The Theater and the Shooting

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DNA Solves
This picture is from a different view and when the crime markers where still in place.

Notice right behind his bumper on the ground.....looks like blood.
Also, it looks like a gun is on top of the car IMO
One the driver side of his car.....what are all those papers (they look like paper to me) they have marked with crime numbers?????????????????

Why did the car have TN plates? From CA to CO.....TN is a long way off from either state.

I know there are small pink sandals by that door along with a large gun. I assume the police ran out that door with people after JH was caught??? IMO, maybe that is where the bloody footprints came from.

I don't know if I can see the police removing his clothes there unless they suspected a bomb on him or something. Wasn't there a 911 transmission about a exploding device being found in his car???

The TN plates was wrong. I believe they redacted that statement about TN license plate. Not sure how it originated. Perhaps from an eyewitness?
This is from ABCnews. It's a far away shot, but gives a good idea of the back.

This picture is from a different view and when the crime markers where still in place.

Notice right behind his bumper on the ground.....looks like blood.
Also, it looks like a gun is on top of the car IMO
One the driver side of his car.....what are all those papers (they look like paper to me) they have marked with crime numbers?????????????????


Is that a rifle by the door? I can't figure this out. Where does that door lead to if it's not the EXIT? Was he trying to go back in after he left the theatre?
So was that the exit?

Yes, it was a rifle by the door and pink sandals (looks like)

It's the exit (purple door) to theater 9. It's the one JH walked out of to take his phone call, propped open, and returned with his guns, then left back out of.

The yellow door that you see in some pictures is of that little fenced off area that hold the AC units (or looks like) If you look hard almost looks like there is a small walkway behind that...that leads to the door of theater 8......seems like there was somebody that held the door to theater 8 closed when JH tried to get in. I don't know.
This picture is from ABCnews. I did a little drawing on it (hope that is okay)


#A- points to what I believe is a small walkway behind that fenced area. I could be wrong....but that's what it looks like

#B- points to the fenced area. It looks like it holds a big AC unit in there. It has a yellow door.

#C- points to what I believe is theater #8 and their exit door.

#D- past what shows in the picture is the gas mask laying there. the exit to theater #9. That's where the blood comes from, there was a rifle there and a pair of sandals (or looked like them)

This is just my opinion.
This picture is from a different view and when the crime markers where still in place.

Notice right behind his bumper on the ground.....looks like blood.
Also, it looks like a gun is on top of the car IMO
One the driver side of his car.....what are all those papers (they look like paper to me) they have marked with crime numbers?????????????????


Hmm..there are 2 men to the right in the photo carrying papers toward the car, one has them in a cardboard box. Maybe this is something to do with checking for explosives and marking them? Marking something else as paper is on sidewalk trail too? The papers are not in the closer side view photo of the car. Also noticed a lot of other "stuff" near the car.
Look at the corner of the building. It looks like a black shield laying there. Did JH's also have a black shield like swat carries...or did the real swat leave it?
Hmm..there are 2 men to the right in the photo carrying papers toward the car, one has them in a cardboard box. Maybe this is something to do with checking for explosives and marking them? Marking something else as paper is on sidewalk trail too? The papers are not in the closer side view photo of the car. Also noticed a lot of other "stuff" near the car.

I'd hope their explosives check was conducted in the circa 4 hours before sunrise and they didn't wait for daylight to make sure the car they were around wasn't going to explode...
I thought so too but it just doesn't add up. Look at how the clothes are scattered all over the place. Maybe JH removed them but then again, LE said they recognized the suspect by the SWAT clothes that weren't really SWAT. :waitasec:

When looking at these photos I find myself with conflicting thoughts: sometimes I see what looks like the pattern of someone who dropped his gun and was tearing the tactical clothing off his body with thoughts of blending in with the public amid the chaos and panic immediately after the shooting, other times I see the pattern of someone who was ordered by LE to remove the tactical clothing (which could have pockets with weapons hidden in them) and be taken into custody in his street clothing.

This is so unclear due to:
- The several conflicting stories from LE, the facts detailed on the police radio recording and witness statements about his apprehension.
- The fact that no mugshot of Holmes in his street clothes following the arrest has been released to the public.
- Several other oddities that appear in the larger scale photographs of the crime scene behind the theater.
Is it far fetched to draw possibly (motive) go like this. Dad works for the folks that do FICA scores, according to this article. He is going to testify againist the rich.His earlier postiion was a software designer for big bussiness.

Robert Holmes current position with FICO involves him handling Fraud.


It begins in a software company where a programmers design statistical software that can track and monitor the spending of some of the richest people in the world. The software is being used by an unnamed agency that has been paid to expose the corruption of a beloved politician that everyone can agree is a savior or messianic figure.

The threat goes out that there will be an exposing of fraudulent practices, which include identity theft, credit card fraud, securities fraud and a number of other practices that the elite do in order to bilk the poor for their money. There is also a sub plot where the software company is about to take their findings to the Supreme Court and expose all of the so called political heroes. This would create riots in various cities. It may even cause marauding shooters to show up in places where they can create mass casualties.

Does this hit anyone - was the basic plot for the film out before it opened?

Is this too far fetched?
More from transcript, this is just police side - not fire dept:

14:50 Magazine found from rifle, assault rifle found outside Theater 9 (at exit door, white vehicle of James Holmes is parked closest to exit door)

17:40 Rifle 5.56 caliber (found at exit door to theater, closest car parked was James Holmes' white car)

27:10 "Metro 10 OK. Clear. Listed James Holmes." (White car vehicle registration?)

45:00 I really need somebody to confirm the white vehicle outside the theater plates. Check white vehicle tag 119ROC (James Holmes) "Check with key witnesses inside the theater. We need to confirm suspect descriptions (black SWAT police uniform, gas mask and helmet, no one saw face. 5' 9" tall shooter but James Holmes is 6' 3"). I want to make sure we're not looking for anybody else." (So the investigation and search for suspects ends right here. No mention of James Holmes' name.)

2:01:30 Robot entering towards car for suspected bomb inspection

56:30 Secure suspect's vehicle (James Holmes)

1:27:00 Secondary (bomb) device found

1:28:00 Secondary device was found in the main (parking) lot of the theater, all units to evacuate (red plastic gas can in James Holmes' car trunk?)

1:48:20 Start search of suspect's vehicle with bomb dog (James Holmes)
I came across some details from an Aurora resident who has been the the Century 16 theaters on many occasions and almost went to the Dark Knight premiere the night of the shooting and wanted to share them with everyone:

Regarding the Doors Being Alarmed
The door he supposedly "kicked in". Those doors DEFINITELY have an alarm that goes off when you open them. I was there back in May and the power went out during a thunderstorm. A lady freaked out and went out the emergency exit and an alarm went off.
Of course I always account for things like...maybe SOME don't have alarms. Maybe the alarm turns on as a security feature when the power goes out.
But that's unlikely. Especially because of the security I mentioned above.

Regarding the Theaters Surveillance Cameras
I also KNOW the theater has cameras freaking everywhere. Why have we not seen video surveillance footage yet? Are they going to edit it to fit their own story they are going to feed us. Colorado in general ranks #3 for the most surveillance states. There are cameras everywhere here.

Regarding Security (Private & LE) in Aurora
How is it that NOBODY saw anything suspicious. Aurora is extremely locked down. You can't go anywhere without seeing armed (security guards? cops?) And plenty of mall cops. The Aurora mall and that theater (which is next to the mall) have a steady loop of security. And they stop you for pretty much anything. I've been questioned WITH MY KIDS because we were sitting in my car, waiting for my mom during the day. At night they step the security up even more. It's pretty ridiculous. I've always been annoyed with it. So how did this guy go unnoticed?

Regarding Holmes Being the Guy Taking the Phone Call
If he bought tickets, he would have had to wait in line for at least 30 minutes (premiere night for the Dark Knight; and btw tickets were sold out months in advance) and no one saw a tall red haired guy standing by himself?
More from transcript, this is just police side - not fire dept:

1:27:00 Secondary (bomb) device found

1:28:00 Secondary device was found in the main (parking) lot of the theater, all units to evacuate (red plastic gas can in James Holmes' car trunk?)

The rear parking where his car was wasn't the main lot. So, I don't think the secondary device was gas cans in his trunk. Interesting. Thanks, 21merc7, for posting transcripts. I've been too lazy to listen.

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