The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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1) good tips is individual . One waitress might complain about getting a standard 15% while another might consider that good but most people
will complain about their jobs and not making as much as they would want.

2) even if you were kinda cool with someone after something like this comes out its not likely you will remember anything but the bad about them.

3) would they have her on the show if she didn't support the image that the
public wanted to see of her?

4) women are catty. Many women hate other women. Even women they
hardly know

Women can be catty, yes. I work with a bunch of female nurses and we all get along very well, like sisters, surprisingly. One thing I have noticed though, many women, not all, do not trust other women when it comes to getting really close to them. Especially when they are in a relationship or married. Before anyone jumps on me, this is something many, many women have stated and not something I am pulling out of my *ss. lol
Wow! Glad I missed the shower sitting discussion. This is subjective, as is a lot of this case. What is weird for one person is common place for another. I guess we will never know because we have no one to testify that Travis liked to sit in the shower. We know that these shower photos were all within 5 minutes of his attack/death. I don't think that anything we see in them is going to tell us anything about what happened. Jodi is the only one alive to tell anything, and we already know that she is a liar. My opinion is that there really isn't anything to discuss regarding this because there isn't anything to be gained from it. We already know that Travis was in the shower when the attack happened. Is there something I'm missing here?
If any of you honestly and sincerely thought I ment that each and every woman on this planet
is catty then accept my apologies

Its funny reading this forum sometimes, I get a kick out of it...

One poster makes a general comment that women can be catty, another poster takes it out of context and the next thing we have women being catty!!! :floorlaugh:

Real comedy... Lighten up folks. :great:
same here - LOTS of females are catty but not ALL. I work as a teacher with an almost all female staff and not all of us are catty *****es.

We agree.

Anyways, I've wondered if Jodi had any real close girl friends she could talk to about her growing anger over obvious problems in her relationship with Travis. I know I've had some very good friends help me through break-ups and we've discussed things in truth and depth. It does help. First off I'd probably say, "Girlfriend, he's just not that into you. Don't kill him."
re. Veronica from Dr. Drew

Here are my reasons for thinking Veronica is full of it:
1) Contradiction: On the one hand she says JA is flat and unemotional and on the other hand is madly in love/obsessed with TA.

2) Doesn't make sense:
"And she -- and owners of the restaurant would say, I never want her at my table again. "
I think she is trying to say patrons told Veronica they never want to be at JA's table again. Have you ever told a waitress in a rest. that you don't like one of the other waitresses? Maybe I could see it happening in some small town diner but Bing Crosby's was upscale and catered to tourists.

3) This wacko statement:
"Oh, yes. I had co-workers at the restaurant who said, Veronica, stay away from her. What are you talking about? She`s a pretty little girl -- oh no, Veronica, stay away from her. There`s nothing wrong with her. She doesn`t show emotion. She doesn`t get upset. She doesn`t cry. We are wait staff. We are emotional, we are passionate, and she had nothing."

4) If JA is watching the cat for a friend, why would she be taking it to the humane society? Can't seem to make up her mind if JA is babysitting the cat or adopting the cat.
The words "retrieve the cat" seem odd - not normal speech.
Where the heck was the cat? In a room where?

1st interview:
"OK. We had an employee there. He was getting there. His wife was allergic to the cat. He asked her to take the cat. But two weeks while they went on honeymoon, she told me where it`s at. She said, Veronica, I`m going to do it. So, she took the cat in.

After two weeks when the guy got back from his honeymoon, she came up to me and said, Veronica, when I went back to get the cat after two weeks - - I said, two weeks, what do you mean? She said, I left it in a dark room with enough food and water. A lot at her and I was about to strangle her right there."

2nd interview:
"Yes, doctor. So anyway, she was taking care of this cat supposedly for two weeks. And after the two weeks she had told me, she said, "Veronica, boy, when I went to retrieve the cat after two weeks" -- I said, what do you mean after two weeks retrieved the cat? She said, "Well, I left it in a room with enough food and water." I said, for two weeks? What are you talking about, Jodi? She said -- and she kind of got a little startled at my response.

And she said, "Well, when I went to get the cat to take it to the Humane Society, it was shaking, veronica. The cat was shaking. I guess I kind of feel bad."

5) Veronica makes herself out to be a wonderful, helpful person compared to ALL the other employees - hallmark of a pathological liar:
"She was horrible at her job so, I was always helping her, picking up her slack.
Everyone else wouldn't touch -- wouldn't help her at all at work, because every time she got a bad tip from a table it was oh, there was a woman at the table, Veronica, she was jealous of me. That was the reason she got a bad tip. Not horrible service. "

6) The way Dr.D keeps cutting off Veronica mid-sentence and saying that her claims can be neither confirmed nor denied suggests he thinks she is full of crap.

Exactly my take on each of those points! Thanks for typing all that out!
Women can be catty, yes. I work with a bunch of female nurses and we all get along very well, like sisters, surprisingly. One thing I have noticed though, many women, not all, do not trust other women when it comes to getting really close to them. Especially when they are in a relationship or married. Before anyone jumps on me, this is something many, many women have stated and not something I am pulling out of my *ss. lol

I've worked with men the majority of my life. Men can be as catty as women, but I'd still rather work with men ANY DAY because of the little games that women seem to play. I'm not saying that men don't play games, but in my life, I've seen it 10 to 1 with women doing the playing more.
Its funny reading this forum sometimes, I get a kick out of it...

One poster makes a general comment that women can be catty, another poster takes it out of context and the next thing we have women being catty!!! :floorlaugh:

Real comedy... Lighten up folks. :great:

Probably because the majority on here are female. lol

:truce: Because I know that this is going to be taken as God's truth and out of context as well.
That strategy just won't work because she drove to him, not the other way around. She could have stayed home and keep the gun and knife in her purse for protection. Instead she used them both to slaughter the man.

That's what the DV counselor will be for. To explain why Jodi could not pull
herself from the relationship. I think that they said that directly in opening statements. Something to the effect of the doctor will explain why Jodi
could not give up her relationship to Travis and why it is such an impossible choice for many women.

NOTE- I am not saying its a good defense or that it will work just
that its where they appear to be going.
This is what i think too. It was a lot of trouble she went to. I mentioned this a couple of days ago when I said she was a young attractive woman and she could have just moved on and saved herself some trouble. Someone posted she did move on -to the Mormon guy she visited after the murder. Yes, but move on without going to the trouble of the gruesome & atrocious murder.
Nah, she hadn't really moved on to Ryan, he was just her alibi. She didn't even visit him for 24 hours after driving all that way, and didn't date him after that. IF Travis had invited her to come over and that's a big if, of course she would've changed direction at the drop of a hat to visit him, but really that was the plan all along...
I don't even believe there was a friend in L.A./Pasadena with a new baby that she planned to visit.
Women can be catty, yes. I work with a bunch of female nurses and we all get along very well, like sisters, surprisingly. One thing I have noticed though, many women, not all, do not trust other women when it comes to getting really close to them. Especially when they are in a relationship or married. Before anyone jumps on me, this is something many, many women have stated and not something I am pulling out of my *ss. lol

Exactly. I did not mean that all women are catty but many
women are. its especially common in women dominated work places like waitresses or nurses. I am glad to hear that in your workplace it is not so.
Websleuths did have a wonderful group of Astrologers in a separate forum section that did astro sleuthing, but the forum has been closed for now. I really miss it.
(FYI - I don't think we're suppose to link to any kind of astro or psychic sites.)
LOL!!! You and everybody else wants to know this. It is disturbing how little is known about her.

So PPL is like an Amway-type pyramid scheme. They sell what is basically insurance for legal fees - you pay your monthly fee and if something happens where you need legal representation, it is covered. Jodi was a salesperson - for PPL. I don't get the impression she was very good. Travis, from what I can tell, was a pretty high up employee of PPL and gave motivational speeches to the salespeople.

JA moved to Mesa after the break-up - that's what it said on 48 Hours - because she was a psych stalker and he was up for booty calls.
I have no idea where she lived in Mesa but it appears not with TA.

Apparently, JA was living in Palm Desert when she met TA - also according to 48 hours.

Also, she had that Big Sur address on her driver's license and I read somewhere (not official) that she had at some point been working at a resort in Big Sur. I think her license was issued in 2005.

If you're living out of your car, relocating is cheap.


Thanks, I was wondering about the different places she lived in a short period of time too.

In the photos of the room where she lived with her grandparents it's obvious she didn't own much to her name.

I wish we knew more about the guy she lived with for four years. He certainly has been quiet.
It is reality. She said women...not ALL women and how many can be. Women can be extremely catty and horrible to each other. Mean Girls isn't just a movie-its a reality that many women and girls deal with. I was bullied by another girl in junior high.I have had female coworkers backstab me, female bosses who degraded and talked down to me. Not ALL women are like this but women are definitely, from studies I've seen, more apt to this type of ickiness than men. Course I don't have links to such now....might need to Google again. if you haven't had to deal with this behavior consider yourself lucky.

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That was why I added a "moo" to my post...because, truth be told, "women are catty" is not an empirically true statement. It may be an opinion of one poster, perhaps even many...but it remains an opinion, nonetheless.
Regardless, it has very little bearing on the immediate matter at hand. I just wanted to clarify my point. MOO
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Don't know if Veronica was telling the truth or not, but from what I remember (if I recall correctly), she said she worked with Arias at Bing Crosby's Restaurant in Desert Palm. The part about that poor kitty really got to me.
Well, I do think Veronica is right in that Jodi was dying her hair blonde, so as not to appear Hispanic.
If any of you honestly and sincerely thought I ment that each and every woman on this planet
is catty then accept my apologies

Not at all. I did find it to be a sweeping generalization, and commented in that regard. As I stated in my initial post on this thread, I truly value all the thoughts and ideas you guys have put forth in this thread...even, perhaps especially!, the ones I take exception to. I love learning from others and enjoy your differing perspectives.

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Well, I do think Veronica is right in that Jodi was dying her hair blonde, so as not to appear Hispanic.

Any theory on why she would go back for court then? Minorities actually tend to fair worse than white women in cases like this. Maybe not allowed to dye her hair?
Probably because the majority on here are female. lol

:truce: Because I know that this is going to be taken as God's truth and out of context as well.

Re being female....that's an excellent point. I have a coworkers who is prone to making a RAWRING noise...then feigning as if he has claws like a cat...and meowing "catfight!" Whenever two women disagree in the office. It's entirely possible hearing the term catty reminded me of his wonderfully offensive antics.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
If any of you honestly and sincerely thought I ment that each and every woman on this planet
is catty then accept my apologies

No way I took it that way. You said 'many women' in your post. That is not saying all women. Very clear to me. In my opinion, many women are catty, by no means all though. MOO MOO :moo::moo:
Any theory on why she would go back for court then? Minorities actually tend to fair worse than white women in cases like this. Maybe not allowed to dye her hair?

well she was arrested b4 she could change back maybe?? and she looks alot more demur and non threatening as a brunette?? - plus not being able to die your hair in prison - imo

Thanks, I was wondering about the different places she lived in a short period of time too.

In the photos of the room where she lived with her grandparents it's obvious she didn't own much to her name.

I wish we knew more about the guy she lived with for four years. He certainly has been quiet.

BBM Me too! Four years is a long time. JMO, I really don't see Jodi as someone who had a stable relationship with a live-in bf for four years. I wish he'd come forward and tell us more.
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