The Sandy Hook Victims- Images and Remembrances ONLY RIP

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Noah Pozner
Age: 6
Noah was "smart as a whip," gentle but with a rambunctious streak, said his uncle Alexis Haller. Noah's twin sister, also at Sandy Hook student, survived the rampage, Haller said. "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time," Rabbi Shaul Praver told MSNBC, "and his little body could not endure so many bullets like that." Read full profile »
Connecticut school shooting: Victims have names
Today they are names.
Two days ago, they were little boys and girls. They were beautiful children. They laughed. They ran around and screamed because that’s what kids that age do, and what they love.
Two days ago they were people we all knew, teachers, educators. People who our children knew. People who smiled — and sometimes yelled — as our children learned and played, and played pranks on each other.
I hope I did this right and don't blow the margins. Five pictures are still missing; most likely the families are not ready to release a photo, which I completely understand....I know I wouldn't be ready. :tears:


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mrsu posted about this in the other thread, but I thought it should be here too.

Victor Cruz (6 yr old Jack Pinto's favorite player), of the NY Giants, honors Jack Pinto.

"On Sunday afternoon, Giants receiver Victor Cruz paid tribute to Jack Pinto, one of the students killed in Friday's Sandy Hook tragedy, by writing Jack's name on his shoes. He did so because Jack Pinto loved him above all other players, loved him so much that he may well be buried in a Cruz jersey."
"This first time, Cruz and Jack's family didn't talk for very long, just a few minutes of shared sadness. But Cruz pledged to honor Jack's memory in Sunday's game, and more importantly, pledged that he'd be there for the family for a long time to come."
James Mattioli
Age: 6
Student at Sandy Hook Elementary School

Mattioli, James Radley
"Our Beloved Prince"
James Radley Mattioli, age 6 ¾, fondly called 'J' passed away on December 14, 2012 in his classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School. An energetic, loving friend to all, James loved baseball, basketball, swimming, arm wrestling and playing games on the iPad (especially the lawn mowing game). He loved to wear shorts and t-shirts in any weather, and grab the gel to spike his hair. He would often sing at the top of his lungs and once asked, "How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?"

Rest in peace little angels...
....and prayers for everyone affected by this tragedy...

It is good to know that these beautiful angels can never be hurt again! You will be missed forever.
V.F. contributor and Newtown resident Ross MacDonald created this touching illustration dedicated to the teachers and students of Sandy Hook


"I told them ... I love you all very much"

A first grade teacher sheltered her students in a closet, listening to gunshots in the hallway outside. Fearing the worst, she said she wanted these tiny 6 and 7 year olds to know that somebody loved them, and for that to be the last thing they heard, not the gunshots. Other teachers and staff risked their lives and died trying to protect children. They literally ran out without hesitation to warn others, to pull students to safety, and to put themselves between the bullets and the children.

Their incredible selflessness and bravery saved many childrens' lives. Thinking about that is helping to hold up the crushing weight of the rest of that horrible, tragic day. Because we can't stop thinking about it. I wanted to do something to help somehow, but feel pretty helpless. The only thing I can do right now is draw. It's not going to help, but I wanted to be doing something.

I'd like to dedicate this image to the teachers and students of Sandy Hook Elementary School.

We live in Newtown. Our daughter Daisy goes to Newtown Middle School, and our son Jamie is a senior at Newtown High School. A lot of friends, relatives and colleagues have texted and called and emailed over the last day to find out if we're okay, to express their grief and horror, and to send love and support. We are very grateful for all the thoughts and wishes. A lot of people have also wanted to know more information. I think everyone is desperately trying to find something to help give this all some kind of meaning.

So I hope you'll forgive me for describing our day here for all of the people who have been asking.

We got Daisy ready in the morning and got her on the school bus at 6:25 as usual. Jamie had the first few classes free and didn't have to leave until 10 am. Some time before that we were notified by phone and email of a school lockdown. It's not all that unusual here. The schools have drills, and they also lock down the schools as a precaution if there is a robbery or anything unusual in the town, so we weren't worried. But we wanted to know if it would be over soon so my son could get into the school. So I turned on the police scanner to see if anything was going on. Usually it's silent - not a lot goes on here in Newtown. This time it wasn't silent. It was immediately clear that something serious was going on. I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I heard an EMT say they were setting up triage units in the parking lot. Then a dispatcher said that 3 MCI units - mass casualty incident units - were en route. It was obviously a large-scale emergency. We heard ambulances inbound from towns all around us. We heard only three ambulances leaving for nearby hospitals.

read more at the link
Madeleine Hsu, 6

Her outfits matched her personality: bright, sunny floral dresses."She was a sweet, beautiful little girl," her neighbor tells the Wall Street Journal. At night, she shared a bed with her two sisters. "They had their own rooms," a family friend tells PEOPLE, "but they slept in the same room because they wanted to be together. … She was a gorgeous, gorgeous little girl."


Thanks for the photo of Madeleine!
Only picture missing now is the one of Allison N. Wyatt.

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