The Sidebar - Harris Trial #3 *VERDICT - GUILTY*

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But Taylor spoke of her former husband in much harsher terms Tuesday after prosecutors questioned how well she really knew him. Evidence in the trial has shown Harris, not long before his son’s death, met a prostitute for sex. He went online seeking sexual encounters with men and women. The day Cooper died, Harris was swapping sexual text messages with a 17-year-old girl, asking for a photo of her breasts.

“Basically you had no idea how his behavior was escalating over the years,” prosecutor Chuck Boring said.

Taylor broke down. She had previously said sexual problems plagued her marriage to Harris and they sought counseling years earlier after he confessed to frequently viewing *advertiser censored*. Taylor said she hadn’t known until after their son’s death that Harris was having physical affairs.

Tex, the State referring to that " escalation " within the context of their marriage isn't the context for their use of escalation to make a malice case against RH.

May-early June. Escalation. "Prostitutes. I want to be single. Failing at work. The joker drains my bank account. Sometimes I don't want to be married. Ms Meadows the motive. A response to a Whisper meme- "my breaking point is pretty low right now," May 30, 2014. " ESCAPE.......
Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
Agree. I believe that some things morally wrong are different legally. I def think RH is wrong about the sexting minors. I def think the minors were wrong too. 2 different things to me (minors are not on trial here but are equally wrong. JMHO no way they can be justified not to know what they did was wrong) And again, on the phone, just going by what surely will be an appeal issue because Def has already brought it up in hearings. Why RH did or didn't assert his right to not give password /not give. We have no clue.

JMHO, my opinion doesn't make a hill of beans on any outcome of this case. Or the other either. I would think the State and Defense know more about what is what than any of us. I just following along.

Additionally, the teen, "Chelsea" came forward to LE on her own. She's the one who told them she'd had contact with RH on June 18, the day Cooper was killed.

RBBM, thanks never heard that. Do you know when this was talked about?TIA. Chelsea D testimony was blacked out so we didn't hear hers.

I know from testimony, that one of the witnesses that RH had sexted with was at Hilton Head with her family on June 18, 2014. RH had asked her for a bj. She didn't come forward, but her friend did and told CCPD. Kilgore asked the witness if she ever did, she said no.
RBBM, thanks never heard that. Do you know when this was talked about?TIA. Chelsea D testimony was blacked out so we didn't hear hers.

I know from testimony, that one of the witnesses that RH had sexted with was at Hilton Head with her family on June 18, 2014. RH had asked her for a bj. She didn't come forward, but her friend did and told CCPD. Kilgore asked the witness if she ever did, she said no.

She came forward in June, 2014, which is why allegations about minors were raised in the early July probable cause hearing.
Even if the jury hangs on the malice or felony murder, can't they still give verdicts on the other sexting charges? I mean, if hung on one charge, doesn't mean hung on all...right? Or not?
How can I get a notification when the jury reaches a verdict? I don't have twitter.
Even if the jury hangs on the malice or felony murder, can't they still give verdicts on the other sexting charges? I mean, if hung on one charge, doesn't mean hung on all...right? Or not?

Correct. If only convicted on sexting charges and given the max sentence on each he would receive 12 years IIRC
Even if the jury hangs on the malice or felony murder, can't they still give verdicts on the other sexting charges? I mean, if hung on one charge, doesn't mean hung on all...right? Or not?

They can hang on any charge and convict on the others. I think the odds they would hang on the charges relating to minors is zero.

Based on reading the tea leaves of how they've proceeded so far, I'm guessing they don't hang on any of the charges. jmo
I agree! I can't wrap my mind around being a RH apologist given all we know. In terms of the young girls sharing responsibility for the images they sent: NO. IMO: Girls who are seeking out attention from older men at such a young age likely do not have the best self esteem and may not have supportive families. They are looking for something to fill a gap and are much more vulnerable IMO. We've discussed cases of missing girls who had questionable online behavior and they don't get blamed for how their actions contributed to their situation. We don't blame girls for being groomed by predators. We know nothing about these girls or what has led them to think it is a good choice to send photos of their bodies to strangers.

They are victims of RH. We don't blame victims at WS, so stop blaming those girls.

I've been here all along but haven't posted much.

Justice for Cooper is the most important thing here. Were I on this jury, I would vote guilty of Malice Murder and guilty on the other charges as well. I would not budge.

I'm thinking of little Cooper; not making excuses for RH. I believe he murdered Cooper in cold blood and he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his disgusting life.

I think the jury is close to a verdict and I hope and pray it is guilty of Malice Murder.

From Fox5
3:54 p.m. - Persinger says that is suspicious that Harris deleted his cache on Chrome, but not on Firefox
2:39 p.m. - Harris looked up “age of consent in Georgia.”
2:36 p.m. - Persinger looked for “hot car,” “child in hot car,” “death by heat” in Harris' search history.
2:21 p.m. - Harris had deleted his search history up until June 6.
2:19 p.m. – “He knew that video was there.” Persinger says of the hot car video Harris watched. “He was crafty.”
2:18 p.m. - Persiger calls Harris’ search activity a case of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”
2:16 p.m. - Persinger says the majority of Harris's search history was deleted.
2:14 p.m. - Persinger and Defense disagree on how many times Harris watched the video.
2:10 p.m. - Harris saw the Reddit link twice before clicking to a YouTube video on hot car deaths.
1:48 p.m. - Persinger says he was tasks with making sure Cobb County Police properly looked through the phone data.
1:37 p.m. - Persinger is cross examined by Defense
10:54 a.m. - Persinger says that he knows about Harris' screenshot of the “age of consent.”
3:55 p.m.
Carlos Rodriguez for the defense: There's a lot of photographs on his phone, correct?
Persinger: Yes, sir.
Rodriguez: Did you look at them?
Persinger: Not all of them, no, sir.
Rodriguez: No evidence that he was systematically trying to delete the filthy photographs that were saved on his phone, correct?
Persinger: Correct.
Rodriguez and Persinger then engage in a dialogue about how often a web developer would clear his cache as he goes about his job. Persinger says on one browser-- in this case Google Chrome -- Harris cleared his cache; on another kind of browser -- Firefox -- he didn't. Persinger said he found this to suspicious behavior.
3:50 p.m.
He now talks about information that is deleted from a computer. Some of that information is overwritten by later files and is not recoverable, he explains. But some of it can be recovered because the space it occupies has not been overwritten. He notes that Harris's Lenovo computer would contain vastly more deleted information than Harris's iPhone would.

3:43 p.m.

Forensic computer expert Jim Persinger resumes his testimony on his examination of Ross Harris's computers. On re-direct, the prosecution asks him whether people who traffic in a lot of sexual content are known to wipe that material from their computers.

"It's very common that they won't delete it," he says. "We refer to them as collectors. They don't want to have to go back out and collect it again. ... Most of these people didn't want to lose what they have. They move it to a thumb drive, they move it to a CD-ROM. ..."

He begins to testify to the habits of "child pornographers." The defense objects, saying that has no relevance to this case. Judge Staley Clark sustains the objection.
How can I get a notification when the jury reaches a verdict? I don't have twitter.

I dont have twitter either. I downloaded the 11 alive app and it's been texting me updates the sec they happen.
She came forward in June, 2014, which is why allegations about minors were raised in the early July probable cause hearing.

Thank you muches. Was before my trial watching time. :) thanks to you and Tex Mex both :loveyou:
Downloading now, thanks!

Don't blame me for false heart attacks tho will breaking news alerts from anything going on from the channel...not many but I've been excited multiple times thinking verdict lol
Does anyone know if there are family members, friends of Ross, etc. who will want to be in the courtroom when the verdict is announced? Are there folks who need to travel to get to the courthouse? I'm wondering how long a time lapse there will be from the jury letting Judge know they've reached a verdict and when it will be read in court.
Does anyone know if there are family members, friends of Ross, etc. who will want to be in the courtroom when the verdict is announced? Are there folks who need to travel to get to the courthouse? I'm wondering how long a time lapse there will be from the jury letting Judge know they've reached a verdict and when it will be read in court.

300 miles would take hours to get to the courtroom. I don't think they would wait for anyone other than the prosecution team and the DT and they are all onsite
Does anyone know if there are family members, friends of Ross, etc. who will want to be in the courtroom when the verdict is announced? Are there folks who need to travel to get to the courthouse? I'm wondering how long a time lapse there will be from the jury letting Judge know they've reached a verdict and when it will be read in court.

I know the judge instructed the lawyers to remain within 10 minutes of the courthouse during deliberations
I've been here all along but haven't posted much.

Justice for Cooper is the most important thing here. Were I on this jury, I would vote guilty of Malice Murder and guilty on the other charges as well. I would not budge.

I'm thinking of little Cooper; not making excuses for RH. I believe he murdered Cooper in cold blood and he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his disgusting life.

I think the jury is close to a verdict and I hope and pray it is guilty of Malice Murder.


Is it possible, on what hopefully is verdict day, to not allege by inference that anyone here is "making excuses for RH"?

I don't agree with those who think the State made their case for malice murder, but I don't remember anyone here who thinks the State didn't suggesting y'all didn't consider anything but your own biases to reach that conclusion.

Peace out.
300 miles would take hours to get to the courtroom. I don't think they would wait for anyone other than the prosecution team and the DT and they are all onsite

Agree, IIRC judge told them not get farther than 10 min away from courthouse? JMHO if they were going to be there they will already be in town. Or they may wait to be at sentencing. No way for us knowing I don't think.
Is it possible, on what hopefully is verdict day, to not allege by inference that anyone here is "making excuses for RH"?

I don't agree with those who think the State made their case for malice murder, but I don't remember anyone here who thinks the State didn't suggesting y'all didn't consider anything but your own biases to reach that conclusion.

Peace out.

Requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt = "making excuses for Ross" = Ross apologist

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