could be that the psycho boyfriend is a member of the fraternity or that he and the note writer had some sort of altercation with the frat brothers and she is trying to exact revenge by attempting to direct police investigation toward a "Seta Beta Tau Club." Of course, this is mere speculation.
Ah. The "boyfriend and girlfriend on a lark" theory from the JB forum.

Good to know.
Except that this was not a real ransom note. A real ransom note is written beforehand. What is more, the victim is usually taken by the kidnappers when they leave. It makes it so much easier to demand a ransom that way.

Therefore, there was something else going on here, and since the Ramseys did not write the RN, and it was therefore written by an intruder or intruders, then it stands to reason that these intruders were motivated by something other than kidnapping.

Do you follow so far?

And given the FACT that the Ramseys were leaving in the morning to vacation in Michigan, it is not too big a stretch to wonder if the real motive of the intruders was burglary, but they showed up a day too early and ended up being discovered by a six year-old girl who thought she heard Santa fumbling about down the stairs.

As for the ransom demand matching JR's bonus, well that is simply more evidence that the intruders were close enough to the Ramsey family to be privy to information regarding their finances, as well as when they would be leaving home for vacation.

I totally agree, 100% with your first paragraph. What I can not understand, is how paragraph 1, leads you to paragraph 2. Makes no sense. Facts to back up your theory in paragraph two please.

As for the rest of your post, you have to prove there were intruders first.
Something else I never understood. How do they know for a fact that the pad it was written on was originally in the Ramsey house and not brought and left by Intruder?
Something else I never understood. How do they know for a fact that the pad it was written on was originally in the Ramsey house and not brought and left by Intruder?

Because when asked for samples of his & Patsy's writing John produced that pad of paper with notes PR had previously made on it as well as his own pad with his notes. This is not something that was presumed to be Patsy's. John gave it to BPD himself.
You cannot demonstrate your claims regarding the ransom note to be factually correct.

Its simply speculation on your part, without any evidence to back it all up!

You should follow the evidence not your theory.

The weight of expert opinion favors the RN having been written by someone other than John or Patsy or Burke Ramsey.

"No BPD-Hired Experts Identified Patsy as RN Author. "During the investigation, the Boulder Police Department and Boulder County District Attorney's Office consulted at least six handwriting experts. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) All of these experts consulted the original Ransom Note and original handwriting exemplars from Mrs. Ramsey. (SMF P 205; PSMF P 205.) Four of these experts were hired by the police and two were hired by defendants. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) None of the six consulted experts identified Mrs. Ramsey as the author of the Ransom Note. (SMF P 195; PSMF P 195.) [Emphasis added.]" Ramsey as RN Author

This is a FACT.

If you disagree, fine. Where is your evidence?
Something else I never understood. How do they know for a fact that the pad it was written on was originally in the Ramsey house and not brought and left by Intruder?

In addition to there being OTHER things in Patsy's handwriting on that pad (including the PRACTICE note- the Rs SAID the pad belonged to them. The INK was also tested and found to have come from a Shapie pen that also belonged to the Rs and was found replaced in the pencil cup near the phone in a alcove off the kitchen.
The weight of expert opinion favors the RN having been written by someone other than John or Patsy or Burke Ramsey.

"No BPD-Hired Experts Identified Patsy as RN Author. "During the investigation, the Boulder Police Department and Boulder County District Attorney's Office consulted at least six handwriting experts. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) All of these experts consulted the original Ransom Note and original handwriting exemplars from Mrs. Ramsey. (SMF P 205; PSMF P 205.) Four of these experts were hired by the police and two were hired by defendants. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) None of the six consulted experts identified Mrs. Ramsey as the author of the Ransom Note. (SMF P 195; PSMF P 195.) [Emphasis added.]" Ramsey as RN Author

This is a FACT.

If you disagree, fine. Where is your evidence?

NONE could rule her out either. Not ONE expert who examined the note was able to rule Patsy put as the author. The handwriting was said to show evidence of being written with the opposite hand and that may have been sufficient to prevent a positive ID. Patsy was said to be ambidextrous. She could easily have written the note with her left hand. Being ambidextrous doesn't mean a person's handwriting is identical when executed by either hand- only that an ambidextrous person can write easily with either hand. There are similarities in the handwriting of an ambidextrous person that cannot be construed as coming from a different person.
I totally agree, 100% with your first paragraph. What I can not understand, is how paragraph 1, leads you to paragraph 2. Makes no sense. Facts to back up your theory in paragraph two please.

As for the rest of your post, you have to prove there were intruders first.

I'll try again.

1. Except that this was not a real ransom note. A real ransom note is written before or after the kidnapping. What is more, the victim is usually taken by the kidnappers when they leave. It makes it so much easier to demand a ransom that way.

No BPD-Hired Experts Identified Patsy as RN Author. "During the investigation, the Boulder Police Department and Boulder County District Attorney's Office consulted at least six handwriting experts. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) All of these experts consulted the original Ransom Note and original handwriting exemplars from Mrs. Ramsey. (SMF P 205; PSMF P 205.) Four of these experts were hired by the police and two were hired by defendants. (SMF P 191; PSMF P 191.) None of the six consulted experts identified Mrs. Ramsey as the author of the Ransom Note. (SMF P 195; PSMF P 195.) [Emphasis added.] Ramsey as RN Author

Again, the weight of the evidence favors no one in the Ramsey household as being the author of the note. Once you accept this fact, the intelligent thing to do is follow the obvious logical deduction. This takes us to paragraph 2:

2. Therefore, there was something else going on here; and if the Ramseys did not write the RN (and that is what the weight of the evidence suggests), logic dictates that it was written by an intruder or intruders. It then stands to reason that these intruders were motivated by something other than kidnapping, for if kidnapping was their motive, they would have taken JonBenet with them.

Do you follow so far? If so, we can move on to paragraphs 3 and 4:

3. And given the FACT that the Ramseys were leaving in the morning to vacation in Michigan, it is not too big a stretch to wonder if the real motive of the intruders was burglary, but they showed up a day too early and ended up being discovered by JonBenet.

4. As for the ransom demand matching JR's bonus, well that is simply more evidence that the intruders were close enough to the Ramsey family to be privy to information regarding their finances, as well as their travel plans.

I hope this was helpful.
NONE could rule her out either. Not ONE expert who examined the note was able to rule Patsy put as the author.

Even if that was true, that is hardly the point! The point is that they could not rule her IN. This is the evidence that matters most and this is the evidence that you should being following FIRST. What you do not do is disregard this GLARING FACT as if it were not important, and then proceed to search for any number of ways in which she could have been the author (ie: she was ambidextrous) without a damn good reason for doing so.
In addition to there being OTHER things in Patsy's handwriting on that pad (including the PRACTICE note- the Rs SAID the pad belonged to them. The INK was also tested and found to have come from a Shapie pen that also belonged to the Rs and was found replaced in the pencil cup near the phone in a alcove off the kitchen.

The pad and pen belonging to the Ramseys, it in no way follows that a Ramsey necessarily wrote the note.
In addition to there being OTHER things in Patsy's handwriting on that pad (including the PRACTICE note- the Rs SAID the pad belonged to them. The INK was also tested and found to have come from a Shapie pen that also belonged to the Rs and was found replaced in the pencil cup near the phone in a alcove off the kitchen.

This to me says the Ramsey's did not write it.
They write the note leave the pad and then replace the pen? No one who is trying to stage anything would do this. No one. I'm sorry but to me this says set up.
It also says to me that whoever did was in this house before. And could have taken pad and pen and replaced them.
Even if that was true, that is hardly the point! The point is that they could not rule her IN. This is the evidence that matters most and this is the evidence that you should being following FIRST. What you do not do is disregard this GLARING FACT as if it were not important, and then proceed to search for any number of ways in which she could have been the author (ie: she was ambidextrous) without a damn good reason for doing so.
If someone cannot be excluded, (like everyone else was excluded) AND was present in the house at the time of the incident - then they should absolutely be investigated completely.
When your good perp/bad perp couple are found, which should not be too difficult, as at least one of them knows the bonus amount, the travel plans, JBR's favorite things, and possibly is in possesion of a key to the house, so really how obscure to the R's can they be - then provided this person CANNOT BE EXCLUDED by experts just like PR cannot be excluded - then I would support the thorough investigation of them as well.
Sixteen years and still waiting.
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