The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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If they link him (or attempt to) to SG, that is one thing. If they try to throw every other victim as his doing cause he is not around anymore.......That would be very fishy to me.

Is against rules to post the Topix link? I would like to review that.
The guy was a rich, high ranking Long Island citizen, business, kind of entertainment, politics etc. more or les everyone on LI knows him, not personaly but they know of him, for what he has accomplished of good things in life and for the community.
Several members of his family are also kind of prominent people.
So, IF the rumor is true, and due to the above, plus that the guy did commited suicide, which is already a VERY hard task for his loved once to cope with, he has parents, wife, 3 children, I guess the police want to have a VERY VERY VERY solid case before they go public accusing this man of beeing a serial killer.
BUT it STILL may very well be just a rumor.

Actually, he was not high ranking, didn't have anything to do with politics and not everyone knows who he is unless you mention his popular businesses and the fact that he committed suicide (and then you get an "oh that guy"). People recognize the name but no one knows what he looked like. No one would have heard of him but his suicide made the paper because you probably won't find anyone on Long Island who hasn't been to his very famous business.

I don't know of any of his family members. They are not prominent. They owned a popular family business that made some money and so they were able to live well.

That's about it. He was a guy with money.
I was just reading about this and I'm actually shaking over it. In my opinion he fits the profile to a tee. Honestly, I would be upset if the coward took the easy way out and committed suicide prior to justice being served...

I did a bit of research on this guy, and he commited suicide the very day after Shannan Gilbert's body was found!
He is also seriously connected to landscaping.
Some people on the net is stating that he has been a suspect in the GB4 case for quite some time, but wheter it is true or not, I dont know.
There is more that IMHO make him a viable supsect, well time will tell I guess.
How on Earth, do these rumors get started? Poor guy.... except, I always tuck rumors away for possible latter inspection because sometimes, where there is smoke, there is fire. From what I am reading, this guy was 'the greatest boss ever', he 'would give anyone the shirt off his back', he was absolutely a fabulous guy from the people who knew him. That is exactly, what I expect to hear about the real SK too.... everyone will love him. I have to admit that I also find his landscapping/nursery business interesting because my mind immediately turned to burlap... Cell phone records will help clear this matter up.... if he was involved with the 'working girls', there will be records that link him to common denominator's in the lives of the GB4, and Shannon. I wonder if he has any ties to Manorville??? :waitasec:
well, he apparently lived fairly nearby. but it seems that Manorville is an apparent dumping ground for all types of deaths/killings. just look at the OD they found dumped there a few weeks ago and what about the couple from queens or whatever who dumped their little girl there? I would be more curious to know what his ties are to Gilgo...

How on Earth, do these rumors get started? Poor guy.... except, I always tuck rumors away for possible latter inspection because sometimes, where there is smoke, there is fire. From what I am reading, this guy was 'the greatest boss ever', he 'would give anyone the shirt off his back', he was absolutely a fabulous guy from the people who knew him. That is exactly, what I expect to hear about the real SK too.... everyone will love him. I have to admit that I also find his landscapping/nursery business interesting because my mind immediately turned to burlap... Cell phone records will help clear this matter up.... if he was involved with the 'working girls', there will be records that link him to common denominator's in the lives of the GB4, and Shannon. I wonder if he has any ties to Manorville??? :waitasec:
Actually, he was not high ranking, didn't have anything to do with politics and not everyone knows who he is unless you mention his popular businesses and the fact that he committed suicide (and then you get an "oh that guy"). People recognize the name but no one knows what he looked like. No one would have heard of him but his suicide made the paper because you probably won't find anyone on Long Island who hasn't been to his very famous business.

I don't know of any of his family members. They are not prominent. They owned a popular family business that made some money and so they were able to live well.

That's about it. He was a guy with money.

I googled & found his photo where he's standing by an aquarium
Long time reader, first time poster. You guys really do an incredible job on here and I want to thank you for your thoughts and hard work.

This case is really fascinating to me being that I live and work fairly close to Gilgo Beach.

The posts on the Riverhead Topix have a lot of people saying that it's one guy and he does fit a lot of the profile that many thought he was like- IE: he was a landscaper, wealthy, white, in his 40's, married, history of substance abuse.

A few people on there even said today that his place of business was shut down today for a few hours for the FBI to investigate it.

I know that this is all speculation and rumors until he is named as a suspect, but do you guys think that there is a good chance he is the guy who killed these girls? IMO this is the most likely suspect so far, especially based on the talk that is floating around that website.
Well, you can purchase large bolts of burlap fabric on the website of a certain nursery. Interesting....

In rolls of 100 continuous yards. Used as windbreak for plants, shading, balling large trees, screening, etc.Fabric weight 7½ oz.
72"(37 lbs.)
(46 lbs.)
(53 lbs.)
(70 lbs.)
(78 lbs.)
Burlap Rolls - Super Heavy Duty
That nursery was not shut down yesterday. At least the one in Dix Hills wasn't. There were no FBI there either. That Topix forum was entertaining but completely unorganized and full of garbage. I would take what is said on that with a 1/4 grain of salt.
Boro Of Queens-welcome! It's always interesting to hear from you LI locals. I can only imagine what it's like to live and work near Gilgo Beach...I've justread through most of the posts on the Riverhead Topix board, thanks for mentioning it. Wow, there is quite the rumor mill going on there! I'd have to say that JB#2 (there is already Joseph Brewer taking up the JB initials in this
case) seems like a very viable suspect. His suicide so soon after Shannan Gilbert's remains being discovered is suspicious, as well as his obvious access to burlap. I read one post that claimed that a policeman that he'd known since he was a kid called him in the middle of the night, claiming JB#2 was the Gilgo Beach killer. However, I have a hard time believing that. The police would be that loose lipped about an investigation? Quite a few posts claiming info given to them by someone in LE...I'm not going to believe anything from the rumor mill until it's official. No need to jump to conclusions, but he is quite interesting as a suspect. As usual, many friends are writing that there is no way it could be him--that's usually the case, many times the serial killers are too "helpful and nice" to be considered one.

Confirmed by friend of the family that the whole family is being looked into especially a son?? No real details as to why they are being investigated. It may not even be LISK related. I should have more information when I speak to her later.
talking baseless trash about a dead man who has no connection to the case is offensive, irresponsible and people doing it aren't worthy of ws accounts.
boo on you, moo
talking baseless trash about a dead man who has no connection to the case is offensive, irresponsible and people doing it aren't worthy of ws accounts.
boo on you, moo

I hope that wasn't a stab at me. Just relaying information. It's not only him they are investigating. Members of his family as well.
I hope that wasn't a stab at me. Just relaying information. It's not only him they are investigating. Members of his family as well.

I don't stab, I take shots ;)
but no, not at any one in particular.
maybe I am confused, we are talking about the rumor about JB2?
I don't think anyone is actually being investigated by LE right?
All this is based off of a rumor started on an anon forum right?
Yes. JB2. Based off a rumor from Topix. From what I'm being told (from a family friend) is that the family is under investigation for something related to what we discuss here. And that it involves more then one person. Are we able to link this person to JB1, GC or CPH by any chance?

Once again, I'm just relaying what I was told. I will talk to the girl later tonight and see if she has anything we can confirm ourselves.
Well, May 1st came and went without an announcement of any kind. I thought the info from Topix was purely speculation from the get go anyways. I doubt they could build a case that fast without an admission from the suspect. They owe if to the families of the victims to get this right, and not rush to a conclusion, only to have to recant later on. I personally think if, and when, a break in the case comes it will come out of the blue with no warning. Just my two cents.
Another thing that could produce a quick conclusion to the investigation is if some of the victims personal items were found at the suspects residence or place of business. Serial Killers are known for keeping personal artifacts as "trophies" or as a way of remembering the crime in-depth. While there are some definite differences, this whole scenario reminds me so much of the Backpacker Murders that took place in New South Wales in the 90's. All the bodies were found in the same general area (a state forest), many of the bodies found were located between 98-160 feet apart from each another, and the killer (Ivan Milat) was a longtime resident of the area whom many people initially disregarded as a suspect because it wasn't uncommon to see him out mowing his lawn on the weekend or being social with neighbors. Outwardly, he was a really friendly guy most people seemed to like. But once you began to dig into his past, you quickly found some red flags (attempted rape charges, people disappearing from areas in which he had been working, a fascination with weapons). It was also speculated that his friendly nature allowed him to approach these backpackers without raising suspicion, often offering his assistance, only to turn on them once their guard was down. Milat was apprehended after one of his potential victims, Paul Onions, managed to flee from Milats' truck while hitchhiking after Milat drew a gun on him. Onions had seen something in the news about others missing in the area once back in his native England and then informed Australian officials about his experience while hitchhiking. He picked Milat out of a lineup of photographs. Upon his arrest in May 1994 personal belongings of the victims were found during a search of Milats' residence. It was widely speculated by both Ivan, as well as others, that his own brother, Richard, helped him commit many of the murders. This was never proved during the trial, however. Milat is currently serving seven life sentences in Goulburn, NSW.
As this is thirdhand information, I would like to stress that this is merely a rumor, as yet...but a source informed me that the man who committed suicide in December (I don't want to say his name yet as he was not announced as a suspect or POI in this case), his son (or another close male relative) apparently committed suicide last night at 9pm and left a note confessing to Gilgo. Again, I have not confirmed this with any viable source, but I just want to throw the information out there. The source said he saw the body and a presser will be announced today or tomorrow.

I'm trying to locate info on how old the son could have possibly been, as the father was only 48 and I believe the son was the youngest of three. I know you guys are stellar internet researchers, help please!
As this is thirdhand information, I would like to stress that this is merely a rumor, as yet...but a source informed me that the man who committed suicide in December (I don't want to say his name yet as he was not announced as a suspect or POI in this case), his son (or another close male relative) apparently committed suicide last night at 9pm and left a note confessing to Gilgo. Again, I have not confirmed this with any viable source, but I just want to throw the information out there. The source said he saw the body and a presser will be announced today or tomorrow.

I'm trying to locate info on how old the son could have possibly been, as the father was only 48 and I believe the son was the youngest of three. I know you guys are stellar internet researchers, help please!

No offense to you, but for the last week people keep saying there will be an announcement at a certain time. Then when that deadline passes they change it to another day. The rumor was that it was him, now it is supposedly his son?
No offense to you, but for the last week people keep saying there will be an announcement at a certain time. Then when that deadline passes they change it to another day. The rumor was that it was him, now it is supposedly his son?

Was just repeating the information that was presented to me FYI. As I stated multiple times, the information was unconfirmed and merely a rumor as of yet...just wanted it to be available my fellow sleuthers in case there is an air of truth in it.
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