The Suburban memorial site is up for sale. **UPDATE SOLD** OR NOT?

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I can't get past the part where is says someone is sypathetic to the Anthonys.... maybe they were mostly talking about Caylee....
Resp bolded. "Proprietary" is exactly the right word! I've never seen anyone as proprietary about everything as CA is. I have to believe she was that way about Caylee when Caylee was alive.

And when it comes to money, she's not only determined to get what she feels is her share, she's equally obscessed with preventing anyone else from earning money by doing exactly what she's done. Actually, I am only referring here to her outrage when Roy Kronk received $5,000 from Good Morning America for his picture of the dead snake he found at the Suburban site.
Cindy responded by saying she would no longer give interviews on NBC. WTH?!

What's worse, RK is the man who, through months of his own persistence, located the remains of her beloved granddaughter and enabled Caylee's remains to finally be brought home to her. She never even thanked him! In fact, has she ever publicly thanked LE for their efforts? Or the thousands of volunteer searchers who tried to help?

Right up to the day Caylee's remains were discovered, she was bitterly attacking LE in the media for looking for a dead Caylee, instead of trying to find a live Caylee. Has she ever apologized?

Has she ever thanked anyone or apologized for her vitriolic attacks on them?

If she simply offered her thanks or her apologies, people would immediately understand that she'd been under impossible stress, and they'd forgive her. Her refusal to do that smacks of arrogance and a huge sense of entitlement, both of which add tremendously to her "dislikeability."

ETA: I did not mean to apply that I approve of the opportunists who try to get into the act and make money off a tragedy--i.e., the Sunshine Caylee doll, etc.

Boy, this is why you are an author and I'm not! :) Awesome post!:clap:
It would not surprise me in the slightest if LP's bid to buy the land on purpose, to slight CA and bait her into buying the land to stop him. Just imagine CA going ballistic at the thought of that being LP owned land!! CA would spend her last penny to stop LP.

There is method in LP's madness.
Bold mine.

Personally, I think that is LP's goal in life, to stick it to CA, as often as possible. Go LP! :Banane21::Banane21::Banane21:
:clap: Very well said, and I couldn't agree more!

In regards to the part of your post that I placed in bold..........Cindy, George, and Lee missed a golden opportunity to thank everyone......LE, TM, all the searchers, RK, and those who sent monetary Caylee's memorial service. They each should have expressed their thanks to all who helped in the search and recovery of Caylee. This is something that needed to be done and they should have devoted a goodly portion of their comments to thanking everyone. Yet, instead, they made comments honoring Casey, the child's murderer.

Caylee's memorial service was a missed opportunity to bring the community together, to thank everyone, and apologize for any rude behavior on their part. It would have gone a long way to making amends. It would have an impact on the public's perception of the family.

I join many here in saying I will be very disappointed if it turns out that the Anthonys or one of their associates purchased this piece of property.

They didn't thank anyone because they didn't want the body found in my opinion. They wanted to keep collecting money off unsuspecting, kind hearted people to keep up a better lifestyle than they had ever had before.

Don't get me started on why they wouldn't thank people. I am guessing those "NEW" names on their "foundation" have something to do with the money for the property.
make it back to nature, a beautiful place of nature and try to forget
what awful thing happened there, for children, the school and neighborhood.
Everyone wll always remember that Caylee was dumped and found there.
No one will forget. The story will be handed down by locals forever.
After hearing Marc Klass, no matter what, he loaves the site where
Polly was found, never wants to be there etc...........

Yeah, but Marc did not know where she was for months before she was found.
I'm curious. Are you a resident of the neighborhood? If not, why would you encourage someone to put something in a neighborhood neither of you live in when the residents there don't want it?

Who said the residents don't want it there? I can assure you there are some who would love to see it bought by LP and a nice place established.

The only ones who don't want anyone to remember Caylee are the Anthonys because they don't want people to believe their daughter is a murdering psychopath.
Friday, April 03, 2009

According to Brad Conway, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, he knows who the land has been sold to, but would not reveal his name. Friday, April 3, 2009

Conway, who represents Cindy and George Anthony, said someone sympathetic to the Anthony family is working on a deal to buy the land where the Anthony's granddaughter was discovered and use it for something other than a Caylee memorial.

Well which is it? :waitasec: Is the land sold or is someone working on a deal? These are two separate concepts, but Mr. Conway doesn't note the difference.

I'd bet (well one of you knows what I would bet) that it is the latter. And I'd bet it involves a person very similar to our ABC friend Kaitlyn F.

A contingent type arrangement - We'll pay close to full price if you'll hold it for us until the 4th movie deal is signed. :rolleyes:

I forgot all about Kaitlyn of ABC fame. I was leaning towards the Caylee Foundation being the buyer, but you are probably correct. That would be too straight forward and open to public comment. The Anthonys do things 'in a backward kind of way.'

If it is not slated for a memorial, wonder just what it will be used for?

BTW bet! :D:D:D
I'm curious. Are you a resident of the neighborhood? If not, why would you encourage someone to put something in a neighborhood neither of you live in when the residents there don't want it?

Flipping the coin, are you a resident of the neighborhood? If not, why would you discourage someone from building a playground in a neighborhood you don't live in when the residents have not said they don't want a playground?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Leila. :blowkiss: I didn't mean to sound snarky when I said that you should get ready for a disappointment. I didn't realized how it sounded till I read it again.

I wonder if the donations of good hearted people paid for this 'in a backward kind of way.'

Paintr.......................:blowkiss: I didn't take it as being snarky, just upsetting to think the Anthonys or one of their associates would buy the land for some sort of profit making venture. I think there's going to be a lot of angry people if this is the case.
Paintr.......................:blowkiss: I didn't take it as being snarky, just upsetting to think the Anthonys or one of their associates would buy the land for some sort of profit making venture. I think there's going to be a lot of angry people if this is the case.

Including me! :mad:
Bold mine.

Personally, I think that is LP's goal in life, to stick it to CA, as often as possible. Go LP! :Banane21::Banane21::Banane21:

I wouldn't put it past LP to just hint at buying the land so that it would make cindy nuts.

~laughs~ well done succeeded.. She's spending her future profits on caylee's death quicker then a lamb shakes it's tail :)
I'm thinking it could possibly be the school board buying the property, as they already own the vacant wooded property next to this. Would make sense, keep it all together.

Or the City of Orlando, who owns the big wooded vacant property next to the school's.

Hendricks also owns the vacant wooded property across the street. Wonder if this is a package deal?
If I were a neighbour I'd prefer a memorial park then a dump...but again thats JMO
I know very little about real estate, but isn't it also possible someone has simply signed a contract to buy the property but the actual purchase hasn't gone to closing yet?

Great question. As any real estate lawyer will tell you, it depends a lot upon the language used in the contract/purchase agreement. If there are a lot of contingencies written into the contract (e.g., appraisal, which will be required unless it is a cash sale, as a lender will want to ensure that they are not going to be upside down on the deal; borrower's ability to obtain some loan at some percentage of loan to value; title examination; inspections; etc.,) then it's definitely not a "done deal." Which means that until we see the contract itself, or the sale itself takes place, it's really anone's guess.
I can't help thinking that CA might have been happier if poor little Caylee had never been found. She could have gone on with the search to find a living child, could have gone on insisting KC was innocent (of course she does anyway, but it must sound pretty thin even in her own ears since last Dec 11th).

I don't really care anymore what they do with that piece of land, although I would have wanted to see it used as a memorial garden for all missing children (and I realise a lot of other decent concerned people would prefer it not be used that way).

I do wish there were some some meaningful site though, if not this place, then some other, that could be a park set aside as a place to remember missing children. Really, when no remains are recovered, families wind up with no 'place' to remember their children... no headstones to look at, no place to lay flowers.

In little Caylees case, while she is no longer missing, there is soon not going to be a place to go to honour her memory at all. But perhaps it is time to let it go, take down the little roadside memorial site, and get on with the trial. It is just that this feels to me like once again the victim will soon be forgotten, all eyes on her mother and her family and their legal problems, and Caylee will be lost once again, this time forever.
Maybe you should get ready for a disappointment if this is correct. :mad::mad:

"At 6 tonight, WESH's Kealing reported that a secret deal is in the works to buy the land where Caylee's remains were found. Someone sympathetic to George and Cindy Anthony is trying to buy the spot and block bounty hunter Leonard Padilla's efforts to put a permanent memorial there, the Anthonys' attorney told Kealing.

"That's not where they want to remember their granddaughter, Caylee Marie, being," attorney Brad Conway said. "They would rather have a living memorial, something that children could go play at."

Psssst, Mr. Conway--lean close so I can whisper this in your ear: IT'S NOT FOR THE ANTHONY'S!
Cindy is not the type to spend money on anything that she does not directly benefit her. It is part of her personality type. Heck, she didn't even spend a penny on anything to do with Caylee after she funeral, no burial (cost money for that). The memorial and flowers (huge amount) were paid for with donations. Oh, yes, she did spend money on jewelry for ashes but that is adornment. She has got very angry at anybody who received ANY money on Caylee. I suggest it was propelled by jealousy.

Her type never admits they're wrong. That is the reason you have seen nothing of her after the body was found. You saw her in a public arena surrounded ONLY by people she allowed in to see her...."Only the pure of heart may attend"...her words...Grrrrrrrrr.

She is keeping a low profile to not enrage anyone...that way people may remain sympathetic and send money. I doubt she would spend money on the land....UNLESS there is an idea to raise money. I have no idea how it could be a money making piece of property....have to think about that!
make it back to nature, a beautiful place of nature and try to forget
what awful thing happened there, for children, the school and neighborhood.
Everyone wll always remember that Caylee was dumped and found there.
No one will forget. The story will be handed down by locals forever.
After hearing Marc Klass, no matter what, he loaves the site where
Polly was found, never wants to be there etc...........

A bit off topic, but then again, not really. I'm originally from a small town in upstate New York. In the neighboring town, 7 miles away, a horrible axe murder happened in 1918. A farmer and his daughter were murdered by the hired hand, while the farmer's wife was caring for her elderly mother who was ill, a mile or two away. The daughter's cousin was in the home and was injured and taken hostage by the hired hand. He took her with him as he made his escape, and the first chance she had she escaped and alerted authorities. He was captured the next day.

The house where the axe murders happened is known as "spooky", and has been passed down through a few generations by the couple who bought the house from the farmer's widow. Recently, the local newspaper did a story on the house and related the story of the murders that happened there. It will forever be known for the terrible axe murders.

I imagine this will be the case with the spot where Caylee's remains were found. People living there will remember, and pass it on to their children, and it will always be known for what happened there.

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