The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT*

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What TA and JA were doing sexually was perfectly normal and not even in the realm of deviant, just as you and your husband (btw bravo to you and your hubby for maintaining a healthy sex life after over 30 years of marriage, children, and grandchildren :clap: ). Role playing, anal sex, oral sex...all pretty darn normal, even "vanilla" by some peoples standards. It seems that the defense it trying to frame TA as deviant in the social standard of the Mormon community rather than the standard of society as a whole. Which IMHO goes against all the values we have as Americans not to impose religious beliefs/standards on others (even when they may identify as that religion).

That's exactly what the defense is trying to do. This is LDS country. You better believe there are Mormons on the jury. They need just one to be so appalled by what Travis did as an elder to believe that he must be evil and capable of anything, or that he asked for it.

I have a shiver down my spine thinking about it. I am worried. I think the judge is doing her utmost to allow jodi to put on a real defense but I have never heard so much irrelevant nonsense in an attempt to paint the victim as a *advertiser censored*, in my life. I don't get how half this stuff is admissible. But criminal trials are not my thing so maybe I;m missing something. I assume it must have to do with laying foundation or showing that Travis hid his true, abusive self just like he hid his sexual behavior. I don;t know. To me it's like blaming a rape victim for what they wore, as someone else pointed out on here a long time ago.
So what you are saying is this ex. hard drive could have been brought into the home and attached to his computer? Trying to understand.

LC, where it came from, I don't know.

It is like an overgrown thumb/flash/USB drive you would carry data around on. Instead of being a solid state drive like one of those, it has platters inside that spin, just like the one in your laptop. It can hold a bunch of date and is commonly used to back up a computer's hard drive. You can stick it in your back pocket.

And yes, it can be connected to your computer to move data back and forth.

Here is a link to one BUFFALO MiniStation Stealth 1 TB USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drive - HD-PCT1U2/BK: Computers & Accessories
I fail to see how Defense can show self-defense by showing an erect penis on a photo? Help me here, how did this booster the defense? We don't even know if this is Travis or who?

I am lost too. I cannot see anything in this narrative yet… Not that I think there is much of one being built.
Just curious, why do you think Defense submitted the Penis photos into evidence?
I have no earthly idea. I certainly don't think they're going to say in their closing testimony, "Remember those two pictures? Jodi Arias killed him because of those."

I think whatever the reason revolves around the big picture they're building (or at least attempting to build) about sexuality and "abusive" behavior.
Ah, ok. I didn't read your pink warning but now at least I know what everyone is going on about.

I'm so sorry!! I did what I could to warn you. lol.

It seems that everyone quit posting after that link went up....I guess lots of people are running to their bathrooms now.
They showed on the live feed. The computer witness was holding them and held them up to 'view' the exhibit number. Defense attorney lady, her name escapes me right now - also was prancing around with them in her hand for all to see too. She should be sanctioned for her behavior and for not instructing the witness to check the number before they were shown. :banghead:

I watched the video again - that was very planned. She suddenly "forgot" the exhibit numbers, though she had all afternoon to look at them and had mentioned them a moment earlier. She knew the witness would have to turn the photos over to get the exhibit numbers.

She didn't fool me for a second!


BTW, I;m listening to the morning testimony of the brother (of the brother sister witnesses). His voice is annoying and I think it's clear he has the hots for jodi. Anyone else?
or too much Aqua Net Super Hold hair spray... lol

Bless her heart....I will always remember the hell Marcia Clark (OJ) went through about her hair during the trial. Nothing like becoming an instant media star......:twocents:
It's a Nancy Grace thang...

Jean Casares' enunciations/pronunciations irk me, no end. So much, in fact, that I can't stand listening to her :eek: Methinks that the lady has had a few too many facelifts that inhibit her speech patterns. :moo:
Oh,m and the phrasing of Nurmi, "How did you hear that t5arvis had "passed"". Yeah, like he was some old man who just peacefully died in his sleep. Sick.
I just have to say something...I am a 50 year old grandmother with 3 grown sons and a 2 year old granddaughter been married since I was 18 years old. My husband and I have STILL have phone sex, sexting, have taken pictures and have toys....what about that is dirty and why would any of that give me the right to murder my husband in cold blood (which IMO is what happened). I turn on the TV tonight and see these "professionals" talking about JA and TA having a salacious sex life and TA is a sexual deviant and he is sex craxzed.... REALLY???????????????? Except for the fact that he was a mormon and it was obviously frowned upon as a mormon, I think they were just normal adults with a pretty normal sex life. I guess the defense has to do something with whatever evidence they have but their/his sex just does not seem all of that out of control.

...and I call him daddy.....carry on!

45 here, sister, and although not a grandma, Mr. Knot and I love us some freaky! ;)

We are consenting adults, we enjoy our "sexy times" :lol: and I will tell you he sure doesn't think I am slutty or easy because I like fun sex as much as he does! :D.

Yay Team Sex!!!!! And thanks for your awesome post!!!
ITA with you. I found this quote on Psychcentral:

"Research suggests that, “psychopaths are a stable proportion of any population, can be from any segment of society, may constitute a distinct taxonomical class forged by frequency-dependent natural selection, and that the muting of the social emotions is the proximate mechanism that enables psychopaths to pursue their self-centered goals without felling the pangs of guilt. Sociopaths are more the products of adverse environmental experiences that affect autonomic nervous system and neurological development that may lead to physiological responses similar to those of psychopaths. Antisocial personality disorder is a legal/clinical label that may be applied to both psychopaths and sociopaths” (Walsh & Wu, 2008)."

IMO though, when they cross that line and commit brutalities against other human beings, like the cases that I sighted have, I tend to categorize them more on the psychopathic side. Sociopaths are destructive and damaging to those that they attach themselves to, but I believe only a true psychopath can cold bloodedly commit a crime as heinous as this one and be totally unfazed by it all. Even jail doesn't seem to bother them.

If you haven't already, read Dr. Robert Hare's work, he is the gold standard in the study of psychopathy (Without Conscience is a fascinating read). JMHO.
I agree with the first part; not so much with the second.

They're both almost exactly the same condition (ASPD); the condition was just caused by different factors. It's very much related to the nature/nurture debate that plagues sociology and psychology.
I am lost too. I cannot see anything in this narrative yet… Not that I think there is much of one being built.
I think that they're just throwing chit at the wall. The same way Baez did. It makes me very uncomfortable; particularly because the judge allowed it today without admonishing or explaining. I've seen what that can lead to and it makes me very uncomfortable.
LC, where it came from, I don't know.

It is like an overgrown thumb/flash/USB drive you would carry data around on. Instead of being a solid state drive like one of those, it has platters inside that spin, just like the one in your laptop. It can hold a bunch of date and is commonly used to back up a computer's hard drive. You can stick it in your back pocket.

And yes, it can be connected to your computer to move data back and forth.

Here is a link to one BUFFALO MiniStation Stealth 1 TB USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drive - HD-PCT1U2/BK: Computers & Accessories

I have a flash drive I downloaded files on. So this man had to know that the drive could have come from anywhere, right? Could the reason JM did not object earlier be that he may know where it originated from. jmo
OK, I'm going to try this one more time.

Start watching the video at 28:28 when the defense attorney says "...the external hard drive".

He talks about the drive being "like and internal hard drive on a laptop".

Then at 29:30, defense attorney again says "...this external drive".

It was a portable 2.5" drive from an external enclosure, the same "SIZE HARD DRIVE YOU WOULD FIND IN LAPTOP" (expert witness).

The parts he got, and he explains it, would be consistent with ENCLOSURE for this hard drive, normally found in a laptop, but in this case it is now an external hard drive, as in external to the laptop.

I love your new avy!! :rocker:
We had turkey smokies for supper. I picked them up and cooked them before I sat down and watched the feed. OMG and I drank a glass of wine at the same time. I was beyond giddy.

Yum! I've learned it's best for me not to eat or drink while watching this trial, also when WS'ing I must use caution. Especially with sticky stuff.

Maybe I should clarify that. I mean drinks, not... anything else! :blushing:
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