The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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I just don;t see how it could be anything but premeditation. Nvermind the stolen gun, the lack of text messages to TA in the days/hours before she got there (if I'm on my way to someone's house. I keep them posted of where I am and my ETA) and all that stuff.

If she was innocently taking pictures of TA in the shower/bathroom and he supposedly snapped because she dropped the camera then where in the heck did the knife and gun come from? Did she have them stuffed in an extra hole in her body that we haven't seen, a magical handy-dandy orifice?

So she was standing there taking pics, holding a camera, a gun and a knife?? We know she is a 3 holed wonder but is she a 3 armed wonder as well??

Bottom line, if she brought the gun and knife in there with her to "take pics", then that was premeditation. If she didn't have them with her but somehow got out the bathroom, got them and returned to the bathroom to finish the fight- that's premeditation.

No matter what wild story JA can come up with, there is NO reason to be carrying a large knife and a gun on your person while wearing sweatpants in a bathroom.
I have never seen a self-defense case where the defendant didn't testify. I don't know how it's possible because one of the elements of self defense is the reasonableness of the killer's state of mind at the time of the killing. Jodi is the only one who can testify about Jodi's state of mind (fear of death or imminent serious bodily harm) -- not even the domestic violence expert.

Jodi has not been shy at all about telling her story. Not only in police interrogations without ever asking for a lawyer, but in seeking out or at least agreeing to jailhouse interviews with Inside Edition and 48 Hours. Apparently she was agreeable to more interviews this week until her lawyers intervened.

She grossly overestimates her power of persuasion, as we have seen, so I can totally see her insisting on taking the stand, and her lawyers cannot prevent that.
I don't think the defense legitimately hopes to get her off on self defense. I think they are using this defense only as an avenue to get in some negative evidence about Travis in the hopes that it might persuade the jury not to give Jodi the death penalty.

I completely agree. I smell a huge bash Travis fest ahead and I am not looking forward to it. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and also with the prosecutor who will have a big job in fighting the good fight.
Has the "thanks" button become the new "Like" button? It seems a lot of users are thanking someone for "this useful post" when the post isn't all that "useful".

the thanks button, I am sure, means different things to every poster... and that is all fine and good :)
I think she went there with the weapons. I think she thought she could 'persuade' him to change his mind about taking her on the trip. When he didn't... in her mind she probably thought he deserved it in a way. Waited for the shower, asked him if she could take some pics to remember him by, then struck. She was dressed and ready... he was not.
Amen! I couldn't agree more! And then it takes only one or two to bring that additional knowledge into the jury deliberation room. My gut is that they will educate the rest - not by admitting their "research" - but by asking continued, probing questions and/or pointing out missed/overlooked details.

I'm worried about the consequences of any outside research. If one juror does obtain outside information and then brings this information up in deliberations, even indirectly, that could be great for JA. Mistrial Material.

"On Mar. 17, 2009, the front page of the New York Times reported that a juror in a federal drug case admitted to conducting Internet research during the case. Moreover, upon questioning the jury panel, the judge determined that eight other jurors had done the same. The judge declared a mistrial after eight weeks of trial. The defense attorney commented, “It’s the first time modern technology struck us in that fashion, and it hit us right over the head.”

Historically, we have encountered some issues with jurors visiting the scene or conducting amateur sleuthing. Now jurors can click Google Earth and in seconds see the scene in the palm of their hand. Likewise, information on just about any subject is only a Google search away. Motions in limine and other pretrial evidentiary rulings will go out the window if jurors conduct their own research.

Research by jurors is problematic because their verdict must be based on only the evidence offered in court. [FN47] Allowing jurors to decide a case based on outside information “violates a defendant's Sixth Amendment rights to an impartial jury, to confront witnesses against him, and to be present at all critical stages of his trial.”
What's useful to one person may not be useful to another. I think it's an entirely subjective thing.
I use the "thanks" button for "thanks", "kudos", "hahaha!", "right on!", "agreed!", etc.
I just don;t see how it could be anything but premeditation. Nvermind the stolen gun, the lack of text messages to TA in the days/hours before she got there (if I'm on my way to someone's house. I keep them posted of where I am and my ETA) and all that stuff.

If she was innocently taking pictures of TA in the shower/bathroom and he supposedly snapped because she dropped the camera then where in the heck did the knife and gun come from? Did she have them stuffed in an extra hole in her body that we haven't seen, a magical handy-dandy orifice?

So she was standing there taking pics, holding a camera, a gun and a knife?? We know she is a 3 holed wonder but is she a 3 armed wonder as well??

Bottom line, if she brought the gun and knife in there with her to "take pics", then that was premeditation. If she didn't have them with her but somehow got out the bathroom, got them and returned to the bathroom to finish the fight- that's premeditation.

No matter what wild story JA can come up with, there is NO reason to be carrying a large knife and a gun on your person while wearing sweatpants in a bathroom.

I agree... but will post her side.

No gun found.
Wanted to surprise him with her visit.
Knife was already in the bathroom for some reason, got the gun later in the 'fight' from somewhere else. Shot him.
Panic... left and didn't tell anyone.

But in reality you can see all the premeditation.
[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 9 - YouTube[/ame]
I dont really think it matters whether Travis knew she was coming or not for purposes of the underlying felony burglary or assault. Even if she showed up unexpected, he let her in and allowed her to stay for several hours and enjoyed her company, according to the pictures.
It seems to me she had been planning the two assailant story a little bit.
I think that is why she shot him with the gun, to show their were two weapons for two people. There is no way he was going to live even for a few minutes with his throat cut and those deep chest/back wounds.

I think so too, it was staging to show two people committed the crime.

IMO she wanted the intimacy of knifing him, she wanted him to suffer not be over too quick. She didn't expect he'd have the will to live and the strength to attempt to crawl away.

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the thanks button, I am sure, means different things to every poster... and that is all fine and good :)

Oh yeah, absolutely agree. I was just observing that it appears it now means "I like what you said" more than "Thank you for this useful information".

But I have no problem with it. Hey everyone, Thank away! :great:
normally i wouldn't think there's any chance she takes the stand. but i think she just about has to. except for experts, she's the ONLY person who can say what he did that made her think her life was in danger. if it doesn't come out of her mouth, it's speculation.

i really want her to testify. i want her hear her try to weave this tale. i'm sure it will be a doozy.
Well, we know she isn't shy about lying. For her to testify... it could only be the same.
normally i wouldn't think there's any chance she takes the stand. but i think she just about has to. except for experts, she's the ONLY person who can say what he did that made her think her life was in danger. if it doesn't come out of her mouth, it's speculation.

i really want her to testify. i want her hear her try to weave this tale. i'm sure it will be a doozy.

Would LOVE to see her cross examined!
normally i wouldn't think there's any chance she takes the stand. but i think she just about has to. except for experts, she's the ONLY person who can say what he did that made her think her life was in danger. if it doesn't come out of her mouth, it's speculation.

i really want her to testify. i want her hear her try to weave this tale. i'm sure it will be a doozy.

I want her to take the stand, I want to see what she does when the prosecution pushes her buttons.
Dr. Drew just made an interesting comment, but I only caught the tail end of it. He said, "Watch her: she stops blinking."

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it during the interrogation or live in court where she's noticeably not blinking?

I just got done watching the 48 hours here Jodi Arias Documentary - YouTube

It is very interesting. I believe there is some truth in the lies, including the gun not working when attempted to shoot 2nd time.
Dr. Drew just made an interesting comment, but I only caught the tail end of it. He said, "Watch her: she stops blinking."

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it during the interrogation or live in court where she's noticeably not blinking?


Sharks only blink when making their kill.
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