The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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does anyone know
a) when he lost his job? and didnt work anymore?
b) when and how he lost his leg? the date?

ps149 corrected mystery mom 7 and said that he's not been fired and he's not out of work. A lot of people indicated that he'd been fired ....I'd be interested in what the truth is.

And no one seems to know how he lost his leg, did anyone ever find out?

Maybe Goathairjones, if he is around, can say more to how Hackett lost his leg:

And when it comes to the retirement, maybe Neptune's post is helpful

So, as far as I can see, nothing indicates, he was fired at all.
Wasn't he fired from his job as Suffolk County EMS Director, a position he held from 1995 to 1997? I'm sure we discussed this in detail and Truthspider found archived information about this. There is now just so much to wade through to find the threads it makes me tired just thinking about it. I tried looking through some of my notes and found the start of the discussion of his lawssuits, bankruptcy, and speculation about the dates of his rehab from losing his leg here:

NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10
Page 54

I am sure no one has found the exact dates of his accident and rehab. So much of his history is murky. I can tell you from having a relative that lost his license to practice medicine and got it back 4 times that a lot of negotiation with the medical board goes on behind closed doors and the doctors reputation and ability to make money is fiercely protected by the board so I am not the least surprised that nothing shows on his public record.
Wasn't he fired from his job as Suffolk County EMS Director, a position he held from 1995 to 1997? I'm sure we discussed this in detail and Truthspider found archived information about this. There is now just so much to wade through to find the threads it makes me tired just thinking about it. I tried looking through some of my notes and found the start of the discussion of his lawssuits, bankruptcy, and speculation about the dates of his rehab from losing his leg here:

NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10
Page 54

I am sure no one has found the exact dates of his accident and rehab. So much of his history is murky. I can tell you from having a relative that lost his license to practice medicine and got it back 4 times that a lot of negotiation with the medical board goes on behind closed doors and the doctors reputation and ability to make money is fiercely protected by the board so I am not the least surprised that nothing shows on his public record.

I remember, Seaslug had not only found the date of the rehab but also this thing with his alleged drug addiction, the public part of the verdict. It's all somewhere in this jungle of threads.
I remember, Seaslug had not only found the date of the rehab but also this thing with his alleged drug addiction, the public part of the verdict. It's all somewhere in this jungle of threads.

We could really use a wiki. LISKpedia.
I remember, Seaslug had not only found the date of the rehab but also this thing with his alleged drug addiction, the public part of the verdict. It's all somewhere in this jungle of threads.

Wasn't he fired from his job as Suffolk County EMS Director, a position he held from 1995 to 1997? I'm sure we discussed this in detail and Truthspider found archived information about this. There is now just so much to wade through to find the threads it makes me tired just thinking about it.
(bolded by me)

ok - seaslug....may i ask you to just guide me in the right direction.
if its on a thread...ill sort thru did the homework and i really appreciate it.

im just trying to get to get the facts straight here.
thank you all for answering and doing SO MUCH homework. its such a huge labyrinth, ya know?

Wasn't he fired from his job as Suffolk County EMS Director, a position he held from 1995 to 1997? I'm sure we discussed this in detail and Truthspider found archived information about this. There is now just so much to wade through to find the threads it makes me tired just thinking about it.
(bolded by me)

ok - seaslug....may i ask you to just guide me in the right direction.
if its on a thread...ill sort thru did the homework and i really appreciate it.

im just trying to get to get the facts straight here.
thank you all for answering and doing SO MUCH homework. its such a huge labyrinth, ya know?

This might be the post you are looking for, but i could be wrong:

Truthspider post #391 + several other posts on that page/ thread

OR maybe this one:

Truthspider post #299
What happened to the oak beach drifter thread?

Every thread having to do with the drifter who was mentioned by NY Post, and the drifter who "wrote the book," stayed at JB's for eight months but (but says he was not there the night SG went missing) and who collected the spooky dolls, has gone poof. The only one to return is the thread named, "The Wanderer."

"The Confessions" thread disappeared in the wee hours of last night into this morning. Links were posted to FB pages of a friend of the book writing "drifter." Since he is not a POI and not mentioned in MSM, sleuthing him on the threads is not allowed.
Every thread having to do with the drifter who was mentioned by NY Post, and the drifter who "wrote the book," stayed at JB's for eight months but (but says he was not there the night SG went missing) and who collected the spooky dolls, has gone poof. The only one to return is the thread named, "The Wanderer."

"The Confessions" thread disappeared in the wee hours of last night into this morning. Links were posted to FB pages of a friend of the book writing "drifter." Since he is not a POI and not mentioned in MSM, sleuthing him on the threads is not allowed.

He is however (by his own admission) mentioned in the book, which is a form of media

We were still careful to use initials.

So does that mean that if we were to find out the drifters real name that we can't sleuth him because that name isn't mentioned in the media?
Mod Note: I pulled "the Confessions" thread last night for review. The sleuthing was excellent :highfive:, but the question now is whether or not the individuals mentioned are sleuthworthy. The mod team is checking it out, and if management gives the okay, the thread will return.

As always, per TOS, questions and comments about a mod decision should be addressed to a mod/admin in a private message.

Thanks, and now :werk: :)
Mod Note: I pulled "the Confessions" thread last night for review. The sleuthing was excellent :highfive:, but the question now is whether or not the individuals mentioned are sleuthworthy. The mod team is checking it out, and if management gives the okay, the thread will return.

As always, per TOS, questions and comments about a mod decision should be addressed to a mod/admin in a private message.

Thanks, and now :werk: :)

Crossing my fingers and holding my breath ; ) Thanks Bessie.
Thanks Bessie.

I am in the process of trying to locate an expert who can analyze the photo of the girl being dismembered with a saw to try to possible determine if it's real or if it is a snapshot of a scene from a horror movie or a really good Halloween makeup job. If the photos is of a real murder, then all of the other pieces that fall into place are extremely meaningful.

Likewise, the fact that the person who uploaded that and the other disturbing video was employed by an energy drink company that is located 3 blocks away from one of the Massapequa motels linked to this case is extremely relevant. Even if we dismiss the videos that he uploaded we still cannot overlook the fact that he is posting on Youtube as a friend of the drifter and he attended high school with both the drifter and JB (the John who hired SG the last night she was alive). The fact that he has inserted himself into this case by outing himself as a supporter and friend of the Drifter should make him sleuthworthy.

There is no secret that many investigative reporters read our posts. It is only a matter of days or weeks anyway before someone publishes something about these characters and then we will be permitted to sleuth them anyway right?

PS149 - I mean you no disrespect - but
I have not found any evidence that jb went to west islip high school.
Why do you say he went there?
where is his pic in the year book?
he didnt go there.
PS149 - I mean you no disrespect - but
I have not found any evidence that jb went to west islip high school.
Why do you say he went there?
where is his pic in the year book?
he didnt go there.

In order to appear in a year book a person usually has to actually graduate from that school

Not everyone who attends a high school will go on to graduate from that school.

Juvenile school records are sealed. Except for year books and websites like, there is no way to publicly search High School attendance records.

JB's family are long-time residents of West Islip going back to the 1960's.

In West Islip there are other places to obtain a diploma other than West Islip Senior High School (that is, IF the person wants to and is capable of obtaining a high school diploma). ;)
PS149 - I mean you no disrespect - but
I have not found any evidence that jb went to west islip high school.
Why do you say he went there?
where is his pic in the year book?
he didnt go there.


Joseph Brewer West Islip Senior High School

Joseph Brewer
West Islip Senior High School
West Islip, NY

Posts and posters seem to be disappearing quite rapidly and it leads me to ask why? I have not heard from Truthspider and others. Have they been banned? I think it would be of service to those remaining if we knew what violation occurred that resulted in banishment. Such as "waterfall was banned for calling fish-hook an idiot" at least those of us still left can understand clearly what is going on.

I posted on behalf of another person under Rumor Mill yesterday, as the Drifter thread was gone. My post which I thought was acceptable has been removed. I think because I mention names which were discovered on Facebook and various websites.

If the moderators do not think Facebook and similar social media, is valid for sleuthing they will be limiting the forums' abilities.

If sleuthers cannot mention names unless they are mentioned in the news media, then a whole area of investigation is lost.

I personally believe that people who have web sites, and post on social and business media, have abdicated some level of privacy.

I understand that the website operators do not want to expose themselves to legal risk as a result of what sleuthers post. But I believe there is already legal precedent regarding privacy issues and allowing what is posted on You tube, Facebook and other social and business media to be public.

Please let us know
cph inserted himself into this case. thats all there is to it.
he called mari and lied about it and said he didnt - until erin moriority showed Dr. Hackett to be a liar. You be a liar and exposed on national tv; you lose credibility. It's as simple as that.

when you get caught lieing about one thing....on national tv - the question is - what ELSE are you lieing about? that's all. its really elemental my dear Watson.

happy new year.

Shannan Gilbert was last seen in Oak Beach, New York. Shannan's family
claims Dr. Peter Hackett, a resident of Oak Beach, called them to say he
had seen Shannan and taken her into his home the morning she vanished.
Dr. Hackett wrote two letters to "48 Hours" denying that he had seen or
treated Shannan, and explaining why he telephoned her family. The letters are attached.
any important story is worth getting right...


  • 48_hours_gilbert.pdf
    487 KB · Views: 46
The Rumor Mill thread is open for posting again. The mods pulled it because of a post that led some to believe members were being sleuthed. It was a misunderstanding, and that is not the case. Nevertheless, sleuthing other members is a serious issue. Even alluding to it in jest can be a problem, so I would caution everyone to be very careful how you word your posts.


Posts and posters seem to be disappearing quite rapidly and it leads me to ask why? I have not heard from Truthspider and others. Have they been banned? I think it would be of service to those remaining if we knew what violation occurred that resulted in banishment. Such as "waterfall was banned for calling fish-hook an idiot" at least those of us still left can understand clearly what is going on.

I posted on behalf of another person under Rumor Mill yesterday, as the Drifter thread was gone. My post which I thought was acceptable has been removed. I think because I mention names which were discovered on Facebook and various websites.
Questions like these normally should be addressed in a pm to a mod. They tend to interrupt the flow of the discussion, and some members find it disruptive. On the other hand, when several members have asked the same questions, mods will respond in the forum so that all can benefit from the answers. I don't know if this thread is the best one for that purpose, but it's as good any, I suppose.

Regarding time outs and banned members, out of respect for the privacy of the members, mods do not discuss one member's status with another. If a member is concerned that s/he is doing something that will result in the suspension of posting privileges, s/he is more than welcome to ask a mod in a pm. It's recommended, actually, because we'd much rather advise you before you post and avoid snipping or removing your post later. Mods/admin were all sleuthers first, and we appreciate the time and effort that goes into "sleuthing".

I'm aware that sometimes posters see others being put on TO or worse, and they worry that they will suddenly find themselves in the same predicament. I can assure all of you that nine times out of ten, TO's and bans occur only after repeated warnings and communication with the member. But if you're uncertain whether or not something you've done, or might do, violates TOS, again, use that pm feature to ask a mod. It's not necessary to know what the other member did to get in trouble.

If the moderators do not think Facebook and similar social media, is valid for sleuthing they will be limiting the forums' abilities.

If sleuthers cannot mention names unless they are mentioned in the news media, then a whole area of investigation is lost.

I personally believe that people who have web sites, and post on social and business media, have abdicated some level of privacy.

I understand that the website operators do not want to expose themselves to legal risk as a result of what sleuthers post. But I believe there is already legal precedent regarding privacy issues and allowing what is posted on You tube, Facebook and other social and business media to be public.

Please let us know

Let me try to explain the issues and concerns from a WS mod's point of view. Regarding social media, the rule of thumb is only certain FB, twitter, etc., pages are allowed to be linked. Those include victims, POI's/suspects, LE sites, MSM sites, and some "missing" FB pages, not all. That's spelled out pretty clearly in [ame=]Etiquette and Information[/ame]

Social Networks

Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay. (Exception: If the Twitter or Facebook post belongs to a verified news station, it may be copied. But a link should still be provided.)

Also, social networking pages may only be linked if they are directly related to a case, i.e. the victim or suspect. We don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman, or postal carrier just because they know the main player. We also NEVER link to minor's pages (unless they are the victim). And be sure that the page actually belongs to the person being discussed. Do not link to someone if you are not 100% sure it is the correct person. And if a social networking is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!

So when members draw attention to social media outside of those guidelines, mods have to take a second look to determine whether or not an exception can be made. That's one reason the drifter thread was pulled.

This addresses victims' family and friends, but the rule applies to all innocent bystanders.

Additionally, sleuthing family members that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

Information can be found on virtually any person on the web, some is posted voluntarily by the person, and some is gathered from countless data sources. Before allowing it to be shared in the forum, consideration has to be given to its nature, relevance to the topic, and its potential to do harm. Keep in mind this is a true crime forum. Even without making explicit accusations, merely linking to an individual's web footprint can be viewed as an underlying implication of that person's involvement in a crime. That's a major concern, and one to avoid. Sometimes a compromise has to be made to allow a line of sleuthing to continue, and other times it has to be nixed altogether.

Also, when a thread is pulled for review, that means the topic is off limits, and the discussion should be tabled until the mods/admin advise that it's okay to continue.
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