The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

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Cheny Mason's wife hugged Casey today in court I am sure she will stay with the Mason's or the Baez families until they find her a place of her own she will never go back to hopespring dr until the money runs out and she has no other option but to call her mother and ask to come home ....right now she is a cash cow for the defense team and they will milk her for all she worth..

What ever money she gets won't last her long. I hope she gets with a new boyfriend who takes her for all she's got and leaves her high and dry! :innocent:
JB has one grown daughter. Are you thinking of Jose Garcia, the other Jose in the firm (who has since left) when ICA confessed in her letter from jail that she had a major crush on him?

Richard Hornsby

May 18, 2011 at 9:51 pm

I have no opinion. It is hard to think a plea has come about because there would have had to been discussions before lunch and that didn’t happen.

I do know that Mr. Baez’s wife was pregnant and given the abrupt way he left and the nature of his email, I would not be surprised if it involved her.

Regardless of my past feelings regarding Mr. Baez, if that is the case, I am fully understanding and pray that it is nothing serious. My wife was pregnant during a murder trial I tried last year and I was under enormous stress and the judge had agreed in advance that I could leave if she delivered or an issue came up during the trial.
If Cindy and George Anthony are stupid enough to let this thing back into their house, I give it a year before cadaver dogs are picking up THEIR scent in the backyard.
Of course she's smiling.....don't you remember way back in the beginning when the neighbors were bugging them constantly and Cindy yelled, "You don't mess the the Anthony's cause we ALWAYS win!"
Look the only way we can combat these people is to not buy a book, watch movie or any tv associated with the Anthony's, lawyers or jury. I for one am taking the Thirty dollars or so I would have spent on a book and sending it to the Orange County SA's office to be donated to the cost of this trial or to the Guardian ad Litem program. We have strength in numbers guys lets do something to make this better.
Even the alternate juror brought up questions like "why did George -- being former LE -- not call the police immediately after he smelled the car? They brought the car home and proceeded to clean it." He makes a good point, and it sucks that Caylee didn't have better grandparents to stand up and do the right thing for Caylee even if what could have happened was their worst nightmare. Truly good people don't start covering up immediately after knowing "something's wrong."

I'm sure CA whether she'll admit it or not, now thinks that maybe someone else did do this. She's not in touch with reality IMHO and would make a good juror someday. :innocent:

I wish someone had been there to ask him "why did George--being former LE-- not call the police if Caylee was involved in some sort of accident?"

It's the same logic, but I fear the jury as a whole lacked any kind of logical thought process.
Thank god ---i couldn't get on site all day yesterday. I saw the smile and instantly thought---we've been anthonyed. Ever felt like you were an actor in a carefully scripted play. That CA seemed to cooperate with the SA's But than committed perjury. That tiny specks of misinfo could create seeds of doubt. My God, the alternate juror felt Caylee was disposed of like a family pet!!! I am not a conspiracy theorist but geeze-----I HAVE NOW ENTERED THE TWILIGHT ZONE`!!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
We'll check back a year from now and see if that smirk has been wiped off her face.
I know you'll all be relieved to know GA/CA have made it home safely- there are 3 police cars stationed outside the house (your tax dollars at work) since they have received death threats. Surprise Surprise..

God help me for saying this but ... yes I saw her satisfied, tight lipped smile of satisfaction & triumph so I have NO good wishes for her to ever have a future day with peace of mind.

Her house hounded by protesters when the police leave ? Fine with me.
Refused service at her local stores ? Good says me.
Hissed & booed in resturants ? That's how it should be.
Haunted by living in a house that feels empty & quiet ? Be haunted & tortured Cindy.

Too harsh ? No. The cover up was it's own crime.
No Justice for Caylee should mean no peace, ever, for Cindy Anthony.

Official still photo pool pic by Red Huber,0,2221821.photogallery

To me, she looks to be so proud of Casey. Like when a parent is proud of their child getting a scholarship or an Olympic gold medal.

What a family! Thank God I don't understand them and never will. I'm not in their world, AT ALL.
HLN has shown it several times. Cindy was smirk/smiling like the self-satisfied cat who ate the cream. Made me sick.

George was completely stoic and had no reaction at all.

There is a lot of hatred under that smirk/smile.
Last night on NG, Jessie Grund's father was very interesting and credible. While he did not excuse ICA's behavior he painted CA as an emotional and verbal abuser. NG, defending CA and GA as parents, said well Lee turned out fine. Grund raised his eyebrows in such a way you knew he was saying Lee is not ok, without saying it.
This whole family is so tied to each other in lies and "putting one over on people."
Cindy's smile and her eyes are the most telling about what she thought. Disgusting and true to life.
There is a lot of hatred under that smirk/smile.

There's certainly no joy in that smile. I read it as a very smug and self-satisfied expression - "I told you so. With "Mommie Dearest" at the helm, nobody but nobody brings the Anthony's down!"

I'm personally disgusted at the verdict, but will follow the Anthony saga with enthusiasm, just waiting for Karma to strike, 'cos it will.
Due to an overwhelming wave of shock, horror and disgust, I was unable to really clearly express my feelings toward this mother/grandmother and her sub-human spawn, the "state-paid" 12 private lawyers that represented them (the Anthony family)....and the 12 people who chose not to take the time to lay the puzzle pieces out and to examine the evidence that was before them...

If I had thought clearly, I simply would have said "!" to each and everyone of them. Disgust is what I feel toward the accused and her mother, toward the LAZY Jurists, the deceptive and law breaking DT and the whole legal process that failed a little girl and all the decent hard-working parents, care givers and loved ones who day in and day out try to do the best they can.
I wish someone had been there to ask him "why did George--being former LE-- not call the police if Caylee was involved in some sort of accident?"

It's the same logic, but I fear the jury as a whole lacked any kind of logical thought process.

I think he was terrified of Cindy and worn down from years of trying to be a real parent to Casey only to be shot down by Cindy who constantly stayed in "protect and cover-up mode".

Not that I believe there was any accident! But he knew that was human decomp in the trunk and he knew if HE was the one to call 911, he'd be in BIG trouble. Between Cindy and the law, he was more afraid of Cindy because he had to sleep sometime....
To me, she looks to be so proud of Casey. Like when a parent is proud of their child getting a scholarship or an Olympic gold medal.

What a family! Thank God I don't understand them and never will. I'm not in their world, AT ALL.

You know what I feel today - PUNKED. The whole trial, planned, manipulated, calculated by the A's and JB. It was just one long 6 week movie with an ending where you go "R U Serious". Kinda like the movie George Clooney did (men who eat goats or something like that). I liked the movie, but the ending was pointless, useless, and stoopid. I want my money back!!!


George did have some reaction. He made movement with his mouth. I'm not sure of course, but thought it could have been relief. The brief glimpse of Cindy, not the one smiling at her attorney, but the other instant where she was smiling and her eyes look all funny is very creepy. I don't believe the Grund's should have been running Cindy down to the media outlets since it harmed the trial, but sure hope they come forward and tell all they know about the behavior. I don't even care if they make some money, because they are Christians and most likely would not lie about it.
I'd like to see George and Lee pick up and move to Hawaii and try and have a normal life.

I'd like for George to find a woman who appreciates him. He seems like such a nice, gentle man. He deserves better.

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