The Remains Discovery "Daisy Chain"

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves the video comment by CA is in August around TES 1st trip.........then near the second TES visit GA is "scouting out the woods"......for KFN tents......even though GA and CA want nothing to do with search efforts????? Both times "woods" is discussed by or in regard to the Anthony's.......I think my brain is fried because my take is that from the beginning......all efforts were made to direct everyone to the "other woods". Wonder if the one reporting GA near the woods was ummmmmmmmmmm an A family member?

I think Cindy's video comment about the woods is around the time of TES's searches in early Nov. 08. I've been looking for confirmation of this but haven't found it yet. If you watch the last few seconds of this youtube video posted by the World According, you will see KC in custody on Oct. 14, 2008 and the news anchor is talking about her being indicted for first is then cut off. I'm still looking for original news footage and hopefully will find it soon so we can have an accurate date.


I think the reason that Dominic tried to put him on as employee (remember that, he e mailed him asking him, telling him he would sponsor Lee to become a PI, Lee didn't respond, so Dom e mailed to Cindy to try to push Lee to do it), he wanted Lee to do this so that Lee too would be under the wing of the imagined "confidentiality agreement" and thus protected from testifying.

I feel bad for Lee out of all of this cast of characters because in the end it likely was Lee on at least one of those phone calls to Dom in the woods. When Dom finally testifies to the State( I think the state deposed him already and it is not publicly known because they do not release those investigative depos according to the recent hearing) I believe he will be forced to admit that Lee did at one time or another mention to him that the woods would be a likely place. LP guessed our little Casey was not going anywhere far or digging any graves, she just wasn't going to have exerted herself, and LP only knew her a few days. Surely this was not lost on her own brother and she kept telling him close to home, places we know, places we are familiar with, practically hitting him over the head with the she's still local clues.

I found it Julia! :dance:
(bolding and snipped by me)

Everyone is messaging me, Julia.... what in the feel sorry for Lee ....has the whole world gone mad? LOL!!! I guess I am just saying out of all of them and boy oh boy do we have ourselves a colorful cast of characters as my Gram would say......I find Lee to be the least to blame. So for those of you who are thinking who is this poster and what has she done with our friend, don't worry. I even made a comic about him. I am still with you. Casey did it , mom and pop are in cover up mode,they lie and lie and lie, Dom and Hoover are useless, Baez needs a senior law partner to kibitz with, I love Yuri and Eric, all the experts are peddling books, support our troops, send money to Muzicman....
I'm back!
Everyone is messaging me, Julia.... what in the feel sorry for Lee ....has the whole world gone mad? LOL!!! I guess I am just saying out of all of them and boy oh boy do we have ourselves a colorful cast of characters as my Gram would say......I find Lee to be the least to blame. So for those of you who are thinking who is this poster and what has she done with our friend, don't worry. I even made a comic about him. I am still with you. Casey did it , mom and pop are in cover up mode,they lie and lie and lie, Dom and Hoover are useless, Baez needs a senior law partner to kibitz with, I love Yuri and Eric, all the experts are peddling books, support our troops, send money to Muzicman....
I'm back!
I wasn't worried that someone did anything to TWA =---> I was wondering who Julia was! I even messaged someone asking. It bites to be new! :croc::croc:
It looks to me like Cindy made the "George and I don't believe that Caylee is in the woods or out there," statement on Oct. 31, 2008. Here's a print article quoting her:
and here is Nancy Grace's Oct. 31 program showing the video: [ame][/ame]

Interesting, because as was posted up-thread it was on Oct. 30th that George was spotted gazing into the woods. It seems the woods were becoming a recurring theme with the Anthony's after KC went back to jail.
It looks to me like Cindy made the "George and I don't believe that Caylee is in the woods or out there," statement on Oct. 31, 2008. Here's a print article quoting her:
and here is Nancy Grace's Oct. 31 program showing the video:

Interesting, because as was posted up-thread it was on Oct. 30th that George was spotted gazing into the woods. It seems the woods were becoming a recurring theme with the Anthony's after KC went back to jail.

NICE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance: I like to verify dates before adding to the chart, so next time I go to edit it I can add in some of the Freudian slips! I think they add to the exploration!

It looks to me like Cindy made the "George and I don't believe that Caylee is in the woods or out there," statement on Oct. 31, 2008. Here's a print article quoting her:
and here is Nancy Grace's Oct. 31 program showing the video:

Interesting, because as was posted up-thread it was on Oct. 30th that George was spotted gazing into the woods. It seems the woods were becoming a recurring theme with the Anthony's after KC went back to jail.

From the Orlando article sited above:
"Exact spot? We're getting close," Cindy Anthony said. "We feel we're on the right track.

Foreshadowing or interesting coincidence? My money is on foreshadowing at it best!
It looks to me like Cindy made the "George and I don't believe that Caylee is in the woods or out there," statement on Oct. 31, 2008. Here's a print article quoting her:
and here is Nancy Grace's Oct. 31 program showing the video:

Interesting, because as was posted up-thread it was on Oct. 30th that George was spotted gazing into the woods. It seems the woods were becoming a recurring theme with the Anthony's after KC went back to jail.

Hmmm very interesting.... A few days later on November 8th Hoover approaches someone at TES.

November 8- Hoover approaches volunteer at TES
SAT, November 8, 2008 – TES leads group of volunteers in a search of a 25-acre area around the OIA for Caylee. They found nothing.
P.I. Jim Hoover claims he told Tim Miller to search in the wooded area off of Suburban DR near the Anthony home. He allegedly approached TES Volunteer, Bill Todd about a tip that someone saw Casey’s car parked near a patch of woods on Suburban DR, back in June 2008.
”……. P.I. Hoover on the 8th of November was out at Texas EquuSearch and in front of several people actually filed a search directive, in other words, it’s a form they fill out saying that the body was actually where it was located. I don’t know whatever happened to that. I do know that people in law enforcement are trying to track it down,” says Leonard Padilla.
Hmmm very interesting.... A few days later on November 8th Hoover approaches someone at TES.

Add this too!

SAT, November 15, 2008 – At 8:15 a.m. P.I. James Hoover met with P.I. Dominic Casey at his office - D & A Investigations, Longwood, FL. At that time P.I. Casey told P.I. Hoover that he knew where Caylee Anthony was…P.I. Hoover said, “ok, let’s go get her”…P.I. Casey then said, “we can’t, she’s dead!”

According to P.I. Hoover, the only information P.I. Casey would disclose was he got the information about Caylee from a tip…. he did not name the tipster. They drove to the Suburban DR, Orlando, FL site in P.I. Hoover’s vehicle with hopes of finding Caylee’s remains.
I don't understand why LP continues to help the defenses case by throwing out wild theories. I do believe TP when he says LP and Baez communicate regularly.

The question is WHY? I'm glad Kronks lawyer sent LP that letter. I don't believe LP will stop spreading his daisy chain theory though. He'll just word it carefully.
I just wish the net works would quit having him on their shows and maybe he would shut his mouth.
Hello WS :cool2:

Bumping this thread for information. With a quick skim of this page, it seems LP was one with a "daisy chain" theory. I kind of remember now, it involved RK and his sister(?)working at the jail...that all having to do with throwing RK under the bus for placing Caylee in the woods.

IIRC, the theory always was that RK was the one who put Caylee in the woods, not so much that he was the one who killed her. WSers explained to me that the defense was only worried about creating reasonable doubt.

If I went only by my experience of Casey's defense team tactics I would think that "reasonable doubt" is created by saying anything and everything that is far from the truth and seeing what will "stick."

I will have to re-read this thread but I think the chain has to do with JB, DC, Cindy and Casey and nothing to do with RK. (just to be clear and state the obvious).

ETA: With the whole "grain of truth" theory, one could think that LP was telling some kind of truth in speaking of a "daisy chain."

Hello WS :cool2:

Bumping this thread for information. With a quick skim of this page, it seems LP was one with a "daisy chain" theory. I kind of remember now, it involved RK and his sister(?)working at the jail...that all having to do with throwing RK under the bus for placing Caylee in the woods.

IIRC, the theory always was that RK was the one who put Caylee in the woods, not so much that he was the one who killed her. WSers explained to me that the defense was only worried about creating reasonable doubt.

If I went only by my experience of Casey's defense team tactics I would think that "reasonable doubt" is created by saying anything and everything that is far from the truth and seeing what will "stick."

I will have to re-read this thread but I think the chain has to do with JB, DC, Cindy and Casey and nothing to do with RK. (just to be clear and state the obvious).

ETA: With the whole "grain of truth" theory, one could think that LP was telling some kind of truth in speaking of a "daisy chain."


I have a feeling by Monday as many of us have had time to absorb the latest doc dump this thread will be active yet again!
I must admit, might not be popular, but I have not ruled RK out yet as being involved in the daisy chain if one truly did exist. I have actually only ruled out 99% of WS members so far! LOL
My mother told me that when she heard Casey say that she feels Caylee is okay, and that she's close to home, she was trying to tell where Caylee is. Right away, my Mom said she caught that. My Mom has always been able to read people well.
Hello WS :cool2:

Bumping this thread for information. With a quick skim of this page, it seems LP was one with a "daisy chain" theory. I kind of remember now, it involved RK and his sister(?)working at the jail...that all having to do with throwing RK under the bus for placing Caylee in the woods.

IIRC, the theory always was that RK was the one who put Caylee in the woods, not so much that he was the one who killed her. WSers explained to me that the defense was only worried about creating reasonable doubt.

If I went only by my experience of Casey's defense team tactics I would think that "reasonable doubt" is created by saying anything and everything that is far from the truth and seeing what will "stick."

I will have to re-read this thread but I think the chain has to do with JB, DC, Cindy and Casey and nothing to do with RK. (just to be clear and state the obvious).

ETA: With the whole "grain of truth" theory, one could think that LP was telling some kind of truth in speaking of a "daisy chain."


I always thought LP was implying that it was a daisy chain of info passed along to RK via his girlfriend on where to find Caylee, not that he actually put her there. But he didn't actually say and he always said Kronk's name with unsettling venom. After reading these last emails, all bets are off as to what role LP has, or if they are trying to implicate RK. I think at the most RK learned through the grapevine where Caylee might be but I really think he is just a good citizen taking a whiz.
I always thought LP was implying that it was a daisy chain of info passed along to RK via his girlfriend on where to find Caylee, not that he actually put her there. But he didn't actually say and he always said Kronk's name with unsettling venom. After reading these last emails, all bets are off as to what role LP has, or if they are trying to implicate RK. I think at the most RK learned through the grapevine where Caylee might be but I really think he is just a good citizen taking a whiz.

ITA - LP was simply commenting on how odd it was that RK seemed to have very precise info about where Caylee's remains were located RIGHT WHEN it was clear she would soon be bonded out of jail.

There were several theories, IIRC, and LP's had to do with RK's girlfriend who worked at the jail leaking an overheard conversation. I'm thinking that's the last place KC would be talking about things and I could see JB saying "lalaLAla" and putting his hands over his ears; it was in his best interest that Caylee never be found, not only would it make his job easier in court but he could milk it as a missing child situation longer.

However, DC had several hours of conversation with KC. Perhaps she fed him a "what if?" hypothetical story about a likely place for her to be and how that if Caylee were to be found then it would not be clear whether KC was culpable (I'm thinking even JB wouldn't be dumb enough to swallow that one but after reading DC's absurd emails written in bogus, trite Raymond Chandler gumshoe-esque verbiage, I can see KC and DC being stupid enough to think it would fly).

DC could have taken that story and found someone who would likely be in the area, a civil servant type, and struck up a conversation emphasizing the reward aspect and perhaps saying he had heard "rumors" that would be a good place to look. I have no doubt whatsoever that whatever patch of grass RK said he peed on that day, it was the first time he had ever laid eyes on it. RK needed cash and may have been just to happy to act on an "anonymous" tip. I don't blame him in the least. Little did he know that he would be a patsy for the defense.

However, I can't see that JB was part of the daisy chain simply because he would have never risked going after RK as a potential SODDI if he had been privvy to any part of the process. His record in things backfiring is bad enough.

While there is a possibility RK could have accidentally stumbled on the remains, he was certainly in a hurry to have LE check out his tip in August. After KC was bonded out, it wasn't like he revisited it again. Not until December, two months after her indictment - and how convenient it was the day GA and CA were out of town - did he go back and find the exact place again. I'm thinking he got a call that told if "if at first you don't succeed". JMO.

So imo, only DC or KC would have had a reason to know. Unless they are right about GA knowing and desperately trying to recover her remains. I was a little shocked to know that DC and co. were already targeting him as early on as they were.
this theory has always seemed very interesting for a logical chain of events :waitasec:

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