The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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The entire crime took place in 90 seconds or possibly less. No time for her to start cleaning up. No time for anything. There is no evidence of him passing out first and if he did, why would she be stabbing him and when was he able to get to the sink area? And then how did he get down the hall for her to slash his throat and her drag him back (again, all happening in that 90 seconds)?

I didn't know it all happened in 90 seconds..
Oh for crying out loud -- I was just watching the "extras" in connection with the lastest 48 Hours broadcast, and Jodi claimed she got threatening notes in jail from the 2 intruders saying "watch your back when you get to Arizona. Don't forget what we told you will happen if you tell."

Oh .. but she ripped up the notes and threw them away.

Of course, we now know this is all a complete and total fabrication, but how in the world could she have ever thought any of this would be believable?

Link to this segment: [ame=""]Jodi Arias on threats received in Calif. jail - 48 Hours - CBS News[/ame]

ETA -- no clue why that picture of non-Jodi shows on the cover, but that link should work.
I didn't know it all happened in 90 seconds..

Well, from the last alive picture of Travis until the picture of him bleeding was a little less than 2 minutes. We have no idea what happened after that or how long it took. It appears that his throat was slit within 2 minutes of him last being alive.
From the court minutes:


Pending before this Court is Defendant’s Renewed Motion to Dismiss Charges or in the Alternative, Motion to Dismiss Death Due to Prosecutorial Misconduct and Recently Discovered Brady Material and the State’s Response to the Defendant’s Renewed Motion to Dismiss Charges or in the Alternative, Motion to Dismiss Death Due to Prosecutorial Misconduct and Recently Discovered Brady Material.

Argument is presented.

IT IS ORDERED granting the motion in part as to the Defendant’s statement “she will not spend any time in prison.” out

IT IS ORDERED granting the motion in part as to Phase I of the trial, as to the Defendant’s request to get her purse which contained her makeup so that she could apply some makeup before being photographed upon her arrest. out

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED denying the Defendant’s motion in part as to her statement “No jury would convict her.” in

You are wonderful! Thank you!:)

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The entire crime took place in 90 seconds or possibly less. No time for her to start cleaning up. No time for anything. There is no evidence of him passing out first and if he did, why would she be stabbing him and when was he able to get to the sink area? And then how did he get down the hall for her to slash his throat and her drag him back (again, all happening in that 90 seconds)?

How did they come to the 90 seconds scenario? The time frame of the camera?
Ok, to open an entirely new can of worms, what if Jodi said----"I want to end this trial, admit to killing him and tell everyone exactly what happened from beginning to end." She then lays out her whole plan, giving all the details, answering all the questions about dying her hair, gas cans, license plates, her plan to kill Travis, how the murder happened, where she dumped the clothes and evidence, everything. Would she escape the death penalty for cooperating at this point? Would she have escaped it by cooperating in the beginning. Could she have struck a deal by saying "I'll confess and answer all questions, but I want Life in Prison (no parole) instead of the DP?

No to all of the above IMO. Detective Flores was trying to get he to tell the truth about what happened, but if she had that would not have helped her or gotten her an easier sentence. There is no benefit to her cooperating at this point and no advantage to making a full confession or explanation that implicates her.

The only exception maybe would have been in the very beginning there might have been an opportunity to make a deal to take death penalty off the table in exchange for a full confession and guilty plea. Especially if she had requested something like that before all of the evidence against her came back from forensics and such.
I wonder if there is a Sopranos episode with a similar murder...
Any hardcore Sopranos fans out there?
Well, from the last alive picture of Travis until the picture of him bleeding was a little less than 2 minutes. We have no idea what happened after that or how long it took. It appears that his throat was slit within 2 minutes of him last being alive.

That makes sense---and shooting a gun takes what? 5 seconds at the most? (after putting down the knife and getting the gun)
Right. Yet I didn't see or read about any evidence of that being obtained or presented. Did I miss it? The only thing I've read was that none of the knives at Travis's house appeared to be missing from set and that there were knives in the dishwasher. I read that here, though, and didn't see it presented in court.

It was asked and answered, there were no knives missing from Travis's. iirc it was a juror question.

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It is like Detective Flores said.........Travis Alexander would be alive today if he had never met Jodi Arias. That was his fatal mistake even meeting her. He could have had a thousand relationships with other girls and he would be alive today, imo.

Its not about what he did. He is a victim and not on trial and in our justice system the state doesn't just represent victims who are totally innocent in every facet of their lives anyway. No one is perfect unless they are small children but they are victims and that will never change.

He did nothing to cause his brutal horrendous death. Nothing. Millions of young people have had sexual relationships with someone and they go their seperate ways after the break up and get on with their lives like Travis was trying to do with his without this horrid individual in it. He knew he had made a mistake and he was trying to right that wrong but JA would not have it. Nope, she was going to come to his home uninvited once again anyway and stalk him one more time before she visciously and cruely murdered him.

It is ALL about what JA DID to an ex who tried to escape her death grip.:furious:

I can't speak for other posters, but personally my concern over the details like consensual sex, invited in, content of last texts/phone calls/emails between them is that the circumstances preceding the actual murder might sway a juror against murder one and go for a lesser charge.

And honesty, in light of some very high profile miscarriages of justice, I do believe these are valid concerns.

I don't think anyone here is saying Travis deserved to be killed. I know I'm not!

But how this whole last day really went down might affect this trial. I agree it shouldn't, but there you are.....

And as I have said before, I'd kind of like to know Travis' mindset. Just for my own curiosity. Did he encourage her affections? Did he tell her to pack her sorry patoot on down the road? Was there a time he really loved her and then the crazy scared it away? Did he ever see JA as more than a booty call? Inquiring minds, lol. :lol:
I wonder if there is a Sopranos episode with a similar murder...
Any hardcore Sopranos fans out there?

I thought about that because of her mentioning the Sopranos. I kept thinking about the time Tony killed Ralph Cifaretto (Joe Pantoliano) and then he and Christopher dismembered him in the bathtub (putting his head in a bowling bag). That was the closest I could come up with. There are so many more though....there must be a close fit.
i don't think it can be emphasized enough that she's an accomplished pathological liar. so her THIRD story about him being an abuser and her fearing for her life is just as preposterous as her other 2.

who will the defense call to say that travis was ever violent with a girl? is there someone out there who's going to say that? anyone other than their hired experts?
if the jury doesn't buy this guy was abusive, they don't buy self defense----which is completely ludicrous to me anyway considered he was wet, naked, unarmed and couldn't have done anything to justify what he got.

IMO Jose did an absolutely masterful job at diffusing Casey's pathological lies. Remember everyone? She learned to lie young because daddy molested her. So the prosecution in essence spent a lot of time proving she was a liar....and only proved she was a liar, not a cold blooded killer.

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No no an ex said that her finger was permanently damage after TA broke it..i was not talking about the cuts

Oh ....well if he didn't witness it, it came from Jodi's mouth. You'll have to excuse me as I do not consider her a credible source!

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She is not charged with breaking and entering so that's a moot point. She is charged with first degree murder and/or felony murder. She got in his house. He allowed her to stay for some period of time. They were together for many hours. None of that is disputed. They were each nude and in front of TA's camera that afternoon--also not disputed. There are time stamped pictures that proved this.

Regardless of what else one believes happened of how TA got in the shower, his state of mind, whether he was annoyed or scared or whoKnowsWhat, she killed him. That is not in dispute. Photographic evidence disproves self-defense as a reason for stabbing him 27+ times, shooting him and slicing his throat ear to ear.

It doesn't matter which part of the story anyone believes. It doesn't matter if TA knew she was taking pictures or didn't. She is not charged with illegal taking of pictures. She is not charged with "surprising him with a camera flash." The salient facts of the case are not in dispute. The only thing that defense is trying to say is that Jodi killed in self-defense. They will fail in their attempt to prove this...because....there is no proof of this.

Got to rush out, but promise I'll keep thinking about this while driving.

See, I think it does matter how the jurors see the relationship between Jodi and Travis. How she reacted so quickly when she thought he was going to abuse her again. They've already made it sound like Travis was all for her coming over so he could use her, and that he was such a horn-dog. I see (unlinked) rumors floating he broke her finger.

I appreciate your confidence that it's all slam dunk. I'm just trying to anticipate how Defense can twist this.
Oh for crying out loud -- I was just watching the "extras" in connection with the lastest 48 Hours broadcast, and Jodi claimed she got threatening notes in jail from the 2 intruders saying "watch your back when you get to Arizona. Don't forget what we told you will happen if you tell."

Oh .. but she ripped up the notes and threw them away.

Of course, we now know this is all a complete and total fabrication, but how in the world could she have ever thought any of this would be believable?

Link to this segment: Jodi Arias on threats received in Calif. jail - 48 Hours - CBS News

ETA -- no clue why that picture of non-Jodi shows on the cover, but that link should work.

and why wouldn't you immediately tell the police and give them that note to prove your story? she's somethin' else.
Making a determination that no knives were missing doesn't compute with me. Knives don't always have to be part of a set. I have a few knives that are just spares, one or two I picked up here or there.
I still don't believe some of it.

Did he really allow her into his home?

What sexual encounter? The pics don't show them together at all. She could have taken pics of her nude self, and pics of Travis unaware in his bedroom. All I know is those pics don't show a sexual encounter.

Then, there's shower pics she claims he wanted her to take, where he looks unaware she's there.

For all I know, she could have held a gun to him the entire time and made him get in that shower.
That could be possible, however they both are naked. If it were just her, one could speculate she took the photos herself. As for the shower photos, I do believe he could have been unaware she was taking them. I also believe it is possible he had asked her to leave and she returned.

This is where I think I differ from most here. I feel her intent was to murder him that day, period. There were no second chances, no changing his mind. She simply enjoyed a last fling with him and then did what she came to do. Much like when my ex was strangling me, banging my head on the ground while telling me "tell me you love me!", over and over. I refused to say it because I knew he was going to kill me no matter what I said. Lucky for me that someone came along after I had passed out, but not yet dead, and chased him off. Travis didn't have the same luck unfortunately. jmo

I 100% agree with you, she decided the day she stole the gun that Travis was gonna die.

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Making a determination that no knives were missing doesn't compute with me. Knives don't always have to be part of a set. I have a few knives that are just spares, one or two I picked up here or there.

This makes sense.

In my mind she came fully armed for battle with gun and knife, both weapons of her own choosing. Do I have evidence for this, no. But she seemed to be, well, prepared.
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