The ransom note

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ellen13 said:
I believe she said she picked it up because they found her fingerprints on it and she was like duh, I picked it up, that's why it had fingerprints on it. but, i don't know if she picked it up to read it or picked it up to show the officers or john.
not sure about that one. If she read it standing up, looking at it on the stairs, she had great eyesight!!!

nighty night:rolleyes:
You are funny!
There were no fingerprints of Patsy's on the RN, although John claims she handed it to him and he laid it out on the floor. The only print on the RN belonged to Chet Ubowski of CBI. There were seven prints on the note pad it came from, five of them Patsy's.
John stated that Patsy Ramsey handed him the note on the second floor landing. Then he changes his mind and says he reads the note on the first floor hallway.

Patsy doesn't recall whether she picked up the note on her way upstairs....but then she says she may have thrown it on the first floor hallway.

JR: Well, I'd gotten up at a little before the alarm went off, 5:30am, 5:25am., and went and took a shower, was getting dressed and, uh, heard Patsy screaming, and I ran downstairs and I think probably intercepted her maybe in the second floor landing, I don't remember exactly, but she showed me the note and...

ST: Did she show the note on the second floor landing?

JR: I don't remember, uh, it seems like I came downstairs, but I think she was running up and I was running down, I think, as best as I can remember, the note was still down on the first floor.

Something else John said that was interesting:

JR: Well, I'm, it's a lot of screaming going on around that, but we saw the note and read the first part

Patsy claims she saw the note and read the first John is saying both he and Patsy read the first lines together.
aussiesheila said:
rashomon, the garotte/ligature was not a bogus contraption.

It was a fully functional strangulation device that was used on JonBenet and it strangled her until she was dead. The evidence was there on her body.

Paraphrasing PMPT.... "The groove circling the skin on her neck under the ligature was up to half an inch wide in places and hemorrhaging and abrasions could be seen both above and below it."

How did this hemorrhaging occur? It must have occured before the head bash and it seems very unlikely that it could have been caused by anything other than the ligature.

What possible basis do you have for saying the ligature was constructed for staging purposes?
I agree. JonBenet was strangled first. It was outright murder. Who is the MURDERER?
The garotte is part of the staging to cover up how she really was strangled.

Rupert yours is the million dollar question isn't it..
Toltec said:
John stated that Patsy Ramsey handed him the note on the second floor landing. Then he changes his mind and says he reads the note on the first floor hallway.

Patsy doesn't recall whether she picked up the note on her way upstairs....but then she says she may have thrown it on the first floor hallway.

JR: Well, I'd gotten up at a little before the alarm went off, 5:30am, 5:25am., and went and took a shower, was getting dressed and, uh, heard Patsy screaming, and I ran downstairs and I think probably intercepted her maybe in the second floor landing, I don't remember exactly, but she showed me the note and...

ST: Did she show the note on the second floor landing?

JR: I don't remember, uh, it seems like I came downstairs, but I think she was running up and I was running down, I think, as best as I can remember, the note was still down on the first floor.

Something else John said that was interesting:

JR: Well, I'm, it's a lot of screaming going on around that, but we saw the note and read the first part

Patsy claims she saw the note and read the first John is saying both he and Patsy read the first lines together.

WHEN MY HUSBAND AND I WERE TOLD that our daughter would die shortly after her birth, I CANNOT TELL YOU FOR ONE SECOND THE ENTIRE WEEK!!!!

I COULD TRY AND SIFT THROUGH THE FOG OF MY MEMORY BUT I'D PROBABLY BE WRONG. They can totally have so many inconsistent statements due to the INCREDIBLE SHOCK.

all I can still say is GOODNESS ME.
How you and your husband acted has no bearing on this case.

The Ramseys 'totally had so many inconsistent statements' because they were lying.
narlacat said:
How you and your husband acted has no bearing on this case.

The Ramseys 'totally had so many inconsistent statements' because they were lying.

I don't know Narlcat.... PEOPLE would accuse us of lying IF they actually questioned our first week of this knowledge about our child..... (WHICH for the record was thankfully a misdiagnosis of Trysome 18).....

If they asked us numerous questions, we'd be all over the board with answers and so many answers would NOT jive with eachother. I can hardly remember the 90+ people that visited us. Ask me 3 weeks after this, I could remember about 6 people. TRULY. You're whole system shuts down.

Send me to the links of actual "ON THE RECORD" lies and I will read them with an open mind.

REALLY. Before I joined WS, I believed Darlie was innocent TOO.... not anymore. PROVE ME wrong. I'll read it all. please.
I don't want to prove you wrong Blueclouds, you've obviously reviewed the evidence and have come to the conclusion you have come to...
This is how I see it
At the very least, the R's knew/know who killed their daughter.
At the very worst, one of them is responsible.
Either way in my book, they are guilty.
Ever see the movie Ruthless People and notice the similarity?

RUTHLESS PEOPLE SCRIPT (Touchstone/Disney 1986)

Mister Stone. Listen very carefully.
We have kidnapped your wife.
We have no qualms about killing and will do so at the slightest provocation.
Do you understand?

I have no patience for stupid questions, Mister Stone, and I don’t like repeating myself. Do you understand?

You are to obtain a new, black, American Tourister briefcase. Model number eight-one-o-four. Do you understand?

In it you will place five hundred thousand dollars in unmarked, non-sequentially numbered one-hundred dollars bills. Do you understand?

Monday morning, at eleven A.M., you will proceed, with case in hand, to Hope Street Plaza and wait for a phone to ring. You will receive further instructions then. Do you understand?

You will be watched at all phases of execution. If anyone is with you, or if any action is not carried out to our complete satisfaction, it will be considered an infraction of the rules, and your wife will be killed. Do you understand?

If you notify the police, your wife will be killed. If you notify the media, she will be killed. If you deviate from our instructions in any way whatsoever, she will be killed. Do you understand?
If she died from ligature strangulation why do people think the garrote was staged?
The autopsy photo shows the cord cutting into her y'all mean she was strangled by hand or with the cord and then the garrote was rigged up as a stage?
Sorry, this case has always been confusing to me.
Becba said:
If she died from ligature strangulation why do people think the garrote was staged?
The autopsy photo shows the cord cutting into her y'all mean she was strangled by hand or with the cord and then the garrote was rigged up as a stage?
Sorry, this case has always been confusing to me.
Cause of death is asphyxia by stragulation, no mention of a ligature. It's possible she was manually strangled, or strangled by someone twisting her shirt tight round her neck as well as being possible it was with the "garotte."

Coroner Meyer noted there was a lack of damage to the front of JonBenet's neck - no fractures of the hyoid or thyroid cartileges. No damage to the cricoid cartileges in the trachea. The tongue showed no damage or injury. There was no hemorrhaging in the so-called "strap" muscles of the neck.
Nuisanceposter said:
Cause of death is asphyxia by stragulation, no mention of a ligature. It's possible she was manually strangled, or strangled by someone twisting her shirt tight round her neck as well as being possible it was with the "garotte."

Coroner Meyer noted there was a lack of damage to the front of JonBenet's neck - no fractures of the hyoid or thyroid cartileges. No damage to the cricoid cartileges in the trachea. The tongue showed no damage or injury. There was no hemorrhaging in the so-called "strap" muscles of the neck.
Thanks so much for explaining that for me.:)
CountryGirl, OMG--that's unbelievable!

I remember at the time they talked about bits and pieces matching books in their room, and maybe some movies--but what you just posted is totally it!
T-Rex said:
CountryGirl, OMG--that's unbelievable!

I remember at the time they talked about bits and pieces matching books in their room, and maybe some movies--but what you just posted is totally it!

Surely, if the ransom note was written using a note from a movie as an example, then the murder was premeditated and there was no intruder intent on kidnapping at all.
Pristine, unfolded, uncreased, no salty tears, no smears, no wrinkles, NO FINGERPRINTS, 3 page ransom note.

Think, circular staircase, note on bottom three steps of the staircase. My 'common' opinion is that there shoulda been foot pressure soft indentions on the note, from shoving it off the steps to the NEARBY floor, to keep myself from falling or contorting my body to AVOID stepping on the note.

WHO would care about keeping three pieces of legal pad paper pristine from a FOOTPRINT to shove them off to the floor?

My answer: The author who had totally kept them pristine AFTER writing the 3 pages and prior to 'finding THEM'.

-------I own the movie Ruthless People, Danny DeVito was the husband and HE DID not want HIS wife (Bette Midler) back. It is one of my 'favorite' movies, soooooooooo funny. Very worth watching, when checking out legitimate kidnappings, with a twist.

how could John have heard her scream? I thought they said nothing could be heard on the third floor.
txsvicki said:
Surely, if the ransom note was written using a note from a movie as an example, then the murder was premeditated and there was no intruder intent on kidnapping at all.

Not necessarily. You'd be amazed what goes through my mind in a tight spot.
Wow, countrygirl: the similarites between the ransom note and the movie Ruthless People is simply incredible! (see #31 post on this thread).
Has this ever been discussed here before?
Hmm, seems that the 'small foreign faction' were avid moviegoers. :)
SuperDave said:
Not necessarily. You'd be amazed what goes through my mind in a tight spot.
I believe that the panicked perp in her adrenaline rush wildly threw together into that ransom note what she remembered from kidnapping movies.

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