The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #14 *ADULT CONTENT*

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With all due respect, am I missing a photo that shows him stabbed and shot? AFAIK, there's only one photo that shows what looks like a body with what looks like some blood. There is no telling at what point in any attack that picture was taken. To say that the entire attack had to occur within the timespan of those pictures isn't necessarily correct.

the ME testimony is in the timeline and media thread.

The dragging picture: ME testified that the blood matches with the throat slash.. he would have been dead or dying here: it was a few minutes into the attack. All the pictures (see time synopsis post with Photos by Harmony) show a blow by blow of what happened when to include what wounds were hemorrhagic (meaning he still had blood left to bleed into them and his heart was pumping).

The pictures will be her downfall as will the testimony of the ME. There is no way to argue around the science of the issue of what killed him and the photos back this up.
:floorlaugh:, Troy Hayden pissed me off too. He fell for her act, hook, line and sinker. She worked her magic on him.

I think once the fairy dust wore off (and he read the caustic online comments on his own station's site) he seemed a little less dazzled last night on Greta. Said it before and I'll say it again, I NEVER underestimate the manipulative powers of a sociopath.
We don't. But are we supposed to believe Travis had it with him while showering on the off chance Jodi may drop his camera? Jodi's grandparents reported a gun missing - same caliber as the weapon that was used against Travis and she's admitted to killing, presumably she had the gun but not the knife? :waitasec:

Well we certainly know from the timestamps there wasn't enough time to go far before slaughtering him. The weapons, if not physically on her person, were likely concealed very close by. More evidence of premeditation? :waitasec:
Do we know what type of knife was used? I was thinking more along the lines of it may have been something lying around the bedroom. Perhaps a large pocket knife, or a kitchen knife that was in the bedroom for another reason. It's also occurred to me that she could claim she shot him first with a gun she had purely for self defense, and then went and grabbed a knife from elsewhere. I'm not saying I believe this...

Isn't the entire point that we don't know what Travis was doing much less why? Some keep stating he was leading her on, continuing a relationship, texting and calling - yet, imo, we have about as much proof of that as we do any other theory. We will never know, either, because Travis can no longer give his account. Many posters have posted ad nauseum, myself included, about their own interactions with disordered partners and abusive relationships and how this could have been a dynamic between Travis and Jodi that may explain a lot - but with Jodi as the abusive personality. Regardless - even if he willingly had sex with her that day, even if he sent her an engraved invitation for a booty call...she has admitted to killing him. The fact he had sex with her is evidence to back up self-defense how?
It may not back up self-defense. It may back up that Arias isn't the obsessed, scorned lover that the friends are trying to make her out to be. If TA is still in a relationship to the side with her, it could be said by the defense that he obviously wasn't that unattracted to her, and obviously didn't want that much distance.

And I fully believe what will be made abundantly clear is that Jodi Arias willfully, deliberately, maliciously, and with forethought heinously and cruelly slaughtered Travis Alexander with no provocation.
I don't necessarily disagree.
This is a part of the narrative we haven't heard yet. We don't know where the knife came from. The story from the defense is that he attacked her. This isn't out of the realm of possibility. It doesn't take more than 2 seconds to stand up and start beating someone. Is that what happened? Probably not, but it's still possible. I think that either we will see the defense completely flounder because there's not a lot to back up their side of the story, or an entirely new light will be shed on the case. I think the next couple of weeks will be interesting.

With all due respect, I have not seen any facts that back up her taking pictures in the bathroom while having weapons on her. I have even posed questions as to how she would juggle around weapons with a camera in her hand.

I don't think anyone has used it as a reason for murder; yet some are twisting it into that. What others and myself have said is that if he was so threatened by her, to the point of wanting to end things, telling his friends about her, accusing her of all of these things... Why was he still encouraging that type of relationship and interacting with her, much less on a sexual basis? No one's saying that it made it okay for her to kill him. Just that it doesn't make sense in the big picture.

I fully believe that the next week or two will make it abundantly clear what really happened. JMO

I think she already told us what happened. She killed him and kept stabbing him until he was dead enough to her satisfaction. We got that part.

Whether she had a reason to lie or not what stands out is she clearly planned it all out. All the facts are there, not much left for speculation. The only speculation we have is why. What was the reason? And frankly self-defense just does not cut it for the majority here. Sorry, but if I were on the jury I'd be thinking that every day makes it look worse and worse for her to the point they will probably ask for the maximum sentence. Just my thoughts and jmo.
Off topic - wicca is not witchcraft. Wicca is a pagan religion/spiritual way of life that works with the elements and more of a universal energy source kind of mythology.

Wicca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wicca (English pronunciation: /ˈwɪkə/) is a modern pagan religion focused around witchcraft.

close enough. the comment was suppose to be funny but clearly everyone is taking this far too serious.
Is it possible that Gus will drop a bombshell that he in fact was the male ninja in JA's second made up story?
From the NG show (yeah, yeah, I know. LOL Take it for what it's worth.)
Jodi's attorney recently tried to get a deal for second degree murder which is 10-20 years. The prosecutor didn't agree.
I have a gun and knife too, in my bedroom..not in my bf/lover/friend's bathroom!

I am guessing that she had the gun and knife in her purse and grabbed them out of there. Like I said, when I travel I keep a gun in my car. At one point, I carried a gun in my purse. I live in Texas and had a concealed handgun license at one time and my purse had a built-in holster for the gun.

I don't know the specifics of the AZ gun laws, but just trying to think if the jurors would think it a premeditated murder just because she had a gun with her. I think AZ is an "open carry" state. Just my thoughts.
Glad I am not on the jury. Of course we know JA shot and sliced TA and lied and lied and lied. But I don't see how her having a gun and knife with her necessarily points to premeditation. When I travel long distances I always carry a gun with me and I always have a pocket knife in the car.

I wonder what the jury will think. AZ is a pretty liberal gun state.

Nobody knows whether she had a knife that she brought with her and we assume (correctly, imo) she had a gun because the same caliber gun was fake stolen from her gp's, presumably by her. She could easily have gotten the knife from the house and there's no solid evidence that she didn't. Just that no knives appeared to be missing. Whatever that means since it assumes that the roommates were familiar with every knife in the house.

Which makes me continue to wonder whether the prosecution hasn't outsmarted itself with the shot-last position. Which is the only position of the two that has ANY chance of allowing a lack of premeditation or self-defense theory to be presented with the slightest bit of a straight face, imo.
Looking forward to "watching" the trial and chatting about it tomorrow, here.

If no one minds that this "newcomer" joins in! I was always a lurker here. (I loved watching and live chattting over at the Hinky Meter during the Anthony trial!). It's nice to have people to talk to while watching!

Good night to all!

Welcome!! Glad you came out of lurkdom and joined the conversation!

I am guessing that she had the gun and knife in her purse and grabbed them out of there. Like I said, when I travel I keep a gun in my car. At one point, I carried a gun in my purse. I live in Texas and had a concealed handgun license at one time and my purse had a built-in holster for the gun.

I don't know the specifics of the AZ gun laws, but just trying to think if the jurors would think it a premeditated murder just because she had a gun with her. I think AZ is an "open carry" state. Just my thoughts.

But the jury has already heard miss thing lie to Flores about not having a gun, not touching a gun, not knowing what a .25 looks like, not having fired a gun. I doubt very seriously that the jury will now think, oh well she just had a gun in her purse for protection. The problem for Jodi is her lies are not well thought out and are going to sink her.

With all due respect, am I missing a photo that shows him stabbed and shot? AFAIK, there's only one photo that shows what looks like a body with what looks like some blood. There is no telling at what point in any attack that picture was taken. To say that the entire attack had to occur within the timespan of those pictures isn't necessarily correct.

So he's in the hallway leading back from the spot where he essentially bled out on the carpet after his throat was cut, but you think this continued after that? There isn't blood anywhere but in that bathroom and the hallway and the whole thing took roughly 2 minutes. I think the pictures do nail down how long this took from start to end----HIS end.
Off topic - wicca is not witchcraft. Wicca is a pagan religion/spiritual way of life that works with the elements and more of a universal energy source kind of mythology.

Still a little OT but I think people keep saying that she was "into Wicca" because she had a quote from Aleistair Crowley on he may space or someplace, and he had NOTHING to do with Wicca AT ALL.

Also, just goes to show that you can't believe everything you read on Wikipedia! :)
That would be so awesome.

Maybe as he reveals that he was the ninja he'll reveal a ninja outfit under his suit, stand up and break out into the Gangnam Style dance. That seems like something Gus would do. Juan will admonish him that nobody asked him to sing and dance, he may only answer YES or NO.

Nobody knows whether she had a knife that she brought with her and we assume (correctly, imo) she had a gun because the same caliber gun was fake stolen from her gp's, presumably by her. She could easily have gotten the knife from the house and there's no solid evidence that she didn't. Just that no knives appeared to be missing. Whatever that means since it assumes that the roommates were familiar with every knife in the house.

Which makes me continue to wonder whether the prosecution hasn't outsmarted itself with the shot-last position. Which is the only position of the two that has ANY chance of allowing a lack of premeditation or self-defense theory to be presented with the slightest bit of a straight face, imo.

Can you explain why you think the bolded? I'm not seeing that myself. One still needs to take into account the slit throat and that will kill anyone so how does shot last show self defense? Thanks.
From NG's show: The domestic violence expert once gave a speech on whether or not Snow White was a battered woman. LOL The prosecutor is going to have a field day with this. lol
If Jodi didn't have a knife or gun with her and had to go fetch them, then why couldn't she have kept running and gone right out of the house? Travis was naked and wet. We know this much. Jodi was dressed. We know this much. Pictures provide proof of that.

So if Jodi was in fear for her life and had enough time to go retrieve a knife and gun and come back into the bathroom, what prevented her from leaving altogether? What 'forced' her to go back into the bathroom and stab T.A. 27 times, 9 times in his back, in the back of his head, slit his throat ear to ear and shoot him? At what possible point in that 2+ minute attack was she incapable of .... leaving. T.A. was mortally wounded from the first stab wound to his heart. That is from testimony by the M.E. The neck wound itself was fatal within mere seconds. A shot to the head according to the M.E. would have incapacitated T.A.

She very well could have left if her life was in danger. She had the advantage of being dressed, and having weapons.
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