The Suburban memorial site is up for sale. **UPDATE SOLD** OR NOT?

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If the property is zoned "residential", would it have to be rezoned before it could be used as a memorial, park, cemetery, etc.? If it is a lot included in the subdivision, I wouldn't think it could be rezoned.
Florida has really unusual zoning laws - or a complete lack thereof in some cases. LOL! It's not unusual to find a million dollar home with a trailer park on one side and a fast food place on the other next to a hospital. However, if this land is actually zoned, then getting it changed to a park would not be terribly difficult providing that the HOA doesn't vote against it and/or launch a lawsuit to prevent that from happening which could tie the whole deal up in court for years and waste a whole lot of money.
Florida has really unusual zoning laws - or a complete lack thereof in some cases. LOL! It's not unusual to find a million dollar home with a trailer park on one side and a fast food place on the other next to a hospital. However, if this land is actually zoned, then getting it changed to a park would not be terribly difficult providing that the HOA doesn't vote against it and/or launch a lawsuit to prevent that from happening which could tie the whole deal up in court for years and waste a whole lot of money.

Most localities have zoning laws that prohibit building anything in a floodplain and this is obviously land that floods. There are also laws against destroying wetlands, so I wonder how they would get around these?

I'm sure this must be an issue all over Florida.
We will likely know the new owners identity at around the same time as the next doc dump.

The A's strategy is to bury bad news.
We've seen ex parte meeting requests.
Private mourning meetings requested.
Secretive 'sales' of land (the property appraiser will have the details online before the trial date).
PI's of questionable reputation.
Lee's bizzare memorial speech (couldn't really be called a Eulogy or dedication since 2 of the 3 aren't deceased).
Photo's and movies released in a nice steady flow (controlling the information and protecting the 'brand')

The distractions are just background noise, but none the less annoying.
Resp bolded. "Proprietary" is exactly the right word! I've never seen anyone as proprietary about everything as CA is. I have to believe she was that way about Caylee when Caylee was alive.

And when it comes to money, she's not only determined to get what she feels is her share, she's equally obscessed with preventing anyone else from earning money by doing exactly what she's done. Actually, I am only referring here to her outrage when Roy Kronk received $5,000 from Good Morning America for his picture of the dead snake he found at the Suburban site.
Cindy responded by saying she would no longer give interviews on NBC. WTH?!

What's worse, RK is the man who, through months of his own persistence, located the remains of her beloved granddaughter and enabled Caylee's remains to finally be brought home to her. She never even thanked him! In fact, has she ever publicly thanked LE for their efforts? Or the thousands of volunteer searchers who tried to help?

Right up to the day Caylee's remains were discovered, she was bitterly attacking LE in the media for looking for a dead Caylee, instead of trying to find a live Caylee. Has she ever apologized?

Has she ever thanked anyone or apologized for her vitriolic attacks on them?

If she simply offered her thanks or her apologies, people would immediately understand that she'd been under impossible stress, and they'd forgive her. Her refusal to do that smacks of arrogance and a huge sense of entitlement, both of which add tremendously to her "dislikeability."

ETA: I did not mean to apply that I approve of the opportunists who try to get into the act and make money off a tragedy--i.e., the Sunshine Caylee doll, etc.

:clap: Very well said, and I couldn't agree more!

In regards to the part of your post that I placed in bold..........Cindy, George, and Lee missed a golden opportunity to thank everyone......LE, TM, all the searchers, RK, and those who sent monetary Caylee's memorial service. They each should have expressed their thanks to all who helped in the search and recovery of Caylee. This is something that needed to be done and they should have devoted a goodly portion of their comments to thanking everyone. Yet, instead, they made comments honoring Casey, the child's murderer.

Caylee's memorial service was a missed opportunity to bring the community together, to thank everyone, and apologize for any rude behavior on their part. It would have gone a long way to making amends. It would have an impact on the public's perception of the family.

I join many here in saying I will be very disappointed if it turns out that the Anthonys or one of their associates purchased this piece of property.
Proprietary is exactly what CA feels. During her appeareance at the Little Econ search she states that she is the only one who has the right to say anything about Caylee (not exact quote)

This video still amazesme especially the guy from KF.

Thanks for the link. I had never seen that one before but it did bring back all the anger I have for these A's peeps and that pervert lookin dude (guess he is the guy from KF). Who do these peeps think they are??????? I am a very lucky person for not living in Fl. I would be in jail right now because I think I am a "match" for CA and this pervert. Am so lucky.
:clap: Very well said, and I couldn't agree more!

In regards to the part of your post that I placed in bold..........Cindy, George, and Lee missed a golden opportunity to thank everyone......LE, TM, all the searchers, RK, and those who sent monetary Caylee's memorial service. They each should have expressed their thanks to all who helped in the search and recovery of Caylee. This is something that needed to be done and they should have devoted a goodly portion of their comments to thanking everyone. Yet, instead, they made comments honoring Casey, the child's murderer.

Caylee's memorial service was a missed opportunity to bring the community together, to thank everyone, and apologize for any rude behavior on their part. It would have gone a long way to making amends. It would have an impact on the public's perception of the family.

I join many here in saying I will be very disappointed if it turns out that the Anthonys or one of their associates purchased this piece of property.

Maybe you should get ready for a disappointment if this is correct. :mad::mad:

"At 6 tonight, WESH's Kealing reported that a secret deal is in the works to buy the land where Caylee's remains were found. Someone sympathetic to George and Cindy Anthony is trying to buy the spot and block bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's efforts to put a permanent memorial there, the Anthonys' attorney told Kealing.

"That's not where they want to remember their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, being," attorney Brad Conway said. "They would rather have a living memorial, something that children could go play at."
this is sort of off topic, but CA reminds me of Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8. Both are controlling, mean, and money hungry.

this is sort of off topic, but CA reminds me of Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8. Both are controlling, mean, and money hungry.


ITA -I am not fond of kate. But I do believe Cindy is a little crazier.
Maybe you should get ready for a disappointment if this is correct. :mad::mad:

"At 6 tonight, WESH's Kealing reported that a secret deal is in the works to buy the land where Caylee's remains were found. Someone sympathetic to George and Cindy Anthony is trying to buy the spot and block bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's efforts to put a permanent memorial there, the Anthonys' attorney told Kealing.

"That's not where they want to remember their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, being," attorney Brad Conway said. "They would rather have a living memorial, something that children could go play at."

Isn't that pretty much what LP planned on doing with the land too?

The family is so juvenile. I don't want it, but you can't have it.

Whomever said "Proprietary", summed up this family in a single word.

Isn't that pretty much what LP planned on doing with the land too?

The family is so juvenile. I don't want it, but you can't have it.

Whomever said "Proprietary", summed up this family in a single word.

Territorial might be descriptive also.
Maybe you should get ready for a disappointment if this is correct. :mad::mad:

"At 6 tonight, WESH's Kealing reported that a secret deal is in the works to buy the land where Caylee's remains were found. Someone sympathetic to George and Cindy Anthony is trying to buy the spot and block bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's efforts to put a permanent memorial there, the Anthonys' attorney told Kealing.

"That's not where they want to remember their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, being," attorney Brad Conway said. "They would rather have a living memorial, something that children could go play at."

This is upsetting! "Someone sympathetic" sounds like KidFinders or someone of that ilk! :mad:
Florida has really unusual zoning laws - or a complete lack thereof in some cases. LOL! It's not unusual to find a million dollar home with a trailer park on one side and a fast food place on the other next to a hospital. However, if this land is actually zoned, then getting it changed to a park would not be terribly difficult providing that the HOA doesn't vote against it and/or launch a lawsuit to prevent that from happening which could tie the whole deal up in court for years and waste a whole lot of money.

Since there is a school right across the street from this lot there definitely are zoning issues (just my take on it).
Most localities have zoning laws that prohibit building anything in a floodplain and this is obviously land that floods. There are also laws against destroying wetlands, so I wonder how they would get around these?

I'm sure this must be an issue all over Florida.

As I recall it's more of an issue of getting insurance or building or retrofitting structures on stilts etc. It's probably an expensive proposition to build in a floodplain. Wetlands are fairly narrowly defined, and this isn't exactly part of the Everglades. Land can be filled in and swamps can be drained, it's often more an issue of expense v.s. finding a more suitable lot.

Not sure if I got the parcel location right, but the lot I think its use is presently is zoned as "VACANT HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION"-- whatever that means, and not "CONSERVATION / WETLANDS" or "SUBMERGED" or with various other hydrological merits.

Although this link also says CONSERVATION
Maybe you should get ready for a disappointment if this is correct. :mad::mad:

"At 6 tonight, WESH's Kealing reported that a secret deal is in the works to buy the land where Caylee's remains were found. Someone sympathetic to George and Cindy Anthony is trying to buy the spot and block bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's efforts to put a permanent memorial there, the Anthonys' attorney told Kealing.

"That's not where they want to remember their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, being," attorney Brad Conway said. "They would rather have a living memorial, something that children could go play at."

It would not surprise me in the slightest if LP's bid to buy the land on purpose, to slight CA and bait her into buying the land to stop him. Just imagine CA going ballistic at the thought of that being LP owned land!! CA would spend her last penny to stop LP.

There is method in LP's madness.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if LP's bid to buy the land on purpose, to slight CA and bait her into buying the land to stop him. Just imagine CA going ballistic at the thought of that being LP owned land!! CA would spend her last penny to stop LP.

There is method in LP's madness.

This is upsetting! "Someone sympathetic" sounds like KidFinders or someone of that ilk! :mad:

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Leila. :blowkiss: I didn't mean to sound snarky when I said that you should get ready for a disappointment. I didn't realized how it sounded till I read it again.

I wonder if the donations of good hearted people paid for this 'in a backward kind of way.'
Friday, April 03, 2009

According to Brad Conway, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, he knows who the land has been sold to, but would not reveal his name. Friday, April 3, 2009

Conway, who represents Cindy and George Anthony, said someone sympathetic to the Anthony family is working on a deal to buy the land where the Anthony's granddaughter was discovered and use it for something other than a Caylee memorial.

Well which is it? :waitasec: Is the land sold or is someone working on a deal? These are two separate concepts, but Mr. Conway doesn't note the difference.

I'd bet (well one of you knows what I would bet) that it is the latter. And I'd bet it involves a person very similar to our ABC friend Kaitlyn F.

A contingent type arrangement - We'll pay close to full price if you'll hold it for us until the 4th movie deal is signed. :rolleyes:

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