The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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Odds are there will be at least one or two dumb ones, but hopefully they will be countered by the smart ones with common sense who follow the judge's orders.

Hence, the reason why jurors should have some qualification, background, training and/or a questionaire of some sort for them to serve on cases like this. I feel common sense escapes many folks, even intelligent ones. :moo:

Reminds me of Judge Judy. . .one of her Judyisms, 'Touch every third person, and you'll find an idiot'.
dg, I'm just jumpin off your post because it kinda speaks to what I'm gonna say....NOT attacking, or being argumentative, OK?? It's just a good example of what, IMO, the defense might say.

I woke up today thinking like a juror on this case. I HATE to keep bringing up this person/trial up, but I don't feel as "vested" in this case as I did in the "other" one.

First, the words that you only kill someone if they attack you better NOT come out of the defenses mouths, BUT, as you say, it probably WILL....laughably.

So, as far as I'm concerned, as a juror, AND IMO, JA admitted to doing this.

I'm thinking the opposite way, I want the DEFENSE to convince me this was done as an act of "protection", as opposed to the prosecution proving their case. Those interview tapes kinda did it for me.

In the opening statements, the defense said, so dramatically, it was basically JA's life or death.

I always remember from NG, in one of her more lucid moments, that PREMEDATATION can happen in "the twinkling of an eye".

It IS feasible that JA could have carried a gun for protection....lets just use our imagination here. I'd "assume" it was in her purse, as a holster seems quite far fetched.
So, she's taking pictures of TA in the shower, etc. Lets just say he "attacked" her for dropping the camera. I'm gonna "assume" she didn't bring her purse into the bathroom, so, she MUST have had her faculties around her enough to run to the bedroom to get the gun out of her purse and run back, since the blood evidence/trails don't really support him getting to her BEFORE she got the gun.

OK, so, IMO, AND as a juror, that part right there, the thought enough to run to the purse to get the gun and "protect" herself.....while the honest to goodness thought would have been to just get the heck outta dodge. He's nekked, for cryin out loud. You get that "fight or flight" thing going on. She has a good running start. IF she took the time enough to "run for her life" to the bedroom and remember she had a gun in her purse AND remember where she PUT her purse, THAT, IMO, is premeditation at it's finest.

IF, the KNIFE came first...again, she'd have to remember where the knife was to "protect" herself. IIRC, the defense mentioned a knife on the bed stand to "cut" the rope TA tied her up with....guess scissors don't exist...but apparently, it was stated, he "liked" to use a knife to do that. Whatever!!
(Although, I'm wondering about the fact that, IF she got tied up with those drapery tie back thingies, AND TA cut them off each time with a knife, JoAnn's Fabrics or wherever, must have had to stock a ton of those things, AND, JA/TA having to just have them "handy"....but I digress.)

So, I don't know. I mentioned in a prior post, that, those questions from the jury are coming from ONE particular juror who's trying to turn this case into a "who dunnit", again, IMO.

We also need to remember there's closing statements, and IIRC, the prosecution gets to do a "rebuttal" (?) AFTER the defense.
For all his, shall we say "rigorous" questioning in redirect (?), I have NO doubts WHATSOEVER, that the prosecutor will leave any room for ANY questions in the jury's minds.

Sorry for the length and long winded discussion...LOL

Excellent reasoning.

I have tried looking at this case as a juror as well since I have been a juror before on a death penalty case so I am trying to look at it using that experience.

JAs defense team has got to have a lot of evidence to convince me this was self defense. The one stab to the heart would have stunned him enough that she could have fled. And that is the is self defense standard. At anytime if there was an opportunity for her to retreat she must take it. Therein goes the huge problem for me concerning the self defense argument.

If she had time to go to retrieve a gun then she certainly had time to get the hell out of there. Travis was naked and very little chance he would have chased her down outside where she wouldnt be able to leave and there is no evidence that either of them were together fighting near the exit of the home.

Logically to me JA had a very sharp knife weeks earlier when she slashed all four of his tires on his vehicle. That tends to make me think she either carries one in her pocket or in her purse. The fact that she was dressed when this happened also carries great weight for me. The defense needs to change my opinion about that and I doubt they can but I will see how this goes down.

She also could have had the gun which is small also in a pocket when she entered the bathroom. So in my mind as of now she could have had both weapons on her before the attack even began and that is why it was over in a couple of minutes.

The main problem that the defense has imo is convincing me this was self defense instead of premeditation. The jury will be given the laws on both if the Judge thinks there is sufficient evidence for both options to come in. Any self defense victim has the duty to retreat. Even in her Ninga fantasy story she has Travis on his all fours and screaming. That is not an attack mode but an attack being done to Travis Alexander instead and it shows she stood there while he was on all fours down and seriously wounded.

NG is right.....there is no set time interval that has to lapse for premeditation. As long as the thought is formed in someone's mind and then carries those thoughts out to completion .......that is premeditation. BUT IMO, the evidence shows this premeditated plot started at the end of May 2008.

And they also have to convince me she shot him first. As for now what Dr. Horn's expert professional opinion is what makes the most sense backed up with what he found at the time of autopsy. As of now I believe the severing of all arteries in the neck would prevent any blood from getting to the head and skull and that is why little blood was found when she shot him last in the head after reeking havoc with the knife.

So far all we have seen is the most outlandish lies told by this defendant...running neck and neck with another imfamous pathological liar. Imo she omits the knife in her story because now she has realized shooting him first would have appeared more humane. She conveniently adds to and omits facts that show her to be guilty of premeditation and cruelty.

So if I was a juror on this case the pressure would be on the defense team to discount everything that Juan has entered into evidence. Its a tremendous task.....can they do it? I will keep an opening mind and see if they can wipe out everything I saw and heard in the state's CIC.

it was blonde at the car dealer? right? (I have lost my mind trying to keep all the facts straight)

That's right. She picked up the car on the 2nd in the morning and was in Mesa on the 4th. She could have stopped at home, dyed her hair and picked up her bag. It's not clear where she really stopped except for those receipts that are time and date stamped. jmo
I'm having a hard time understanding this, are you saying that though they officially "broke up" in June of 2007, she STILL had his passwords up until 2 weeks BEFORE the murder? What possible reason could she need for those passwords, and more importantly, WHY would Travis allow her to have this kind of access.

Someone will really have to 'splain to get me to see how this makes any kind of sense at all, let alone good sense. :waitasec::waitasec:

I think this is exactly why the PA did not open up this pandora's box during the CIC. It will only confuse the jury and lead away from the meat of the case (premeditated murder).

He will wait for the DT to bring it up and then hopefully he will succinctly address it.

:moo: of course
I watched 48 hours again, :banghead:

JA is a fake, nothing genuine about her, much as she tries, in the end people will notice her bizarre behavior, you could fool some of the people. . . and I bet she can’t fool any of us here on WS, well, maybe in the beginning, but not for very long.

Four months of dating and JA wanted to marry Travis, WTF! Huge Red flag!

The more I watch her, there is no way, no how, I believe for a nanosecond that JA was a scorned woman or even less, that she killed Travis in self defense. From what I can surmise, Travis never promised her marriage or lead her to believe that there would be a commitment along the road. He didn’t string her along, he was excited about her in the very beginning, but she came on too strong, too quick, after which he immediately started backing off hence, wanted to dismiss her gently, only for her to become relentless in her pursuit, lured him with so called sex romps of the which most young men would engage and typically not refuse.

She created this fictitious life around him, and tried very hard to involve/force herself in his life, as it would be more difficult for Travis to break it off later on. 1000 places they would visit, so many pictures of Travis and herself in four months, etc., the affixiation in such short of time is uncanny.

When all her seductive tricks didn’t convince him or change his mind, it was time for some serious intervention in her demented head, she knew there was no way she could compete with women like Mimi in Travis‘ world.

My opinion may change if there is evidence to prove the contrary, but I strongly believe the PA has nothing to counter this vicious/heinous crime.
Does anyone know TA's height and weight? I just watched a video on his myspace page where he was speaking at a PPL event and he looked small. He was also joking that someone had just told him he looked like a smurf.

TIA for any info.

The ME report said he was only 5'9" and at the time of his death he was 185lbs. He wasn't a 'big' guy. Kinda short I thought...
" i had an ideal childhood. I have a big family. We're all very close". Guess they "all" are pretty busy as there are a whole lotta empty chairs behind her.
What "last word" would you leave the jury on? For me, I'd leave them with Jodi's own words. I'd start with "I never felt my life was in danger" via 48 Hrs then for the cherry on top "no jury will ever convict me. Mark my words no jury will convict me".
Omg I just saw the clip about why she smiled in her mug shot. She is a heartless b*!
What "last word" would you leave the jury on? For me, I'd leave them with Jodi's own words. I'd start with "I never felt my life was in danger" via 48 Hrs then for the cherry on top "no jury will ever convict me. Mark my words no jury will convict me".

I am thinking that I read somewhere that they had agreed not to use her statement about " no jury would convict me." I sure hope I dreamed that.:banghead:
"It's like everything just stops. When someone is sitting there with a gun to your head deciding your fate". Via 48 Hrs. I think she's describing the moment she felt when she took that last head shot of Travis. I bet everything stopped for her right there and she keeps reliving that "frozen moment". Grains of truth to every liar's story.
I am thinking that I read somewhere that they had agreed not to use her statement about " no jury would convict me." I sure hope I dreamed that.:banghead:

they already played that clip for the jury
What "last word" would you leave the jury on? For me, I'd leave them with Jodi's own words. I'd start with "I never felt my life was in danger" via 48 Hrs then for the cherry on top "no jury will ever convict me. Mark my words no jury will convict me".

I would have a huge photo of Travis up right in front of the jury where they could look directly into his eyes. The one of him close up minutes before he died.

Then I would have this quote below his photo:

Det. Flores said to Jodi Arias, "one thing I know is that if Travis never met you, he would still be alive" and she immediately said "that's true."

I would then throw the smiling mug shot up of JA and tell the jury "these are the eyes that Travis last saw before he was murdered.

I would have a huge photo of Travis up right in front of the jury. The one of him close up minutes before he died.

Then I would have this quote below his photo:

Det. Flores said to Jodi Arias, "one thing I know is that if Travis never met you, he would still be alive" and she immediately said "that's true."

I would then throw the smiling mug shot of JA and tell the jury "these are the eyes that Travis last saw before he was murdered.


Is that your experienced medical opinion?

Nope, that was only my take away opinion based on what I heard him say, as I previously stated. I was pretending to be a juror, not a neuro anything:)
As you said others (I for one) saw it too. Somewhere on WS there are screen shots from the trial of purchases which include 2 items which look to be KEROSENE CANS.

We even discussed if gas could be put into a kerosene can and that at one stop she bought more gas than her car would hold. And, it was more than five gallons more, thus the need for two cans. And, since it would be selfserve gas, she could use the wrong can (color is the difference).

IMHO it adds to the premeditation (trying to leave no trace of herself in Arizona).

ETA: Or the discussion could have been on another site. I'm sorry if that's what happened. Anyway the basic info stands.

I remember that being discussed too. Someone looked up how much the Ford she rented would hold and it was a 13 gallon tank. I believe at one time she purchased 19 gallons. And isnt a car full with gas when they pick it up from the rental place?

Yet she got gas every place she first stopped at iirc and the car couldnt have used that much gas. It is an economical car.

So I think it is very reasonable to think she filled up gas cans so she could use them in AZ so she wouldnt leave a papertrail by having to stop to get gas.

they already played that clip for the jury

I found thaty so brazen that she would say that! The only thought that came to my mind was that she was thnking of Casey Anthony, why?
Because she was guilty as sin too.:furious:

Edit to say "A jury will never find me guilty"
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