I have heard this stated before by some long-term posters I admire. And I respect your point which I can conceive could be true. But Ive a few concerns which keep me from embracing that idea as an absolute. I dont doubt that Patsy physically wrote the RN. However, given the housekeeper LW claimed the verbiage in the RN reflected both of the adult Rs speech, I cant dismiss that JR had a hand in directing some of the material in it.
There are many statistics of women covering for crimes committed by their boyfriends or husbands. Motives vary. As a Southern woman Patsy seemed to be majorly about protecting her family. Whatever it took. If one believes the CBS program, a cover-up might just be for two members of her household.
Ann Rule, crime writer, once had some brief dialog about the R case in a CNN interview. Keep in mind that Rule had long-term relationships with police departments, had spoken to Boulder LE and also had interaction with a few FBI. She was understandably hesitant to discuss the R case. With great reluctance she only commented on it briefly. Like any of us with an opinion, she may not be close to the truth, but heres what she had to say -
Question: Ann...You will NEVER stop getting asked about the RAMSEY case, because people want to know! And so they ask the best. One more time. What are your thoughts, and did you see/hear anything while in Boulder that changed your way of thinking?
Ann Rule: I think JonBenét was killed by her parents. I suspect the father was molesting her and she threatened to tell. I think her mother helped cover it up. Very sad.
Question: The sad thing is that so many crimes like these never reach the courts.
Ann Rule: That's true. There IS such a thing as a perfect murder. Lots of them.
Question: If a person goes berzerk, like J MacDonald...I fail to understand why they do not show remorse...these types of murders seem so spontaneous, why the claim of innocence?
Ann Rule: People without conscience have no remorse. Of all the things I've had to accept in my career, that is still the most difficult!