The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #4

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Gaia, you and I share a number of issues with the "perpetrator was already there" situation. Also, on a graduation night, with teenagers coming home so late, the perp(s) couldn't be sure that no one ELSE would drop by or call, as many kids never do go to bed on nights like that. I have also never abandoned the George's sighting; that would explain how the three were targeted and perhaps how someone got in the house without a struggle ("you left your wallet" or some other ruse, perhaps, and the man or men was familiar from an encounter there).

As for Cambria's name change, I was around for the last one, so for me it's like I know her various "nicknames" like I know the pup in your avatar.
What changed your mind on the staging of the crime scene? The idea that the purses were simply left behind was proposed as early as my post of 7/15/2007, Thread #1, Page 18, Post 439:



To which you replied about staging of the crime scene in your Post 440:



To respond to your post I simply say that the simplicity of forgetting the purses makes perfect sense in view of the broken globe and need to quickly leave. It has been said that there is always something that the perp(s) forget to do and we can always relate to leaving home on vacation and then wondering if we turned off the burners on the stove or really locked the deadbolt, etc.

After wrestling with the final victim, and the breakage of the globe which was likely unintended, the perp's mind was distracted leading to forgetting about the purses, the light was left on and the door unlocked as haste became paramount. To my mind it all fits together. In any event, it is a theory, like all theories. To answer your question specifically, if the purses was left by mistake, then the staging of the crime is lent less credence. When better scenarios are presented, then I am prepared to change my mind.

I will end on this note. Until I see something that makes more sense, I am strongly inclined to the single perp theory with Robert Cox being the perp who hid behind the in-board engine bay in the probable van. The telephone call to AMW in January, 1993 is obviously a very strong key to solving this crime. If that person would come forward I believe the crime would be quickly solved.

I would also reference the following link; and note the comment made in August 2010.
To respond to your post I simply say that the simplicity of forgetting the purses makes perfect sense in view of the broken globe and need to quickly leave. It has been said that there is always something that the perp(s) forget to do
and we can always relate to leaving home on vacation and then wondering if we turned off the burners on the stove or really locked the deadbolt, etc.

After wrestling with the final victim, and the breakage of the globe which was likely unintended, the perp's mind was distracted leading to forgetting about the purses, the light was left on and the door unlocked as haste became paramount. To my mind it all fits together.
In any event, it is a theory, like all theories. To answer your question specifically, if the purses was left by mistake, then the staging of the crime is lent less credence. When better scenarios are presented, then I am prepared to change my mind.

I will end on this note. Until I see something that makes more sense, I am strongly inclined to the single perp theory with Robert Cox being the perp who hid behind the in-board engine bay in the probable van. The telephone call to AMW in January, 1993 is obviously a very strong key to solving this crime. If that person would come forward I believe the crime would be quickly solved.

I would also reference the following link; and note the comment made in August 2010.

In my mind it makes perfect sense that the women were allowed to collect their purses, cigarettes & lighters together because they were told that they would be allowed to return home later. That is also one of the reasons that the purses were never searched and the money never found. When it came time to go out the door the struggle began, the globe was broken and the purses were forgotten along with all of the other things left as they were. It makes logical sense and fits with the KISS principle.

I also find it hard to believe that Suzie was under the influence of any drugs that may have been given her at the parties by the perps, only to be seen driving the van a short time later by the porch lady. Feeling bad from drinking alcohol earlier in the evening perhaps, but not drugs.
Gaia, you and I share a number of issues with the "perpetrator was already there" situation. Also, on a graduation night, with teenagers coming home so late, the perp(s) couldn't be sure that no one ELSE would drop by or call, as many kids never do go to bed on nights like that.
I have also never abandoned the George's sighting; that would explain how the three were targeted and perhaps how someone got in the house without a struggle ("you left your wallet" or some other ruse, perhaps, and the man or men was familiar from an encounter there).
As for Cambria's name change, I was around for the last one, so for me it's like I know her various "nicknames" like I know the pup in your avatar.

The problem I have with the George’s sighting is that regardless of whether the waitress appears credible or not, her statement is not supported by anyone else. None of the customers at that hour, the other waitress, cook, or busboy have supported her but have all given statements to the contrary. If Suzie was “obnoxious” (and I believe that is the word she used) then someone else would have remembered the three of them being there. Plus the problem with the general timeline of making all of that fit.
In my mind it makes perfect sense that the women were allowed to collect their purses, cigarettes & lighters together because they were told that they would be allowed to return home later. That is also one of the reasons that the purses were never searched and the money never found. When it came time to go out the door the struggle began, the globe was broken and the purses were forgotten along with all of the other things left as they were. It makes logical sense and fits with the KISS principle.

I also find it hard to believe that Suzie was under the influence of any drugs that may have been given her at the parties by the perps, only to be seen driving the van a short time later by the porch lady. Feeling bad from drinking alcohol earlier in the evening perhaps, but not drugs.

Actually, I find nothing to disagree with. I have wondered the same thing. I've been thinking on two issues since I last posted and that is whether or not the perp(s) was/were there at the time the girls did or did not arrive (still and open question). I asked one of the reporters who worked this case if it were possible for two people to be in Sherrill's bedroom and the response I got was that the recollection was that it was quite small and only had enough room for the bed and dresser or chest of drawers. Of course that presents the problem of maintaining silence once the girls arrived; perhaps unexpectantly. If, in fact they arrived after the perp(s) were in the home it would have been crowded in Sherrill's bedroom. This seems to suggest that the perp(s) arrived after the girls arrived home since we have been led to believe they had prepared for bed and removed their make-up, etc. The two decade old question obviously remains unanswered. How did entry occur?

Where I am going with this is that it is altogether possible that Sherrill was in fact the intended target of a "sexual assault" by someone such as Cox. As to Cox, I've yet to come up with a good explanation of why he concocted a phony alibi although he had an alibi by his own parents if they actually knew him to be at home. But the truth of the matter is that he didn't even have to have an alibi at all since at that time he wasn't even on the police radar until the Zellers contacted the SPD some days after the women disappeared. As I recall, when he was finally contacted, he made an offhand comment that he expected they would be by to interrogate him which is an interesting comment since he had no reason to expect them if he had kept his nose clean after he was cut loose by the Florida Supremes.

From what we know of the published information no forensic evidence came to light in the residence that tied it to Cox but only the people known to be in the home that day. Of course if Cox had perfected his techniques it is possible that he had the foresight to wear head gear such as worn by hospital personnel and plastic coverings for his shoes, etc., to reduce the possibility of leaving DNA behind. Obviously he would know enough to remove any traces of fingerprints. In my opinion, this argues strongly in favor of the single perp theory and against multiple perp(s), all three of who had no business being in that house at any time, unless it turns out that one of the 20-30 or so people (accounts differ) were in fact the perp(s). Perfect strangers, such as Cox, could not possibly explain why his DNA would be there and such individuals as the others named in the grand jury wouldn't have had the good sense to know what to do about not leaving evidence behind.

In any event, since Cox has chosen to clam up for about 15 years (?) with another 15 to go before possible parole, I am inclined to think he singled out Sherrill Levitt because he had seen her in the neighborhood, stalked her and showed up intending only to take her. Had the girls not arrived it is altogether possible she would have been the only person taken and Suzie would not have known anything about Cox so it would have been safe to take only her with no concerns about Suzie. But since they did show up, it expanded into a triple abduction.

There are some unanswered questions which continue to puzzle me. Who was the person in the white van who canvassed the neighborhood just prior to the abductions and then disappeared? Was it merely a coincidence or deliberate? If the latter, it does not appear to be Cox. If deliberate then it might have been an entirely different sole perpetrator or a collaborator of Cox. And we have the matter of the "transient" seen in the neighborhood and out of place. As you know, I was aware of such a person fitting that description and that information was passed onto the SPD sometime into the investigation. Perhaps not coincidentally is that three reporters told me that there was some interest in such a person from the Neosho area although that may have been unimportant. I do know the FBI knew about that person as you do. He is now deceased as you discovered. It has occurred to me that it is altogether possible that this individual or someone like him may have been involved in other illegal activities which were unrelated to the abductions.

I do believe that the "Steve" mentioned in Cox's letters is intended only to refer to the "Steve" now incarcerated in Missouri's penal system. I know that can't be proven I am sufficiently satisfied it was him. This may be important for one other reason. That would be if "Steve" had ties to the Rogersville area which by most accounts/speculation is where the women were likely taken after they were taken.

The question which, if answered, would quickly solve this case is as I previously indicated if the Florida caller would come forward and reveal what "vital information" that the SPD believed (s)he held. I can speculate on who that was but it would not be productive speculation so I will not do so. I do, however, hope that (s)he will see fit to break silence so this case can quickly commence to a successful resolution. Perhaps (s)he will read this and do the right thing. One hopes so.
The Florida caller will never come forward; blood is thicker than water; and that is likely the reason they hung up the first time.
The Florida caller will never come forward; blood is thicker than water; and that is likely the reason they hung up the first time.

As I understand it "blood is thicker than water" refers to a blood relationship, such as a brother or sister. Am I to understand that there is evidence that suggests such a connection? I have never heard this information before. Could you possibly expand on this? If this is true, then the person I had in mind would not be that person. I did know of one person, who was in Florida, although as I have stated (somewhere?) I don't know the time that this person actually lived there.

What I am attempting to do is to arrive at a motive. It had been my surmise that the person in Florida had either encouraged or suggested the abduction of Sherrill and/or Suzie. That was based on a long ago conversation I had with someone who seemed to have good information that suggested such a relationship but it was not a blood relationship.

One might suggest that this refers to a connection to the group in Rogersville which would have had a blood relationship. Was that your meaning? Or am I just missing it altogether?

I'm afraid you have me stumped on this connection. I'm not much on genealogy but there are several connections to individuals named in this case. "Steve" for example had two last names suggesting a step parent arrangement.
Great discussion, Missouri Mule and Hurricane, though I do feel a bit behind because I have no idea who might have been the caller--unless it is a relative of one of the victims, which Hurricane's post seems to suggest isn't the case.

I would like to know more about that call, for sure.

I keep trying to argue that Cox wasn't in the house when they got home, but the fact that the TV was on but the sound down makes me wonder; if they thought Sherrill was asleep, they might have turned the TV on as a habit or perhaps to check weather for the trip the next day and just left the sound down because they thought she was asleep. But then I think of that dog, which had to bark when the girls came home. At least, I never got in the door without the dog barking when I was 18. The more I think about it, the more it could be either way. That's helpful.
I've never thought too much about the dog since in my opinion it doesn't tell us much. One of the very early reports had the dog running outside which in and of itself is not particularly revealing if the dog had a habit of running outside when the door was opened by anyone. It may have simply been that when the dog was startled by the girls arriving home that it ran to the door and then outside the house, especially when Stacy came into the home, (if that happened) since she wouldn't have been likely aware that the dog might do this while the homeowner would know to watch the dog for this kind of behavior. I once had a cat which would "time" when I opened the door and run out of the house and I would have to chase it down which could get a little dicey wince I had to get on my knees to wade through a grove of cedar trees one time. The other alternative is that it was placed outside the home deliberately to do its business in the night. I don't really think it tells us much although it was brought up early as a means to fixing the time frame. Seems I might have read a long time ago that it was heard barking around 2:30 AM in the morning by neighbors or something to that effect. Does anyone really know what the normal practice of Sherrill was to do when the dog signaled it needed to go outside?

I would like to touch on something that has been little discussed. It has to do with the matter of the "alibi" of Robert Cox. As is now known he first said he went to church with his girlfriend but she came clean during the GJ proceedings and said he put her up to that fiction. Then he said he was home with his parents and asleep in his bedroom. Supposedly they corroborated that account. I have expressed the belief that he really, in effect, had no alibi coming from close family members. But the real question to be asked is why he felt the need to posit any alibi. After all, he could simply have said he didn't remember and could have been anywhere. He didn't have to prove anything. It was incumbent on the police to prove that he had the opportunity to abduct the women. If a police officer comes to my home and asks what I was doing at such and such a time I have no duty to provide an alibi. So what if I was out carousing and driving around the area. What made Cox want to concoct a disprovable alibi? To my mind that goes to his state of mind. It suggests that he was concerned and wanted an "airtight" alibi that would rule him out as a suspect. As a recall he referred to this as a "minor detail" in his letters of no consequence. It would appear that he didn't see it that way when he went to the trouble of urging his girlfriend to offer up a false alibi. It wasn't a "minor detail" then, was it? He can't have it both ways.

Going back to what occurred that day I would also touch on the phone calls that were erased. As was pointed out it may be that it was unimportant what was on the tape but why those calls were placed. The abductor(s) knowing then that the purses were left behind would have had an interest in knowing when the crime scene had been discovered. If there was no answer he/they could probably assume that it hadn't yet been discovered but not being completely obtuse would logically have obviously assumed that the leaving of the porch light, with a broken globe beneath, and front door unlocked would have set off immediate red flags when someone finally did arrive at the home. I bring this up again because I wonder if modern forensic technology might recover those erased calls. Just a thought.
Great discussion, Missouri Mule and Hurricane, though I do feel a bit behind because I have no idea who might have been the caller--unless it is a relative of one of the victims, which Hurricane's post seems to suggest isn't the case.

I would like to know more about that call, for sure.

I keep trying to argue that Cox wasn't in the house when they got home, but the fact that the TV was on but the sound down makes me wonder; if they thought Sherrill was asleep, they might have turned the TV on as a habit or perhaps to check weather for the trip the next day and just left the sound down because they thought she was asleep. But then I think of that dog, which had to bark when the girls came home. At least, I never got in the door without the dog barking when I was 18. The more I think about it, the more it could be either way. That's helpful.

Another scenario could be; the girls were watching TV in bed and heard a noise outside and then turn the TV down to get a better listen to what was going on outside. According to one of the news articles, it was pretty routine for Suzie to have the TV on late at night due to trouble sleeping.

I've always pictured Sherrill being aware that the girls came home (whether she was alone or the perp/s inside with her). I agree with you that more than likely the dog started barking when they came in. Also, Sherrill's bedroom window was in the front of the house, right next to wear the girls parked. The house is pretty small, so it seems like no matter which door the girls used for entry, Sherrill would have heard them come in. But, those are just my opinions/guesses, no not very helpful either!!
I don't know if I've said this before...I am a longtime reader who quakes in the presence of such awesome posters. My family was in Springfield that weekend for a step-cousins graduation. I remember seeing the news when we got home to Tulsa and feeling quite scared (as a 12 yr.old) that something like that could happen in the face of such a celebration. Suzie had the kind of look I aspired to at the time and I thought she looked like the coolest person... It's just sad.

After reading that the new chief has a definite interest in putting this to bed I have some good hope that light will be shed.

I'm not sure if it was this thread or another but someone mentioned a dog owner would never leave a purse where it could be gotten into...that has stuck with me. One thought is maybe they were gathered up by one of the girls under command of the intruder then forgotten about in an ensuing struggle. Another thought is maybe they were stacked there by a girl themselves to hide them from someone in the house that they knew but thought was shady. My parent's house was a revolving door when my brother and I were teenagers and often doors were left unlocked, garage doors left open, etc by my brother b/c teens forget about house security with a houseful of people.

I hear you on the "if only" regarding the openness of the house that night. My husband has been out of town many a time when I have refinished something or repainted a room. When you are in a lit house, radio going, nice spring air, it is easy to be lulled into a secure feeling that you are safe and all is right with the world.

Just my thoughts1
The Florida caller will never come forward; blood is thicker than water; and that is likely the reason they hung up the first time.

Hurricane: You apparently are in possession of information that is highly relevant to this investigation. While I will not ask you to reveal what it is you know I am highly intrigued by your post.

I was doing some poking around on the internet today and happened onto a post by someone who was my best guess the person who made the call to AMW program. (S)he categorically denied it. If that is true then it blows my theory out of the water.

Could you point me and/or the others in the right direction because as I say, I am stumped on this "blood is thicker than water" statement you made? Could you do that please? I would be most grateful.
Hurricane: You apparently are in possession of information that is highly relevant to this investigation. While I will not ask you to reveal what it is you know I am highly intrigued by your post.

I was doing some poking around on the internet today and happened onto a post by someone who was my best guess the person who made the call to AMW program. (S)he categorically denied it. If that is true then it blows my theory out of the water.

Could you point me and/or the others in the right direction because as I say, I am stumped on this "blood is thicker than water" statement you made? Could you do that please? I would be most grateful.

I won’t say anything more and jeopardize the work that has been done. I will only add that it has nothing to do with your X, Y & Z scenario, or anything to do with your suspect.
I won’t say anything more and jeopardize the work that has been done. I will only add that it has nothing to do with your X, Y & Z scenario, or anything to do with your suspect.

OK, are you able to rule out Cox?
I recently saw the movie "Winter's Bone" which is set south of Branson. Very chilling stuff. I actually thought of 3MW and how we just don't know everything that goes on in those 'hills.
"Imagine how it must feel to have watched one week ago the incomprehensible massacre of innocents committed by someone who had lost some essential part of his humanity ... and to have heard in the coverage of that tragedy voices accusing you of complicity in it," he writes. It's easy to understand "how strong a need someone would fee...l to defend him or herself against such a slur."

John McCain
I won’t say anything more and jeopardize the work that has been done. I will only add that it has nothing to do with your X, Y & Z scenario, or anything to do with your suspect.

Hurricane, I've bounced your message off several friends and I'm as confused as when I first saw your post. I don't want to repeat myself but can you, or will you, rule out Cox? I can't figure any way to rule him out on my own.This is all I can currently find on his offense at this time.

Defendant’s Current Status:

"In 1995, Cox was arrested for holding a gun on a 12-year-old girl in Decatur, Texas. He is presently serving a life sentence for that robbery and a consecutive 15-year federal sentence."

Can you speak to this subject? You seem to know how to get this information and offhand I don't have it at hand. Your thoughts?
Ruling Cox in or out is solely in the hands of Cox himself. There is no evidence pointing to him. There is no scenario that has shown his ability to carry out this crime. What vehicle did he drive at the time? At that hour of the morning (3 a.m -6 a.m) what did he do with them? What were his movements the rest of the day? Why would he pick that house? How do you get around his parents alibi? What were the locations in the area where he had worked the previous 30 days? Cox is a suspect in this case because he made himself one. I do not know if anyone has ever even done any research on his habits, his friends, his girlfriends, his relatives. In the I-70 cases the FBI looked at him and they found he was in the area of those crimes because of his work records. This crime is entirely different. What does anyone really know about this guy that makes him any different than any other convict in the area at the time? I wish there was someone who knew something about him to make him a stronger suspect. He fits well into the suspect role, but nobody has any hard research to support his being involved. It would be hard for me to believe him if he confessed, many of these type criminals confess to crimes they did not commit. Why have they left him alone since 1996? 15 years since they spent any time on the guy? What gives? If someone had done some hard research on the guy and could answer any of those questions I would be interested in hearing them.
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