The Ring/Jewelry

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Wow ! According t this reporter "The father believes that Baby Gabriel was adopted out in exchange for a $20,000.ring!
Well she was willing to give him to the Smith's for free so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't confirm the value. She may of just accepted the ring and took their word for it and handed Gabriel over.
Well she was willing to give him to the Smith's for free so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't confirm the value. She may of just accepted the ring and took their word for it and handed Gabriel over.

And it stands to reason that if she believed the ring was worth $20K that would represent a lot of money to EJ to start her new life with, which is purportedly what she was on her way to do before LE arrested her.
I have not read every single post here but wanted to clarify how property of an arrestee is handled at booking after the arrest.

The arresting officer is to have searched the arrestee before coming to the jail/detention center. EJ's purse and whatever property she would have had on her would be brought in by the arresting officer. IMO, the ring would have been found on EJ before she even entered the jail. Everything is taken out of the pockets and so forth before entering the facility for security purposes.

IF EJ were wearing a necklace, bracelet, rings, or even had on earrings, she would have still had them on until booking. At booking all property is inventoried. Necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings, are described as: gold = yellow in color, stones are described by color = yellow ring with red stones. If any jewelry is silver, it is described as white in color. This is done because you do not know if it is real gold, real silver, or even valuable stones. This is done for a purpose. A booking officer cannot assign any value to the property of an arrestee. It is not done. Any jewelry would not be stored in the arrestee's property. Jewelry, watches, rings, and so forth are placed in the safe, or a locked area where only someone higher up than a booking officer can access. I know these things because I am a former Booking/Classification Lieutenant and supervised all of the booking officers. It was up to me to make sure all Standard Operating Procedures were followed in the Booking Department.

If LE wanted to determine the value of anything in the arrestee's possession, they would have to have a warrant to do so as well as a probable cause.

Maybe EJ wasn't wearing the ring because it did not fit her. Just gotta wonder if the ring was TS's size, as in the glass slipper in the Cinderella tale?

This may not be the thread to say it, but I believe Baby Gabriel is alive and hidden. I further believe that EJ, TS, and JS know exactly where he is. I keep Baby Gabriel and Logan in my prayers. I am so furious that EJ is sitting there in that cell knowing exactly what happened and willl not say. Even if Baby Gabriel is not located, I hope EJ is put away for a long, long, time.

JMO, and MOO's
I just wanted to add that an arrestee/inmate can sign a form giving a designated person permission to pick up the jewelry and/or property they were booked in with. Usually not the money, tho.

There is a video somewhere of the Grandfather and EJ's twin brother being filmed on their way in to see EJ. They came out a short time later and told the reporter that they were not allowed to visit because EJ's visitor time was taken by the lawyer(s) that day.

Of course, I have no idea when this was. I just remember seeing it. The ring questions could be cleared up so easily. Why are they not?
Last post, I promise.

Even if EJ was given a ring in payment for Baby Gabriel, she could never get the full value of the ring by selling it or pawning it. Most pawn brokers buy valuables at a third or less of the real value.

I want to know the origin of this ring!!!!

There is a video somewhere of the Grandfather and EJ's twin brother being filmed on their way in to see EJ. They came out a short time later and told the reporter that they were not allowed to visit because EJ's visitor time was taken by the lawyer(s) that day.

Of course, I have no idea when this was. I just remember seeing it. The ring questions could be cleared up so easily. Why are they not?
I wondered about the GF picking up the money. When I had to bail a friend out of jail, I had to use my own money, even thou he had enough in his billfold at time of arrest.

As far as the ring, now days fake rings can look real to the naked eye. I, myself would have thought it was a cheap fake ring, why would LE have any reason to believe otherwise.

They arrest a young girl staying in a hostel with only a backpack of belongings, $300 cash and a ring in her pocket. They probably never gave the ring a second thought. Who would have thought she would be carrying a $20,000 ring in her pocket!

If it is true that the ring is worth $20,000 and the GF picked it up and can't find it, then he knows more than he is saying. Whether it was her GM ring or not!

Pawn Shops Somewhat near where EJ stayed. Mapquested them---Public info

Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry -
1621 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201 US

947 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX 78228 US

Old Fort Trading Post
750 N General Mcmullen Dr, San Antonio, TX 78228 US

Pronto Pawn
1047 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201 US
I don't know why but I did not get excited hearing about the ring. To me, it's just a rumor at this point. I sort of remember hearing at the time that the grandfather said something about it being from her mother or grandmother. Maybe she kept it in a safe place until she took off and wanted something to remember them by? I just hope if he was given away that there is a way to find him. He seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth and no clues seem to be coming in. After all this time and EJ isn't talking? Isn't there some kind of way to work a deal with her? Time is of essence since who knows how many people could be involved and where he was handed off to.
I edited the whole post.

I got a response from the KENS5 reporter about the value of the ring. Can I post it?
I wondered about the GF picking up the money. When I had to bail a friend out of jail, I had to use my own money, even thou he had enough in his billfold at time of arrest.

As far as the ring, now days fake rings can look real to the naked eye. I, myself would have thought it was a cheap fake ring, why would LE have any reason to believe otherwise.

They arrest a young girl staying in a hostel with only a backpack of belongings, $300 cash and a ring in her pocket. They probably never gave the ring a second thought. Who would have thought she would be carrying a $20,000 ring in her pocket!

If it is true that the ring is worth $20,000 and the GF picked it up and can't find it, then he knows more than he is saying. Whether it was her GM ring or not!


is this rumor or fact or assumption?
If in fact it is true and gramps can't find the ring, how convenient is that:waitasec: Then it cannot be traced......:banghead:

It probably has been mentioned somewhere in this thread in earlier pages (still catching up) my assumption is that Elizabeth went with whomever was planning to give the ring to her as payment to have it appraised. Perhaps that was why she needed a babysitter for a couple of hours and it would explain why she was in a much better mood upon returning to her hotelroom, knowing she'd have this ring.

On the 26th of dec, Elizabeth leaves her hotelroom and Gabriel behind in exchange for the ring, sits in her car for 10 minutes to admire such ring before boarding a bus.
Could it be Grandpa didn't know the value of the ring <and misplaced it>
Could it be Grandpa knew about EJ plan all along and made the ring 'disappear'

Here's another quote for you, from Logan, in this video at 1:35, transcribed by me, just for you lol.

Logan: The Tempe police appraised the ring and it appraised at about 20 to 30 thousand dollars.

When? When did Tempe PD appraise it, and do they or do they not have the ring now?

And isn't $20-$30K quite a range of an appraisal for a ring? Suggests maybe an informal appraisal rather than a real detailed in-depth appraisal.

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