The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

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Taximom said:
Oh noooo, my throat is all scratchy. :( I might just try this hot toddy sooner than I thought. I wouldn't know what to change in a recipe, though. I think the orig. recipe that I tried had whiskey AND red wine. Doesn't sound very good, but with the honey etc it was ok. Just wish I could remember the right combination. Thanks again though! :blowkiss: (germ-free)

that's how that 'gunk' started with me....just a scratchy throat, then by the next day/evening my ears started to hurt when i would swallow....then it all just ballooned out of control....hope you don't get this stuff, TM
close_enough said:
oh my!!!!...Horatio (is that how you spell his name?)....i LOVE him....he use to be in some other show a few years back, but i never watched the show...can't even remember what it was called....i absolutely LOVE David Caruso in CSI Miami :blushing:

gotta love those sunglasses he wears in the show (heart thumping here)

Afternoon Close! He was in NYPD Blue. Lt John Kelly. I absolutely loved him in that. I was so mad at him for quitting but it seems that stardom went to his head and he thought he'd pursue a film career. Well, he flopped big time. I read that he's got a major drinking problem and is currently causing problems on CSI Miami. So much so that they may be trading him to NBC for a new show coming up called Medical Investigation.

Anyways, like I said, I loved him on NYPD and was so excited to see him on CSI Miami. I have to say though his same style acting in every episode - hands on hips, head down etc is wearing on me. :truce:
Gosh, I wonder why a guy like David has a major drinking problem. Hard to understand. One thing I think he is able to do well is to give one the feeling his brain goes very fast and just connects immediately to say the perfect answer. LOL I know it's all in the writing, but he is very believable at carrying it off. To the point that if anyone I knew had been murdered I would want the lawman to act just like he does.
scandi said:
Gosh, I wonder why a guy like David has a major drinking problem. Hard to understand. One thing I think he is able to do well is to give one the feeling his brain goes very fast and just connects immediately to say the perfect answer. LOL I know it's all in the writing, but he is very believable at carrying it off. To the point that if anyone I knew had been murdered I would want the lawman to act just like he does.

Did you see him in NYPD Blue Scandi? I think he was better then - I couldn't take my eyes off him!!

I also read that he went through a very messy divorce.
Hi Jilly, Yes, I did see him on that show, but didn't especially like the show. And believe me I love a good cop show. The forensic shows like CSI Miama, NY CSI I really enjoy - Numbers too.

David must have been so in love with his wife. I don't think he's the best looking guy I've seen, but I do love his simple manliness. See, I can't stand Hilk Hogan or the Dawg - drive me whacko. Growing up I was a Robert Mitchem, Kirk Douglas kind of a gal. I think all the good men now are taken! :confused: :D
jilly said:
Afternoon Close! He was in NYPD Blue. Lt John Kelly. I absolutely loved him in that. I was so mad at him for quitting but it seems that stardom went to his head and he thought he'd pursue a film career. Well, he flopped big time. I read that he's got a major drinking problem and is currently causing problems on CSI Miami. So much so that they may be trading him to NBC for a new show coming up called Medical Investigation.

Anyways, like I said, I loved him on NYPD and was so excited to see him on CSI Miami. I have to say though his same style acting in every episode - hands on hips, head down etc is wearing on me. :truce:

i just recently started watching CSI Miami, so i'm hooked...there's two shows back to back, every night on A&E....i may get tired of his 'style' at some point, but i'm nowhere tired of him yet!!!
raisincharlie said:
Wild Turkey + honey in a nice green hot tea works very well, especially for the scratchy throat...
I agree with this suggestion. Only I substitute the honey
and tea, with vermouth and a maraschino cherry.

Marylanders are being hit with that virus that causes
diarrhea and vomiting. It's pretty bad, especially in nursing homes.
I think the single most important thing people can do, is
to wash their hands. Hope everyone that's under the
weather feels better soon!!
Hi Bee Charmer,

That sounds like a hellobadrink! LOL

When shopping for groceries for my Christmas cookies in December, the gal told me if you plant a marischino cherry in dirt, go back 5 years later and look, the cherry will be exactly like it was when you put it there! I didn't use them for my cookies. LOL
scandi said:
Hi Bee Charmer,

That sounds like a hellobadrink! LOL

When shopping for groceries for my Christmas cookies in December, the gal told me if you plant a marischino cherry in dirt, go back 5 years later and look, the cherry will be exactly like it was when you put it there! I didn't use them for my cookies. LOL
Ewww! I knew they were bad, but ewwww!

Add a twinkie and you could have a nice, aged treat.

(Ewww, not really!)

OMGosh, CLOSE! My eyes are watering because I can't stop laughing at that link you posted!!! That is hilarious.
scandi said:
Hi Bee Charmer,

That sounds like a hellobadrink! LOL

When shopping for groceries for my Christmas cookies in December, the gal told me if you plant a marischino cherry in dirt, go back 5 years later and look, the cherry will be exactly like it was when you put it there! I didn't use them for my cookies. LOL
Actually, what I posted is the recipe for a Manhattan, one of
my favorite drinks. After swimming around a bit in all that
bourbon, the cherry is well preserved. I have always hoped that
drink would have the same effect on me......
close_enough said:
posted this in the 'jury room', but wanted to share it here also....

effects of drugs & alcohol on spiders....
Ohhh that's it.........ALL spiders will be eradicated from my house tomorrow!

Ain't no crack spiders gettin a poppin on this momma, lol.

That was so funny :)

da No crax spyda.
Good one BeeCharmer :D If only that would work. I must say they are about the prettiest drink made.

Sorry, had to pass on the spiders. I saw the first one and had to close it!~ :eek: :eek: :eek:
I can't believe we made it home ALIVE!!

Just got off the phone with our neighbors who work for CDOT, Colorado Dept. of Transportation. This couple drives the trucks that clear the state highways. Again, snow hit us pretty badly here. We had a nightmare drive last night getting home. We drove to Denver yesterday to attend the Stock Show. My stepdaughter and her boyfriend drove us there. It had started to snow in the morning and I was nervous about going in the first place. We saw about 5 accidents on the way. I was ready to turn around and go home. We did get to Denver and had a really nice time. The drive home was horrenduous! It normally takes about 2 1/2 hours to get home. It took us 5 hours this time. Snow packed, icy, and really scary. Our dirt country road was so covered with new snow the only thing we saw were wild animal tracks. I absolutely hate to drive any distance in that kind of situation. People passed us last night going way too fast for the conditions. Semi trucks blew past and left a cloud of snow that literally blinded us for a while.

I now know how horrible RasinCharlie's trip must have been when it took him so long to get home after picking up horses.

At least we had a nice day at the Stock Show. The draft horse show was spectacular and we saw many of our aquaintances in the sport. Also spent way too much money on clothes from vendors. After looking for a new belt and passing up all the "bling bling" belts, I did break down and bought a beautiful "bling bling" belt. I spent $160 for the d**n thing. The BarnGod bought me a really cute T-shirt of an Apaloolsa horse showing her spotted rear end with the saying, "I'm too sexy for my spots". That is definitely the attitude my Apaloosa horse has. Now I have to get up my nerve to wear the shirt.

I'm just so thankful to be back home. Now, I-70 is totally closed down and doesn't look like I'll be going to work tomorrow as it snowed and "blowed" all day today. Brand new drifts now. It was worse down in the SE part of Colorado. Those ranchers don't need it. They've lost so much stock already. This just adds to the losses.
BarnGoddess said:
I can't believe we made it home ALIVE!!

Just got off the phone with our neighbors who work for CDOT, Colorado Dept. of Transportation. This couple drives the trucks that clear the state highways. Again, snow hit us pretty badly here. We had a nightmare drive last night getting home. We drove to Denver yesterday to attend the Stock Show. My stepdaughter and her boyfriend drove us there. It had started to snow in the morning and I was nervous about going in the first place. We saw about 5 accidents on the way. I was ready to turn around and go home. We did get to Denver and had a really nice time. The drive home was horrenduous! It normally takes about 2 1/2 hours to get home. It took us 5 hours this time. Snow packed, icy, and really scary. Our dirt country road was so covered with new snow the only thing we saw were wild animal tracks. I absolutely hate to drive any distance in that kind of situation. People passed us last night going way too fast for the conditions. Semi trucks blew past and left a cloud of snow that literally blinded us for a while.

I now know how horrible RasinCharlie's trip must have been when it took him so long to get home after picking up horses.

At least we had a nice day at the Stock Show. The draft horse show was spectacular and we saw many of our aquaintances in the sport. Also spent way too much money on clothes from vendors. After looking for a new belt and passing up all the "bling bling" belts, I did break down and bought a beautiful "bling bling" belt. I spent $160 for the d**n thing. The BarnGod bought me a really cute T-shirt of an Apaloolsa horse showing her spotted rear end with the saying, "I'm too sexy for my spots". That is definitely the attitude my Apaloosa horse has. Now I have to get up my nerve to wear the shirt.

I'm just so thankful to be back home. Now, I-70 is totally closed down and doesn't look like I'll be going to work tomorrow as it snowed and "blowed" all day today. Brand new drifts now. It was worse down in the SE part of Colorado. Those ranchers don't need it. They've lost so much stock already. This just adds to the losses.
Welcome back BG, glad you made it back safe and sound. You guys have really gotten the snow this year. Is it that bad every year?
pack_fan said:
Welcome back BG, glad you made it back safe and sound. You guys have really gotten the snow this year. Is it that bad every year?
No Pack, it isn't. We've been in a drought for quite a number of years. We really have had a relatively small amount of snow recently. This is the fifth weekend in a row for snow. We just checked the weather and so far it looks good for our trip to Bailey, CO next weekend. Bailey is in the mountains a little west of Denver. We have a square dance State Board meeting there. We hope all this snow will break the drought here. The last El Nino didn't help much and this current El Nino seems to be bringing a lot of moisture up. The dip in the jet stream keeps the cold air here and of course, the result is show. We are just hoping that El Nino will keep up into the Spring and Summer. We are going to farm our own ground and hopefully will have a decent crop of feed for next winter for the horses. Since I've lived here, we've had two major storms in October and I have been trying to get back by plane both times. Delayed and/or re-routed both times. I think our best chance for snow is generally in March or April. We're ready for Spring, LOL.
So you're a 'Swing that partner, and do se do' LOL I love it. What a neat life you live with your BarnGod!
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