The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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JA hit him over the head with a baseball bat. She was violent even then, that's not normal. My kids fought, too, and hit each other but never used a baseball bat. That is a legal weapon and it's not normal. Plus he calls her evil so I'm thinking he had gotten hurt by her in the past. jmo

you're accepting the word of a teenaged babysitter about what happened. If a child was hit in the head with a bat in a serious way, the parents would have been called, minimum, or there would have been medical intervention once the parents arrived home. Obviously, that didn't happen and the sibling was just fine.
I never thought there was really a friend in LA either. She just said that to give her a reason for driving so far south where the highway heads directly East to Mesa.

Did the detective ever ask her in the interrogation to provide the name of the friend she was supposedly visiting?

My apologies for not having listened to the entire tape.
I think it is strange that in the pictures of them nude on the bed, they are on top of the comforter, not in the bed. I do not see him doing that if he were as clean as people say. Plus with the container of KY????? jmo

Clean? Everything is washable. ;)

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I think the extra large jar of personal lubricant was one of Jodi's props to make sure the pictures would give the impression of Travis having been engaged in forbidden sexual activity. I still think she intended those photos to be recovered in order to smear Travis after his death to his family and church.

It worked if that was her intent.

Not saying he didn't have sex with her, just that the super big lube jar was there in the photos for a reason.

No need to smear travis. He was having an illicit sexual relationship with someone whom he deemed to be "less than." It is what it is and, to his credit, he acknowledged that he was using her for sex against the tenets of his church.
Agree to disagree?
I think it's important to know Jodi's age versus the babysitters in this story as
well. Kids literally are incapable of understanding
mortality when they are very young. I can't remember the average
age but I want to say its before 11 that they can't
understand what death actually means.

But she was old enough to pick up a baseball bat and hit him over the head regardless of how old he was she was big enough to do it. Sounds as if she had no problems inflicting pain on others and Travis was just an escalation of that violent streak getting out of control. I'm glad they caught her because the next person would have been so much easier for her. jmo
Thank you so much. For the info, and the amazing chart.

You're very welcome. I need to to see things laid out like that visually to really get a grasp on it. Glad it's helpful to others as well.
I felt so bad for the poor dog when I heard he was left unattended for 5 days. Those dumb-*advertiser censored* roommates couldn't be bothered to take care of the poor dog? No young people who work full time [ like Travis was ] should have dogs in the first place. It's cruel to leave a dog home alone all day. Dogs are social animals.
But she was old enough to pick up a baseball bat and hit him over the head regardless of how old he was she was big enough to do it. Sounds as if she had no problems inflicting pain on others and Travis was just an escalation of that violent streak getting out of control. I'm glad they caught her because the next person would have been so much easier for her. jmo

My point is that she could not have had intent to kill at 11
she may have had violent tendency but most kids do with siblings.
I felt so bad for the poor dog when I heard he was left unattended for 5 days. Those dumb-*advertiser censored* roommates couldn't be bothered to take care of the poor dog? No young people who work full time [ like Travis was ] should have dogs in the first place. It's cruel to leave a dog home alone all day. Dogs are social animals.

I thought the same. People were flipping out that jodi MAY HAVE put a cat in a
room for 2 weeks with food and water but that dog clearly was not cared for if Travis was away all the time and was just pooping all over.
Does anyone buy the theory of JA blackmailing TA and that's why he didnt go to the police when his tires were slashed *twice*? JA admitted that they had photo sessions on several occasions. Was it possible he was afraid of her taking those pictures to the Bishop or his friends and they's why he kept playing along with her for as long as he did?
Aslo I read somewhere else that the defense is planning on painting TA as a pedophile and that's why JA had the pigtails... attempting to make her look like a young girl? And the pic of her on all fours was to show that he was into sodomy? Has it even crossed anyone's mind that she may have placed that camera with those pictures there on purpose? To show what kind of person TA REALLY was? Wow... What a crazy twist THAT would be!!!

I just think he was the kind of guy that wanted to believe the best about people.

He may have had a niggling fear that Jodi might do something at the next level of crazy, but like most of us, he probably didn't REALLY think it would go there.

True story: 20+ years ago when Mr. Knot and I were dating (the first time around-we broke up and reunited and got married two years ago, lol), I was at his apartment one night, ya know, nekkid, and we heard this loud sound from the living room.

Turns out it was his ex gf, prying open the window with a tire iron! She was halfway in the window when the future Mr. Knot went to check and she ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and tried to lunge at him, and then at me, cowered under the covers.

He was able to calm her down, she left, and neither of us ever thought about calling police. Mostly because we felt kind of sorry for her and knew she was a "little off". And we knew she didn't take well the breakup which happened many months prior. And we were really young and naive and I didn't read WS back then!!!

All that to say, Travis may have felt some responsibility, whether right or wrong, for her cray cray and maybe he just thought with time she would stop it.
This was really interesting (although that expert's voice makes me feel uneasy and kind of scared! lol). I don't get what Jean was saying about how her descriptions of personality disordered behavior (Borderline, Narcissism, etc) were good for the defense? This isn't an insanity case. Prisons are FILLED with personality disordered criminals. It doesn't make her look any better. She didn't get a personality disorder from Travis' "abuse". Jean kind of missed the mark on that one. But I'd love for those opinions to come in to the trial. I mean an abuse expert can't explain ALL her lying on "self defense". oh how I'm gonna despise these experts....:furious:

That was interesting and your are right, Jean did miss the mark, and I was mad she interrupted Daniela who was doing a really good job laying out what Jodi's thinking may have been like.

I felt validated that she pegged her into the Cluster B disorders, which is what I've been thinking more and more because of how hurt/destroyed/rageful she was at Travis' rejection. It occurred to me that psychopaths/sociopath/antisocial just don't CARE. They do what they want, because they want, and they don't have deep emotional ties to others, right? Jodi was passionate about Travis (criminally so). Her demeanor is like a sociopath/psychopath, but inside there are plenty of feelings roiling around.
I believe she only became a Mormon as a way to get close to Travis.

Definitely! Also when a former boyfriend asked if she was wearing her Mormon "Magic Underwear", she replied, "No, but there's magic in them!"
And she was a bartender- Mormons don't approve of alcohol or caffeine.
I believe she only became a Mormon as a way to get close to Travis.


I agree. And she would not be the first one to do that. Both my husband and I used to be Mormon, in fact, we met at a Young Adult event. My husband baptized his friend just because his friend wanted to date a Mormon gal and she would only date Mormons. It worked.

The pic of TA and JA in front of the Mormon temple made me wonder if TA was "leading her on" or she was reading more into the relationship because they had their pic taken in front of that temple. Sounds strange, but when I was a young Mormon it was a big deal for a couple to get their pic taken in front of a temple. Like a hint of things to come. A Temple marriage. Some Mormon engagement pics are taken in front of a temple. The temple is a big deal so I can certainly see where JA might have misread TA's intentions in him baptizing her and the pic.

In My Experience Only:twocents:
Clean? Everything is washable. ;)

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Or dry cleanable. He does not seem lazy to me. How hard is it to pull down the coverlet and lie down on the sheets. Some comforters are a couple of hundred dollars and not something you want in the washer a couple of times a week. Plus I don't think that comforter, which JA described as fluffy, would fit in a normal washer and that is why he had the duvet.

Doesn't it seem strange, too. Here she is obviously planning on killing him and she's posing for the camera with intimate details. Nothing of them together, just her. Nothing with the covers pulled down. That part to me shows how sick she really is. Looking at those pictures there is something very much out of wack. Things are not quite as they appear. They only one who would not be worried about the comforter is her because she knew he would never get to use it again. jmo
My point is that she could not have had intent to kill at 11
she may have had violent tendency but most kids do with siblings.
Uh, nooo, not with a baseball bat, that's a little extreme!:twocents:
I agree. And she would not be the first one to do that. Both my husband and I used to be Mormon, in fact, we met at a Young Adult event. My husband baptized his friend just because his friend wanted to date a Mormon gal and she would only date Mormons. It worked.

The pic of TA and JA in front of the Mormon temple made me wonder if TA was "leading her on" or she was reading more into the relationship because they had their pic taken in front of that temple. Sounds strange, but when I was a young Mormon it was a big deal for a couple to get their pic taken in front of a temple. Like a hint of things to come. A Temple marriage. Some Mormon engagement pics are taken in front of a temple. The temple is a big deal so I can certainly see where JA might have misread TA's intentions in him baptizing her and the pic.

In My Experience Only:twocents:

Thanks button wasn't enough. :)

I really appreciate your sharing of your experience as a young Mormon person.
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