The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #13 *ADULT CONTENT*

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memorial video posted by member britskate on the last thread:

Discuss what has happened in the trial so far here:

28 January 2013 court resumes with an evidentiary hearing. Regular trial with jury resumes on 29 January 2013.

Keep it clean in here: that means no name calling. Also: all opinions are welcome. Attack the post and not the postER

Travis' blog:
Travis' myspace:
Defendants' blog:
Defendants' myspace:
Defendants' other myspace:


Jodi Ann Arias DOB 7/1980
Public Access to Criminal Court Case Information
Case History, Case# CR2008-031021
Criminal Court Case History
Minute Entries, Case# CR2008031021
Clerk of the Superior Court Minute Entries

ABC15 Jodi Arias Murder Trial
ABCNews Jodi Arias
CBSNews Crimesider
CNN (HLN) show transcripts
FOX10News Jodi Arias Trial
HLNtv Jodi Arias
Huff Post Jodi Arias
KPHO Jodi Arias

Beth Karas InSession
David Lohr
In Session
In Memory of Travis Alexander


Trial starts at 10:30am MST (GMT -7:00) (12:30pm EST)
A look at some of the people testifying in Arias' defense

... The list includes a former boyfriend of Jodi's, a psychologist specializing in sexual violence, and a cell mate of [JA].

Also on the list are two former girlfriends of [TA], who he may have been seeing at the same time he was seeing Jodi -- and two of Travis' close friends. ...
Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

I read the closed thread and the discussion seemed to be that Travis manipulated Jodi too. How can someone manipulate a master manipulator(JA) who has honed that tool probably all of their adult life?

Posters who have actually suffered domestic violence abuse knows all too well that the abuser can put the abused persons into postions they had not rather be in. It isnt as simple as 'oh if you are being abused then just get out of it and move on.' It is much more complex than that. That is like trying to tell someone to quit smoking and the person telling the person has never smoked in their lives and have no clue how addictive smoking can be.

I dont believe Travis manipulated her. I do think from his childhood background he probably saw that Jodi was 'different' and tried to support her. Never did he realize he had gotten himself into a serious situation that would only worsen with a woman that was hellbent on having ownership of him.

It seems Travis tried to do everything he could think of to get away from her smothering death grip. He did not go visit her when she moved...he did not stalk Jodi but went on with the life he had known before her......he didnt spy on her in her home or destroy her property.

He did finally try to make a stand and told her off when she once again invaded his privacy by hacking into his accounts. But what Travis didnt know is one has to be very careful not to rile an abuser for they will come back with a vengence 10 fold. DV victims are in more danger than any other time in their situation when they tell the abuser to leave them alone. The abuser will rage when they believe they are losing control over their victim and can and often act out violently at that time.

The only thing I can understand why some think he may have manipulated her is he continued to text and email her when she is in CA. Again as a DV survivor that makes logical sense to me. Far better to appease her from afar than to have to deal with her eye to eye. He was trying to keep a distance from Jodi hoping the text and emails would satisfy her enough that she wouldnt come once again to AZ to sneak in his home again or show up unannounced like he had to deal with in the past over and over again.

But when he told her he couldnt come see her afterall (I dont think he ever had any intentions of doing so was a stall tactic) at the end of May that was the last straw. No one displeases someone like Jodi Arias' and gets away with it.

So what did she do. She stole a gun, rented a car 90 miles away, dyed her hair, cut her phone off so it couldnt be traced while she was in AZ, and she came there unannounced once again. And just like Jodi had always done she used her most powerful manipulation She thought sex was the answer for everything. It did not work....Travis still wanted out and he wanted her out of his life for good imo and I think he told her just that once again but maybe this time in an outburst of anger when a victim has just had all they can tolerate.

Her plan came together when she manipulated him into believing she had already left. Once again Travis could relax again or so he thought. She then gets him hemmed up in the one area where there was no way out except toward her and the knife she held.

He died a horrible death and imo she couldnt have been more thrilled that in the end she had won.

Quester, have any more bombshell documents to drop on us this AM? lol
Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

I read the closed thread and the discussion seemed to be that Travis manipulated Jodi too. How can someone manipulate a master manipulator(JA) who has honed that tool probably all of their adult life?

Posters who have actually suffered domestic violence abuse knows all to well that the abuser can put the abused persons into postions they had not rather be in. It isnt as simple as 'oh if you are being abused then just get out of it and move on.' It is much more complex than that. That is like trying to tell someone to quit smoking and the person telling the person has never smoked in their lives and have no clue how addictive smoking can be.

I dont believe Travis manipulated her. I do think from his childhood background he probably saw that Jodi was 'different' and tried to support her. Never did he realize he had gotten himself into a serious situation that would only worsen with a woman that was hellbent on having ownership of him.

It seems Travis tried to do everything he could think of to get away from her smothering death grip. He did not go visit her when she moved...he did not stalk Jodi but went on with the life he had known before her......he didnt spy on her in her home or destroy her property.

He did finally try to make a stand and told her off when she once again invaded his privacy by hacking into his accounts. But what Travis didnt know is one has to be very careful not to rile an abuser for they will come back with a vengence 10 fold. DV victims are in more danger than any other time in their situation when they tell the abuser to leave them alone. The abuser will rage when they believe they are losing control over their victim and can and often act out violently at that time.

The only thing I can understand why some think he may have manipulated her is he continued to text and email her when she is in CA. Again as a DV survior that makes logical sense to me. Far better to appease her from afar than to have to deal with her eye to eye. He was trying to keep a distance from Jodi hoping the text and emails would satisfy her enough that she wouldnt come once again to AZ to sneak in his home again or show up unannounced like he had to deal with in the past over and over again.

But when he told her he couldnt come see her afterall (I dont think he ever had any intentions of doing so was a stall tactic) at the end of May that was the last straw. No one displeases someone like Jodi Arias' and gets away with it.

So what did she do. She stole a gun, rented a car 90 miles away, died her hair, cut her phone off so it couldnt be traced while she was in AZ, and she came there unannounced once again. And just like Jodi had always done she used her most powerful manipulation She thought sex was the answer for everything. It did not work....Travis still wanted out and he wanted her out of his life for good imo and I think he told her just that once again but maybe this time in an outburst of anger when a victim has just had all they can tolerate.

Her plan came together when she manipulated him into believing she had already left. Once again Travis could relax again or so he thought. She then gets him hemmed up in the one area where there was no way out except toward her and the knife she held.

He died a horrible death and imo she couldnt have been more thrilled that in the end she had won.


Yes. I unequivocally agree.
Ugh.....lean in a little more, Jodi! Pictures? "Ooooooooo! Yeessss!"

(Watching IS)
Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

I read the closed thread and the discussion seemed to be that Travis manipulated Jodi too. How can someone manipulate a master manipulator(JA) who has honed that tool probably all of their adult life?

Posters who have actually suffered domestic violence abuse knows all too well that the abuser can put the abused persons into postions they had not rather be in. It isnt as simple as 'oh if you are being abused then just get out of it and move on.' It is much more complex than that. That is like trying to tell someone to quit smoking and the person telling the person has never smoked in their lives and have no clue how addictive smoking can be.

I dont believe Travis manipulated her. I do think from his childhood background he probably saw that Jodi was 'different' and tried to support her. Never did he realize he had gotten himself into a serious situation that would only worsen with a woman that was hellbent on having ownership of him.

It seems Travis tried to do everything he could think of to get away from her smothering death grip. He did not go visit her when she moved...he did not stalk Jodi but went on with the life he had known before her......he didnt spy on her in her home or destroy her property.

He did finally try to make a stand and told her off when she once again invaded his privacy by hacking into his accounts. But what Travis didnt know is one has to be very careful not to rile an abuser for they will come back with a vengence 10 fold. DV victims are in more danger than any other time in their situation when they tell the abuser to leave them alone. The abuser will rage when they believe they are losing control over their victim and can and often act out violently at that time.

The only thing I can understand why some think he may have manipulated her is he continued to text and email her when she is in CA. Again as a DV survivor that makes logical sense to me. Far better to appease her from afar than to have to deal with her eye to eye. He was trying to keep a distance from Jodi hoping the text and emails would satisfy her enough that she wouldnt come once again to AZ to sneak in his home again or show up unannounced like he had to deal with in the past over and over again.

But when he told her he couldnt come see her afterall (I dont think he ever had any intentions of doing so was a stall tactic) at the end of May that was the last straw. No one displeases someone like Jodi Arias' and gets away with it.

So what did she do. She stole a gun, rented a car 90 miles away, dyed her hair, cut her phone off so it couldnt be traced while she was in AZ, and she came there unannounced once again. And just like Jodi had always done she used her most powerful manipulation She thought sex was the answer for everything. It did not work....Travis still wanted out and he wanted her out of his life for good imo and I think he told her just that once again but maybe this time in an outburst of anger when a victim has just had all they can tolerate.

Her plan came together when she manipulated him into believing she had already left. Once again Travis could relax again or so he thought. She then gets him hemmed up in the one area where there was no way out except toward her and the knife she held.

He died a horrible death and imo she couldnt have been more thrilled that in the end she had won.


Jodi Ann Arias not not abused. She was the abuser. They saw one another for sex. And she wanted his LIFESTYLE. You do not overkill a man you "love". Self defense might be a dangerous fight and you shoot and run for your life. But this was planned. She caught him off guard in the shower and plunged that knife into his chest. When he lunged forward and went to the sink and began coughing blood, she stabbed him in the back repeatedly. He fell to the floor and tried to crawl away and she stabbed him again, a total of nine times in the back. When he was no longer able to lift his hands, she held him down and slit his throat. Then dragged him into the shower and shot him in the head. But she wasn't through yet! She washed him off, cleaned herself up, took all the linens and put them in the washer, accidentally including the camera. For those who ask why she stayed to wash clothes, really how long does it take to throw clothes in a washer and press start? As for no one seeing her car, she parked down the street and sneaked in by the doggie door. On her way to Utah she disposed of the knife, the gun and the bloody clothes and the floor mats. Witnesses can get on the stand for a month and say TA was a player, he dated lots of women at once. Men can say Jodi was abused. Doctors can say so. But SHE drove to see him. She committed the murder. There were defensive wounds on his body, hands, legs. By July 15, when she was arrested, there still would be scars from the knife wounds if she had been attacked. And oh yeah, Ryan Burns would have seen bruises on her body. I think things went farther with he and Jodi than he was willing to admit. Okay, so if I am on the jury, no one is changing my mind. Premeditated felony murder. Facts are facts. They don't change.
Of course Jodi was not a victim.

But I think Travis was in no way FORCED to have sex with Jodi. I think he was a normal man with normal urges and Jodi was a willing partner.

I really don't see why it's necessary to paint Travis as something he was not. The person he was was pretty doggoned awesome! And not being a Mormon, I don't think the sex was such a big deal.

But the man DID have sex and was not married, and he continued the sex even after he broke off the relationship. I don't see why this makes Jodi a *advertiser censored* and Travis is not. IMO, nobody is a *advertiser censored* when two consenting adults have sex.

Yes, Jodi is murderous monster. Yes, Travis is an victim and in no way deserved to die or even be hurt physically!

But the messed up relationship
that came before? Takes two to tango.

OMG....even her slouching and touching the pictures is like a toddler.

The way she reaches for the files/pictures, lying across the table, one leg under her butt.

Legal question: Is it SOP to include the defendant on a DT’s witness list? TIA
Legal question: Is it SOP to include the defendant on a DT’s witness list? TIA

Yes. Typically they never end up taking the stand. IMO

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