The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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Ok I'm back to report. I just now got me head out of the brown paper bag I was breathing into. Plus the bottle of wine spilled.
Anyway, I thought the sights I looked at were kinda interesting. It didn't really bother me at all, but not much does.
Now Jodi's did not look like those! I mean, similar, but her pics were I don't know what kinda different. What was all the redness, bumpy's, extra stuff?
Sorry if this offends anyone. :)
That's interesting, I haven't heard it, I've only been reading here so I haven't watched anything yet. Were they clustered together - like they were inflicted while he was stationary or does it seem like he was moving when the back wounds were inflicted?

Yes, they were clustered together and this was discussed, that because of their "orientation" they were a group, but I don't think they used the word "group". Basically, the gist was the angle and arrangement of these wounds indicated they were sustained in rapid succession, one after another.

There is a couple good outline diagrams with each wound placement. It allows you to consider all the wounds, without being distracted by the gore.
I wonder if it was to make it seem like it wasn't her in case anyone saw her at Travis' house? She could say, oh it wasn't me that was there, I was blonde then. Which obviously wouldn't have worked anyway since they were able to recover the pictures showing she was there.
Yup! She asked the detective in her interview, "You sure it was me?" She didn't count on the DNA from her hair being left there- color being irrelevant to DNA!!!
I really, really, really wish there were a full video of Martinez's opening statements. Not just part of the opening statements in audio-only, but all of his opening. Or, in lieu of that, a full transcript of his opening.
Is she the one that tied him to the bed first? The prosecution brought bed into courtroom and prosecutor did a reinactment ?

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Yup, that's the one...they claimed she tied him to the bed but I think it was disproved later due to his defensive wounds. I'll stay tuned & let you know! I'm only half watching.
I was looking at the photos someone upload. (Thanks not sure which member) There is a shot of Travis in the shower I am guessing before the one he is looking directly at the camera. To me it shows he is surprised by her taking pictures. I am posting a link I hope it works.

Be aware that there are MANY GRAPHIC photos with the one I am trying to post!

I hope that works. I am curious to what everyone thinks.

I had the same feeling about that shot..that he looks surprised. I still am thinking she had a gun on him in the last 2 shots. :(
Almost immediately in a phone interview she was referring to Travis and said "he's a Mormon so..." (whatever BS she was selling). It was odd she didn't say "we're Mormons so we....". Passing fancy that she adopted 100% then, not so much once she killed him. Wonder what religion she claims now.

IIRC, at one point she told someone she was "dabbling" in Mormonism. Apparently so.

hahaha, where in the world did that avatar stupid newbie come from and how did it get there :floorlaugh:
I was looking at the photos someone upload. (Thanks not sure which member) There is a shot of Travis in the shower I am guessing before the one he is looking directly at the camera. To me it shows he is surprised by her taking pictures. I am posting a link I hope it works.

Be aware that there are MANY GRAPHIC photos with the one I am trying to post!

I hope that works. I am curious to what everyone thinks.

maybe it's just the way the pictures are shown (some are pictures of pictures) or cropped, but it seems like the focus of many of the pictures are his neck.
bbm: I am not seeing posts here that say that?:waitasec:

more along the lines of sequencing is what I am seeing:moo:

it was last nite - saying it was possible to go in front of the brain in between brain and skull, or that it stayed in the sinus cavity the entire time
I really, really, really wish there were a full video of Martinez's opening statements. Not just part of the opening statements in audio-only, but all of his opening. Or, in lieu of that, a full transcript of his opening.

If they keep covering this trial during the hiatus, they very well may replay both openings.
I knew a girl once who had a round scar from a .22 shot to the head. So I am just not sure the bullet did disable him completely. IMO

Disable him completely is not what was testified to. Affected him, knocked him down, impacted his coordination and his ability to defend himself is what was testified to. A shot to the head would at least do that. Even a little dinky .25 caliber that some claim would do nothing, would cause injury, at the least.
Okay I'm confused. I'm continuing to read here that the bullet to Travis' temple did not go through his brain. Hmrooo? How is that even possible?

The M.E. said without a doubt, 100% that bullet did pass through a part of TA's brain. However, what he could not say with certainty was if TA was killed by that shot or not. The reason he couldn't say for sure is because the brain had decomposed to the point where he could not make that particular determination.

The M.E. also very clearly stated that the type of injury (shot to head passing through some part of the front brain) would be serious enough to cause problems impacting TA's ability to stand, walk, defend himself.

The defense attorney attempted about 5 different times to get the M.E. to say the bullet would have missed the brain altogether and at no point did the M.E. ever agree with her statements/opinions/what-ifs on that. Dr. Horn couldn't have been more clear and more definitive about that. That bullet, which started at TA's right temple could not have missed his brain. There is no magic bullet which enters the head, yet skirts around the brain, and comes to rest inside someone's cheek. That would be impossible purely from a physics standpoint.

I saw a show today that totally changed my mind on gun shots to the head and how people react afterwards..forgive me if this has already been mentioned but on Rock Center they showed Petra Anderson she was shot in the head at the Aurora movie theatre incident. The bullet went straight through her brain and she was able to still walk out of there, she talked about it on the show. Thats what started me to questioning when JA shot TA.
Interesting when she was describing the Ninja attack she claimed "he" had a gun "to (her) forehead". Not her head, not her temple, her forehead.

It isn't so clear cut about the incapacitating... or the lead investigator wouldn't think he was shot first.
Yup! She asked the detective in her interview, "You sure it was me?" She didn't count on the DNA from her hair being left there- color being irrelevant to DNA!!!

I did see her ask that. Maybe that's what she thought - if she dyed her hair that they wouldn't be able to do dna testing on any hair she left behind?

If so, it wasn't very smart!!
Defense cross:

Q: And we know that people who have had injuries to their brains um, depending on the section of the brain, they're not always incapacitated, isn't that true?
Dr. Horn: Uh, for the most part if you have a bullet pass through the brain, um you're not going to be standing, you're not going to be functioning. Um you're going to fall and like I said earlier on direct, it may not be immediately fatal. In fact it likely wasn't, passing through the frontal area of the brain, especially it's not as vital, they're all vital structures but it's not as vital as the brain stem or the back parts of the brain.
Q: Well just so we're clear you don't actually have any medical evidence of it passing through the brain, right?
Dr. Horn: It had to have passed through the brain
Q: You don't have any medical evidence of that do you?
Dr. Horn: I do, the skull is perforated where the brain is, so it had to have passed through the brain.
Q: Well
Dr. Horn: The brain is there
Q: But you have no idea, you have no medical evidence of how far or what part of the brain exactly it would of hit, right?
Dr. Horn: It would have passed through the right frontal lobe
Q: Uh um
Dr. Horn: I just don't have any evidence of hemorrhage now because of decomposition. But it had to have passed through the brain because the part of the skull that was injured. The brain in a young person especially, is flush against that structure
Q: Um uh
Dr. Horn: The brain occupies the entire skull, so to have a hole in the skull here and exit in here, it has to pass through the brain.
Q: Well the exits, there's no exit.
Dr. Horn: The exit from the skull cavity into the face.
Q: uh ha.. so but but what you're saying though, you have no idea how where that bullet might have hit, it could have just grazed the tip of the brain, right?
Dr. Horn: No, it had to have passed through the right frontal lobe of the brain. Based on where these holes in the skull are
Q: And you're sur
Dr. Horn: There's no way it could have avoided the brain.
Q: Ok, and you're sure of that?
Dr. Horn: Yes!
Q: Um ... what I was talking about earlier was that with brain injuries. I'm mean we've all heard the stories of people, the person who had the arrow stuck through went through his skull and hit his brain. Or the person who had um a, I don't know if it was an arrow or what but goes through the brain and these people are coming to the ER.
Dr. Horn: Right
Q: You've heard those stories, right?
Dr. Horn: Those are different.
Q: Ok.. but those are people who have had brain injuries, right?
Dr. Horn: Not with projectiles
Q: ok
Dr. Horn: With firearms, you don't just have an arrow or an object passing through the head, with the firearm you also have gas and you have an expancel cavity, that damages the brain as it goes through it. So you can shoot an arrow through the brain, its a much lower velocity projectile and will not cause a large temporary cavity to open up in the brain tissue, like a projectile would, like a firearm projectile would.
Q: So those don't cause as much damage as a bullet does?
Dr. Horn: That's right
Q: But you didn't see any damage
Dr. Horn: I couldn't
Q: Even in your slices right?
Dr. Horn: Right, I could not document the damage because of the decomposition


Q: Sir, in terms of the sequencing of the wounds, do you remember having an interview with this individual, sitting here with the glassed, do you remember having an interview with him?
Dr. Horn: Vaguely, I do remember the defense interview
Q: You were interviewed regards to this case, right?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: And you have a copy of that interview, don't you?
Dr. Horn: I do
Q: And you were asked about the sequencing of these injuries, weren't you?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Objection leading
Q: Alright did you talk to them about the sequencing of the injuries?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: And at anytime did you stop the interview and say no I don't want to talk to you about the sequencing of the injuries?
Dr. Horn: No
Q: And were you asked about the sequencing of the injuries?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: And what did you tell them during that interview that you had with them?
Dr. Horn: Uh that I felt that the gunshot wound may have been last but in any event um the gunshot wound and the wounds to the neck would have come after the defensive wounds of the hands.
Q: And is that what you told us today?
Dr. Horn: Yes

Q: The issue of the gunshot wound. Did the gunshot wound go to the.. go through the frontal lobe or not?
Dr. Horn: It did
Q: If it goes through the frontal lobe, what does the human body do when a gunshot goes through a frontal lobe?
Dr. Horn: Well there's a shock delivered to the entire brain as a projectile is passing through, so its not just like an arrow or a nail. You've also got expansing expanding gases, you've got a tumbling projectile, so generally you're going to have a shock situation, neurologic shock and those people are incapacitated.
Q: And that gunshot wound that we're talking about, did it go through the mouth or not?
Dr. Horn: It goes above the mouth, thats in the sinus structure, so bleeding out of the mouth is certainly possible.
Q: And it ended up in the left cheek
Dr. Horn: chee
Q: correct?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: The distance of the gunshot wound, you said it was in-determined, right?
Dr. Horn: yes
Q: Wha and that's based on the fact that you don't see any stippling there, right?
Dr. Horn: That's right
Q: And in-determined to you in this case, what's the, if its in-determined, I know what the word means, but how far away, can you give us any parameters as soever as to how far or how close the gunshot was?
Dr. Horn: Again I'm not a ballistics expert, but generally speaking from most firearms its going to be a minimum distance of a couple of feet, at least.
Q: Ok and this gunshot wound, was there hemorrhage, hemorrhaging that was associated with it on the path that it traveled?
Dr. Horn: Ah in the scalp and in the cheek area, there is some hemorrhage, there is no hemorrhage detected in the skull itself.
Q: And what does that mean to you, in terms of the sequencing, whether or not the person was alive or not alive, if there is no blood there?
Dr. Horn: If there's less blood, it may mean that the other injuries proceeded that and there was just less bleeding, because there was less blood to come out of the body.
Q: Could this person have been dead at the time that the gunshot wound was inflicted.
Dr. Horn: That's possible, yes
Q: And in terms of what an individual may have said or didn't say, you did indicate that your report does indicate that Detective Flores at the autopsy right?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: Does it have an MD at the end of his name, maybe I missed that?
Dr. Horn: No
Q: So in terms of, this individual Detective Flores what he may or may not have said, you have any idea where he gained his knowledge?
Dr. Horn: I don't, no
Q: But your knowledge is based on what you saw when, at the autopsy, your schooling, and anything else that was provided to you, right?
Dr. Horn: Yes
Q: I don't have anything else thank you

here is the testimony
Almost immediately in a phone interview she was referring to Travis and said "he's a Mormon so..." (whatever BS she was selling). It was odd she didn't say "we're Mormons so we....". Passing fancy that she adopted 100% then, not so much once she killed him. Wonder what religion she claims now.

Thank you katie, I have thought of this often. It is like JA is dissrepecting TA, and his religion (obviously not her's anymore.) It doesn't matter what "religion" she claims now, we all know it means nothing to her.

Poor Travis and his family, I want justice for you!
Ok I'm back to report. I just now got me head out of the brown paper bag I was breathing into. Plus the bottle of wine spilled.
Anyway, I thought the sights I looked at were kinda interesting. It didn't really bother me at all, but not much does.
Now Jodi's did not look like those! I mean, similar, but her pics were I don't know what kinda different. What was all the redness, bumpy's, extra stuff?
Sorry if this offends anyone. :)

LOL glad your back. Was beginning to wonder if i needed to an extraction and a rescue :floorlaugh: I did not see Jodi's so unable to render an opinion lol
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