The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #6

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I've always looked at the Steve Garrison issue like this.

Ask yourself this question: "Would police have conducted the large scale search (they brought in heavy equipment and sealed the search warrant and subsequant findings of the search) if they didn't feel that Steve Garrison was giving them information that was valid in some way."

Question #2) I'd like to know if someone will come clean about if the story is true regarding Steve Garrison and one or more of the Grave Robbers being seen together at an apartment, in which police had been there to talk to an occupant of the apartment about an unrelated matter, and seen Garrison & one or more of the Grave Robbers in the apartment.

It would certainly help answer the question HmmmWhoKnows is asking.

I just wanted to say that I am really tired of asking questions and no one responds. I'm sorry if I've stepped on some toes by asking the hard questions, and trying to keep people accountable. So with that said, you can kick this can down the road for as long as you like.

I'm going somewhere else to discuss this case, with people that take this case seriously and want to have valid discussions with one another, in an effort to solve this case.

Good Bye!
I agree somewhat Monkeymann and share your frustration. It could just be that no one has the answers.

Boy I'm growing tired of the "maybe a serial killer did it!" This "Larry Hall" stuff is tiring. I'm near 100% sure he didn't do it. He didn't know the victims and many people say he was in West Virginia the day of the abduction. NEXT!
I just wanted to say that I am really tired of asking questions and no one responds. I'm sorry if I've stepped on some toes by asking the hard questions, and trying to keep people accountable. So with that said, you can kick this can down the road for as long as you like.

I'm going somewhere else to discuss this case, with people that take this case seriously and want to have valid discussions with one another, in an effort to solve this case.

Good Bye!

Monkeymann, if your question is directed at me, I have never made such a claim. I would start your questioning with the source giving you such information. Or pay closer attention to Charles Tuna who is making the claim of a Garrison, Robb, & Recla connection being at his apartment, unless you already are by posting as "Fact Is", "Freedom of Information", "Lurker" or any of the other drive by posters he feeds off of. Tuna is obviously the original source of that information.
Monkeymann, if your question is directed at me, I have never made such a claim. I would start your questioning with the source giving you such information. Or pay closer attention to Charles Tuna who is making the claim of a Garrison, Robb, & Recla connection being at his apartment, unless you already are by posting as "Fact Is", "Freedom of Information", "Lurker" or any of the other drive by posters he feeds off of. Tuna is obviously the original source of that information.

The "Original Source" for me anyway, was by no means "Tuna", unless "Tuna" is the same person that everyone goes to for all the information that comes in about the case. You know who I'm talking about, and its not a "He".

So when anyone wants to talk about this case, and stop playing games, I'll be around.

What's your opinion of the Charles Tuna stuff? See any validity to it?

What's your opinion of the Charles Tuna stuff? See any validity to it?

I don't know enough of the details to really have an opinion. I've been told LE's opinion is there are problems with the timeline. His info is not new.
Well it sounds like Garrison knew Recla one way or another, and there you have it. A GJ3 member connected to Suzie. The rapist, gun carryin' criminal that ran with a bike gang. One that matches the one sketch released of a potential suspect.

I still would like anyone to give a good reason why Garrison isn't a likely suspect. Since he's in prison already, would that satisfy LE and prosecutors enough not to spring the case forward? Recla was hammered hard by LE early on so I tend to think his involvement is minimal if any.

I also have some information told to me that can link Garrison (and the other GJ3 members) to Sherrill too.

It's time for the "Hail Mary" to be thrown. Been 20 damn years. Do they think the new reward of a 100k is going to bring anyone else forward? If it hasn't in 3-4 months, then BOMB IT OUT!
Well it sounds like Garrison knew Recla one way or another, and there you have it. A GJ3 member connected to Suzie. The rapist, gun carryin' criminal that ran with a bike gang. One that matches the one sketch released of a potential suspect.

I still would like anyone to give a good reason why Garrison isn't a likely suspect. Since he's in prison already, would that satisfy LE and prosecutors enough not to spring the case forward? Recla was hammered hard by LE early on so I tend to think his involvement is minimal if any.

I also have some information told to me that can link Garrison (and the other GJ3 members) to Sherrill too.

It's time for the "Hail Mary" to be thrown. Been 20 damn years. Do they think the new reward of a 100k is going to bring anyone else forward? If it hasn't in 3-4 months, then BOMB IT OUT!

How reliable do you regard your informant? If this were true what was her involvement with them?
How reliable do you regard your informant? If this were true what was her involvement with them?

Not super reliable. Nothing I'm using as definite fact but I like the sound of it. Garrison was in his early 30s and Sherrill was in her late 40s. They weren't acquaintances in any way. They lived on opposite sides of town and they never had people in common. The link is pretty small. But one that, when combined with Recla connection, makes sense.
Not super reliable. Nothing I'm using as definite fact but I like the sound of it. Garrison was in his early 30s and Sherrill was in her late 40s. They weren't acquaintances in any way. They lived on opposite sides of town and they never had people in common. The link is pretty small. But one that, when combined with Recla connection, makes sense.

You may be onto something. If there was an intermediary who had her confidence and Garrison somehow connected with her this would present a possible scenario.
I'm thinking someone like Garrison (someone who'd commit a sexual crime) probably became familiar with the house/Sherrill with Suzie as the victim in mind. If the primary perp is Garrison, this is what he'd likely do based on what I know about him. Suzie was the target if so.

Garrison could have easily seen Suzie if Recla was getting drugs from him or something. Probably asked a couple of Recla's pals where the girl lived. Let's remember in 1992, Springfield was a smaller city than it is today. And the "drug moving" crowd was even smaller. These people most likely knew or heard of each other. That's just how Springfield is outside the college campus bubble.
I'm thinking someone like Garrison (someone who'd commit a sexual crime) probably became familiar with the house/Sherrill with Suzie as the victim in mind. If the primary perp is Garrison, this is what he'd likely do based on what I know about him. Suzie was the target if so.

Garrison could have easily seen Suzie if Recla was getting drugs from him or something. Probably asked a couple of Recla's pals where the girl lived. Let's remember in 1992, Springfield was a smaller city than it is today. And the "drug moving" crowd was even smaller. These people most likely knew or heard of each other. That's just how Springfield is outside the college campus bubble.

If Suzie was the actual target it would explain why the women were taken so late as Sherrill was there until about 3 AM all by herself.

Your theory makes logical sense to me. I will tell you that at least one, perhaps two officers (as related to me) wanted to look at the grave robbers more closely. Evidently at least one of them was discouraged from doing so. There is no logic that I can see that would explain that.
I've seen some discussion on here about the 48 Hours episode. If you go to the 48 Hours section on the CBS news website and enter "have you seen them" (name of episode) in the search box you can watch the 1997 re-broadcast of the show. I vaguely remember an interview with Dusty that may have been cut out, but I think it's pretty much the same as the original 1992 show with some added commentary at the end.
I've seen some discussion on here about the 48 Hours episode. If you go to the 48 Hours section on the CBS news website and enter "have you seen them" (name of episode) in the search box you can watch the 1997 re-broadcast of the show. I vaguely remember an interview with Dusty that may have been cut out, but I think it's pretty much the same as the original 1992 show with some added commentary at the end.
I thank you for finding this. It is pretty much the same as I remember. Offhand I can't think of anything that was left out. This is the actual link.

Have You Seen Them? - 48 Hours - CBS News
One question on the video: Are the men looked at, on 7:14 of the video, as suspects in THIS case? Or do you think it was men who committed local crimes?

I wrote their names down to look into them just in case.
One question on the video: Are the men looked at, on 7:14 of the video, as suspects in THIS case? Or do you guys think it was guys who committed local crimes?

I wrote their names down to look into them just in case.

Without me looking at the video again, are you talking about the photos being shown to a potential witness? If so, no idea. I would guess these individuals were among the "usual suspects" they would trot out.
Yes those.

Also, Asher makes a good point about the pictures of Suzie. Something I never thought of before. Wonder where they are if they weren't in the house. I'm sure the studio people were all looked into. But that's the kind of thing a creepy guy that would commit this crime would have. If they were obsessed with Suzie of course.
Yes those.

Also, Asher makes a good point about the pictures of Suzie. Something I never thought of before. Wonder where they are if they weren't in the house. I'm sure the studio people were all looked into. But that's the kind of thing a creepy guy that would commit this crime would have. If they were obsessed with Suzie of course.

Exactly a point that jumped out at me as well. I had heard this program focused a lot on the ‘drug element,’ I didn’t personally find that to be the case. It mentioned it, but it also brought up the ‘sexual element’ as well.

That plus Asher’s remark about Suzie ‘wanting attention/approval,’ which sounds like more of a scream to me. From the moment I first read about this case, that is the first impression I got about her, never actually knowing her in real life. But, you put that in the mix with her association with, as detectives phrased it ‘questionable people in her past...’ you get an ugly picture very quickly.

Would you think this crime leans more to sexually based or drug/debt/money based? IMO, Recla and Co. are innocent.

Thanks in advance.

Would you think this crime leans more to sexually based or drug/debt/money based? IMO, Recla and Co. are innocent.

Thanks in advance.

Drake, I believe this to be a simple case of a random sexual assault gone bad. I have posted many times before that if the two girls had not arrived back home at the time they did Sherrill would have likely been raped in her own home, probably threatened and beaten within an inch of her life, but left alive. Follow the KISS principle. Just because LE does not currently have the necessary evidence to satisfy their burden of proof in a court of law does not mean that this case is not solved. Or that it is some big conspiracy of drugs, money, bad cops & serial killers.

Since I am posting this I want to say that I am going silent with my research and will no longer be posting on any board, so don't waste your time directing questions to me because I won't be answering.

And if Bartt happens to read this I want to apologize to him for having to read scenarios thru the years such as proposed above in my first paragraph. I know that can't be easy to take, not only for him but for all the friends of these 3 women who really know what they were really like as people.
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