The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! to you Close and everyone else as well! :blowkiss:

RC glad you were able & willing to help out Foxey! That was something nice to get up and read this morning. I hope she makes it with her babies!
jilly said:
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! to you Close and everyone else as well! :blowkiss:

RC glad you were able & willing to help out Foxey! That was something nice to get up and read this morning. I hope she makes it with her babies!
Happy Valentine's Day to you Ms. Jilly and all the great folks here - it is indeed a pleasure to speak with you and share ideas.

I checked with a conservation agent here and he told me they eat mainly rodents, birds, fruits, eggs, and insects. The eggs and fruits I can manage , not sure I want to capture rodents to feed them though. Trying not to scare her so she will not feel the need to move her babies in this weather. Probably best to just leave her be but the pond is not going to thaw anytime soon. Not sure what to do...
raisincharlie said:
Happy Valentine's Day to you Ms. Jilly and all the great folks here - it is indeed a pleasure to speak with you and share ideas.

I checked with a conservation agent here and he told me they eat mainly rodents, birds, fruits, eggs, and insects. The eggs and fruits I can manage , not sure I want to capture rodents to feed them though. Trying not to scare her so she will not feel the need to move her babies in this weather. Probably best to just leave her be but the pond is not going to thaw anytime soon. Not sure what to do...

I think she'd be happy with just the eggs & fruit although I don't know if she'd touch them having human scent, would she? Poor little thing. Where would all the rodents be now? Yeah, it's trickey, don't want to make her have to move as you say.
Aww PSA....:blowkiss: a big big hug and kiss to you. So very sorry to hear about your dear friend. So sweet of you to take care of your friends kid and be there for him like you have been. Of course I wouldn't expect anything else from you.

You are a sweetie, back in Jan after you had been sick and gotten well, I was up in the wee hours of the AM feeling miserable with the crud and you were so sweet to me when I PM'd you. You made me feel better and you put a smile on my face even as I was hacking UP (for RC ;) ) a lung.
jilly said:
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! to you Close and everyone else as well! :blowkiss:

RC glad you were able & willing to help out Foxey! That was something nice to get up and read this morning. I hope she makes it with her babies!

Yes, RC. I read about that on the other thread. Please keep us posted on how her and her babes are doing!!!!
And don't forget the camera. :)
jilly said:
I think she'd be happy with just the eggs & fruit although I don't know if she'd touch them having human scent, would she? Poor little thing. Where would all the rodents be now? Yeah, it's trickey, don't want to make her have to move as you say.
My concern is for water - everything is frozen and it is unusually cold now but there is no snow for use as a water source. I imagine she can catch rabbits or field mice on her own. I hate to get too close but she was not too worried by the horse. I'm thinking perhaps I can just take some buckets up there with water and leave them away from the pond area and maybe she will get curious enough to check them out especially if I throw some fruit out. Maybe. Maybe I just worry too much about having fresh thawed water for the horses and she knows how to deal with nature better than I.
hmmm, maybe there's a tree or plant that she can get 'water' from? Does that make sense? Seems like Mother Nature would have thought of a way to provide water to the animals during freezing weather. I mean with her being a woman and all, now if it was Father Nature you would have to wonder if he took care of the little details like that. :p
raisincharlie said:
Happy Valentine's Day to you Ms. Jilly and all the great folks here - it is indeed a pleasure to speak with you and share ideas.

I checked with a conservation agent here and he told me they eat mainly rodents, birds, fruits, eggs, and insects. The eggs and fruits I can manage , not sure I want to capture rodents to feed them though. Trying not to scare her so she will not feel the need to move her babies in this weather. Probably best to just leave her be but the pond is not going to thaw anytime soon. Not sure what to do...
I haven't seen any foxes around our place or even nearby. I used to see a momma and her littler a couple of years ago near the train tracks where I turned onto my dirt road. I always looked for them on my way to and from work. Unfortunately, one by one, they had been run over. I have seen and definitely heard coyotes. Coming home after dark I have also seen as many as 20 rabbits at one time. They run across the road from a field in front of my lights. There's not as many of them now. Wonder if the coyotes got them.

So you're still frozen in Charlie? We still have the snow from the original storm before Christmas and it's snowing again. Only getting 1 to 2 inches at a time now.

Had someone pass through and stop here for service. They were from Ozark. Know anyone from there?
BarnGoddess said:
I haven't seen any foxes around our place or even nearby. I used to see a momma and her littler a couple of years ago near the train tracks where I turned onto my dirt road. I always looked for them on my way to and from work. Unfortunately, one by one, they had been run over. I have seen and definitely heard coyotes. Coming home after dark I have also seen as many as 20 rabbits at one time. They run across the road from a field in front of my lights. There's not as many of them now. Wonder if the coyotes got them.

So you're still frozen in Charlie? We still have the snow from the original storm before Christmas and it's snowing again. Only getting 1 to 2 inches at a time now.

Had someone pass through and stop here for service. They were from Ozark. Know anyone from there?

The ice has been gone for some time now and we had a tad of snow but for us it is usually in the 40s this time of the year - for the last 6 or 7 days our high has been around 14 to 17, way below normal. The ponds rarely even freeze up here. So winter here has not yet convinced me of global warming. Next week is suppose to be close to normal - mid 40s. I'm ready, it has been pretty cold hacking out.

I've seen a few red foxes here before but never found where they lived until today. Just worried since there is no real water source for her. Have resolved that now so I feel better. We have lots of coyotes as well but they seldom come up around the barns - scared of the horses. Can hear them yipping at night though. Way too many rabbits, racoons, possums, and deer. The deer come in close - they like the salt/mineral blocks. They just look at us dumb humans - don't even run - silly buggers. We also have a nice collection of owls and hawks here in this neck of the woods, so those early morning rides before sun up are interesting.

Yes, I know several people from Ozark-not far from home at all. Just "down the road a piece". Ozark is where the CCOM unit is located and I work with all of their horses. Good coffee shop over there !
Speaking of hawks :crazy: I have my own little story to add to this thread fwiw.hehe

Last week a hawk was circling overhead for a few days then one day it swooped down and picked up a crow who was with a small group of friends.
The hawk brought him down to the road and started pecking the heck out of him.

Suddenly out of nowhere at least 75 crows appeared, sitting on wires, flying overhead yack yack yacking. I've never seen or heard anything like it! - pretty scary - something like out of Hitchock's The Birds. Some roofers were on a house and they quickly got the heck out of there.

A car came along and spooked the hawk. It took off & the crow kind of shakily flew off to die, I guess.

Anyways.....that's my contribution here. :crazy:
MidnightMyst said:
If ya'll want to post some stuff off us on the countdown from a million thread!! :)

Countdown from a million thread

We could really really really use some help on the countdown thread! Even if you just posted once or twice it would be great!! There are a handful of people trying to get the count down and it really helps when we have more posters!

do we have a beggin icon? LOL :blowkiss:
jilly said:
Speaking of hawks :crazy: I have my own little story to add to this thread fwiw.hehe

Last week a hawk was circling overhead for a few days then one day it swooped down and picked up a crow who was with a small group of friends.
The hawk brought him down to the road and started pecking the heck out of him.

Suddenly out of nowhere at least 75 crows appeared, sitting on wires, flying overhead yack yack yacking. I've never seen or heard anything like it! - pretty scary - something like out of Hitchock's The Birds. Some roofers were on a house and they quickly got the heck out of there.

A car came along and spooked the hawk. It took off & the crow kind of shakily flew off to die, I guess.

Anyways.....that's my contribution here. :crazy:
Jilly, that's really interesting. I've never heard of them going after other birds before. Must be awfully cold and not enough other game for them to eat. We have a few hawks around here. There aren't that many trees for them to roost, but there are enough field mice for them, so they stay around. Our neighbor's have a large group of pines as a windbreak and we've seen more pheasant than ever. They seem to be roosting there. They come out in the morning and search the snow covered fields nearby for corn. There were corn fields and in harvesting, some kernels have dropped. They love the corn.
Attention Websleuthers, this is a hijacking, just stay calm and no one will get hurt....:D

RC, your are the one with the hopeless crush on Danica right?
curious1 said:
Attention Websleuthers, this is a hijacking, just stay calm and no one will get hurt....:D

RC, your are the one with the hopeless crush on Danica right?
Okay - very calm.

My hopeless crush is on Uma Thurman.:p

Danica has my highest admiration.;)

Now anyone here familiar with webcams - like what ones work really well and are user friendly ?
Was this the thread where you brought up the little incident with her dh?
curious1 said:
Was this the thread where you brought up the little incident with her dh?
If you are speaking to me and of Danica's husband - yes. Pack_fan asked if I knew if she was happily married and would I ask her that the next time I saw her. I have respectfully declined to ask as I prefer to keep my face where it is. :D
I just find it suspect that the little incident occured 10 years ago and she's now saying something AFTER the good doctor marries someone with a pinch more $$ ;)
curious1 said:
I just find it suspect that the little incident occured 10 years ago and she's now saying something AFTER the good doctor marries someone with a pinch more $$ ;)
I'm not sure how it came about - I don't recall the article telling that. I'll see if I can find that again. I think this came up during a medical ethics issue but no criminal charges were filed. Back in a bit.

Here's the link:

Not sure why she would have brought it up either but money would be a good thought.
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