The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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Hmm apparently I'm not allowed to be realistic.
If my viewpoint is interpreted as victim unfriendly I'll not mention TA again.
I simply cannot buy this wonderful, virtuous image of him.

I mean I see TA as someone who has some serious flaws.
He seems to deliberately encourage her attention.
I got the impression he initiated his fair share of the sex/sexting/phone sex stuff (don't have example off-hand but will search).
He's clearly quite the ladies man (from his blog and the insinuations of his friends) - I don't buy that it's in some cute, virginal, wholesome Mormon fantasy sort of way.
I don't think he abused anyone physically.
I think everyone on earth who has ever been in a romantic relationship has committed acts of 'verbal abuse' so I'm even going to bother with that one.

I think his psychology is interesting if we want to explore the nature of their relationship dynamic. I am not blaming him for his fate It would be like blaming someone for being killed in a tsunami or something. It's a freak act.

I find it hard to believe that there is a person on earth that has not at least felt used by a romantic partner, who has not been cheated on, lied to, misled. Yet 99.99% of people do not slaughter anyone because murder is wrong.

I do see your point.

Travis was an inspirational story just by "making something" of himself.

He was a good friend and encourager to many people.

He had a generous nature.

But there is no need to gild the lily.

Yes, he had premarital sex with Jodi. As a consenting, adult man. Yes, he probably was more than a reluctant partner and probably initiates some of their contact. The few texts we do have would confirm that.

And none of that cheapens or negates the truly good and positive things about Travis.

But either 'blaming' his very human flaws on someone else or simply refusing to acknowledge that Travis was anything but pure and perfect?

Well, that is unnecessary. Nobody here thinks Travis was to blame. Travis was human. He like sex. He liked sex with Jodi, whether we can stomach it or not.

Travis was a really good guy without having to sanitize him.

At least I "think" that is what you were trying to say. I know I feel that way. ;)
I watched a legalshield vid of Searcy and honestly, these people creep me out completely. The Hughes', Searcy and all of the people involved in this "business." Total scam artists of the first order, imo. It literally makes my skin crawl watching him pitch his bs to the audience. Yeah, isn't all of our ultimate goal to drive a Ferrari? Really? The PPL vid with the Hughe's, same thing, focused on the "gift" of a BMW 745li (iirc). Ugh. That travis was successful in this "business" and "aspired" to its goals is, among a few other things, what makes me question his character. Which is an aside from the criminal case, but is a matter of interest to me regarding Travis's personality.

Lol, I hear ya.

The whole capitalism, multi-millionaire, Ferrari thing is very 80's, IMO. Reminds me of all the guys who were business majors in college and quoting Gordon Gecko like he was a real person and a God! :lol:

It's for sure a different mindset than mine. But then, I didn't grow up in the back of a truck, so maybe that is what drove the material side of Travis.

I will say that my ex BIL worked for PPL back in the early 2000's and IMO, it's a big ole racket.
I agree with this and it is a balanced view. She used her sexual availability to be near him, and to try and "convince" him she was the woman he was looking for, she manipulated his desire for sex so she could push her agenda.

He knew she was not a woman he wanted to be "official" boyfriend and girlfriend with, let alone marry, knew his friends didn't approve of her, and knew the "relationship" was over, but continued to see her, travel with her and interact with her because she provided sex.

I agree with your assessment and I think it was a sad case of two wrongs making a dadgum train wreck.

This refers ONLY to the relationship. Not Travis' murder.
I grew up in a crazy family and extracted myself as soon as I could. My one goal from the age of 16 was to get out by being able to support myself and be a productive member of society. I've led a very nice, if not rich life, thank you.

I do so identify with Travis in that. His childhood was far worse than I can even imagine. He saw PPL as a way out and, from appearances, he'd made it out. Whether or not I approve of such organizations, I have to admit it is a way for an intelligent person to live an independent life. He had the talent for it... good for him!

For Jodi, viewing the PPL video must have been an eye-opener for her. I'm sure she latched on to the fact that it was a group of hard-working individuals with success on their mind. That's what made her sign up.

IIRC, however, Jodi did mention at one point that she mostly helped Travis to maintain his position in the organization. She doesn't seem to have done anything to help herself, though. Whether it is true or not, we'll never know.

I'm sure that, at the first meeting, she made a point of finding the best guy there and Travis was the one. She glommed on to him ASAP and ended up winning her prize, so to speak.

I also notice that she chose to use Ryan Burns as her alibi. She thought she could hide her time in Mesa with a quickie with him. Also note that he had just been given the "Rising Star" award. She wooed him the same way she had Travis. Unfortunately for Jodi, Ryan, an "iffy" Mormon at the time, put the breaks on the sex. He respected her "beliefs" more than she ever did. I have to wonder that her aggressive sexuality didn't send off his hinky meter.

She reminds me of Casey Anthony in that regard. She always had an ex, current, and future bf lined up.

Unlike Casey, however, Jodi used the PPL pool of up-and-coming young, good-looking young men to choose from. All she had to do was travel to those meetings.
Wow, lots of info here since I last read.

I think Travis was totally clueless about a BPD or APD person like Jodi. Hell, I grew up with a BPD mother who was an identical twin, and Auntie was even WORSE - the true evil twin. I had no idea this was abnormal until I grew up and went out into the world. Someone said they are exhausting and that is so true. It was not until mr. zig's ex came into the picture nearly 7 years ago that I realized what all these personality disorders were and that with an APD with serious N, you just have to stay away...NO CONTACT.

The manipulations of these people are hard-wired into them and they choose vulnerable people as naturally as they breathe.

Travis was a young male and liked sex with Jodi. Yeah, he was probably conflicted but found it hard to resist, kind of like me with Red Vines...I know they are really bad, I'll repent with a juice cleanse tomorrow.

Jodi, otoh, had a REAL problem getting dumped or used. Oh, No, You don't want to do that to a person who has a personality disorder that manifests as an obsession for revenge.

Travis was not a saint, just another regular human, who happened to be a very nice guy, with faults and who was ignorant of the dangers that lurk in people like Jodi.

And BTW, I don't think PPL people are weird or creepy. It's like any other business where carrots are dangled in order to increase productivity. I used PPL once and it helped me tremendously. I do, however think Mary Kay people are weird....JUST KIDDING. I did dump Mary Kay though, because I was not allowed to wear a pants suit. The MLMs are not for me, they are not for everyone. I've done a few and they require extreme self discipline, time management and dedication. But I have friends who have made themselves quite successful. To each his own.

Ziggy...good post and I think it summed it all up pretty well. Thanks.
How could the roommates have been in that house and NOT noticed the smell of decomposition in the air as mentioned in Flores report ?

I still am stumped on that one. Someone yesterday explained that by the time Flores arrived, the double doors to Travis' room had been opened and the odor released.

But....Mimi said she smelled the odor as soon as they entered the house. And the bedroom doors had not been opened yet.
And yet there are many survivors of abuse right here on this forum that do. I personally believe that is extremely telling all on its own given that each of us comes from different backgrounds and have experienced varied levels and forms of abuse.

I've been stalked. I've been cyber-stalked me as well. I had my distributor cap stolen from my car to prevent my leaving. My ex used to threaten to kill himself if I left. I've had my journals stolen, ripped apart and stapled to the walls. Almost all of my friends and even some family members were 'warned' about me - with him divulging every secret, every sin. He used to take photos of me sleeping just to prove he could do what he wanted when I was vulnerable. I was with my abusive ex for ten years so there's a lot more but my point is Travis could have said very much the same.

Many victims, myself included, of psychological or emotional abuse do not even realize they themselves are victims until and unless the abuse escalates. I lived in hell for five years before I could even identify it. I spent the next five trying to figure out how to extract myself and two munchkins from the mess.


ETA: As I've stated many, many times before my ex was also dx'd with PD. I don't believe someone can be disordered and not be abusive. I think abuse is inherent to the character affliction but admittedly I am way beyond biased. ;)

I agree, this is very telling that so many here recognize this as abuse, that Travis what abused. Good point.
How could the roommates have been in that house and NOT noticed the smell of decomposition in the air as mentioned in Flores report ?

The one roommate, Enriquez I think? Said when he got home around 2130 he smelled something but just ignored it, showered and prepared for bed. When the others made the discovery they woke him up and told him and they all left the house.
I hear some talking about a PPL video. Is there a specific one you're talking about? Can you post a link?
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