The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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The pictures seem odd to me, too. She could have taken them of him and he told her to delete them which she did and then took pictures of herself when he went into the bathroom. I don't think he took those pictures of her. My guess is she decided to delete them because of the camera falling and snapping those last pictures. Her first wounding of him did not quite kill him which obviously angered her and it may not have been what she planned as far as her alibi had she been caught. One wound might have passed for self defense. jmo

It took her years to come up with self defense, and only because she had nothing else.

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Piper Roundtree is the woman and she was a practicing attorney. Her husband was a professor.

That was a different case. Piper was also a piece of work. Thanks for bringing her up. If I remember correctly, Piper used her sister's ID to fly from Texas to Virginia and killed her husband. There may have been some question about whether her sister helped her to either plan or cover up the murder too, if I'm not mistaken. However, that case happened in Richmond, VA.
Hello! I have looked at that pic of her dragging TA but I can't see it. Does anyone have a better version of that pic w/ an interpretation ?? I would so much appreciate!

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I remember that case, saw it on Discovery ID or ?? Didn't the incarcerated sister get another trial?

I can't remember if she got a new trial but if she did, she was found guilty again. As I recall, she's still behind bars.
Totally O/T as to the current topic of the thread but a few days back, there was discussion of the laundry that was done. There were 2 loads done which meant that she was there for quite a while after the murder cleaning up.

Someone suggested that perhaps Travis had done the first load, which included the sheets, as he was a neat person and would have likely wanted to wash icky reminders of her off of his sheets and then hopped in the shower, thinking she was gone.

I don;t know about everyone else, but in my house, doing a load of laundry in the washer while taking a shower is a no-no. It affects the water pressure as well as the temp of the water in the shower.

So I do believe that she is the one who did both loads which means she was there for quite a while.

This is O/T like I said but i like pinning down every iota of what occurred to create a solid picture of just how this occurred, as opposed to Jodi's everchanging fairytale.

In other news, I visited the "Jodi Arias is Innocent" website out of idle curiosity. Among their defense of her is such gems as "she is too pretty to go to jail, just like casey" , "travis was a mormon and a mlm marketer and the world is better off with those types of scum gone" (paraphrasing that) and other such completely delusional offerings on WHY she should be found innocent.

Of course NONE of it deals in evidence, facts or much else other than slandering Travis and gushing about Jodi's "beauty". They categorically state that any post against Jodi will be deleted and that poster banned.

A site like that makes me even more thankful for WS. We deal in evidence, our opinions are clearly marked as such. We are free to disagree or to have differing opinions but are not allowed to be rude to each other or abusive. I appreciate each and every poster at WS.

And a HUGE thanks to our mods. They have so much to do that we never see or know of. They are there to clean up the messes if someone gets out of line or makes a booboo. Hats off to our mods!!

I have a difficult time imaging Jodi waiting around for a wash cycle to finish after the slaughter of Travis. I think the bedding was put in there prior by Travis. Looking at his closet he was so fastidious...perhaps anal in fact..doubt he would want soiled sheets or bedding sitting there for very long. In fact he might have thought Jodi had taken a powder and left before he gathered the clothes up.
I watched the documentary for the first time today. I saw that she said during the attack by the 2 burglars that she tried to drag Travis out but he said he couldn't because he couldn't feel his legs. Did the medical examiner say any of his stab wounds entered the spinal cord and could have caused something like this? Interesting that she would have said something like that. Also interesting that she said he was on all fours. If you couldn't feel your legs and were therefore I guess paralyzed from the waist down as she's trying to insinuate then you wouldn't be able to be on all fours, that still requires your legs to be functioning. ???
I want to thank everyone for the warm, warm welcome.

"... I think what JA really meant and the piece implied was it was hard to tell JA “no” or JA did not accept “no” answers from TA."

I agree totally. Projection. Whenever JA gives us information about TA, we should just assume she is telling on herself i.e. "he had trust issues", "he demanded an answer".

Ok as I continue delving in to this case aka avoiding putting my , ahem, Christmas decorations away,

I am doing the same thing. I am going to take the laptop into the living room to see if I can't get SOME of the dang decorations off the tree!l

I'm compelled by the Borderline/Narcissist suggestion, though I don't see a lot of obvious narcissist indicators from TA. I've read a lot about Borderlines, and what I do know about them (and Histrionic Personality Disorder) is that they are sexually compulsive and wild. A lot of guys who date borderlines say the women are as crazy as the sex is good. I know with both borderlines and narcissists, they have compassion only for themselves, everyone else is just furniture. I know my narcissistic ex-husband had a rich feeling and emotional life, but he couldn't imagine that I did as well. His feelings were all that mattered.

I also know that borderlines need to feel "special", yet are always looking for evidence that they are not.---and they are always successful, no matter how much they are valued or reassured. My sister exhibits borderline behavior occasionally, and she can turn any situation into a perceived slight. It's the hole that cannot be filled. That matches with JA, with the really very complete and total infiltration of all Travis' most personal areas (diary, email, facebook, etc.) what need is there to access his bank account? To see where he is spending his money or on whom?

However, her composure in the face of EVERYTHING makes me think that there is a deeper sociopath/anti-social personality underlying it all. I don't know, it's hard to pinpoint, and it's very likely she straddles a couple of the cluster B personality disorders (antisocial (which used to be sociopath or psychopath), borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic)

As far as Travis goes, I don't even want to speculate about narcissism. We all exhibit narcissistic traits, and the twenties are times when we can all be very self-centered. Having narcissistic tendencies is very different than having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And something I know about narcissists is that they do not have deep, meaningful, friendships. Their friendships are purposeful (resources, social status, etc), but because they lack empathy there are not many strong or deep friendships. This does not seem to be the case with Travis.

all of this IMHO
True, it may be he was unaware of her taking the nude photo of him, as well as the ones in the shower (except for the last one) but I can't fathom him wanting nude photos of her on his new camera. Even deleted, the photos are still "there".

Just another thing about this case that's beyond my comprehension.


I noticed in her interrogation interview she tells Flores she takes loads of photos of herself and then deletes them. Hmmmmmmmmm

No one has convinced me that Travis took those naked photos of her. This camera has a timer so she could have set the time and took them herself to show him and when he saw them he told her to delete them too.
Hello! I have looked at that pic of her dragging TA but I can't see it. Does anyone have a better version of that pic w/ an interpretation ?? I would so much appreciate!

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Regarding the washing of the sheets. I do not have well water and there is no pressure drop or temperature difference. The picture of Travis in bed shows he is on a white sheet. Isn't the background for the bed in JA's picture brown? Didn't she describe that his comforter is brown but TA had a duvet which covered the comforter. So were the sheets and comforter already in the washer when her picture was taken? I can't find that picture...

This was also mentioned in court by the forensic investigator. So there must be some significance. jmo
I have a difficult time imaging Jodi waiting around for a wash cycle to finish after the slaughter of Travis. I think the bedding was put in there prior by Travis. Looking at his closet he was so fastidious...perhaps anal in fact..doubt he would want soiled sheets or bedding sitting there for very long. In fact he might have thought Jodi had taken a powder and left before he gathered the clothes up.

And she did say he was house cleaning that day because he was getting ready to go to CanCun.

What I also noticed that she said that he was on the computer looking at something (I forgot what) and imo he seemed more interested in that than JA arriving right out of the blue to see him.
I noticed in her interrogation interview she tells Flores she takes loads of photos of herself and then deletes them. Hmmmmmmmmm

No one has convinced me that Travis took those naked photos of her. This camera has a timer so she could have set the time and took them herself to show him and when he saw them he told her to delete them too.

Very good point!!!

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I have a difficult time imaging Jodi waiting around for a wash cycle to finish after the slaughter of Travis. I think the bedding was put in there prior by Travis. Looking at his closet he was so fastidious...perhaps anal in fact..doubt he would want soiled sheets or bedding sitting there for very long. In fact he might have thought Jodi had taken a powder and left before he gathered the clothes up.

It's possible some of her hair color came off on the sheets and he felt he needed to wash them right away to keep them from staining. jmo
Katiecoollady hit the nail on the head when she said Jodi is like the sweet little child who turns out to be the villain in those horror movies. She has that sweet demeanor facade down pat. What makes Jodi so frightening is it makes you wonder how many other Jodi's there might be out there. I can't think of any female killers who are anywhere near as scary as she is.

It did make me think of one particular case involving the twin of an Alabama socialite who was convicted of killing her doctor husband. The twin was charged with hiring the hitman but she was found not guilty. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that she was well respected in her community, active in her church, and had the reputation of being someone who went out of her way to help those in need. Her twin (wife of the doctor) on the other hand was buck wild! She was known to drink a lot and had lots of affairs. Because the twins were so close though, many believed that the "good twin" actually got away with murder because the jurors couldn't believe an "upstanding" woman like her could be involved in soliciting a murder.

Very interesting case - I've never heard of it before. Is there any updated information on Betty Wilson's appeals? Seems to be another case of skewed justice to me. From that article it seems that the sister initiated the sequence of events that led to a murder.
I feel so sad for his family.

I think of the "Mormon" aspect of the family... His older sister got back into 'the faith' she says because of TA.... it's kind of weird.. when i think of religion I think of forgiveness and his family seems to be out for blood! Who would blame them? Not sure that I could forgive something so brutal.... I pray I never have to find out.
It took her years to come up with self defense, and only because she had nothing else.

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They said that came about after a hearing when Martinez said at the time..something like this ..'but she is not claiming self defense' in his argument to the Judge and next thing BINGO she claims self defense.:banghead:

At least that is what Beth said the other day.
It's possible some of her hair color came off on the sheets and he felt he needed to wash them right away to keep them from staining. jmo

That shouldnt come off...her hair was dyed. I dont think that is what he was trying to erase. I think he wanted her scent gone from his sheets period.
I did. And I understand what TA was saying to her. The jar she could have brought with her as I doubt he had it just laying around. She planned everything else, including taking pictures so why not the jar. He had no use for it. And we can see by the pictures they were nude. What I'm saying is we only have her word for it they were having a running sexual relationship. TA may have had a different story about their physical contact and there are many ways to just have physical contact for enjoyment.

I'm sure JA wanted to break his resistence through sex because she may have felt she could control him easily that way. If she showed up that night expecting to break him down he may have resisted and she knew for sure he was done with her. I would not be surprised if he did give in to her initially but broke it off with her because he felt he could not control her.

I also think she took those pictures for insurance in case he agreed to take her to Cancun. She could have always held them over his head by threats keeping her relationship with him secure. If she were having sex with him on a regular basis she would have taken those pictures long before she did. While they give the impression she had sex with him there still is no proof other than she may have been in bed with him nude.

Defense would love for the jurors to believe they were having sex all that time but in truth the only proof would be for Travis to testify, or Jodi. Any other person's testimony would be hearsay, I believe, and can't be introduced. So tagging a man as a "player" is unfair when there is no one other than JA who will testify that he was using her as a sex toy. So far all I have heard from his friends is that TA tried to get rid of her and ignored their advice to go to the police and get a restraining order on her. jmo

Makes one wonder if it wasn't HER that made sure that the pictures had time stamps on them... I mean... all of his friends say that HE told them it was over and he wanted nothing to do with her. Maybe she set the time stamp on them to prove to everyone that he was a liar... that they were still involved and she could prove it with the pictures.... She proved it alright... just didnt have the affect she initially thought it would.... we may never know.
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