The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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Interesting that medical examination cannot determine if stab wounds are from a right or left handed attacker, or if a throat was sliced from right to left, or left to right.

Did they say if it was due to decomposition?
Did they say if it was due to decomposition?

One of the reasons he gave for not being able to tell which side the neck wound began...there were no prior marks like one would often find when making a first cut and then going back and making it deeper. Something along those lines.
No matter how fast I read, I get farther and father behind! Please excuse me if somebody already posted this idea.

IIRC Flores testimony, he said he misunderstood what the ME had said about the bullet coming first.

The ME testified that the shot was probably last because from the angle of the shot from the forehead above the right brow, the bullet had to pierce the frontal lobe because, in young people, the frontal lobe is flush up against the skull. He said that the bullet would have incapacitated Travis or rendered him unconscious.

Then, Nurmi called for a mistrial, stating that the prosecution had changed the sequence. Somehow, by changing the sequence made null the argument of the crime being heinous and cruel.

Let's remember, Duncan, the first judge, ruled that the bullet being first (based on Flores' "mistake"), made the crime heinous and cruel.

Nurmi argued that if the bullet was last, the crime was not heinous and cruel, effectively removing the death penalty.

I recall this well because I kept thinking to myself that a bullet wound through the frontal lobe first was heinous and cruel while stabbing the victim 27 times and slitting his throat was LESS cruel? It made no sense to me at the time and it still makes no sense to me now.

The judge ruled that either way the sequence occurred, the crime WAS heinous and cruel. Thank you, Judge Stephens.

BTW, it turned out that the ME never listed sequence in his report and Nurmi didn't ask about him in his deposition/interview prior to trial. Also, the prosecution never mentioned sequence either.

If I'm wrong, I'm sure some great sleuthers here will be able to straighten my memories!

The more this topic gets tossed around... the more scared I am that the jury might do the same... and we will end up with a repeat ruling of the CA case... ugggghhhh
Has the Prosecution done enough to make jurors see that Travis did not want Jodi to come around at all anymore? I thought he told her off a week before she showed up, but don't remember that coming out in trial yet.

Irks me that this man was in his own home, late at night, and along comes an ex gf to kill him and claim self-defense. He's not the one that traveled all that way to harm her. Please tell me the jurors can figure that out.
Unlike most people who have commented on it, I think the last witness was the perfect way to end their case in chief and put the jurors in a particular frame of mind as they begin hearing the defense case and possibly hear from Jodi herself.

In her jailhouse interviews Jodi does come across as soft spoken and gentle and even meek (unlike her police interrogations). She is of small stature as well, and if you just saw her and listened to her without knowing about Travis' murder, you would not think she would be a vicious brutal murderer.

I think the prosecution wanted to make sure the jury had some reference to keep in mind that her outward appearance that she chooses to present to the world is just that -- a portrayal -- but underneath the surface is a Jodi that no one knew because she kept it hidden

Good observation!! I watched JA as her friend Leslie was on the stand. It seemed to really bother her... unlike when Ryan was on the stand. I think it may have been because it's a whole different ball game when it comes to 'her' friends seeing her differently than what they thought. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to the defense witnesses.
One of the reasons he gave for not being able to tell which side the neck wound began...there were no prior marks like one would often find when making a first cut and then going back and making it deeper. Something along those lines.

no hesitation marks?? that is just scarey.....
One of the reasons he gave for not being able to tell which side the neck wound began...there were no prior marks like one would often find when making a first cut and then going back and making it deeper. Something along those lines.

They went back and made it deeper?? :what: That's disgusting. To me that makes it even more heinous then just a throat slash.
Has the Prosecution done enough to make jurors see that Travis did not want Jodi to come around at all anymore? I thought he told her off a week before she showed up, but don't remember that coming out in trial yet.

Irks me that this man was in his own home, late at night, and along comes an ex gf to kill him and claim self-defense. He's not the one that traveled all that way to harm her. Please tell me the jurors can figure that out.

No, he certainly wasn't the one who traveled hundreds of miles in a white rental car with a stolen gun.........however, he did allow her into his home, spent hours with her with evidence of them in some type of sexual encounter, and then he was killed. It does leave some gaps whereby someone could say something went horribly wrong during that time, as opposed to another scenario where she entered his house while asleep and murdered him without him even knowing an intruder was there.

In a self-inflicted neck wound (and in what Darlie Routier did to herself in her case), docs will often see hesitation marks before the bigger and fatal slice to the neck. In Travis' case there was no hesitation mark. His killer meant to slice his neck and didn't hesitate in doing so. It is one more indication that it wasn't self-inflicted. It was one slice across.
They went back and made it deeper?? :what: That's disgusting. To me that makes it even more heinous then just a throat slash.

and unfortunaltey i have seen videos of a throat being slashed like that (online from mexican cartel - i saw it by accident - some one just said look at this - i do not reccomend it) and it is really difficult - not at all like the movies :anguish:
Unlike most people who have commented on it, I think the last witness was the perfect way to end their case in chief and put the jurors in a particular frame of mind as they begin hearing the defense case and possibly hear from Jodi herself.

In her jailhouse interviews Jodi does come across as soft spoken and gentle and even meek (unlike her police interrogations). She is of small stature as well, and if you just saw her and listened to her without knowing about Travis' murder, you would not think she would be a vicious brutal murderer.

I think the prosecution wanted to make sure the jury had some reference to keep in mind that her outward appearance that she chooses to present to the world is just that -- a portrayal -- but underneath the surface is a Jodi that no one knew because she kept it hidden

Jodi is bigger than her attorney JW who must be tiny tiny. I thought that was another reason for the lower chair.
She arrives uninvited. Throws herself at a man she claims abused her. Protects herself with weapons she brought with her. Pulled out a weapon and starts protecting herself while this man is taking a shower. Drives away and denies being there. Almost got away with it!

Come on, Jurors, don't let me down. Think!
They went back and made it deeper?? :what: That's disgusting. To me that makes it even more heinous then just a throat slash.

Not in Travis' case. And who is "they?" The M.E. was giving an example of when someone is self-inflicting a neck wound (you know, like suicide) and they start with a smaller less deep slice to test it or see what the pain will be like or perhaps hesitating. Then they (the person committing suicide) will go and make a larger and deeper slash. That's what is being talked about and referred to.

Not Travis' case and not Travis' murderer.
Hey! Maybe she did his hair too and that's the dark running down a bit on his showering pics?

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Good observation!! I watched JA as her friend Leslie was on the stand. It seemed to really bother her... unlike when Ryan was on the stand. I think it may have been because it's a whole different ball game when it comes to 'her' friends seeing her differently than what they thought. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to the defense witnesses.

She also looked away as if embarrassment when the named photos showed up again
She arrives uninvited. Throws herself at a man she claims abused her. Protects herself with weapons she brought with her. Pulled out a weapon and starts protecting herself while this man is taking a shower. Drives away and denies being there. Almost got away with it!

Come on, Jurors, don't let me down. Think!

Curious, I think you are worrying about nothing. This case is not the Casey Anthony case. They have nothing in common except that both perps were arrested on the same day. That's it. How many female murderers walk away free from a trial in which they claimed self defense but there is a lot of evidence proving otherwise?

One or two out of hundreds?
and unfortunaltey i have seen videos of a throat being slashed like that (online from mexican cartel - i saw it by accident - some one just said look at this - i do not reccomend it) and it is really difficult - not at all like the movies :anguish:

i've seen the video where a prisoner of war's neck was cut and then was decapitated. it was available to be seen on the news and why i ever thought though i should watch that i don't know. it was the worse thing i have ever seen in my life. it takes serious hatred to do that to someone. even if i was in fear for my life and it was crazy stalker killer guy coming after me and only had a knife and i had to do that to end him from killing me it would still bother me deeply for the rest of my life. and there's no way in hell i'd ever go back and make it deeper. WTF. now THAT is some serious Fed up crap!!!! especially to someone you once loved? wow, there is nothing sicker than that. i know people realize it's awful and sick but i dont think it really hits home until you actually see it happen to a live person. It is unbelievable. JA deserves everything that comes to her and she BETTER get convicted.
Not in Travis' case. And who is "they?" The M.E. was giving an example of when someone is self-inflicting a neck wound (you know, like suicide) and they start with a smaller less deep slice to test it or see what the pain will be like or perhaps hesitating. Then they (the person committing suicide) will go and make a larger and deeper slash. That's what is being talked about and referred to.

Not Travis' case and not Travis' murderer.

Oh okay. Sorry, I thought the poster said that JA went back and made TA's throat slice deeper. I was thoroughly disgusted by that since it was so deep it would have killed him anyway. I had not heard that before and know I know why. Sorry, misunderstanding. :blushing:
and unfortunaltey i have seen videos of a throat being slashed like that (online from mexican cartel - i saw it by accident - some one just said look at this - i do not reccomend it) and it is really difficult - not at all like the movies :anguish:

I cant even do the movies. Heck I get haughted by birds gathering and if I'm in the shower leave me alone. Thank you Alfred Hitchcock :moo: not even mention the fears that twighlight leftcme with :seeya:
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