The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

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I think that whether casey is innocent or guilty we need to hope and pray that she makes a good life for herself and does not get into trouble again.

My only hope is that she does not harm another child. Or anyone else, for that matter. I fear she will kill again.
SOO many men want to impregnate her it is ridiculous. It makes me sick. A woman like that.

Yep. I think the "bird" guy was one of them... even though I heard he had a girlfriend there with him in court. He'd probably leave his GF in the dust for ICA.
The Anthony's have been so enmeshed for so long, they do not seem to know where one family member ends and the other begins. Even ICA refered to Caylee in many of the jail house tapes as "our" Caylee.

Finding ICA Not Guilty for Cindy could mean for Cindy that she is also Not Guility.

BBM. That's what I think, too. I believe that Cindy was on the fence about whether ICA had anything to do with Caylee's death or not. I think that when she heard the "not guilty" verdict, she took that as proof positive that ICA was innocent of any wrong doing. That is probably why she smiled, IMO.
The Anthony's have been so enmeshed for so long, they do not seem to know where one family member ends and the other begins. Even ICA refered to Caylee in many of the jail house tapes as "our" Caylee.

Finding ICA Not Guilty for Cindy could mean for Cindy that she is also Not Guility.

You are right....this is so true. I heard a psychologist on one of the tv shows saying this about the family also.
She said it goes along with the CMA thing (which could mean all 3 Anthony females......also....the name Caylee - which comes from CAY (CAYsey) and LEE (LEE)...this also shows the enmeshment of the family.
SOO many men want to impregnate her it is ridiculous. It makes me sick. A woman like that.

This "thing" is a prime target for child molestors all over the world. Here's a "mother" (and I use that term loosely...) who has no care or regard for her offspring - perfect opportunity for a CM to impregnate her with his very own victims.
This "thing" is a prime target for child molestors all over the world. Here's a "mother" (and I use that term loosely...) who has no care or regard for her offspring - perfect opportunity for a CM to impregnate her with his very own victims.
OMG .I didn't even think of that. That makes me sick and disgusted.

I've heard of men writing to her saying they're single and own secluded ranches where she can get away from the world. I hate to think of their motives. :(
Unless the family cuts all ties with the tot mom, there will never be an end to their chaos. Cindy will be trying to get all her lost money back, will be trying to prove Casey innocent, George will be wanting his reputation back, vultures will take advantage of them all to get stories, Casey will be covering her rear just in case she needs the family later, and none of them will get any real help or away from each other which is what they need. Any money gotten will run out eventually and they'll be right back at it in chaos and poverty. The Anthony's better remember their age and how they will not be able to keep working or even supporting themselves very many more years. Smiling in satisfaction is very low class IMO.
She smiled at her lawyer when they went to the lying to LE charges. So she was happy with the verdict even though they released a statement that the defense that Casey Anthony claimed was baseless... Where does KC go now? Home? To live with George? This will be interesting.

BBM This is all about power and control to CA. As she said to (was it TM?) you don't mess with the Anthony's cuz you won't win.
I saw her smile to and I was crying for Caylee. I couldn't get on here at all. I tried and tried and almost had a nervous breakdown without being with my firends here on WS. It was torture.


Run George, run....

I feel the same about George.......He will never find any peace living with CA and I see Casey making an appearance at some time when she runs out of free bees.
I think Tot Mom is going to end up going back home to Hope Spring. Sounds like George and Cindy want her back.
Cindy is such a bizzare woman. Yeah, I know that she is Casey's mother, but how does she look (lovingly) at Casey and act like the princess gives a rats a$$ about her..?? Casey has NOT ACKNOWLEDGED THEM FOR THREE YEARS! Cindy is truly NUTS..and there is no other way to slice it.
I think Tot Mom is going to end up going back home to Hope Spring. Sounds like George and Cindy want her back.

Casey is going to have so much income she will be able to buy a much nicer house and have Bella Vita! She'll never go back to Hopespring..IMO
Why oh why do I get the stragnest feeling that GA and CA were involved in the defense from early on.

I kind of think that GA did deny the allegations.. however on the stand he DID hesitate to answer.. I always though he did that in order to say NO he didnt abuse ICA or have anything to do with accidental drowing but he did it in a way to leave the jury to wonder COULD he possibly have been involved?

I feel that compentcy hearing was due to they knew all along ICA would not take the stand and needed conformation that ICA was the one who decided not to take the stand.

Bottom line is I think ICA killed Caylee. I strongly suspect that CA and GA KNOW she did and they were in on the entire plan of defense and played the scripts they were given.

CA will welcome ICA with open arms and perhaps just agree to never ask her what really happened.
The only Anthony family member I feel for is GA and he is also on thin ice with me due to I feel his testimony was MEANT to come across the way he did in order to put that reasonable doubt in the mind.. and bingo.. it worked!

Official still photo pool pic by Red Huber,0,2221821.photogallery
Nurse Ratched. Chilling.

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