The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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scandi said:
So you're a 'Swing that partner, and do se do' LOL I love it. What a neat life you live with your BarnGod!
Yep! We sure do that Scandi.....

Hey, my Parts Manager was checking out some video on the web late last week and we came on a video of a whole bunch of vehicles sliding around Portland in your storm. Looked like totally out of control bumper cars. That ice is horrible. There's nothing to help on ice except chains.
Hi Barn Goddess, You know Portlanders are the worst drivers on ice and snow. LOL Tha video was shot from a bldg right downtown on Yamhill St and it made the national news. I don't know how many cars he hit - 8 maybe, but it was like playing a video game that you had no control over,

Then the problem came up as to how the deductible was going to work on the owners insurance. Many companies would have charged him a deduc. per car that he hit. :eek: I think he was going to have to negotiate with them, as some companies would have only charged him one deduc. as it was a continuous accident with no stopping inbetween.

It absolutely was hilarious though when he hit the last car. He ended up going backwards down the street and then slammed perfectly and right on target into 2 cars coming up the road, one behind the other. Wham Bham, he hit them both dead center! At least he didn't hit any more cars after that!

the best potato dumplings i have ever eaten (i'm eating them now) and i'm so proud i made them!

Potato Dumplings - Gromperekniddelen

• Ingredients:
• 1½ cups cold mashed potatoes
• 2 eggs beaten
• ¼ cup flour
• ¼ teaspoon baking powder
• ½ teaspoon salt

Mix thoroughly, shape into balls on floured board and drop into boiling salted water (1 tsp. salt). Cover and boil 25 minutes. Garnish with buttered browned bread crumbs.


recipe from Luxembourg, i've put it together with a nice beef, kabanos and bell pepper casserole.

significant other has tried to persuade me potato dumplings are where it's at, but sadly he's been consigned to eating dumplings out of a box up until now. i turned my nose up at boxed dumplings and then, as i had some left-over cooked potatoes i thought i'd see if i could do anything interesting with them. the internet is a wonderful thing. :) Dumplings
This is my first test of my brand new computer. Wow. The Dell Dude just delivered a new Dimension E520. Now all I need is my new Latitude notebook and I'm set for another few years. Unbelievable great flat screen. Just have to call my local ISP tomorrow to help me set my home page e-mail and I'm done.

Thanks for being my guinea pigs.
:cool: Sleek little Indy car Charlie. Amazing she can get 'all that' into that tiny looking little car! :D :D :D :D

Actually she is an interesting woman to study. She has regular beautiful looks like lots of girls, but her jaw sets her apart from the others. It shows a certain strength in her being I think, and it is carried out in what she loves to do and how she does it. Bare to the metal all the way. ;)
scandi said:
:cool: Sleek little Indy car Charlie. Amazing she can get 'all that' into that tiny looking little car! :D :D :D :D

Actually she is an interesting woman to study. She has regular beautiful looks like lots of girls, but her jaw sets her apart from the others. It shows a certain strength in her being I think, and it is carried out in what she loves to do and how she does it. Bare to the metal all the way. ;)
You should shake hands with her - very strong grip. Truth is - it is her "drive" that I like - my favorite picture of Danica is from 2005 when she was leading the Indy 500 and all the boys were chasing behind...she's "all that" . :cool:
Congratulations RC on the little addition to your family. That little girl (soon to be daddy's girl) is very lucky!! :) As for your wife - there is nothing like a daughter!!
jilly said:
Congratulations RC on the little addition to your family. That little girl (soon to be daddy's girl) is very lucky!! :) As for your wife - there is nothing like a daughter!!
Thanks Jilly ! I am very excited by all this, especially for my wife as we have two boys. A dream come true for her so I can hardly wait for all this to be tied up and the little one comes "home". I see a horse riding, go-kart driving Diva in the making! Just the thought - amazing...:) :) :)
wanted to check in .....ugh, i see nothing new as far as the case goes...i've been at my Mama's since Wednesday afternoon...(no computer :eek: )
she's been sick with this 'gunk' everyone's had..took her to the Dr Wednesday, & then came by here to get a few things so i could stay with her place in tip top shape..vacuum, dust, wash, rinse, spin, etc.....been keeping an eye on some stuff that's been on ctv during the day....anyway, she's a happy camper & seems to be feeling a little better....NOW tonight i have my great niece for a bit, so wanted to get in here & check it all out, cause once she's here, there's no sitting around at the computer.....

hope you're all doing good...i'll check in some time in the morning...laterrrrrr:)
Welcome back, close. I'm with you, sitting here tapping my fingers w-a-i-t-i-n-g for justice for MY. I have a good feeling about the case though, and know that this wait will pay off. (crossing my fingers!)

Glad your mama is feeling better. My littlest is sick again with something different. None of the others have had it yet, and I'm hoping they don't get it because it will mean more time off from school! They already missed so much w/the flu. Anyway, she's been home almost all week and we've been snuggling quite a bit. She's not usually a snuggler, so that part has been real nice.

raisincharlie, I've been meaning to say congratulations about the adoption. I can't wait to hear all about it. I would love to see her face when you show her the horses!
close_enough said:
wanted to check in .....ugh, i see nothing new as far as the case goes...i've been at my Mama's since Wednesday afternoon...(no computer :eek: )
she's been sick with this 'gunk' everyone's had..took her to the Dr Wednesday, & then came by here to get a few things so i could stay with her place in tip top shape..vacuum, dust, wash, rinse, spin, etc.....been keeping an eye on some stuff that's been on ctv during the day....anyway, she's a happy camper & seems to be feeling a little better....NOW tonight i have my great niece for a bit, so wanted to get in here & check it all out, cause once she's here, there's no sitting around at the computer.....

hope you're all doing good...i'll check in some time in the morning...laterrrrrr:)

Thanks for checking in - I was about to send out a search party!! Hope your mama feels better real soon.

Speaking of absentees - where the heck is Polk??? It's been over a week!

Very early this am I checked out CTV - boy things were really flyin' as JTF was loaded for bear!! Trying to lay it all on MF again! :loser: I'm about to go back there for a few hours I guess! :bang:

See ya tomorrow! :blowkiss:
jilly said:
Thanks for checking in - I was about to send out a search party!! Hope your mama feels better real soon.

Speaking of absentees - where the heck is Polk??? It's been over a week!

See ya tomorrow! :blowkiss:
See you later, jilly! Stay well!

I miss PSA too. I don't think I saw her comment on the autopsy report at all. At least she'll have something interesting to come back to....
Taximom said:
See you later, jilly! Stay well!

I miss PSA too. I don't think I saw her comment on the autopsy report at all. At least she'll have something interesting to come back to....

Hi Taxi! :)

I hope your little one is better soon - boy you've had quite a time with all of this sickness but awwwww enjoy the snuggles. I'd kill to go back and have a day with my kids when they were little!

No Polk didn't comment on the AR. :confused: I sent her copies of the People Mag & she didn't even respond which is so unlike her. I hope she's ok. I was thinking maybe the stuff I sent her got hung up in her email somehow so I've been worried!
thanks TM & jilly...ended up having my great niece again today (zombie smiley face) from about noon to almost 10 pm....anyway, she & i went to visit my Mama, & stayed most the afternoon....Mama's feeling better...not near 100%, but obviously better...she put me to work again too, lol...taking some blinds & curtains down for her.....

after my great niece left (her grandmother came in from Alabama & picked her up) i watched 2 movies!..."Thanks for Smoking" & "An Inconvenient Truth"...both very i'm still wide awake, so i figured i'd get on the computer for a bit...went over to ctv & read for a few minutes.....seems all they've 'discussed' for pages on end, is the identity of JTF, lol....

(sighs)...oh well, i sure wish we'd hear something new...
RC - i don't remember reading about you & your wife adopting, but congrats to both of you....exciting:)

TM - meant to add to my last post that i hope your daughter is feeling better :)

i miss Polk too!!!!!!
close_enough said:
RC - i don't remember reading about you & your wife adopting, but congrats to both of you....exciting:)

TM - meant to add to my last post that i hope your daughter is feeling better :)

i miss Polk too!!!!!!
Thanks, close. We went to the dr Saturday because she was tugging at her ear Friday. She had ear infections so bad that one of her eardrums burst to release the fluid and blood.
:( :( :( She can't talk and she has a real high pain threshold. She's on antibiotics now so I hope this is the last of it for her. It made me sick when I heard that. I asked the dr before if I could get one of those instruments they use to look in your ears but he talked me out of it, saying it takes a while to really know what you are looking for. I think I might try to buy one somewhere though, after this. Surely I would have been able to see what was going on in her ears before she felt something was going on. (Medical advice anyone!?)

I saw Kim Guilfoyle discuss this case Sat night on her show, but nothing new was mentioned. I think there's better information here at the forum than what the two guys she had on talked about! lol

I'm sick about a 3 yr old boy that went missing and was later found dead in the septic tank in the yard 10 ft away from where his dad left him. Hmm. LE is saying they don't think he could have put that lid back on all by his little self. Like he would want to go down into that anyway. I know little boys are adventurous, but wouldn't the stench turn him back? I don't know that much about septic tanks, so maybe there isn't a smell...but I'm thinking there is. :( This world is full of really sick people.
Taximom said:
Thanks, close. We went to the dr Saturday because she was tugging at her ear Friday. She had ear infections so bad that one of her eardrums burst to release the fluid and blood.
:( :( :( She can't talk and she has a real high pain threshold. She's on antibiotics now so I hope this is the last of it for her. It made me sick when I heard that. I asked the dr before if I could get one of those instruments they use to look in your ears but he talked me out of it, saying it takes a while to really know what you are looking for. I think I might try to buy one somewhere though, after this. Surely I would have been able to see what was going on in her ears before she felt something was going on. (Medical advice anyone!?)

I saw Kim Guilfoyle discuss this case Sat night on her show, but nothing new was mentioned. I think there's better information here at the forum than what the two guys she had on talked about! lol

I'm sick about a 3 yr old boy that went missing and was later found dead in the septic tank in the yard 10 ft away from where his dad left him. Hmm. LE is saying they don't think he could have put that lid back on all by his little self. Like he would want to go down into that anyway. I know little boys are adventurous, but wouldn't the stench turn him back? I don't know that much about septic tanks, so maybe there isn't a smell...but I'm thinking there is. :( This world is full of really sick people.

Septic tanks are very stinky. We had one when I grew up and they have a very heavy lid on them (ours was made of concrete). A three year old couldn't have removed the lid alone, would most likely have recoiled from the stench and definitely could not have put the lid back on after falling in.

I have one of those digital fever thermometers that you put in the ear to check temperature - just like the ones the nurses use. Maybe you should get one of those ... I don't know if it would help, but I'm guessing that if there is an ear infection, the temperature would be elevated and you could have the doctor check it out. Actually, one of my children often had ear infections so whenever he was sick with a cold, I had his ears checked.
otto said:
Septic tanks are very stinky. We had one when I grew up and they have a very heavy lid on them (ours was made of concrete). A three year old couldn't have removed the lid alone, would most likely have recoiled from the stench and definitely could not have put the lid back on after falling in.

I have one of those digital fever thermometers that you put in the ear to check temperature - just like the ones the nurses use. Maybe you should get one of those ... I don't know if it would help, but I'm guessing that if there is an ear infection, the temperature would be elevated and you could have the doctor check it out. Actually, one of my children often had ear infections so whenever he was sick with a cold, I had his ears checked.
Hi otto!

When I saw a very short news clip of someone lifting what appeared to be "the lid", it looked like the top of a plastic garbage can to me. I wasn't paying that much attention at the time though, but the person did not struggle at all, imo. Very sad.

I was talking about the instrument the doctors use to look into ears for infection or fluid build-up. I don't know what it's called exactly! As it is we go to the doctor a lot to have things looked at because she is non-verbal but I figured the ears would be something I could at least monitor more at home. She only had a temperature here and there all of last week, and she didn't have one the day of the dr visit. He was quite surprised about that.

She's doing much better now! Less snuggly and much more active. Now my son has it. **sigh** Do they do whole-house Lysol fumigations?

(Mostly I figured we were all going to get this one from her because she doesn't quite get how to cover her mouth when she coughs. She likes to cover her mouth afterwards. :eek: )
Taximom said:
Hi otto!

When I saw a very short news clip of someone lifting what appeared to be "the lid", it looked like the top of a plastic garbage can to me. I wasn't paying that much attention at the time though, but the person did not struggle at all, imo. Very sad.

I was talking about the instrument the doctors use to look into ears for infection or fluid build-up. I don't know what it's called exactly! As it is we go to the doctor a lot to have things looked at because she is non-verbal but I figured the ears would be something I could at least monitor more at home. She only had a temperature here and there all of last week, and she didn't have one the day of the dr visit. He was quite surprised about that.

She's doing much better now! Less snuggly and much more active. Now my son has it. **sigh** Do they do whole-house Lysol fumigations?

(Mostly I figured we were all going to get this one from her because she doesn't quite get how to cover her mouth when she coughs. She likes to cover her mouth afterwards. :eek: )

I guess there must be different quality lids available for septic tanks but any responsible parent should ensure that it is safe and secure. Very sad story.

I would think that the ear scope thingamabobs are available at medical supply shops and they can't be that difficult to use. My doctor used to ask me if I wanted to have a look when he checked my son's ears.
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