The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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If you find that we have removed information in this thread or forum, there is a good reason it was removed. Although this is the "Rumor Mill" thread, we do not put the names or businesses of just anyone on our site. Imagine you are googling your business name and to your horror, you find it being associated with a possible serial killer case!

Please post responsibly and put yourself in the place of those you are posting about, rumor or not. All names put forth on this forum must be associated with the Long Island Serial Killer case and must have been named in the main stream media (MSM); and/or must be connected to it in some reasonable way. If the information was removed once, do not attempt to post it again. If you aren't sure why your post was removed, please contact a moderator or administrator for clarification via private message (PM).
The Rumor Mill thread is open for posting again. The mods pulled it because of a post that led some to believe members were being sleuthed. It was a misunderstanding, and that is not the case. Nevertheless, sleuthing other members is a serious issue. Even alluding to it in jest can be a problem, so I would caution everyone to be very careful how you word your posts.


100% I take full responsibility for the confusion.

Let me explain for everyone;

Someone pointed out how when I visited JB's profile page, their website logged me in as a visitor. I made a statement that I wasn't worried because I created an alias account at to sleuth JB and that if someone were to visit the profile page of that fake alias I would be able to see their name on the visitor log of that account's profile page.

What I failed to explain to everyone is that the visitor logs at are confidential and can only be viewed by the owner of that account. So what I meant was that if I happened to log in a visitor to that alias' profile page from someone like CPH, MP or The Drifter (or anyone else related to this case), I would then have proof that JB was in contact with that individual because only JB himself can know the name of the alias account that was used to visited his profile page. I was doing a sort of "reverse sleuthing" trying to catch JB or even the SK trying to sleuth that alias. Someone here took it that I was looking to track and sleuth them. That is not the case. I have better things to do than to sleuth other members.

Hope this clarifies everything.

Sorry for the confusion.

Posts and posters seem to be disappearing quite rapidly and it leads me to ask why? I have not heard from Truthspider and others. Have they been banned? I think it would be of service to those remaining if we knew what violation occurred that resulted in banishment. Such as "waterfall was banned for calling fish-hook an idiot" at least those of us still left can understand clearly what is going on.

I posted on behalf of another person under Rumor Mill yesterday, as the Drifter thread was gone. My post which I thought was acceptable has been removed. I think because I mention names which were discovered on Facebook and various websites.

If the moderators do not think Facebook and similar social media, is valid for sleuthing they will be limiting the forums' abilities.

If sleuthers cannot mention names unless they are mentioned in the news media, then a whole area of investigation is lost.

I personally believe that people who have web sites, and post on social and business media, have abdicated some level of privacy.

I understand that the website operators do not want to expose themselves to legal risk as a result of what sleuthers post. But I believe there is already legal precedent regarding privacy issues and allowing what is posted on You tube, Facebook and other social and business media to be public.

Please let us know

Let it be the reason WS is still here and a strong force in sleuthing crimes. That other area of investigation that might be lost, so be it. Until there is reason for it to be picked up and published in the media, it is info without merit. At least that is how I see it here.

I don't think it necessarily means that part of the investigation is lost to us. It gives Sleuthers an opportunity to focus on other points in the case and learn new things that might end up being important to the case - help put it together.

BTW, it took me a long time to appreciate that. ;} I was always a bit too 'go go'.
100% I take full responsibility for the confusion.

Let me explain for everyone;

Someone pointed out how when I visited JB's profile page, their website logged me in as a visitor. I made a statement that I wasn't worried because I created an alias account at to sleuth JB and that if someone were to visit the profile page of that fake alias I would be able to see their name on the visitor log of that account's profile page.

What I failed to explain to everyone is that the visitor logs at are confidential and can only be viewed by the owner of that account. So what I meant was that if I happened to log in a visitor to that alias' profile page from someone like CPH, MP or The Drifter (or anyone else related to this case), I would then have proof that JB was in contact with that individual because only JB himself can know the name of the alias account that was used to visited his profile page. I was doing a sort of "reverse sleuthing" trying to catch JB or even the SK trying to sleuth that alias. Someone here took it that I was looking to track and sleuth them. That is not the case. I have better things to do than to sleuth other members.

Hope this clarifies everything.

Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for the info...I was curious (heh)! Welcome back, we missed you!
When you are a guest in someone elses home, do you dictate what should and shouldn't be allowed in that home? I see Websleuths as the home of a relative. I may be family, but this is still Tricia's home, and how she runs her home is entirely up to her. If I don't like the atmosphere of her home, I'm free to turn down her invite to visit.

When you are a guest in someone elses home, do you dictate what should and shouldn't be allowed in that home? I see Websleuths as the home of a relative. I may be family, but this is still Tricia's home, and how she runs her home is entirely up to her. If I don't like the atmosphere of her home, I'm free to turn down her invite to visit.

I think this place is aces, and I've seen the mods acting very fairly under sometimes difficult circumstances, but that analogy of yours is too tidy and unrealistic. How about this one - someone invites you into their home, where everyone is sitting in a circle having a great conversation about an interesting topic. First one person in the circle speaks, then the person next to them, all the way around. Any time it's your turn to talk, though, the host "shooshes" you or bangs pots and pans together so that no one can hear you. Yes, as you say, you're free to just get up and leave. But you're also free to complain - in that scenario, it would be difficult to contend that the guest is out of line for complaining. Guests have rights too.

Any message board community needs a happy membership, or it will cease to exist; "my way or the highway" sites don't last long.
PD - I have always said that Opinions are like Hemorroids, i.e., every A H has one.....sooner or later. I also believe everyone's opinion is worth listening to if for no other reason than to dissect it to gain further knowledge.

This Board is different than the very important Marty Tankleff board. In that Board the mods made it well known any post contrary to their POV was not to be tolerated. The MODS had a strategy in mind and who can dispute their thinking now that Tankleff is free.

Truth of the matter is NONE of us really know much about what really went on at OB. We can only read and judge for ourselves and hope something good comes out of it.

There is no better way than to kill a topic if the poster comes to the realization that their work is going to be deleted, and all the time put into it is wasted.

THIS BOARD IS AN OPINION BOARD, NO MORE, NO LESS. BTW, I understand the issues the MODS have and I don't relish the idea of being a moderator.
PD - I have always said that Opinions are like Hemorroids, i.e., every A H has one.....sooner or later. I also believe everyone's opinion is worth listening to if for no other reason than to dissect it to gain further knowledge.

This Board is different than the very important Marty Tankleff board. In that Board the mods made it well known any post contrary to their POV was not to be tolerated. The MODS had a strategy in mind and who can dispute their thinking now that Tankleff is free.

Truth of the matter is NONE of us really know much about what really went on at OB. We can only read and judge for ourselves and hope something good comes out of it.

There is no better way than to kill a topic if the poster comes to the realization that their work is going to be deleted, and all the time put into it is wasted.

THIS BOARD IS AN OPINION BOARD, NO MORE, NO LESS. BTW, I understand the issues the MODS have and I don't relish the idea of being a moderator.

One of the problems seems to be also, that everything we talk here is talk in public and thus, there is a certain risk, that, by naming persons of interest, one of them may feels inclined to sue WS. We don't want that. However, structures like the basement and the parking lot seem insufficient for a conference of "open words". So, I can't see a solution for that problem.
I've been busy sleuthing the Long Island sex party/bdsm scene to follow through with the substantial information we uncovered a few weeks ago and I happened to stumble upon the girl in this photo on a website for a privately built dungeon that offers bondassages.

Doesn't she look like SG?

And then why does the girl in this photo look like one of the GB4?
I think this place is aces, and I've seen the mods acting very fairly under sometimes difficult circumstances, but that analogy of yours is too tidy and unrealistic. How about this one - someone invites you into their home, where everyone is sitting in a circle having a great conversation about an interesting topic. First one person in the circle speaks, then the person next to them, all the way around. Any time it's your turn to talk, though, the host "shooshes" you or bangs pots and pans together so that no one can hear you. Yes, as you say, you're free to just get up and leave. But you're also free to complain - in that scenario, it would be difficult to contend that the guest is out of line for complaining. Guests have rights too.

Any message board community needs a happy membership, or it will cease to exist; "my way or the highway" sites don't last long.

I have no problem telling someone to leave my home. In fact, I've done it on several occasions. Obnoxious drunks, racists, biggots, homophobes, those who disrespect me or my guests, those who engage in any behaviour that threatens the peace and security of my home, etc. etc. You don't get to come into my home, break my rules, and then argue for your right to do so. MY rights in MY home trump YOUR rights in MY home every time. Are those people free to complain? You bet. But they will not be complaining in MY presence, because they will no longer BE in my presence.

Yep, I'm a tyrant like that. ;)

Having said my personal experience, this board has always been very fair and open to differing opinions. The rules that are enforced are those that keep this forum from descending into a free for all of rumor, gossip, slander, misinformation and mean-spiritedness. As an invited guest, that works for me. I respect the host, the host respects me, and more importantly, we both share a common goal and work together to achieve that goal. It's a win/win situation, imo.

And now, I will return to the more important topic.... LISK.
I've been busy sleuthing the Long Island sex party/bdsm scene to follow through with the substantial information we uncovered a few weeks ago and I happened to stumble upon the girl in this photo on a website for a privately built dungeon that offers bondassages.

Doesn't she look like SG?

Do we know if SG had a tattoo in that spot? That would help, sure does look like her though.
I have no problem telling someone to leave my home. In fact, I've done it on several occasions. Obnoxious drunks, racists, biggots, homophobes, those who disrespect me or my guests, those who engage in any behaviour that threatens the peace and security of my home, etc. etc. You don't get to come into my home, break my rules, and then argue for your right to do so. MY rights in MY home trump YOUR rights in MY home every time. Are those people free to complain? You bet. But they will not be complaining in MY presence, because they will no longer BE in my presence.

Yep, I'm a tyrant like that. ;)

Having said my personal experience, this board has always been very fair and open to differing opinions. The rules that are enforced are those that keep this forum from descending into a free for all of rumor, gossip, slander, misinformation and mean-spiritedness. As an invited guest, that works for me. I respect the host, the host respects me, and more importantly, we both share a common goal and work together to achieve that goal. It's a win/win situation, imo.

And now, I will return to the more important topic.... LISK.

Yeah....I think you entirely missed my point. But, as you say, back to more important topics (not that it wasn't you who brought up the subject in the first place).
I've been busy sleuthing the Long Island sex party/bdsm scene to follow through with the substantial information we uncovered a few weeks ago and I happened to stumble upon the girl in this photo on a website for a privately built dungeon that offers bondassages.

Doesn't she look like SG?

And then why does the girl in this photo look like one of the GB4?

Wow! That's DOES look like SG!
Don't let the fake tattoo fool you. Also, real tattoos can be covered up with makeup. Bodies can also be airbrushed or altered in photoshop to make them look more shapely.

Concentrate ONLY on the facial features in the attached photo and you tell me if the photo from the could be SG? That photo appears to be a former employee of the dungeon on the North Shore of Nassau county near the Queens border because under the photo there is no longer any bio listed for that mistress or any list of her offerings.


  • compare.jpg
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Don't let the fake tattoo fool you. Also, real tattoos can be covered up with makeup. Bodies can also be airbrushed or altered in photoshop to make them look more shapely.

Concentrate ONLY on the facial features in the attached photo and you tell me if the photo from the could be SG? That photo appears to be a former employee of the dungeon on the North Shore of Nassau county near the Queens border because under the photo there is no longer any bio listed for that mistress or any list of her offerings.

Very close resemblance for sure.

There are a couple of reasons I hesitate to "match" them... the fetish mistress appears to have a cleft chin (none for SG), the nose "bridges" don't appear to be the same, nor does the tip of the nose. The cleft could be airbrushed but I'm hesitant to believe it's the case in this photo. (jmo)
... the fetish mistress appears to have a cleft chin (none for SG)

That's really the only difference I spotted that I think it's worth remarking on. The similarities are off the charts, though - the eyes are dead ringers, the puffiness in the cheeks, the cheekbones, the eyebrows. That it actually is SG is a possibility that can't be entirely discounted.
WHERE IS LI NATIVE HANGING OUT. I told him I was waiting for something to happen and have been waiting for 6 months now. It happened today. It doesn't get worse than this.......
That's really the only difference I spotted that I think it's worth remarking on. The similarities are off the charts, though - the eyes are dead ringers, the puffiness in the cheeks, the cheekbones, the eyebrows. That it actually is SG is a possibility that can't be entirely discounted.

There are additional photos of Mistress Daisy on the website. The photo of Mistress Daisy wearing fishnets on black sofa/chair looks like the girl in the headphones/wires photo, but that photo (fishnets/black chair) does not look like SG. Same for the pink sparkly attire.... cleft chin evident and again, she doesn't look like SG here. I would love for her to be the same gal... great link/tie-in... I'm just doubtful.
WHERE IS LI NATIVE HANGING OUT. I told him I was waiting for something to happen and have been waiting for 6 months now. It happened today. It doesn't get worse than this.......

Well, since he is not here... how about you tell us "what happened today"! :D
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