The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Which SOs? What evidence? All the registered SOs in FL? In Orlando?

It would be reasonable to start with the SO's who live within a few miles of the Anthony's and might have been cruising the neighborhoods looking for victims such as the one who lives a little over 3 miles away from the Anthony house, who took a 4 year old girl from her bed and duct taped her mouth, arms and legs, then took her to the garage. I would want to know if this is his typical MO - with the duct tape and taking the child to the garage. I would want to know what items he took from the house. I would want to know what he has done with past victims in great detail. Clearly this guy is a repeat offender.
The air sample is the same technique used in breathilizer tests on drunk drivers so it's not really new technology.

Breathalize tests require an air sample from a specific person. This technology requires and air sample from a object or space. This is why it is still considered new and questionable.
There is NO WAY of knowing if Casey was looking for Caylee or not. In this theory, we have NO IDEA who Casey might have thought had Caylee. Casey might have been contacting all her friends trying to figure it out without making anyone mad at her by asking anyone a direct question - because she knew if she did, the secret that Caylee was missing would be revealed and parents would find out that Caylee was missing. But if this is what Casey thought - that a friend had her, but the truth was a unknown SO had kidnapped Caylee, Casey would NEVER find her among her friends.

While searching this way sounds very unreasonable and illogical to the average person, to an emotionally abused person, illogical behavior sometimes makes sense.

That's right .We have NO IDEA because all KC has done is lied.
I'm looking at the evidence I've seen,the statements KC has made,the stories her family has spun and I'm coming up with KC did it and not SOD. We can do what if's all day,but there has to be SOMETHING to back it up.
It's still completely possible space aliens kidnapped Caylee,accidently killed her ,and wiped out KC's memory.Better yet ,maybe the space aliens inserted a nanny in KC's memory bank and she really believes it.They tried to leave Caylee at home ,but missed by a few houses. To me there's as much evidence for that as SODDI and KC was looking for them.Zero. JMHO.
It would be reasonable to start with the SO's who live within a few miles of the Anthony's and might have been cruising the neighborhoods looking for victims such as the one who lives a little over 3 miles away from the Anthony house, who took a 4 year old girl from her bed and duct taped her mouth, arms and legs, then took her to the garage. I would want to know if this is his typical MO - with the duct tape and taking the child to the garage. I would want to know what items he took from the house. I would want to know what he has done with past victims in great detail. Clearly this guy is a repeat offender.
I bet he drives a van with dark windows too.
Now where is it he found Caylee while he was cruising and when was this? Where was KC?
Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it when people support their comments with facts! :blowkiss:

Yes, I agree with you on many of the points you have made above. In quite a few instances you have noted where they have acted as though they thought she was guilty.

The points I question are their deceptiveness with LE, their aggressive behavior and sticking to the Nanny story. In order to judge if the deceptiveness with LE was typical of them when they believe Casey is guilty, I would have to know, how much did they lie on a routine basis BEFORE the entire case? I'm not sure if lying is a way of life for these folks or not. We do know it was a way of life for Casey. So that's hard for me to decide on one way or ther other. I think that a lot the aggressive behavior was caused by the pressure cooker environment they were exposed to, first with their daughter being arrested, then the protestors at their house and now, when they are being interviewed about the civil suit. It could also be a sign of depression. Many depressed people become extremely defensive and irrationally so when asked reasonable questions.

I do think they are not visiting Casey in jail because Baez has told them not to because they are making Casey look even worse (if that's possible.) I also think their own attorney has advised them to stay away, possible to prevent getting themselves in trouble.

As to the Nanny story, who knows what the Anthony's are being advised to do by the attorneys? Perhaps they have been told to play dumb and act like they believe it? Eventually we'll get to see this play out in court and find out what the heck has been going on all this time. It's going to be a fascinating trial, IMO.

KC and the rest of the As were insisting on the nanny story BEFORE KC retained JB.
That's right .We have NO IDEA because all KC has done is lied.
I'm looking at the evidence I've seen,the statements KC has made,the stories her family has spun and I'm coming up with KC did it and not SOD. We can do what if's all day,but there has to be SOMETHING to back it up.
It's still completely possible space aliens kidnapped Caylee,accidently killed her ,and wiped out KC's memory.Better yet ,maybe the space aliens inserted a nanny in KC's memory bank and she really believes it.They tried to leave Caylee at home ,but missed by a few houses. To me there's as much evidence for that as SODDI and KC was looking for them.Zero. JMHO.

Or, that Zanny actually IS a space alien, and left with the mother ship. ;-)
Breathalize tests require an air sample from a specific person. This technology requires and air sample from a object or space. This is why it is still considered new and questionable.

Well, it has done rather well in court cases. Check out the w/s.

What about the DNA tests conducted by the FBI labs (duplicated by other labs, at FBI request). New tech? Questionable?
I can't believe the amount of evidence that has been gathered in this case, often I forget about parts of it, simply because there is SO much. It's circumstantial, but I prefer it that way. I was recently watching a show where eye witness testimony got the wrong man convicted for a murder, he was exonerated years later. In this case there is no evidence pointing to anyone else being Caylee's murderer, air tests, smell of decomposition, not reporting her child missing, no mention to other's close to her that her child was missing, lies told to investigators when questioned about her missing child, remains found so close to the home, items found w/ the body found in the Anthony's home, duct tape, heart stickers, trash bags, canvas laundry bag...and, I know there is more. I really can't think of another murder case, that I have heard of, that has anywhere close to the amount of evidence they do here. From the very beginning all signs pointed to Casey as being the one responsible for Caylee's disappearance and murder.
Here's a potential hypothetical scenario. Casey had to be getting money from somewhere during the last couple of years that amounts to more than accounted for. She only stole from a friend after Caylee went missing. Her friends say she hadn't stolen from them, nothing missing, she always seemed to have cash, seemed to be generous, even treating them on occasion. Her phone bills alone were more than she stole and I would assume the were usually that large.

Lets say she had an under the table job as an escort or something else off the books. Let's also say that this "employer" also provided a sitter for the girls. Perhaps a boyfriend of the sitter, a client or other unsavory character got a hold of her. Perhaps at first they kept Caylee from her to manipulate her into cooperating in some way.

What may support this being possible enough to at least have brought some more investigation?

Several unidentified phone numbers. Several calls and travel that looks to be searching for someone.

A pediatrician that isn't a pediatrician as far as I can tell. The phone number for this woman is a cell phone. She was in contact with her during that first week.

Clothing that doesn't appear to have been on the body when she died.

Teeth out of the skull even though they should have been rooted into the jaw still in place on the skull. If Faye thrashed it around enough to remove them, the skull wouldn't be sitting so neatly upright, looking back to the intersection, with the mandible still in place with the tape. (I have a 20 year old mandible still with some of the teeth even though my sons have handled it often.) Baby teeth are rooted into the jaw until the adult teeth form, come up and dissolve the baby roots.

A woman that says she saw her and Caylee in June applying for government subsidized housing and the children's program with an Hispanic woman that claimed to be the grandmother. It was dropped right away because their name wasn't found on the computer. But, if she didn't qualify she wouldn't be in the system. Most government programs require some income and official employment. This is the weakest piece of evidence but worth considering and looking into further. The woman was quite sure.
I can't believe the amount of evidence that has been gathered in this case, often I forget about parts of it, simply because there is SO much. It's circumstantial, but I prefer it that way. I was recently watching a show where eye witness testimony got the wrong man convicted for a murder, he was exonerated years later. In this case there is no evidence pointing to anyone else being Caylee's murderer, air tests, smell of decomposition, not reporting her child missing, no mention to other's close to her that her child was missing, lies told to investigators when questioned about her missing child, remains found so close to the home, items found w/ the body found in the Anthony's home, duct tape, heart stickers, trash bags, canvas laundry bag...and, I know there is more. I really can't think of another murder case, that I have heard of, that has anywhere close to the amount of evidence they do here. From the very beginning all signs pointed to Casey as being the one responsible for Caylee's disappearance and murder.

Your post was excellent and I am going to add this if you don't mind.

Other than Christine's young child, Caylee had no playmates. The A clan kept her completely isolated from other children's contact on a regular basis. She never attended any type of pre-school, organized play groups or church sunday school. She evidently had little to none of interaction with toddlers her age. Did Caylee even get to go trick or treating, did she go to Easter egg hunts, or visit Santa?

Other than KC hauling Caylee around with her when it was convenient to KC so KC got attention that Caylee garnered, where and when did a pedophile get the time and opportunity to "hookup" with a toddler? From what I have read, pedophiles develop an on going relationship with the child and family to gain trust. Other than seeing KC's friends on an ad-hoc basis, just who fits into this scenario? No one that I have read any depos on, or have heard any names being referenced from KC's former associates/friends. Strangers just aren't part of KC's lifestyle. She clung like Saran Wrap to her buddies, to rip them off ... yada, yada, yada.
Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it when people support their comments with facts! :blowkiss:

Yes, I agree with you on many of the points you have made above. In quite a few instances you have noted where they have acted as though they thought she was guilty.

The points I question are their deceptiveness with LE, their aggressive behavior and sticking to the Nanny story. In order to judge if the deceptiveness with LE was typical of them when they believe Casey is guilty, I would have to know, how much did they lie on a routine basis BEFORE the entire case? I'm not sure if lying is a way of life for these folks or not. We do know it was a way of life for Casey. So that's hard for me to decide on one way or ther other. I think that a lot the aggressive behavior was caused by the pressure cooker environment they were exposed to, first with their daughter being arrested, then the protestors at their house and now, when they are being interviewed about the civil suit. It could also be a sign of depression. Many depressed people become extremely defensive and irrationally so when asked reasonable questions.

I do think they are not visiting Casey in jail because Baez has told them not to because they are making Casey look even worse (if that's possible.) I also think their own attorney has advised them to stay away, possible to prevent getting themselves in trouble.

As to the Nanny story, who knows what the Anthony's are being advised to do by the attorneys? Perhaps they have been told to play dumb and act like they believe it? Eventually we'll get to see this play out in court and find out what the heck has been going on all this time. It's going to be a fascinating trial, IMO.

Actually, if was KC who insisted on sticking with the Zanny story-- NOT LE. LE confronted KC about not being real. KC insisted that she was- check the interview tapes.

Then, KC and he As switched to attacking JG.

LE gave KC all the latitude she wanted re: leading them to her "work," and to ANY real addy of Zanny. KC took them on a wild goose chase.

It's also KC, not anyone else, who is doing the majority of the lying. The As follow her lies to back her up.

If you are looking for the preponderance of lies, deception, and manipulation, you might want to focus on the criminal and her family.
Your post was excellent and I am going to add this if you don't mind.

Other than Christine's young child, Caylee had no playmates. The A clan kept her completely isolated from other children's contact on a regular basis. She never attended any type of pre-school, organized play groups or church sunday school. She evidently had little to none of interaction with toddlers her age. Did Caylee even get to go trick or treating, did she go to Easter egg hunts, or visit Santa?

Other than KC hauling Caylee around with her when it was convenient to KC so KC got attention that Caylee garnered, where and when did a pedophile get the time and opportunity to "hookup" with a toddler? From what I have read, pedophiles develop an on going relationship with the child and family to gain trust. Other than seeing KC's friends on an ad-hoc basis, just who fits into this scenario? No one that I have read any depos on, or have heard any names being referenced from KC's former associates/friends. Strangers just aren't part of KC's lifestyle. She clung like Saran Wrap to her buddies, to rip them off ... yada, yada, yada.

Yeah, the pedo "relationship cultivation phase" is called "grooming."
Here's a potential hypothetical scenario. Casey had to be getting money from somewhere during the last couple of years that amounts to more than accounted for. She only stole from a friend after Caylee went missing. Her friends say she hadn't stolen from them, nothing missing, she always seemed to have cash, seemed to be generous, even treating them on occasion. Her phone bills alone were more than she stole and I would assume the were usually that large.

Lets say she had an under the table job as an escort or something else off the books. Let's also say that this "employer" also provided a sitter for the girls. Perhaps a boyfriend of the sitter, a client or other unsavory character got a hold of her. Perhaps at first they kept Caylee from her to manipulate her into cooperating in some way.

What may support this being possible enough to at least have brought some more investigation?

Several unidentified phone numbers. Several calls and travel that looks to be searching for someone.

A pediatrician that isn't a pediatrician as far as I can tell. The phone number for this woman is a cell phone. She was in contact with her during that first week.

Clothing that doesn't appear to have been on the body when she died.

Teeth out of the skull even though they should have been rooted into the jaw still in place on the skull. If Faye thrashed it around enough to remove them, the skull wouldn't be sitting so neatly upright, looking back to the intersection, with the mandible still in place with the tape. (I have a 20 year old mandible still with some of the teeth even though my sons have handled it often.) Baby teeth are rooted into the jaw until the adult teeth form, come up and dissolve the baby roots.

A woman that says she saw her and Caylee in June applying for government subsidized housing and the children's program with an Hispanic woman that claimed to be the grandmother. It was dropped right away because their name wasn't found on the computer. But, if she didn't qualify she wouldn't be in the system. Most government programs require some income and official employment. This is the weakest piece of evidence but worth considering and looking into further. The woman was quite sure.

But, a lot of people were quite sure they saw KC (in the woods with a shovel-- wrong woods), Cayee and/or Zanny (over 2,000 "sightings").

I thought OCSD and the FBI tracked ALL the numbers?
Actually, if was KC who insisted on sticking with the Zanny story-- NOT LE. LE confronted KC about not being real. KC insisted that she was- check the interview tapes.

Then, KC and he As switched to attacking JG.

LE gave KC all the latitude she wanted re: leading them to her "work," and to ANY real addy of Zanny. KC took them on a wild goose chase.

It's also KC, not anyone else, who is doing the majority of the lying. The As follow her lies to back her up.

If you are looking for the preponderance of lies, deception, and manipulation, you might want to focus on the criminal and her family.

LE also offered to tear up her statement they knew was false which she agreed parts were (her work, sawgrass apt) and she could make a new one. She refused, saying that was the story she was sticking to.
I can't believe the amount of evidence that has been gathered in this case, often I forget about parts of it, simply because there is SO much. It's circumstantial, but I prefer it that way. I was recently watching a show where eye witness testimony got the wrong man convicted for a murder, he was exonerated years later. In this case there is no evidence pointing to anyone else being Caylee's murderer, air tests, smell of decomposition, not reporting her child missing, no mention to other's close to her that her child was missing, lies told to investigators when questioned about her missing child, remains found so close to the home, items found w/ the body found in the Anthony's home, duct tape, heart stickers, trash bags, canvas laundry bag...and, I know there is more. I really can't think of another murder case, that I have heard of, that has anywhere close to the amount of evidence they do here. From the very beginning all signs pointed to Casey as being the one responsible for Caylee's disappearance and murder.

Yes, most murderers are convicted on FAR less evidence.
Yeah, the pedo "relationship cultivation phase" is called "grooming."

Thanks, also I forgot to add an important fact that we all know CA would notice and yelled as loudly as she could, more so than previously heard.

IF CAYLEE HAD BEEN SEXUALLY ABUSED at all at any time, CA would have called 911 immediately. CA was the one who gave Caylee baths, she would have spotted the signs immediately, especially being a nurse.

And yes, infant/toddler sexual abuse is extremely easy to spot.
Here's a potential hypothetical scenario. Casey had to be getting money from somewhere during the last couple of years that amounts to more than accounted for. She only stole from a friend after Caylee went missing. Her friends say she hadn't stolen from them, nothing missing, she always seemed to have cash, seemed to be generous, even treating them on occasion. Her phone bills alone were more than she stole and I would assume the were usually that large.

Lets say she had an under the table job as an escort or something else off the books. Let's also say that this "employer" also provided a sitter for the girls. Perhaps a boyfriend of the sitter, a client or other unsavory character got a hold of her. Perhaps at first they kept Caylee from her to manipulate her into cooperating in some way.

What may support this being possible enough to at least have brought some more investigation?

Several unidentified phone numbers. Several calls and travel that looks to be searching for someone.

A pediatrician that isn't a pediatrician as far as I can tell. The phone number for this woman is a cell phone. She was in contact with her during that first week.

Clothing that doesn't appear to have been on the body when she died.

Teeth out of the skull even though they should have been rooted into the jaw still in place on the skull. If Faye thrashed it around enough to remove them, the skull wouldn't be sitting so neatly upright, looking back to the intersection, with the mandible still in place with the tape. (I have a 20 year old mandible still with some of the teeth even though my sons have handled it often.) Baby teeth are rooted into the jaw until the adult teeth form, come up and dissolve the baby roots.

A woman that says she saw her and Caylee in June applying for government subsidized housing and the children's program with an Hispanic woman that claimed to be the grandmother. It was dropped right away because their name wasn't found on the computer. But, if she didn't qualify she wouldn't be in the system. Most government programs require some income and official employment. This is the weakest piece of evidence but worth considering and looking into further. The woman was quite sure.
Actually these scenarios are better than the defense, I believe, Casey's team might end up; Jesse, Ricardo or Amy = Zanny (the real kidnapper).

As for the money question...Casey did not steal from old friends from what we have heard, but she was stealing from family. Shirley says in her interview that the $45,000 Cindy "lost" was due to Casey. Now we don't know if Casey took all of that money, but my feeling is she did take a LOT. This was an ongoing problem. I don't put it past Casey to have engaged in less than respectable employment ventures, but we just have not heard from anyone supporting this. With the world wide attention this case has attracted, I think we would have heard from someone.

If someone else had taken Caylee and murdered her why was there the smell of decomposition, Caylee's hair with post mortem banding, and stain in the trunk of Casey's car ? We have no evidence of this car being in the possession of anyone, but Casey. Items from the Anthony HOME were found with the remains, items that were used to dispose of the body, how would this fit w/ the SODDI defense ?

I can not speak to the issue of the teeth being seperate from the remains except to say that Caylee's baby teeth may have been in the beginning stages of seperation, maybe a slight weakness that enabled seperation in the elements...6 months of rain and weather does a lot to a body, bones were found far away from the area the skull was found in, wouldn't it be possible for teeth to be scattered as well ?

I have not heard about anyone seeing Casey and Caylee applying for Gov't assistance.
Your post was excellent and I am going to add this if you don't mind.

Other than Christine's young child, Caylee had no playmates. The A clan kept her completely isolated from other children's contact on a regular basis. She never attended any type of pre-school, organized play groups or church sunday school. She evidently had little to none of interaction with toddlers her age. Did Caylee even get to go trick or treating, did she go to Easter egg hunts, or visit Santa?

Other than KC hauling Caylee around with her when it was convenient to KC so KC got attention that Caylee garnered, where and when did a pedophile get the time and opportunity to "hookup" with a toddler? From what I have read, pedophiles develop an on going relationship with the child and family to gain trust. Other than seeing KC's friends on an ad-hoc basis, just who fits into this scenario? No one that I have read any depos on, or have heard any names being referenced from KC's former associates/friends. Strangers just aren't part of KC's lifestyle. She clung like Saran Wrap to her buddies, to rip them off ... yada, yada, yada.
Excellent points !
But, a lot of people were quite sure they saw KC (in the woods with a shovel-- wrong woods), Cayee and/or Zanny (over 2,000 "sightings").

I thought OCSD and the FBI tracked ALL the numbers?

Then, also, LE tracked KC's movements by her cell phone "pings." Wouldn't they have found out, had she been routinely dropping Caylee off at a babysitter's? Or, if she had been hooking, on a regular basis?

Sorry-- bad editing. :-( :)
Here's a potential hypothetical scenario. Casey had to be getting money from somewhere during the last couple of years that amounts to more than accounted for. She only stole from a friend after Caylee went missing. Her friends say she hadn't stolen from them, nothing missing, she always seemed to have cash, seemed to be generous, even treating them on occasion. Her phone bills alone were more than she stole and I would assume the were usually that large.

Lets say she had an under the table job as an escort or something else off the books. Let's also say that this "employer" also provided a sitter for the girls. Perhaps a boyfriend of the sitter, a client or other unsavory character got a hold of her. Perhaps at first they kept Caylee from her to manipulate her into cooperating in some way.

What may support this being possible enough to at least have brought some more investigation?

Several unidentified phone numbers. Several calls and travel that looks to be searching for someone.

A pediatrician that isn't a pediatrician as far as I can tell. The phone number for this woman is a cell phone. She was in contact with her during that first week.

Clothing that doesn't appear to have been on the body when she died.

Teeth out of the skull even though they should have been rooted into the jaw still in place on the skull. If Faye thrashed it around enough to remove them, the skull wouldn't be sitting so neatly upright, looking back to the intersection, with the mandible still in place with the tape. (I have a 20 year old mandible still with some of the teeth even though my sons have handled it often.) Baby teeth are rooted into the jaw until the adult teeth form, come up and dissolve the baby roots.

A woman that says she saw her and Caylee in June applying for government subsidized housing and the children's program with an Hispanic woman that claimed to be the grandmother. It was dropped right away because their name wasn't found on the computer. But, if she didn't qualify she wouldn't be in the system. Most government programs require some income and official employment. This is the weakest piece of evidence but worth considering and looking into further. The woman was quite sure.

The unknown phone numbers and what KC was doing the last 2 years are definitely worth investigating.I bet LE has done and is continuing to do just that.Should that investigation turn up info that points to someone else we then have a defense.I just haven't seen anything like that yet.
There is so much evidence leading to KC that I believe the defense will need a Perry Mason moment,not a theory or a strange van spotted sometime before Caylee went missing.
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