The Sidebar - Harris Trial

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Hi Tex. I'm just using your post to slap down my personal knowledge on this, so no offense.

I work at a Fortune 500 company like Home Depot. In order to change your name in the company system is a major deal and many, many layers of nightmare. Seriously, there are women I work with that debate taking their husband's name in marriage due to the headache it cause in the system and email servers. Kilgore was able to get one of RH's co-workers to state in testimony that RH's Home Depot email address was "Justin Harris" - signature line was "Ross". From my experience, from this testimony, it can be inferred that RH was exploring a way to get his name as "Ross Harris" in the Home Depot system, which would require HR paperwork to get the process started.

Hey Reg..
I think the DT tried to spin it that way for sure.
But too "coincidental" for me. He'd worked there 18 months and could have done that paperwork, if required, the first week on the job. Plus the knucklehead was fixing to lose the job so I'm just not buying it
Great to see you, as always. Saw JA tweeted her approval that Sheriff Joe lost his election...
GH = a wall with a hole and a willing participant on each side. I think its existence is a myth, but, then again, I don't get out much.
No de no de no.....

Lol...ok I'm trying to figure this out....

1:31 p.m.

On May 9, 2014, a webpage titled "Divorce/Legal Separation Checklist" was accessed following a search on the Home Depot's network, Persinger says. Harris searched "name change" to pull up the page, Persinger testifies.

So, let's say for s&g that he was looking to change his name for his email (odd for an IT guy to do it...but I digress)
So he types "name change" into the he intranet and a list of resources pops up. Right? He can see them, he can read them...we have all done this (ok only those of us that worked within large corps the rest just play along)
Riddle me this...why does he click on that link? It's obvious this is NOT the type of name change discussion he is looking don't think without a sliver of doubt he clicked on it when the opportunity presented itself? Come on...a teeny tiny sliver?
Yes, Hope4More,

Here is an article which states: "Earlier in the week, Cooper's family requested a flash drive of pictures of Cooper to show at the funeral. That request was denied by Cobb County police who said they needed to protect the integrity of the evidence."

Leanna referenced this in her testimony when she said she had to contact family and friends to acquire pictures for Cooper's memorial service.

Now I'm confused. That info is the info I thought correct, but different than the info jdj posted. Right? What Kilgore said was that Leanna asked (through) her attorney for access to photos of Cooper for the funeral. LE said no, her computer was being held as evidence.

Her attorneys then asked if they could downloads photos on to a flash drive from the COPY of her harddrive, not off the original (ugh, shades of trial). Still LE said no.

I agreed with Kilgore that was unnecessary, and cruel. What's wrong with that info, factually, if anything?
I don't know who she used to be before her world turned upside down, but the woman I saw on the stand seemed rather formidable to me, seemed like she could go toe to toe with anyone if she so chose.

Isn't the term for that --steel magnolia?

From Urban Dictionary:

steel magnolia
A southern woman who is strong and independent yet very feminine.
She's overcome so much since her husbands death. She's truly a steel magnolia kinda girl.
Hi Tex. I'm just using your post to slap down my personal knowledge on this, so no offense.

I work at a Fortune 500 company like Home Depot. In order to change your name in the company system is a major deal and many, many layers of nightmare. Seriously, there are women I work with that debate taking their husband's name in marriage due to the headache it cause in the system and email servers. Kilgore was able to get one of RH's co-workers to state in testimony that RH's Home Depot email address was "Justin Harris" - signature line was "Ross". From my experience, from this testimony, it can be inferred that RH was exploring a way to get his name as "Ross Harris" in the Home Depot system, which would require HR paperwork to get the process started.

Objection: calls for speculation. ;) Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously though, there is no evidence at all that indicated he even cared if his name read "Justin Harris" in his email.

What we do know:
-he worked at HD nearly two years and his name still read "Justin Harris" (why not a problem before would it be a problem now?---we can't jump to this newfound conclusion without evidence)
- he was trying to get out of the company and was (I think that day even) waiting on results from CFA corporate (which means he probably wasn't worried about minor human resources-related issues that he intended to be rid of in the near future anyways).
-he was reading something connected to a divorce checklist
-he complained regularly about being married
Now I'm confused. That info is the info I thought correct, but different than the info jdj posted. Right? What Kilgore said was that Leanna asked (through) her attorney for access to photos of Cooper for the funeral. LE said no, her computer was being held as evidence.

Her attorneys then asked if they could downloads photos on to a flash drive from the COPY of her harddrive, not off the original (ugh, shades of trial). Still LE said no.

I agreed with Kilgore that was unnecessary, and cruel. What's wrong with that info, factually, if anything?
I will look for where I saw they offered her a disc and she turned it down stating she had no computer to download them to.
Lol...ok I'm trying to figure this out....

1:31 p.m.

On May 9, 2014, a webpage titled "Divorce/Legal Separation Checklist" was accessed following a search on the Home Depot's network, Persinger says. Harris searched "name change" to pull up the page, Persinger testifies.

So, let's say for s&g that he was looking to change his name for his email (odd for an IT guy to do it...but I digress)
So he types "name change" into the he intranet and a list of resources pops up. Right? He can see them, he can read them...we have all done this (ok only those of us that worked within large corps the rest just play along)
Riddle me this...why does he click on that link? It's obvious this is NOT the type of name change discussion he is looking don't think without a sliver of doubt he clicked on it when the opportunity presented itself? Come on...a teeny tiny sliver?

Here's the thing, though ... why would you look for something divorce related on your company's intranet? He was looking for "name change". A judge would rule her name be changed in a divorce decree and it would have nothing to do with Home Depot.

I mean, if it came up in my work intranet search, I might click it in the hopes that it pulls up the form for HR. He's the king of Googling stupid facts, so why was a search like that not found from his real-world searches if he really wanted divorce-related info?

I'm not saying your wrong, right, crazy, or anything ... I'm just playing along and avoiding CNN.
Now I'm confused. That info is the info I thought correct, but different than the info jdj posted. Right? What Kilgore said was that Leanna asked (through) her attorney for access to photos of Cooper for the funeral. LE said no, her computer was being held as evidence.

Her attorneys then asked if they could downloads photos on to a flash drive from the COPY of her harddrive, not off the original (ugh, shades of trial). Still LE said no.

I agreed with Kilgore that was unnecessary, and cruel. What's wrong with that info, factually, if anything?

Sorry, I misread the entire conversation!!! In my defense I'm riding off of 3 hours of sleep due to the major night last night. I thought JDJ said everything quoted above and you were refuting that. Carry on...

Yes, if I were Leanna I would be furious with police for being unwilling to furnish copies of my baby's pictures for his funeral.
Here's the thing, though ... why would you look for something divorce related on your company's intranet? He was looking for "name change". A judge would rule her name be changed in a divorce decree and it would have nothing to do with Home Depot.

I mean, if it came up in my work intranet search, I might click it in the hopes that it pulls up the form for HR. He's the king of Googling stupid facts, so why was a search like that not found from his real-world searches if he really wanted divorce-related info?

I'm not saying your wrong, right, crazy, or anything ... I'm just playing along and avoiding CNN.

No I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that he was absolutely searching name change for his email.'s the rub...he clicked on the resource entitled separation/divorce check list. The links weren't the mystery flavored lollipop at the dum dum factory...they are there to be seen before you click on it.
What? Another incredible "coincidence"! May 9 divorce checklist.....5 weeks later his son dies...hmmm

Yes, there are a LOT of implausible, oops I'm sorry, incredible coincidences in this case.
Objection: calls for speculation. ;) Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously though, there is no evidence at all that indicated he even cared if his name read "Justin Harris" in his email.

What we do know:
-he worked at HD nearly two years and his name still read "Justin Harris" (why not a problem before would it be a problem now?---we can't jump to this newfound conclusion without evidence)
- he was trying to get out of the company and was (I think that day even) waiting on results from CFA corporate (which means he probably wasn't worried about minor human resources-related issues that he intended to be rid of in the near future anyways).
-he was reading something connected to a divorce checklist
-he complained regularly about being married

Yeah, I don't know why he decided to look for it two years in. Maybe in his new job ventures/resume he was listed as RH instead of JH and he needed his name to line up for future reference. Yes, total speculation, idk, just throwing it all out there.

But, he had his cake and was eating it too; he didn't need a divorce and wasn't looking for a divorce. Karma took care of it for him.

I do love some good Karma.
No I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that he was absolutely searching name change for his email.'s the rub...he clicked on the resource entitled separation/divorce check list. The links weren't the mystery flavored lollipop at the dum dum factory...they are there to be seen before you click on it.

LOL'ing @ this because, in my company, it is really hit or miss. I wish I could post some examples from what I see ... :)
Here's the thing, though ... why would you look for something divorce related on your company's intranet? He was looking for "name change". A judge would rule her name be changed in a divorce decree and it would have nothing to do with Home Depot.

I mean, if it came up in my work intranet search, I might click it in the hopes that it pulls up the form for HR. He's the king of Googling stupid facts, so why was a search like that not found from his real-world searches if he really wanted divorce-related info?

I'm not saying your wrong, right, crazy, or anything ... I'm just playing along and avoiding CNN.

For all we know he could've been engaging in a relationship with a married lady in the next cubicle and googling it for her. There really is no telling how many women fell for the charms of Ross "Carlos Danger" Harris.

We don't know, and the defense did not fill in the gaps for us. But given his constant (and I mean constant) texting/sexting that included conversations about his dislike of his marriage and staying in his marriage ONLY for the child (meaning he wasn't staying out of duty to Leanna) it is not surprising that the prosecution used this bit of evidence to IMPLY that this is yet another indicator he was ready to get rid of his marriage, and by his own words that could not be done with Cooper in tow.

I'm not saying that IS what he did, I am saying that is what the prosecution is wanting us to conclude from that evidence.

Will the jury conclude this? Who knows.
LOL'ing @ this because, in my company, it is really hit or miss. I wish I could post some examples from what I see ... :)
But that's the only link during that search he clicked on....there was no others the investigators saw
He didn't go doh! I should redo that to email name change or whatever...
Lol...ok I'm trying to figure this out....

1:31 p.m.

On May 9, 2014, a webpage titled "Divorce/Legal Separation Checklist" was accessed following a search on the Home Depot's network, Persinger says. Harris searched "name change" to pull up the page, Persinger testifies.

So, let's say for s&g that he was looking to change his name for his email (odd for an IT guy to do it...but I digress)
So he types "name change" into the he intranet and a list of resources pops up. Right? He can see them, he can read them...we have all done this (ok only those of us that worked within large corps the rest just play along)
Riddle me this...why does he click on that link? It's obvious this is NOT the type of name change discussion he is looking don't think without a sliver of doubt he clicked on it when the opportunity presented itself? Come on...a teeny tiny sliver?

Here....a teensy weensy little sliver. :D. He looked up the name change thing because (dunno, maybe he wanted his preferred name on his severance check?), but not because he knew that HR doc would pull up a divorce checklist. Who would know that?

So (here comes your sliver), he sees the divorce checklist and checks it out (did he download it? don't remember that part).

Yes, perhaps Ross the researcher looked, let's say he did. And.......?
Here's the thing, though ... why would you look for something divorce related on your company's intranet? He was looking for "name change". A judge would rule her name be changed in a divorce decree and it would have nothing to do with Home Depot.

I mean, if it came up in my work intranet search, I might click it in the hopes that it pulls up the form for HR. He's the king of Googling stupid facts, so why was a search like that not found from his real-world searches if he really wanted divorce-related info?

I'm not saying your wrong, right, crazy, or anything ... I'm just playing along and avoiding CNN.

Lol. ANYTHING but CNN. I hear you. ;)
For all we know he could've been engaging in a relationship with a married lady in the next cubicle and googling it for her. There really is no telling how many women fell for the charms of Ross "Carlos Danger" Harris.

We don't know, and the defense did not fill in the gaps for us. But given his constant (and I mean constant) texting/sexting that included conversations about his dislike of his marriage and staying in his marriage ONLY for the child (meaning he wasn't staying out of duty to Leanna) it is not surprising that the prosecution used this bit of evidence to IMPLY that this is yet another indicator he was ready to get rid of his marriage, and by his own words that could not be done with Cooper in tow.

I'm not saying that IS what he did, I am saying that is what the prosecution is wanting us to conclude from that evidence.

Will the jury conclude this? Who knows.

Because when taken in totality of all evidence presented common sense tells you that it makes sense and that name change for email really doesn't. Those few weeks leading up to coopers murder were pretty heavy for ross and he was "near his breaking point" in his own words
But that's the only link during that search he clicked on....there was no others the investigators saw
He didn't go doh! I should redo that to email name change or whatever...

Ok, a sliver back in return. How do we know what else he did or didn't look at? You have to admit (ok, you don't, but it would be helpful if you did) that the State never provided context for ANY of his searches on any of his plethora of devices.
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