The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Let me suggest a different approach and way of thinking of the SODDI defense. In this approach, pretend that you were selected to be juror on the case and that you were selected because you don't know much of anything about this case.

Pretend that all you know about the Anthony's and Casey is that
1. Caylee disappeared and Casey is her mom and George and Cindy her grandparents
2. you know that her body was found, where it was found and about the shorts and the duct tape, blanket and toys found with her

Then read this, knowing the suspect lives close to the Anthony's - in fact almost a straight line from Hopespring to his house. Then tell me if you didn't know ALL the other stuff about Casey and the Anthony's, would you think this was someone who should be investigated? doesn't jive with anything that's been reported to the police by Casey or other family members.

What I fear now...especially in that there will be a whole host of criminals copying Casey's method of disposal.
Which is exactly why we need to wait before ALL evidence is released before determining a defendants guilt.
In a court of law,yes.In my personal beliefs I'm free to speculate based on what I know.
The SA and LE obviously already believe she is guilty because thay charged her . doesn't jive with anything that's been reported to the police by Casey or other family members.

What I fear now...especially in that there will be a whole host of criminals copying Casey's method of disposal.

That could be what the SO in this article did. Or this could be his normal MO.
Well, if it's this SO
1. he lives close to the Anthony's,
2. he goes after young kids in nearby houses
3. his MO is similar to what was done to Caylee - duct taping the child's mouth, he gets stuff from around the house - maybe toys? maybe the child's blanket?
4. He leaves beer cans behind and there were beer cans near Caylee's body.

We don't know what he might have done with the 4 year old had he not been run off. What would we all think if he had triple bagged the 4 year old and put her in her mom's car?

Connection? Hard to know without investigating the man. But I do think he should be investigated to see where he was around the time Caylee disapeared and if he might somehow be involved, if for no other purpose, than to rule him out. Otherwise, for a jury that doesn't know this case like we do, I do think he is a viable SOD.
With all due respect...and I truly do mean that...if JB points the finger at a SO...I will eat my shorts!
That could be what the SO in this article did. Or this could be his normal MO.
It says "gagged" in the earlier mention...I'll go read the 2007 article...tape in the most recent. BRB

ETA: something wacky happens every time I try to open the 2007 incident report.
Yet you stated earlier that you're certain that le has investigated them, and the information just hasnt been released yet.I'm confused.
It is normal procedure to look at SO's in case like this. If you read the article re the So recently arrested in orlando, 13 other so's were also looked into during the investigation.(brilliant work by LE in that case.kudos to them). Its not a mob mentality, its normal procedure.
Note that I am intelligent enough to eliminate the SO's who's crime were likely against their younger girlfriends, and focusing solely on those who had a preference for little girls, or child p.

I don't understand why you are confused. I have stated, and will again for ya, that I am certain LE has investigated known SO's in the area simply to rule them out or follow up on their findings. And, again I will state it here, that this information has NOT been released to the public. If it has, I missed it. I think I have stated this clearly again.

The mob mentality is not directed at LE in any way, shape or form. Why are a number of posts here insisting that an SO could have murdered Caylee when the A clan has not even discussed or acknowledged an SO and all statements said by the A clan have acknowledged a nanny. CA herself has pointed the nanny finger at JG or AH. JB in court said as much. JB is looking for a SODDI but it not an SO. Even JB is smart enough to know that isn't even a consideration. Why can't others here? doesn't jive with anything that's been reported to the police by Casey or other family members.

What I fear now...especially in that there will be a whole host of criminals copying Casey's method of disposal.

In the approach I was suggesting you take, you don't know what Casey or other family members have said. I was suggesting looking at the information the way a possible juror might - because they most likely won't know all the stuff we know about this case. If you look at it that way, the comparison of how Caylee was found to the MO of the SO is very similar. Add to that his proximity to the Anthony home and MO of going into homes near him to do this stuff and we have a pretty decent SOD possibility for the defense.

I really hope police rule him out for Caylee's case. But if they can't, well that's a whole other story.
I don't understand why you are confused. I have stated, and will again for ya, that I am certain LE has investigated known SO's in the area simply to rule them out or follow up on their findings. And, again I will state it here, that this information has NOT been released to the public. If it has, I missed it. I think I have stated this clearly again.

The mob mentality is not directed at LE in any way, shape or form. Why are a number of posts here insisting that an SO could have murdered Caylee when the A clan has not even discussed or acknowledged an SO and all statements said by the A clan have acknowledged a nanny. CA herself has pointed the nanny finger at JG or AH. JB in court said as much. JB is looking for a SODDI but it not an SO. Even JB is smart enough to know that isn't even a consideration. Why can't others here?
...and the last thing we need is for them to latch onto another scapegoat IMO.
In the approach I was suggesting you take, you don't knkow what Casey or other family members have said. I was suggesting looking at the information the way a possible juror might - because they most likely won't know all the stuff we know about this case. If you look at it that way, the comparison of how Caylee was found to the MO of the SO is very similar. Add to that his proximity to the Anthony home and MO of going into homes near him to do this stuff and we have a pretty decent SOD possibility for the defense.

I really hope police rule him out for Caylee's case. But if they can't, well that's a whole other story.
Don't ya think the SA may bring up everything Casey reported to these jurors?
I don't understand why you are confused. I have stated, and will again for ya, that I am certain LE has investigated known SO's in the area simply to rule them out or follow up on their findings. And, again I will state it here, that this information has NOT been released to the public. If it has, I missed it. I think I have stated this clearly again.

The mob mentality is not directed at LE in any way, shape or form. Why are a number of posts here insisting that an SO could have murdered Caylee when the A clan has not even discussed or acknowledged an SO and all statements said by the A clan have acknowledged a nanny. CA herself has pointed the nanny finger at JG or AH. JB in court said as much. JB is looking for a SODDI but it not an SO. Even JB is smart enough to know that isn't even a consideration. Why can't others here?

Actually, we know very little about the Defense case except they what they have said paraphrased below:

1. Casey is innocent.

2. Casey should never have been arrested.

3. This case is similar to the Sam Sheppard Case.

4. When you hear Casey's story, everything will make sense.

5. Casey is the mother of a missing child. She is going through a nightmare.

6. There is NO evidence against Casey.

So based on the above, what do YOU think the Defense story will be? Who is their SOD?
Don't ya think the SA may bring up everything Casey reported to these jurors?

Think! ha ..... that portion of the trial will take weeks, going over every minute, detail by detail. Then text by text, MS, FB and all the other sites KC was on. Call by call, pole by pole. All of it should be introduced. By the time the SA rests their case, JB will be so flabbergasted any SODDI theory he thought of will be forgotten.
It says "gagged" in the earlier mention...I'll go read the 2007 article...tape in the most recent. BRB

ETA: something wacky happens every time I try to open the 2007 incident report.

I'm not sure why you are getting that result. Have you upgraded to MSN 8 yet? I was having a bunch of random internet problems until I did that on Tuesday. :)
Ya know...I was here pretty much from the beginning. I and many like me sleuthed "Zanny" to death...Why? Because that was what Casey reported...Zanny took Caylee. We wanted to find the person who had taken Caylee so badly...even if in our collective guts we knew the story smacked of bs. We didn't want to believe it was Casey...because that meant Caylee wasn't alive (IMO). If Casey said someone came into her house and stole her child you betcha we would have been on that lickety split. The problem with the SO that there's no foundation for it IMHO. And ANYTHING that Casey says now isn't credible. JB can come up with this as a possible scenario...but I sure do hope he has something a whole lot more reality based.
Actually, we know very little about the Defense case except they what they have said paraphrased below:

1. Casey is innocent.

2. Casey should never have been arrested.

3. This case is similar to the Sam Sheppard Case.

4. When you hear Casey's story, everything will make sense.

5. Casey is the mother of a missing child. She is going through a nightmare.

6. There is NO evidence against Casey.

So based on the above, what do YOU think the Defense story will be? Who is their SOD?

Well, again to repeat myself as I have numerous other times here, I have said from July 17, 2008 that JB will be driving the bus and the A clan will be standing in the street waiting to jump the curb. Last one standing will be the one he nails. Personally I see all three capable of murder and they will play the semantics game as to which one actually committed it. All three are involved in as deep as it can get.

Now did I answer your question?
My defense theory on why Casey did not report Caylee missing is that she had a lot to lose by calling 911, so she "tried to handle it" on her own - as she said "which was stupid" as she said. Further, in my defense theory, Casey thinks that one of her friends took Caylee to teach her a lesson, so, she doesn't realize that a SO took her. She thinks it is one of her friends who has access to the Anthony house. But the truth of the situation is a SO broke into the house and took Caylee. So while Casey is busy covering up that she doesn't know where Caylee is to everyone (both her parents and friends) while trying to figure out which friend has Caylee and where he/she has her, unbeknowst to her, Caylee is killed or has been killed by the SO.

If the SO is this person:

Well, what the heck was he doing with the 4 year old child in the garage? Was his plan to molest her and then kill her? Was he going to triple bag her with the toys, shorts and blanket and put her in the trunk of her parent's car? We have no way of knowing what his intentions were because, thank God, the child was able to get the duct tape loose enough to scream alerting her parents to the intruder. The report also mentions beer cans at the scene. There were beer cans where Caylee was found, along with a bunch of other junk, but that doesn't discount that there were beer cans there. And the perp has apparently been doing this since at least 2007. He tried kidnap an 8 year old in 2007 - but these are ONLY the ones we know about! AND if you read the report about the 8 year old, it appears the man tried to enter the home on more than one occaission.

So why did Casey lie to police?

I think because her friends were the MOST important thing to her, she didn't want to lose them, especially not the new boyfriend, so she made up the lie about the nanny hoping to pacify Cindy until she could go to her friends and ask for help - I think she didn't want to get her friends in trouble. Then Casey was stuck telling the lie to police because her mom was sitting right there. She really had no story, nothing to tell them. I think she didn't anticipate being questioned and arrested and figured she'd get away from police and beg her friends to return Caylee. But, of course, that wouldn't work if her friends never had Caylee to begin with.

Why didn't Casey tell the police the truth when they confronted her with her lies?

Because she thought the person who had Caylee was someone she has feelings for and didn't want to get them in trouble.

Why not talk to police afterwards and straighten the situation out?

Because her attorney advised her not to.

Again, I think Casey is probably guilty (like 99% - I'm giving her a 1% chance she could perhaps be innocent until the trial is over). But if I set aside personal prejudices, I do see how a SODDI case could be made and this is my attempt predict what the defense case may be.
jmo but the only person I see Casey caring about is Casey.
Actually, we know very little about the Defense case except they what they have said paraphrased below:

1. Casey is innocent.

2. Casey should never have been arrested.

3. This case is similar to the Sam Sheppard Case.

4. When you hear Casey's story, everything will make sense.

5. Casey is the mother of a missing child. She is going through a nightmare.

6. There is NO evidence against Casey.

So based on the above, what do YOU think the Defense story will be? Who is their SOD?
I think they'll allude to "others" in an effort to create reasonable doubt...but coming from the home of a defense attorney...I'd take anything JB says with a grain of salt. I'd be mighty surprised if they name anyone specifically.
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